Rumor: Supplier now building 12.9-inch Apple iPad displays for early 2014 launch



  • Reply 41 of 121

    I was speculating an induction charging stand of some kind so you could put the iPad on it in any direction (portrait vs landscape) and it would charge. If that takes up too much real estate on the device then a charging stand would have to have a lightening port and the device would only sit in one orientation on it. Unless they put two lightening ports on it I suppose. 


    Assuming this rumor is true- I bet the larger iPad would weigh what the original did, or darn near (as joelsalt mentions). This would preemptively strike at any 'it is too heavy' criticism.  Also, what would the PPI be for the current resolution on a larger screen? Or the PPI of a 2k display at that size? Is 2k a 16:9 ratio by default? I can't imagine Apple going 4x again on pixel count for an iPad that big. 


    While we're at it, how about real stylus support? Can an iPad do both stylus and finger input well? 

  • Reply 42 of 121

    Clearly people love the iPad (although my needs differ) and have found workarounds for some of its limitations for use as a desktop replacement. Yet I can only imagine this "device" as primarily a desktop replacement using touch on iOS instead of OSX and K/M. Secondarily, some folks will detach it from a lightweight keyboard (Apple's own design) for meetings, presentations, moving around the house, etc.


    It may not make use of multiple app windows simultaneously, yet Apple may develop a more effective app-switcher than currently found on iOS. However, despite what Tim Cook said about OS convergence, I could really see the benefit of a 13" device that could run iOS and OSX.


    iPad pro 13"

    Fall 2014 release window

    iOS 8

    1.5 pounds or less

    16 bit mobile architecture

    2GB RAM

    32, 64, 128 GB storage capacities


    Will outsell hotcakes


    (And the 11" MBA would be discontinued.)

  • Reply 43 of 121
    tjwaltjwal Posts: 404member
    The iPad senior!!! YES!!!!! I need it for my old eyes. It also opens up the possibility of multiple "windows" open at the same time.
  • Reply 44 of 121
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    racingbull wrote: »
    I don't buy it (as in I don't believe it).

    Don't buy it then. Buy a Nexus 7 you Android fanboy!

    I'm being sarcastic here. This is the sort of response I get from some folks around here for loving Apple, but refusing the Kool Aid.
  • Reply 45 of 121
    Originally Posted by joelsalt View Post


    A new 13" pro would probably be no heavier than the original iPad...


    No, it would be heavier. When people guess, they fail at math.


    A 13" iPad has almost double the screen area, weight tends to track screen area, so it would be close to about double the weight of an iPad air. A bit less since some components don't need an increase.   They could probably do it a little under 2lbs.


    But it isn't just weight that makes something unwieldy, the larger size would exert more leverage, it is less portable, more of a handful.  It just seems to inelegant and pointless.


    Unless Apple is building a true convertible (with keyboard/mouse capability, file system access), 13" seems too big for the current capabilities.

  • Reply 46 of 121
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    tjwal wrote: »
    The iPad senior!!! YES!!!!! I need it for my old eyes. It also opens up the possibility of multiple "windows" open at the same time.

    You'll find a MacBook Air is what you're looking for.
  • Reply 47 of 121
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    I'm trying to grok the 12.9 iPad 'for the couch' or 1on1 presentations...  

    Personally, I think Apple is driving for 3 jobs for it's iOS devices with crossover points
    1) on the go portability (one hand)   - iphone/ipad mini
    2) personal productivity (one person) - ipad mini, ipad air, ipad 13
    3) professional productivity (think Doctor, Designer), iPad Air, iPad 13

    The Mac Line still does a different job (multi-task professional).   It's the 'connection workhorse'

    I truly think the appleTV will become effectively a 'server' that an 'app' on an above device will control.

    And the TimeCapsule will become 'iCloud Local'  controlling local syncing, caching stuff for upstream and downstream.   As IPV6 gets onto the Internet backbone... I wouldn't be surprised that Bonjour will be hardened keep your local storage always online.... and allow people to control what they truly put in the cloud, and what they want to access over the internet (Every home is part of the server farm in Apple's Cloud).
    this sounds awesome!
  • Reply 48 of 121
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    sog35 wrote: »
    You should buy the Nexus 7

    I'm selling fresh Kool Aid for $1000 per glass if you want some.
  • Reply 49 of 121
    ajbdtc826 wrote: »
    Touchscreen MacBook?

