Retina iPad mini display shows poorer color accuracy than Apple's iPad Air



  • Reply 141 of 180
    akqiesakqies Posts: 768member
    That's rhetoric. Read the review *carefully*. Check the specs CAREFULLY! Power density DID NOT IMPROVE. IT IS A LARGER BATTERY! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?

    I am the one the stated first stated in thread there is no evidence that battery is denser in Anand's article. Flaneur then followed up with a comment regarding that very thing. You merely stated he never said that despite proof that he did in fact say that. If you want to call out Anand for not choosing his words properly then 1) go for it but don't tell us we didn't read what we have proven to have read, and 2) you need to first note all these comments in which you failed to choose your words properly because you cast the first stone at someone whose credibility far exceeds yours.

    PS: You're claim that we didn't read what we've proven we read is because it's an artful figure-of-speech in a technical review is completely asinine. You made an ass of yourself. Don't dig that hole any deeper.

    PPS: Son, we live in a world that has tech reviews, and those tech reviews have to be read by men with brains. Who's gonna do it? You? You, StruckPaper? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Anand, and you curse Flaneur. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That Anand's choice of words, while tragic, probably doesn't really matter. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, speaks the truth. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me to read those tech reviews, you need me to read those tech reviews. We use words like efficiency, performance, usability. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent comprehending technical data. You use them as a buzzword. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the accountability that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, otherwise, I suggest you obtain some tech knowledge, and write your own posts. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to.
  • Reply 142 of 180

    I agree with the majority of the posters that Apple should of upgraded the the RBG gamut for the Mini 2!  But they decided to save some dough and not do it!


    Like everyone else; I will still buy the Apple Mini with Retina.  I not going to wait another year and like most people; I am not a "pro" photographer so it really does not affect me.  Apple marketing probably knew this going in to the design for the upgrade Mini.  $2 dollar savings on each Mini retina sold is still a lot of money to Apple.


    Just the way it goes sometimes!   You either buy it or someone else will!  Just as simple as that!

  • Reply 143 of 180
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    [B]@akqies[/B] Epic reply.
  • Reply 144 of 180
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    harry wild wrote: »
    I agree with the majority of the posters that Apple should of upgraded the the RBG gamut for the Mini 2!  But they decided to save some dough and not do it!

    Like everyone else; I will still buy the Apple Mini with Retina.  I not going to wait another year and like most people; I am not a "pro" photographer so it really does not affect me.  Apple marketing probably knew this going in to the design for the upgrade Mini.  $2 dollar savings on each Mini retina sold is still a lot of money to Apple.

    Just the way it goes sometimes!   You either buy it or someone else will!  Just as simple as that!

    For the last goddamn time, it's not about the money, it's about the size and weight of the device. Now go back and read the thread, and try to understand.
  • Reply 145 of 180
    akqiesakqies Posts: 768member
    harry wild wrote: »
    I agree with the majority of the posters that Apple should of upgraded the the RBG gamut for the Mini 2!  But they decided to save some dough and not do it!

    Like everyone else; I will still buy the Apple Mini with Retina.  I not going to wait another year and like most people; I am not a "pro" photographer so it really does not affect me.  Apple marketing probably knew this going in to the design for the upgrade Mini.  $2 dollar savings on each Mini retina sold is still a lot of money to Apple.

    Just the way it goes sometimes!   You either buy it or someone else will!  Just as simple as that!

    You agree that if they had to choose between adding 4x the number of pixels (aka Retina) and going with full sRBG you would rather choose a better color gamut? If they had done that I wouldn't have bought an iPad Mini this year. I would have instead just kept my iPad 3 and waited for the iPad Mini to go Retina. Would have it been nice? Of course, but so would a wider memory bus and 4x performance with half the power draw on the A7, as well as 3x MIMO, and an 802.11ac chip that uses less power than the currently WiFi chip, and on and on and on…

    Now I disagree with Flaneur on why it wasn't utilized this year but I think it's a lot closer than the "Apple is evil. They only care about raping our App-holes" comments. I think it's most likely due to low yields that required a loosening of the thresholds for acceptance in order to make a decent production run.

