Retina iPad mini display shows poorer color accuracy than Apple's iPad Air



  • Reply 21 of 180
    If apple decided to put a crappier display in the mini it's only because they knew what we wanted before we wanted it, and I for one welcome the smaller range of colors.
  • Reply 22 of 180
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member

    I have both the Air and new mini and its not so bad.  You can see the difference if you look carefully at both but normally you just used one device at a time...


    On the other hand, the screen retention problem seems pretty serious. My ipad Air has it, my mini is OK. From what I saw the problem is pretty wipespread and could trigger a major recall at some point.

  • Reply 23 of 180
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    Originally Posted by MacAir View Post


    Again, why do you always do this? What is that sick need to defend Apple, come up with excuses, when there's no possible excuse?



    The ****? You stated as a "fact" that the Nexus line sells 2 million/month, in order to support your argument, which was predicated on volume. When he asks you for a source for that # to you know, make sure you're not pulling it out of your ass (which apparently you are) you call it a "sick need to defend Apple, come up with excuses, when there's no possible excuse?" What the hell is wrong with you? Why don't you answer his damn question and provide a source, or GTFO and admit that you're lying through your teeth, and making shit up, in order to support fallacious arguments? This has nothing to do with "defending Apple". It has everything to do with spouting correct information that is the pre-requisite for any kind of honest, rational debate. Something you're incapable, or uninterested in. 



    Uh, source?



    Does that line or argumentation make sense to you? I can't believe you don't understand how ridiculous you sound. 

  • Reply 24 of 180
    red oak wrote: »
    This is unacceptable. I hope someone at Apple is pounding the table and yelling that this should not have gone out like this.  The review goes into depth on the issue

    I didn't see this passionate demand for table pounding from Amazon when they shipped the Kindle Fire with a screen that had a blue tint around the edge.
  • Reply 25 of 180
    slurpy wrote: »
    It doesn't have a "shitty" gamut. The gamut is just not QUITE as high as that of the iPad Air, in a way that not a single consumer would notice, nor a single reviewer without scientific testing. Every single hands-on/review has said the screen looks just as good as that of the Air's. But nice use of subtlety there. 

    I meant the $79 whitebox tablet had a shitty gamut, not the iPad mini.
  • Reply 26 of 180
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    I didn't see this passionate demand for table pounding from Amazon when they shipped the Kindle Fire with a screen that had a blue tint around the edge.

    Confirming that Amazon are a company focusing on high-quality high-margin products, and that people should have expected the same level of quality from them as they do from Apple.

  • Reply 27 of 180

    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    The fun part is that if some $79 whitebox tablet running Android 2.3 had shitty gamut, Anandtech wouldn't have a story. It's only fun to dig dirt on Apple.

    A 79.00 device wouldn't be expected to have the same color gamut as a 399.00 device. Everyone on this forum knows it's a roll of the dice when it comes to Apple display vendors. A Mini could cost as much as 829.00, consumers should expect a near perfect display for that price. Also a 70.00 baseline price increase because of the display. 


    Can't boast best in the world, premium and everything else is garbage and then get upset when a flaw is found. 

  • Reply 28 of 180

    Even if Apple was able to convince LG to manufacture a display size other than their 16:9, imagine the kind of media backlash Apple would've received had they used a Kindle like display with the same blue hue around the edges. They would never hear the end of it, "Display Gate", "You're viewing it wrong" etc.

  • Reply 29 of 180

    When the iPad Mini was first released, speculation was that Apple was re-using the LCD panels for iPhone 3GS. It stands to reason to again speculate that they are now re-using the LCD panels for iPhone 5 for the new Mini. I wonder how the iPhone 5 color accuracy compares.

  • Reply 30 of 180
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Yes, last year Anandtech said don't hold your breath for a retina mini in 2013.

    Perhaps all those engineering issues weren't solved and so Apple delivered the best retina mini they could right now.
  • Reply 31 of 180
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    I'm actually happy about this.


    I didn't like that the iPad Mini Retina was looking to be identical to the larger Air, besides the display size of course.


    The Air remains the premium Apple tablet, and I also liked that the Air was clocked slightly higher and has a little better performance than the Mini Retina. The Mini Retina is in between the iPhone 5s and the Air, in terms of performance.