    Only if it has IGZO and Touch ID. Otherwise it is FAIL.
  • Reply 50 of 121
    Well, I a happy I put my thoughts out there, even if to run the risk of getting shot down. I know a few creative types too and they seem to have a consensus inline with my post...sure, it may be the niche market that doesn't turn a profit v. the billions served. Yet, what I have stated doesn't really sound too radical, hey I'm not proposing the new SCSI or other latest and greatest protocol, I am just hitting on some feature sets that have been requested time and time again. Ok, take the whole pretentious "Pro" designation out of the equation and rather think of what I humbly mentioned as the iPad f'n kick ars edition.
    Go ahead, fire at will:D
  • Reply 51 of 121
    Where's that "Shut Up and Take My Money" image when you need it? [wink]

    Speaking of which, naysayers in this thread vastly underestimate the economic impact of aging baby-boomers and their failing eyesight, at least in the US.
  • Reply 52 of 121
    ireland wrote: »
    You'll find a MacBook Air is what you're looking for.

    I think you're underestimating how much work can be done on an iPad. I think it's more a matter of software than hardware. Well, hardware in that it precedes the software, but A7 is basically caught up. However, I wouldn't be surprised if this is the iOS laptop that people were hoping for. Whatever happened to not converging though, Tim Cook was making fun of that just a few weeks ago? And besides, Apple already has a 13" computer with a retina display.
  • Reply 53 of 121

    Originally Posted by Andrew Fields View Post

    Whatever happened to not converging though, Tim Cook was making fun of that just a few weeks ago?


    Whatever happened to waiting till he actually does something before insulting him.


    Don't make up crap that isn't likely to happen, then condemn him for doing it.

  • Reply 54 of 121
    I was speculating an induction charging stand of some kind so you could put the iPad on it in any direction (portrait vs landscape) and it would charge. If that takes up too much real estate on the device then a charging stand would have to have a lightening port and the device would only sit in one orientation on it. Unless they put two lightening ports on it I suppose. 

    Assuming this rumor is true- I bet the larger iPad would weigh what the original did, or darn near (as joelsalt mentions). This would preemptively strike at any 'it is too heavy' criticism.  Also, what would the PPI be for the current resolution on a larger screen? Or the PPI of a 2k display at that size? Is 2k a 16:9 ratio by default? I can't imagine Apple going 4x again on pixel count for an iPad that big. 

    While we're at it, how about real stylus support? Can an iPad do both stylus and finger input well? 

    Steve Ballmer is sobbing in his hands. He raises his bald pink head, eyes red with tears, and asks: "where were you when we were selling Windows 95 with Pen Extensions?" You could have saved us all! We could have owned the future!"
  • Reply 55 of 121
    Hey, I am a late thirty-something and I haven't regretted for a second ditching my iPhone for the use of the iPad exclusively. I can't bare the small screen. Sure the iPhone is clearly the most solid, finely engineered smart phone on the planet...but where I live, in SE Asia, the phablets are majorly dominating...I am seen this trend increase practically overnight over the last few years. I believe it is plain to see (pun certainly intended) that people want to see what the hell it is they are looking at instead of squinting...what kind of pleasure is there in that?

    Oh yeah, the phone thing...I just buy the latest POS feature phone that serves it's very purpose, calling people. iPad with 4G hits the bases with every other need minus the big gun MBP for audio/visual production number crunching.
  • Reply 56 of 121
    tjwaltjwal Posts: 404member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    You'll find a MacBook Air is what you're looking for.


    Nope. I've used my daughter's. It's just not the same user experience. The iPad is the goto device in our household.
  • Reply 57 of 121
    snowdog65 wrote: »
    Whatever happened to waiting till he actually does something before insulting him.

    Don't make up crap that isn't likely to happen, then condemn him for doing it.

    Is it an insult? I'm just speculating. I wouldn't hold that against him.
  • Reply 58 of 121

    Let me see now.

    What DO I want?  

    Maybe a MBP running both IOS and OSX and of course with next generation Apple Ax processor.

  • Reply 59 of 121
    For some reason when I read this. The eMate came to mind.
  • Reply 60 of 121
    Apple going back to what the Surface started as? A big-ass table of a tablet? iPad Easel. Not now, not yet. Touch will come to notebooks before iPad gets bigger.
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