    But that could also be the case in terms of battery life, but the least likely reason is to eek a little more profit from customers when they have a long and current history of supplying great displays and other great HW at impressive volumes, and in areas that no other vendor seems to care about because it doesn't fit on a spec sheet.
  • Reply 146 of 180

    Originally Posted by akqies View Post

    You agree that if they had to choose between adding 4x the number of pixels (aka Retina) and going with full sRBG you would rather choose a better color gamut? If they had done that I wouldn't have bought an iPad Mini this year. I would have instead just kept my iPad 3 and waited for the iPad Mini to go Retina. Would have it been nice? Of course, but so would a wider memory bus and 4x performance with half the power draw on the A7, as well as 3x MIMO, and an 802.11ac chip that uses less power than the currently WiFi chip, and on and on and on…

    Now I disagree with Flaneur on why it wasn't utilized this year but I think it's a lot closer than the "Apple is evil. They only care about raping our App-holes" comments. I think it's most likely due to low yields that required a loosening of the thresholds for acceptance in order to make a decent production run.

    But that could also be the case in terms of battery life, but the least likely reason is to eek a little more profit from customers when they have a long and current history of supplying great displays and other great HW at impressive volumes, and in areas that no other vendor seems to care about because it doesn't fit on a spec sheet.



    I find it difficult to believe that Apple's screen producers could not do the job of producing HD+ displays with higher color gamut, when you see in the marketplace Nexus 7 -2013 and Amazon Kindle HDX -7 with same resolution displays as the rMini with much higher color gamut.  Apple knew the specs of both since they were in the marketplace in July and August - 2013.  It is about Apple again holding back technology for the future to be released and increasing it profit margin this quarter and every quarter until the next iPad Mini comes out!

  • Reply 147 of 180
    harry wild wrote: »
    I find it difficult to believe that Apple's screen producers could not do the job of producing HD+ displays with higher color gamut, when you see in the marketplace Nexus 7 -2013 and Amazon Kindle HDX -7 with same resolution displays as the rMini with much higher color gamut.  Apple knew the specs of both since they were in the marketplace in July and August - 2013.  It is about Apple again holding back technology for the future to be released and increasing it profit margin this quarter and every quarter until the next iPad Mini comes out!

    What is it with people not being able to comprehend what is written in plain English? To be blunt, what the fuçk does the Kindle or Nexus have to do with the volume Apple needs? You have to be aware that Apple's needs far exceed what both of those vendors will need for a given model but instead you want to think it's some lame conspiracy theory where you ignore all reason and logic if it doesn't fit your ignorant and stupid assumptions.
  • Reply 148 of 180
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    harry wild wrote: »

    I find it difficult to believe that Apple's screen producers could not do the job of producing HD+ displays with higher color gamut, when you see in the marketplace Nexus 7 -2013 and Amazon Kindle HDX -7 with same resolution displays as the rMini with much higher color gamut.  Apple knew the specs of both since they were in the marketplace in July and August - 2013.  It is about Apple again holding back technology for the future to be released and increasing it profit margin this quarter and every quarter until the next iPad Mini comes out!

    Nope. Read Soneira's report. Those others are LTPS.

    It was reported last year on AI that Apple's demand for LTPS screens for their phones would use up 70% of the world capacity. There was no way they could cover the iPads with that tech. They left the crumbs for the low-volume players like Amazon and Google, and continued to bet on IGZO.

    All this may be too much detail for you, but I include it so others won't be misled by your taking the simple-minded route.
  • Reply 149 of 180
    Enjoy subjectivity.

    Then don’t bother replying at all. Again, if the above statement was in any way true, you wouldn’t have bothered replying. 

