In five years, Microsoft's share of personal computing fell from 90 to 33%

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Over the last five years, Post-PC devices have displaced conventional Windows PCs so rapidly that Microsoft's dominance over personal computing has plummeted from roughly 90 percent share to less than a third.

Asymco PC vs iPad

Data compiled by Horace Dediu of Asymco highlights in implosion of growth that has sapped Worldwide PC shipments starting with at the launch of Apple's iPad in 2010 (above).

While PC shipments have stagnated over the past five years, Apple's sales of iPhone and iPads and the estimated shipments of Android-based devices have grown rapidly.

The personal computing industry has shifted from 92 million shipments in 2008 to today's market of 269 million units, as the site further details in charts.

Five years ago, Windows PCs accounted for the vast majority of computing devices - around 90 percent. But after failing to materially participate in the shift to tablets and smartphones, Microsoft has been left with its OS software on less than a third of the devices companies and individuals now use.

Dediu's figures come from Gartner's PC and tablet shipment data. The firm, along with IDC, suddenly stopped counting certain tablets among PC sales after Apple released its iPad. Both companies have since added Microsoft's Surface and other Windows-branded tablets to their PC numbers while relegating iPads and Android tablets into a separate "media tablet" category.

Ostensibly, this was to separate devices used only for "media consumption" from PC figures, but the firm's PC data has always included vast numbers of PCs that have only ever been used to browse the web or check mail, and have also included low powered netbooks and other limited-duty PC devices.

In stark contrast, complete PC market data from Canalys (above) has more clearly shown how modern tablet form factors have had a tremendous impact on the PC market, without regard for how flattering the truth is to Microsoft.


  • Reply 1 of 52
    tjwaltjwal Posts: 404member
    Sorry I don't consider my iphone or ipad the same as my desktop. They are really a different market.

    The chart is interesting though, the iPad did have a significant effect of PC sales, but look at what release of Win8 in the 3rd qtr of 2012 did.
  • Reply 2 of 52
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,104member

    Originally Posted by tjwal View Post

    Sorry I don't consider my iphone or ipad the same as my desktop. They are really a different market.

    The chart is interesting though, the iPad did have a significant effect of PC sales, but look at what release of Win8 in the 3rd qtr of 2012 did.

    To YOU they are a different market.  To many folks I know, their iPads are the only computer they have.

  • Reply 3 of 52
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,104member

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post


    While PC shipments have stagnated over the past five years, Apple's sales of iPhone and iPads and the estimated channel-stuffing of Android-based devices have grown rapidly.


    Fixed-that for you DED... :)

  • Reply 4 of 52
    akqiesakqies Posts: 768member
    tjwal wrote: »
    Sorry I don't consider my iphone or ipad the same as my desktop. They are really a different market.

    The chart is interesting though, the iPad did have a significant effect of PC sales, but look at what release of Win8 in the 3rd qtr of 2012 did.

    And desktops aren't used the same way as notebooks, but that doesn't mean they are all used to do similar activities and can reasonably be defined as personal computers.

    You should consider that many people are finding modern smartphones to be a great stand in for many of their online activities and there are plenty of people who have replaced or ignored their traditional "PC" in favor of tablets. This is evidenced by the rise in the tablet market and the corresponding drop in desktop and notebook sales.

    Jobs said it best when he stated: "PCs are going to be like trucks."
  • Reply 5 of 52
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by tjwal View Post

    Sorry I don't consider my iphone or ipad the same as my desktop. They are really a different market.

    The chart is interesting though, the iPad did have a significant effect of PC sales, but look at what release of Win8 in the 3rd qtr of 2012 did.


    You don't get to decide that. They are the same market, because quite a few people are buying iPads and iPhones and using it as their primary device. Maybe not you, and certainly not me, but many others are.


    A full desktop PC is overkill for most people, the people who are primarily content consumers, not creators. Before, people didn't have a choice, they had to buy a PC or laptop, now they have a choice, and many of them are choosing not to buy such devices, as they don't need them.

  • Reply 6 of 52
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,677member

    And yet Ballmer still got 80% of his bonus.  

  • Reply 7 of 52

    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post


    To YOU they are a different market.  To many folks I know, their iPads are the only computer they have.

    So correct! Even Tim Cook said he is using his iPhone and iPad 90% of the time. It's the one thing he and I have in common! :)

  • Reply 8 of 52

    I used to think that soon we would have an iPhone that acted like the "brain" and would connect to a monitor/KB/TP at work and at home. With all your data accessible thru iCloud.


    But now I think, it'll be only a 13" iPad (for the couch) and a ATV at home. And an iPhone and iPad Mini for mobile/travel. 

  • Reply 9 of 52

    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post


    To YOU they are a different market.  To many folks I know, their iPads are the only computer they have.

    to many people Mcdonalds is a meal - to most it is just garbage... if you want to hit the lowest common denominator for your definition of things go for it. Apple makes a Computer, it is called a MAC - it runs OSX... an iPad running iOS is not good enough to be an Apple computer.

  • Reply 10 of 52
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    agramonte wrote: »
    to many people Mcdonalds is a meal - to most it is just garbage... if you want to hit the lowest common denominator for your definition of things go for it. Apple makes a Computer, it is called a MAC - it runs OSX... an iPad running iOS is not good enough to be an Apple computer.

    ...and to some, an apple isn't good enough to be an orange, right?
  • Reply 11 of 52
    akqiesakqies Posts: 768member
    agramonte wrote: » iPad running iOS is not good enough to be an Apple computer.

