Apple's Campus 2 gets final approval from Cupertino City Council

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Cupertino Mayor Orrin Mahoney on Tuesday gave Apple the green light to start building Campus 2, where the company's "spaceship" headquarters will be located once the project is completed sometime in 2016.

Campus 2

Tuesday's proceedings were largely ceremonial, as the Cupertino City Council had already voted on the development agreement with Apple in October.

As noted by MacRumors, Mayor Mahoney gave the final OK following a unanimous vote city council vote in favor of starting the major build.

"We're eager to see it happen. Go for it," Mahoney said.

Apple will now be given the permits required to start clearing ground on the former HP campus, to be replaced by a number of buildings, including the 2.8-million-square-foot circular "spaceship" seen above. In August, AppleInsider provided a sneak peek of the former HP campus, as buildings were demolished in an initial salvage and destroy operation.

First unveiled in 2011 by Apple cofounder Steve Jobs, the main structure will house some 12,000 employees, while ancillary facilities will be provided for meeting and presentation space. Much of the 150-acre plot is to be "reclaimed" with foliage and landscaping.

Apple CEO Tim Cook said in February that he expects building to be completed by 2016.


  • Reply 1 of 35
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member
    I'm excited to see photos of the progress of this building as it comes along. Should be quite a spectacle.
  • Reply 2 of 35

    Would be neat to get a tour.


    BTW:  Does anyone know of either Cupertino, the county, or the State of California is incentivizing Apple tax wise?  I've always understood that California was a little unfriendly to business in that sense?

  • Reply 3 of 35
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Anyone know who's moving into this building and who's staying at Infinite Loop?
  • Reply 4 of 35

    I live (literally) across the street from this new campus. Apple has been bulldozing and clearing out the area for several weeks now. They even built 15 foot privacy fences around our community so the incessant construction sounds wouldn't drive us crazy.


    And they just now got the final permits?

  • Reply 5 of 35

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Anyone know who's moving into this building and who's staying at Infinite Loop?

    Yes. <img class=" src="" />

  • Reply 6 of 35

    Originally Posted by tdknox View Post


    I live (literally) across the street from this new campus. Apple has been bulldozing and clearing out the area for several weeks now. They even built 15 foot privacy fences around our community so the incessant construction sounds wouldn't drive us crazy.


    And they just now got the final permits?

    Construction fences, clearing land and grading earth is fine without a building permit. Once you start building something, you need a permit

  • Reply 7 of 35
    2016 completion, huh? Just in time for a new president.
  • Reply 8 of 35
    slurpy wrote: »
    I'm excited to see photos of the progress of this building as it comes along. Should be quite a spectacle.

    I expect (hope) we'll get plenty of updates from DED as he makes routine trips from SF to document the construction.
  • Reply 9 of 35
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    tdknox wrote: »
    I live (literally) across the street from this new campus. Apple has been bulldozing and clearing out the area for several weeks now. They even built 15 foot privacy fences around our community so the incessant construction sounds wouldn't drive us crazy.

    And they just now got the final permits?

    Better get that webcam up and running.

    Also, while you're at it, a 3D time lapse in hyper stereo would be nice. Sounds like you'll need a second story or rooftop view. Great fame awaits.
  • Reply 10 of 35

    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    Better get that webcam up and running.

    Also, while you're at it, a 3D time lapse in hyper stereo would be nice. Sounds like you'll need a second story or rooftop view. Great fame awaits.

    Hmm. That's probably not a good idea. I don't want to lose my job. They might get a little upset at me for doing that.

  • Reply 11 of 35
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    tdknox wrote: »
    Hmm. That's probably not a good idea. I don't want to lose my job. They might get a little upset at me for doing that.

    Understood. Didn't know you were going to be walking to work. : )
  • Reply 12 of 35
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member

    Originally Posted by tdknox View Post


    Hmm. That's probably not a good idea. I don't want to lose my job. They might get a little upset at me for doing that.


    Why would they upset at you? It's illegal to take timelapse photos of buildings under construction?

  • Reply 13 of 35
    I wish they install a monorail to travel from 6 o'clock to 12 o'clock, this is not the most efficient design.
  • Reply 14 of 35
    rogifan wrote: »
    Anyone know who's moving into this building and who's staying at Infinite Loop?

    Supposedly only engineering will move into Campus 2. Currently they're scattered around Cupertino. I read somewhere that 7,000 engineers will move in, I don't know about the remaining 6,000+ spots.

    IL, which was build in 1993, will remain. Visitors will be received over there, and many employees currently in satellite offices will move in there.
  • Reply 15 of 35

    I bet you'd raise a few thousand on KickStarter. Go for it!


    Or just set a small spy cam up, don't tell your family, and release the photos as a complete set on Opening Day.


    Fame and Riches await!

  • Reply 16 of 35
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    philboogie wrote: »
    Supposedly only engineering will move into Campus 2. Currently they're scattered around Cupertino. I read somewhere that 7,000 engineers will move in, I don't know about the remaining 6,000+ spots.

    IL, which was build in 1993, will remain. Visitors will be received over there, and many employees currently in satellite offices will move in there.
    So Cook & Team will remain at IL?
  • Reply 17 of 35
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    12,000 in the spaceship, 14,200 people in total in all buildings including spaceship.
  • Reply 18 of 35
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,874member

    Awesome! Cupertino would be fools not to approve this. I would love to see it when its finished. I think it will be a landmark for years to come!

  • Reply 19 of 35

    Originally Posted by Sky King View Post


    Would be neat to get a tour.


    BTW:  Does anyone know of either Cupertino, the county, or the State of California is incentivizing Apple tax wise?  I've always understood that California was a little unfriendly to business in that sense?

    Friendly to taxpayers, you mean?!?

  • Reply 20 of 35
    rogifan wrote: »
    So Cook & Team will remain at IL?

    Unknown. I'm trying to find the article that said engineering would move in... Of course Tim could simply have an office in both buildings, depending on visitors.
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