    Either speak your mind or quit whining entirely.
    Sorry but Apple screwed up the expectations game. Thats not my fault. With mini 1 they set expectations low people werent surprised or disappointed. I think people couldve swallowed the underclocked A7m7 and inferior color gamut to every other current tablet around. People wouldve paid an additional $100 for a full experience Apple rMini. They get upset when you try to charge a premium dollar and arent forthcoming about the deficiencies.
  • Reply 150 of 180
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    adonissmu wrote: »
    Sorry but Apple screwed up the expectations game. Thats not my fault. With mini 1 they set expectations low people werent surprised or disappointed. I think people couldve swallowed the underclocked A7m7 and inferior color gamut to every other current tablet around. People wouldve paid an additional $100 for a full experience Apple rMini. They get upset when you try to charge a premium dollar and arent forthcoming about the deficiencies.

    Once more, for the last time, it's not about the $100 or whatever. There's no way they're going to raise the size and weight to give us sRGB. Yes, they could do it if there was a supply of LTPS or if IGZO were ready. But there isn't and they're not.

    Are you people brain damaged that you are so incapable of thinking? I never saw such obtuseness in all my life.

    Oh, and you want them to point out to us that the screen falls short on color gamut? When, at the event? On their web page?
  • Reply 151 of 180

    I have read through the thread here and thought I would make a couple of comments. I want to qualify this by noting that I am not a tech guru on screen technologies, battery density, etc., but I do look at things from a certain perspective as a customer.


    I am a long time Apple customer. In the next room, I still have an Apple II+ and a Mac 512K from the early 1980s. Over the years, I have been a strong Apple loyalist, only using Windows when I had to. But I also recognize that not every Apple product has met its target, at least for me. 


    I do not agree with those on the thread that basically say to shut up or go buy a Nexus, etc. If we can't have a decent discussion about products and their utility and value, then why are we here? By the way, I see the same things on camera forums, where "fanboys" try to shout down any discussion of their favorite product. It is not productive, in my opinion. Apple is a great company, but they are not perfect by any means, and without appropriate feedback, they cannot make their products better in response to their customers' needs.


    Now to the IPad situation. I am an eager and enthusiastic IPad user. But I waited to buy one until the retina screen on the IPad3 came out and absolutely love it. I do use it for photography, mostly non-professional. A quality photograph on the retina screen of the IPad3 is an amazing thing to see for me.  


    But I also use the IPad for two other major uses. Aviation and travel. As a pilot, the IPad has revolutionized aviation. I can get detailed charts, with inputs of weather and traffic displays on the IPad3 with GPS generated aircraft position and track. It is excellent resolution. The retina display is important to me for that purpose. The more detail the better. And the brightness needs to be good for daytime operations. There is one issue with the larger IPad. That is its size can be difficult to deal with in the cockpit. The Mini is really a better size. But I want the retina display, for its detail. But the range of color is also important, due to the nature of the information that is displayed. So this "gamut" business is a disappointment to me. It can make a difference for this application. I will need to see the Mini retina in person to check the screen myself, as I haven't been able to check it yet. I don't want a screen that is inferior to my existing IPad3 retina.


    For travel, I prefer the Mini for its size. But again I use it for travel photography. So again I would much prefer the same quality of screen that I am used to in my IPad3.


    I would not be a customer for the IPad Air as even though it is lighter and thinner, it is the same basic physical size as the 3, and has the same screen as I understand it.


    Bottom line. I was going to buy a MiniR. But now I will wait until I can see it myself and compare it to my present IPad3. I won't go down in screen quality, unless it is basically imperceptible. especially because the one that I want is the top of the line 128GB with cellular and GPS, which goes for $829. I won't spend that kind of money unless the product does what I need it to do. 