    WTF?! Now the iPad isn't worth being branded by Apple. You trolls are a miserable lot.
  • Reply 12 of 52
    cash907cash907 Posts: 893member
    Garbage. My phone and my tablet aren't PC's, sorry kids. Until they make a tablet that is comfortable to crack out a 30 page research paper on, while batch converting video files and playing Netflix in a small window in the corner, it is most certainly NOT a PC.

    This is like trying to put my Specialized road bike into the same category as my F-150. Yes, both are forms of transportation, but they aren't anywhere in the same league.
  • Reply 13 of 52
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,104member

    Originally Posted by Cash907 View Post

    Garbage. My phone and my tablet aren't PC's, sorry kids. Until they make a tablet that is comfortable to crack out a 30 page research paper on, while batch converting video files and playing Netflix in a small window in the corner, it is most certainly NOT a PC.

    This is like trying to put my Specialized road bike into the same category as my F-150. Yes, both are forms of transportation, but they aren't anywhere in the same league.


    You are completely contradicting yourself.

    Your Specialized bike and your F-150 fall into the same category as "Vehicle", just as much as an iPad and PC fall into the same category of "computing".  It's not that hard a concept.

    You want to ride to the market?  Take your bicycle.  You want to haul 1/2 ton of gravel, use a truck.

    Lots of folks I know only use an iPad as their "computer".  Their lives are much simpler.  Nothing wrong with that.

  • Reply 14 of 52
    Originally Posted by agramonte View Post


    to many people Mcdonalds is a meal - to most it is just garbage... if you want to hit the lowest common denominator for your definition of things go for it. Apple makes a Computer, it is called a MAC - it runs OSX... an iPad running iOS is not good enough to be an Apple computer.

    Actually iOS is OSX.  They both run the same mach kernel, and both run the same underlying file structures. In fact iOS is built on Mac OSX.  So yes the iPad and iPhone are both good enough to be an Apple computers because they are Apple computers and are both running the same os with different gui's.  This is one reason why theres so much talk about them merging, and also why Phil Schiller said at the 5s introduction that Mac OSX and iOS share the same code base. One of the reasons that a 64 bit A7 was introduced was to unify the code base of OSX and iOS more so that both are 64bit.  There also both developed in X Code.

  • Reply 15 of 52
    Interesting numbers. Recently I had a guy tell me that at the local university he sees almost no one carrying a Windows phone, tablet or laptop. On campus it's an Apple world!
  • Reply 16 of 52
    Dan_DilgerDan_Dilger Posts: 1,583member

    Originally Posted by Cash907 View Post

    Garbage. My phone and my tablet aren't PC's, sorry kids. Until they make a tablet that is comfortable to crack out a 30 page research paper on, while batch converting video files and playing Netflix in a small window in the corner, it is most certainly NOT a PC.

    This is like trying to put my Specialized road bike into the same category as my F-150. Yes, both are forms of transportation, but they aren't anywhere in the same league.


    Being part of the same market doesn’t mean being functionally equivalent in every way. Macs & DOS PCs weren’t the same when this sort of counting started. The fleets of PCs that serve as cash registers or terminal emulation stations were counted the same as netbooks and desktop home PCs and workstation class PCs. IDC and Gartner have always counted Tablet PCs and hybrids and everything else.


    What makes something a market is the fact that a population can choose between options when making buying decisions. So various types of vehicles are part of the "car market," but it would be a stretch to try to add motorcycles or bicycles to that. Unless you began looking at data that showed that all growth in vehicle sales and use was trending toward two-wheeled vehicles. 


    At that point, it then begins to make sense to compare what people are actually buying in your market rather than just looking at what you have historically offered for sale. It becomes stupid not to be aware of these kinds of shifts, or to try to hide or ignore them. 


    IDC and Gartner have worked hard to muddy the water, hoping that Microsoft would turn things around with Tablet PC and then Surface before they looked foolish. Didn’t happen. Now it’s very clear they were offering (and still offer) purposely misleading data that isn’t helping anyone understand the market. 

  • Reply 17 of 52
    akqiesakqies Posts: 768member
    Interesting numbers. Recently I had a guy tell me that at the local university he sees almost no one carrying a Windows phone, tablet or laptop. On campus it's an Apple world!

    It's hard to imagine those Mac users deciding to switch to Windows for personal use after college. If they actually drop Mac it'll likely be for iOS.
  • Reply 18 of 52
    mechanic wrote: »
    Actually iOS is OSX.  They both run the same mach kernel, and both run the same underlying file structures. In fact iOS is built on Mac OSX.  So yes the iPad and iPhone are both good enough to be an Apple computers because they are Apple computers and are both running the same os with different gui's.  This is one reason why theres so much talk about them merging, and also why Phil Schiller said at the 5s introduction that Mac OSX and iOS share the same code base. One of the reasons that a 64 bit A7 was introduced was to unify the code base of OSX and iOS more so that both are 64bit.

    Meanwhile Microsoft is stuck at 32 bits... I say, you need to open up that 32 bit Windows machine to its FULL 64 bit capability, drag that System 32 folder out of the system and put it into the trash. Hit restart and enjoy the 64 bit world of surprising performance!
  • Reply 19 of 52
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    It's usually very easy to spot the trolls and non-Apple users on Apple forums.


    One of the ways is simply to look for people who spell Mac like this: MAC.

  • Reply 20 of 52
    Originally Posted by Eriamjh View Post


    And yet Ballmer still got 80% of his bonus.  

    I've never understood America's fascination with paying CEO's exorbitant salaries and bonuses. 


    After the owner/founder dies or leaves the company, 95% of companies eventually get run into the ground by the new CEO's. And go out of business.


    Coca-Cola, Ford, McDonald's, Boeing, Apple, etc., are the exceptions to the rule.

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