Unlike your phone's ability to multitask, your feeble brain obviously can't process information about a technical issue and recognize that images purporting violence aren't in the best interest of society.
My statement wasn't political,
First: James Bond WILL return, no matter how many wing-nuts post anti-violence messages.
Second: violence wont go away as long as there is greed and there are people who try to tell others how to think and act. So there is really no point in being against violence: remove the causes of violence and violence will go away by itself, except for pathological cases and that's what psychiatrists are for.
Third: learn the definition of the words "politics" and "political" first, before you make the false claim it wasn't political what you wrote. (Hint for the clueless: politics have close to no relations to parties... Political is any action that tries to change the system of society in one way or another)
Now, back to cleaning guns, or something else that's more fun than listening to another anti gun nut who can't even recognize movie inspired graphic art.
I forgot, what could be more important than an update to an operating system for a phone?
Anything not involving your opinion.
Originally Posted by happyjoel
Unlike your phone's ability to multitask, your feeble brain obviously can't process information about a technical issue and recognize that images purporting violence aren't in the best interest of society.
My statement wasn't political, you didn't nail anyone to the wall, other than in your insipidly lame imagination and you are just an ignorant human being with no understanding of what is and isn't important in life. Go back to playing with your phone!
I certainly do my part in contributing to a better world, and I think we can all agree that we do not advocate violence on any level. However, there is a time and place for that. This forum is not it. The flaw in your logic was your assumption that people actually care what you think.
Your second statement is just your opinion, which is nothing factual and completely irrelevant.
Your third statement is just incorrect, political has several definitions (try looking in a real dictionary) and is a far more varied meaning term than your grade school definition.
And your final comment is as juvenile and banal as I would expect, based on your previous three statements.
Try putting down your phone occasionally and read a book or two.
I spent quite a while trying to find the search option in iOS7. Pulling down from the top of the screen brings in the notifications and pulling up from the bottom brings up the new controls. It never occured to me to pull down the main screen (not near the top). I had to do an Internet search to find the option. I hope Apple provides this as a tip during the iOS7 first-time install process or lots of people will never stumble onto it.
When I first installed ios 7 all my iOS devices the first thing I got after the setup was an alert saying how to get to spotlight. You probably just hit OK without reading it.
Running it on my iPhone 5, and must say, as an Apple fan since '84, I sure as hell hope Apple has included theme support in this OS, because frankly the GUI totally sux. Looks silly and childish. iOS 6 was FAR more classy, refined and business like. 7 is too whimsical. Looks like something a 2nd grader would come up with using highlighter pens. Just awful. For first time ever, I'm actually considering jail breaking my phone so I don't have to look at this junk. The keyboard font is stickly. Everything is just "flat". Definitely a step backwards wrt interface design. But there are some nice new features like control center. Just don't want to look at and use this hideous new interface. Will be looking for iOS 7 hacks and themes soon!
To be fair, honesty is not nearly as important as bitching about a movie wallpaper.
...and for the record, I think all guns should be outlawed. Everywhere. So I understand his sentiment. He just choose the wrong time, place, reason, and then failed to use logic in his statement. So yeah, a real win for the anti-violence side he is...
As someone seeing/using it for the every first time I was quite disappointed and surprised about a few things that none of the extensive articles I read beforehand prepared me for.
1) pulldown notifications is a big ugly black square. Considering the entire rest of the OS is white and transparent this seems a bizarre choice. I was led to believe the pullovers were translucent and white.
2) Weather app deleted, no warning, no choice
3) Voice memo app deleted, no warning, no choice.
The Weather disturbs me the most. After seeing the wonderful animated blue weather app in all the video demonstrations, I am left instead with no weather at all except a TEXT description of the weather on a black pulldown sheet only. Bummer! And most of the good third party weather apps are either ugly, only work in the USA or both.
There is no wrong time or place! Are phone operating system threads off limits because you're too busy holding your precious phone to think about right and wrong?
The Weather disturbs me the most. After seeing the wonderful animated blue weather app in all the video demonstrations, I am left instead with no weather at all except a TEXT description of the weather on a black pulldown sheet only. Bummer! And most of the good third party weather apps are either ugly, only work in the USA or both.
As someone seeing/using it for the every first time I was quite disappointed and surprised about a few things that none of the extensive articles I read beforehand prepared me for.