  • Reply 152 of 180
    slurpy wrote: »
    I love how EVERYONE can now obviously tell the difference between the mini/Air display after this report, and have so much outrage, when I didn't hear a SINGLE negative peep about the display from a SINGLE person, from ANY forum or comment section, or ANY reviewer whatsoever. Not one, single negative comment about the screen- every single impression was ridiculously positive, even while millions of minis have probably already been sold. But now, after this report, everyone "notices" how this display is "washed out", "mediocre" , "shitty", etc, when it was near perfect before this report. 

    Right. What a bunch of dishonest, disingenuous clowns some of you are. Grasping for straws for outrage. Yeah, when a product such as the mini pushes the envelope of technology to the limit, in terms of form factor, build quality, battery life, thinness, lightness, PPI, etc- you might need some tiny technical compromises to make the final product possible. If there was a comparable overall product to the mini made by anyone else on the planet, I'd say people have a point. But there isn't. Every single other product it's compared to has significant downfalls and compromises in one or more areas. 

    Well, to be fair, I did read about it on iLounge's review before I read the story from AnandTech.
  • Reply 153 of 180
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    kellmark wrote: »
    . . .Bottom line. I was going to buy a MiniR. But now I will wait until I can see it myself and compare it to my present IPad3. I won't go down in screen quality, unless it is basically imperceptible. especially because the one that I want is the top of the line 128GB with cellular and GPS, which goes for $829. I won't spend that kind of money unless the product does what I need it to do. 

    I also had photography in mind when I bought the mini retina, displaying my own videos in which I go out of my way for color, but the size and pixel density are far more important to me in the final analysis.

    So I'm not sorry I got the mini at all, but I will be looking forward to next year, when I expect they will have solved their color issue with whatever new technology they're working on that's holding them back. But I can get by with the minimum memory investment, so my decision is less wrenching than it is for you.

    As for using the device with less-than-brilliant reds and blues, I have the ability of ignoring the ideal for the compromise benefits that are available right now. It's like a sort of Buddhist approach to tech. But then I'm not spending $839. Tough decision, but really the colors aren't that bad, IMO.

    Edit Someone might say at this point, why not get a Nexus.or Amazon? I would never consort with these predators who are losing money on their tablets just to sabotage Apple, and I have no stomach for their wide-screen plastic crap either. It would be a shame for me to own such things.
  • Reply 154 of 180
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Of course. The rule is: whatever deficiency the iPad has becomes the the "most important component by far." Not battery life, software, OS security, aspect ratio, CPU, memory, user experience, size or build quality. Just one thing: gamut. The only reason to spend $399 is for gamut, not a great tablet.

    Haha, v-funny. I meant the display in general.
  • Reply 155 of 180
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member

    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Pitchforks for everyone!


    I'll take the limited edition Jony designed pitchfork in white thanks!

  • Reply 156 of 180
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member

    Originally Posted by therfman View Post


    The difference is significant.  The color gamut on the new mini is apparently the same as the old mini, which is about 60-70% od sRGB.  Blue and magenta hues will be distorted. Gamut-wise, this is about the same as the iPad 2 and MacBook Air, and slightly worse that the "classic" MacBook Pros.


    For most users, this doesn't matter at all.  For some, it's very important. I think that the disappointment comes from the fact that since the release of iPhone 5, every display with the "retina" moniker covered 95-100% of sRGB.  Now we have a retina display that isn't full sRGB gamut, and in a sense, that weakens the Retina brand.


    I think that's key: it's the same gamut as the iPad Mini, iPad 2 and iPhone 4/4S.


    Does it "weaken the brand".  Meh.  It would be nice if it were better but better retina than not and better 8" vs 7" but I'll trade color gamut for battery life.


    The new mini uses 30% more power than the old Mini.  It's also 35% bigger than the Nexus and Kindle.  


    Folks bitching about the price forgets that the iPad Mini 2 is a much faster tablet with the A7.  


    All in all the Mini Retina is best in class except for color gamut and worth the premium over the Nexus 7.