    The Mini retina remains a great tablet, but if somebody is a photographer or somebody who is looking for the absolute best performance, then the Air is the tablet to get.

  • Reply 32 of 180
    rogifan wrote: »

    Perhaps all those engineering issues weren't solved and so Apple delivered the best retina mini they could right now.

    Or they delivered the best retina their profit margin would allow.
  • Reply 33 of 180
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Anandtech speculates that Apple believes consumers for whom color accuracy is a concern will choose the iPad Air over the smaller tablet by default, rendering the new iPad mini's marginally narrower color gamut --?a difference which the publication calls "small but apparent" --?a nonissue.


    Does Apple provide information about iPad display color accuracy on their web site?  Unless Apple actually provides this information, wouldn't people just assume (and rightly so) that color accuracy is the same on all iPad models?

  • Reply 34 of 180
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member

    Originally Posted by MacAir View Post


    The Mini and the Macbook Air show that it isn't about that. It's about margins, and that makes Apple an hypocrite, because they always come with the "different" thing. As fair as I know, they aren't worse than others, just hypocrites too.


    imo the ipad mini with retina and ipad Air are fine regarding margins. Those device are pretty high end and come with a nice bundle of software. I have both devices and the color difference is barely noticable when comparing the devices.


    imo the ipad 2 at $400 and the old mini at $300 are rip off, considering they are 3 years old tech that are still more expensive than top of line offering from the competition that beat the crap out of those devices.



    Originally Posted by MacAir View Post


    With 40% margins and 160 billion on the bank for fat useless shareholders, Apple should treat their costumers better. Stupid decision. They didn't bet on LTPS LCD nor on IGZO. Just wait and see posture. Disgusting for the leader on innovation and the most valuable company in the world.


    Last time I check the Air and rMini are both using IGZO screens.  Also, the tablets are using a top of the line 64bits CPU/GPU that offer the same performance of the Samsung, Qualcomm and Nivia chips at HALF the clockrate. The A7 is way ahead of the pack. Apple also release a touch ID sensor on the ip5s that actually works well.  imo Apple is still the king of innovation...

  • Reply 35 of 180
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member

    Originally Posted by MacAir View Post


    Again, why do you always do this? What is that sick need to defend Apple, come up with excuses, when there's no possible excuse?


    Joined Nov 2013 with 35 posts and you know he "always do this"?  That suggests someone previously banned with a new account.  Congrats…

  • Reply 36 of 180
    macair wrote: »
    What the **** is wrong with Apple? How can people give them a pass for this crap?
    Not using the same tech used on the Air, to save a few bucks for net profit?

    And here I was, thinking that it was about doing the best product possible. Bean counters... But I admit that it is much worse on the Macbook Air.
    I still love it, though.

    Give them a pass for what crap? What standard does the LG display panel used in the iPad mini retina display have to live up to before people who say "stop blowing this issue into gamut gate" are not slammed for "making excuses for Apple when there's no possible excuse"?

    Please, quantify the minimum gamut that defines the line between "this crap" and "excusable."
  • Reply 37 of 180
    iaeeniaeen Posts: 588member
    apple ][ wrote: »
    I'm actually happy about this.

    I didn't like that the iPad Mini Retina was looking to be identical to the larger Air, besides the display size of course.

    The Air remains the premium Apple tablet, and I also liked that the Air was clocked slightly higher and has a little better performance than the Mini Retina. The Mini Retina is in between the iPhone 5s and the Air, in terms of performance.

    The Mini retina remains a great tablet, but if somebody is a photographer or somebody who is looking for the absolute best performance, then the Air is the tablet to get.

    WTH? Why can't they both be top notch?
  • Reply 38 of 180
    well, i have the new mini retina and I love it.

    I'm not sure that this "issue" is something that anybody other than photography and graphic design pros (oh, and "bloggerz") would even notice.

    nobody at apple ever said or implied that "the mini iPad retina is exactly the same as the iPad air, only smaller"

    more applesauce from the applesmashers...

    if you're so indignantly upset, return the mini (you're within the return "window", good luck taking back an android tablet because you're "not happy"), buy the air and s.t.f.u.
  • Reply 39 of 180
    Glad I bought the Air.
  • Reply 40 of 180
    nht wrote: »
    That suggests someone previously banned with a new account.  Congrats…

    OH SNAP! Good one bro!
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