1) pulldown notifications is a big ugly black square. Considering the entire rest of the OS is white and transparent this seems a bizarre choice. I was led to believe the pullovers were translucent and white.
2) Weather app deleted, no warning, no choice
3) Voice memo app deleted, no warning, no choice.
The Weather disturbs me the most. After seeing the wonderful animated blue weather app in all the video demonstrations, I am left instead with no weather at all except a TEXT description of the weather on a black pulldown sheet only. Bummer! And most of the good third party weather apps are either ugly, only work in the USA or both.
Hmmm, I have both my Weather and Voice apps after the upgrade. Look to see that they didn't end up as a second page in one of your "Groups" (which is another cool feature - multi-page groups).
To be fair, honesty is not nearly as important as bitching about a movie wallpaper.
...and for the record, I think all guns should be outlawed. Everywhere. So I understand his sentiment. He just choose the wrong time, place, reason, and then failed to use logic in his statement. So yeah, a real win for the anti-violence side he is...
I think the more important issue is how people are reacting to him. He perhaps reacted a bit strongly to the wallpaper, but he was completely right that a site like AppleInsider could have used better judgement than to post it. What does he get in response?
Huge amounts of vicious, hateful stuff back.
It's really the response to his initial post that was "over the top" and extreme. The people on this site are so hateful sometimes it's scary.
I just got banned for three days for saying something nasty to a regular poster here, who spends all his time posting homophobic, sexist trash. Because I don't complain about him to the moderators he keeps doing it all day every day, but because he is a coward and complains about me, I get banned for three days. That's how it works around here. It's like a clique of old, hateful reactionaries (including some of the moderators), who pile onto the first innocent person who decides to log on and vent their frustrations with them.
As far as I'm concerned most of the regular posters here should be ashamed of themselves.
I've seen this "piling on a person making their first post" many many times before on this site and it's never pretty and the moderators usually not only don't care, they join in sometimes.
Hmmm, I have both my Weather and Voice apps after the upgrade. Look to see that they didn't end up as a second page in one of your "Groups" (which is another cool feature - multi-page groups).
I should have specified iPad instead of iPhone. As far as I can tell so far, these apps have been removed form the iPad install.
Apparently the gods at Apple have decreed that we don't use them on this device.
So sad that this thread can't stay on topic and not be highjacked by those wishing to discussing the PC-ness of the James Bond image. This thread is ABOUT the transition from iOS6 to iOS7.
What happened to the new security feature that was going to REQUIRE a passcode entry in order to completely power down the phone. That appears to be missing in action for iOS7. This feature was key to preventing a thief from just power down an iphone after stealing it so as to preclude the owner or authorities using "find my phone".
I am going to go back and watch the WWDC as well as the keynote this month. What we got with this update is missing the expectations set in the keynotes.
First: James Bond WILL return, no matter how many wing-nuts post anti-violence messages.
Second: violence wont go away as long as there is greed and there are people who try to tell others how to think and act. So there is really no point in being against violence: remove the causes of violence and violence will go away by itself, except for pathological cases and that's what psychiatrists are for.
Third: learn the definition of the words "politics" and "political" first, before you make the false claim it wasn't political what you wrote. (Hint for the clueless: politics have close to no relations to parties... Political is any action that tries to change the system of society in one way or another)
Now, back to cleaning guns, or something else that's more fun than listening to another anti gun nut who can't even recognize movie inspired graphic art.
Sorry Bozos,
I forgot, what could be more important than an update to an operating system for a phone?
Anything not involving your opinion.
Unlike your phone's ability to multitask, your feeble brain obviously can't process information about a technical issue and recognize that images purporting violence aren't in the best interest of society.
My statement wasn't political, you didn't nail anyone to the wall, other than in your insipidly lame imagination and you are just an ignorant human being with no understanding of what is and isn't important in life. Go back to playing with your phone!
I certainly do my part in contributing to a better world, and I think we can all agree that we do not advocate violence on any level. However, there is a time and place for that. This forum is not it. The flaw in your logic was your assumption that people actually care what you think.
Go shove your nonsense elsewhere troll.
Your first statement is lame and insipid.
Your second statement is just your opinion, which is nothing factual and completely irrelevant.
Your third statement is just incorrect, political has several definitions (try looking in a real dictionary) and is a far more varied meaning term than your grade school definition.
And your final comment is as juvenile and banal as I would expect, based on your previous three statements.