  • Reply 157 of 180
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Why doesn't AnandTech or Display Mate contact Apple and get an official response this? Right now we're all guessing.
  • Reply 158 of 180
    zozmanzozman Posts: 393member

    Interesting youtube clip i just saw


  • Reply 159 of 180
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    flaneur wrote: »
    Once more, for the last time, it's not about the $100 or whatever. There's no way they're going to raise the size and weight to give us sRGB. Yes, they could do it if there was a supply of LTPS or if IGZO were ready. But there isn't and they're not.

    Are you people brain damaged that you are so incapable of thinking? I never saw such obtuseness in all my life.

    Oh, and you want them to point out to us that the screen falls short on color gamut? When, at the event? On their web page?
    Then Apple shouldve set the expectations of their customer. Apple tried to say the mini is exactly the same as the Air just smaller when that is not the case at all. The gamut is smaller and the chip is clocked at a lower speed than the Air but here is Apple asking for more money. Last year Apple pointed out the trade offs so it wasn't an issue. Everyone knew the trade offs were made before they purchased. People are now finding out the trade offs after they got home and opened up the box. Had Apple said we made these trade offs for these xyz reasons no one would be griping about them.

    Its my premium dollar Apple is asking for. When you are asking for twice as much money as everyone else in the market people are going to want to see twice the benefit. Is your brain damaged or what? Why are you being obtuse?
  • Reply 160 of 180
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    kellmark wrote: »
    I have read through the thread here and thought I would make a couple of comments. I want to qualify this by noting that I am not a tech guru on screen technologies, battery density, etc., but I do look at things from a certain perspective as a customer.

    I am a long time Apple customer. In the next room, I still have an Apple II+ and a Mac 512K from the early 1980s. Over the years, I have been a strong Apple loyalist, only using Windows when I had to. But I also recognize that not every Apple product has met its target, at least for me. 

    I do not agree with those on the thread that basically say to shut up or go buy a Nexus, etc. If we can't have a decent discussion about products and their utility and value, then why are we here? By the way, I see the same things on camera forums, where "fanboys" try to shout down any discussion of their favorite product. It is not productive, in my opinion. Apple is a great company, but they are not perfect by any means, and without appropriate feedback, they cannot make their products better in response to their customers' needs.

    Now to the IPad situation. I am an eager and enthusiastic IPad user. But I waited to buy one until the retina screen on the IPad3 came out and absolutely love it. I do use it for photography, mostly non-professional. A quality photograph on the retina screen of the IPad3 is an amazing thing to see for me.  

    But I also use the IPad for two other major uses. Aviation and travel. As a pilot, the IPad has revolutionized aviation. I can get detailed charts, with inputs of weather and traffic displays on the IPad3 with GPS generated aircraft position and track. It is excellent resolution. The retina display is important to me for that purpose. The more detail the better. And the brightness needs to be good for daytime operations. There is one issue with the larger IPad. That is its size can be difficult to deal with in the cockpit. The Mini is really a better size. But I want the retina display, for its detail. But the range of color is also important, due to the nature of the information that is displayed. So this "gamut" business is a disappointment to me. It can make a difference for this application. I will need to see the Mini retina in person to check the screen myself, as I haven't been able to check it yet. I don't want a screen that is inferior to my existing IPad3 retina.

    For travel, I prefer the Mini for its size. But again I use it for travel photography. So again I would much prefer the same quality of screen that I am used to in my IPad3.

    I would not be a customer for the IPad Air as even though it is lighter and thinner, it is the same basic physical size as the 3, and has the same screen as I understand it.

    Bottom line. I was going to buy a MiniR. But now I will wait until I can see it myself and compare it to my present IPad3. I won't go down in screen quality, unless it is basically imperceptible. especially because the one that I want is the top of the line 128GB with cellular and GPS, which goes for $829. I won't spend that kind of money unless the product does what I need it to do. 
    then you clearly didnt read the reviews of Air's display being superior to that of the iPad 3.
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