Try putting down your phone occasionally and read a book or two.
meaningless blabber, put down your phone and wake up!
When I first installed ios 7 all my iOS devices the first thing I got after the setup was an alert saying how to get to spotlight. You probably just hit OK without reading it.
...Last time I read anything on your site!!!!!
I see he lied ... It's fairly obvious that he continued reading on this site.
To be fair, honesty is not nearly as important as bitching about a movie wallpaper.
...and for the record, I think all guns should be outlawed. Everywhere. So I understand his sentiment. He just choose the wrong time, place, reason, and then failed to use logic in his statement. So yeah, a real win for the anti-violence side he is...
Aren't the folders in iOS7 supposed to be transparent? Mine are a solid, opaque color...really, really ugly.
Like the other stuff though.
As someone seeing/using it for the every first time I was quite disappointed and surprised about a few things that none of the extensive articles I read beforehand prepared me for.
1) pulldown notifications is a big ugly black square. Considering the entire rest of the OS is white and transparent this seems a bizarre choice. I was led to believe the pullovers were translucent and white.
2) Weather app deleted, no warning, no choice
3) Voice memo app deleted, no warning, no choice.
The Weather disturbs me the most. After seeing the wonderful animated blue weather app in all the video demonstrations, I am left instead with no weather at all except a TEXT description of the weather on a black pulldown sheet only. Bummer! And most of the good third party weather apps are either ugly, only work in the USA or both.
There is no wrong time or place! Are phone operating system threads off limits because you're too busy holding your precious phone to think about right and wrong?
The Weather disturbs me the most. After seeing the wonderful animated blue weather app in all the video demonstrations, I am left instead with no weather at all except a TEXT description of the weather on a black pulldown sheet only. Bummer! And most of the good third party weather apps are either ugly, only work in the USA or both.
The weather app is still there. Look again.
But yea - the GUI - uhhh - still getting used to it. Needs more contrast here and there imo
As someone seeing/using it for the every first time I was quite disappointed and surprised about a few things that none of the extensive articles I read beforehand prepared me for.
1) pulldown notifications is a big ugly black square. Considering the entire rest of the OS is white and transparent this seems a bizarre choice. I was led to believe the pullovers were translucent and white.
2) Weather app deleted, no warning, no choice
3) Voice memo app deleted, no warning, no choice.
The Weather disturbs me the most. After seeing the wonderful animated blue weather app in all the video demonstrations, I am left instead with no weather at all except a TEXT description of the weather on a black pulldown sheet only. Bummer! And most of the good third party weather apps are either ugly, only work in the USA or both.
Hmmm, I have both my Weather and Voice apps after the upgrade. Look to see that they didn't end up as a second page in one of your "Groups" (which is another cool feature - multi-page groups).
To be fair, honesty is not nearly as important as bitching about a movie wallpaper.
...and for the record, I think all guns should be outlawed. Everywhere. So I understand his sentiment. He just choose the wrong time, place, reason, and then failed to use logic in his statement. So yeah, a real win for the anti-violence side he is...
I think the more important issue is how people are reacting to him. He perhaps reacted a bit strongly to the wallpaper, but he was completely right that a site like AppleInsider could have used better judgement than to post it. What does he get in response?
Hmmm, I have both my Weather and Voice apps after the upgrade. Look to see that they didn't end up as a second page in one of your "Groups" (which is another cool feature - multi-page groups).
I should have specified iPad instead of iPhone. As far as I can tell so far, these apps have been removed form the iPad install.
By the way, I just signed up to ask that.
How could you put an image of a woman with a gun in this article. Are you that insensitive and out of touch with reality?
Last time I read anything on your site!!!!!
What is "insensitive" about a stylized picture of a woman holding a gun and what "reality" are you talking about?
So is it making anyone's iPhone 4 slow? If it does, I'm not upgrading.
I think you revert to a pre 7 backup if not happy.
(clarity fix)
So sad that this thread can't stay on topic and not be highjacked by those wishing to discussing the PC-ness of the James Bond image. This thread is ABOUT the transition from iOS6 to iOS7.
What happened to the new security feature that was going to REQUIRE a passcode entry in order to completely power down the phone. That appears to be missing in action for iOS7. This feature was key to preventing a thief from just power down an iphone after stealing it so as to preclude the owner or authorities using "find my phone".
I am going to go back and watch the WWDC as well as the keynote this month. What we got with this update is missing the expectations set in the keynotes.