Editorial: 2013 was a terrible year for both Apple's competitors and its media critics



  • Reply 81 of 257
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    rogifan wrote: »
    I hope that's not a serious question. Safari frequently crashes on the iPad Air. And I'm being being kind to Apple when I use the word frequently.

    The only place I ever get a crash on any of my iPads, iPad Air and others, is replying or editing on this very web site. Damn I jus got one! Apple. Insider need to fix their Fracking blog!
  • Reply 82 of 257
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member

    There was never an argument to make. No one ever said anything against it. Or maybe you meant:

    Which is explicitly false, anyway. And the vice versa, which you also claimed. As is your theory (which is nothing more than one, mind) that:

    Does Apple pay developers to make apps for their ecosystem? No. I can't become a developer and automatically get money from Apple. I have to spend my time and my money to make a app, and when my app is in the app store does Apple then automatically give me money? No. The app that I made has to sell. So which part is it where Apple made money for me. I made the money for myself and Apple.
  • Reply 83 of 257
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Fixed another one for you.

    And Apple wouldn't make 30% if developers didn’t make apps for them.
  • Reply 84 of 257

    I like your articles and just wanted to contribute a balanced view of the state of the news media in general with the following linked article:




    Thanks for your efforts, your reputation as a writer is very valuable.

  • Reply 85 of 257
    Everyone knows that in this country, when proven incorrect, one "doubles down". Expect that and more in 2014.
  • Reply 86 of 257
    The only thing terrible about 2013 is that we are subjected to DED dredge weekly. Please put this guy out to pasture.
  • Reply 87 of 257
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    The only place I ever get a crash on any of my iPads, iPad Air and others, is replying or editing on this very web site. Damn I jus got one! Apple. Insider need to fix their Fracking blog!
    I get it on this site all the time, but on others too. I don't get it when using other browsers. Damn Safari.
  • Reply 88 of 257
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    euphonious wrote: »
    Apple gets loads of positive media attention - probably more than any other tech company.
  • Reply 89 of 257
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member

    No crashing issues with Safari on the ten devices in our household.
    Ok I want your devices! Safari has crashed at least 5 times for me just this morning.
  • Reply 90 of 257
  • Reply 91 of 257
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    dequardo wrote: »
    The only thing terrible about 2013 is that we are subjected to DED dredge weekly. Please put this guy out to pasture.

    If you don't like then stop reading.
  • Reply 92 of 257
    rogifan wrote: »
    Ok I want your devices! Safari has crashed at least 5 times for me just this morning.

    We have been using Apple products for over six years now in our house, using macs, iPods, iPads and iPhones. In all that time Safari hasn't crashed 5 times in total. Maybe you have a faulty device or need to free up some ram?
    I do think that Apple is facing difficult times ahead though from products that are not as good as Apple products but are cheaper and good enough for most people's needs. I also think Google is going to face problems soon, especially in Europe where several countries are taking issue with Google's lack of respect to privacy.
  • Reply 93 of 257
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    And Apple wouldn't make 30% if developers didn’t make apps for them.

    And if Apple didn't provide the storefront, payment processing, servers, etc, Devs wouldn't be making the 70%
  • Reply 94 of 257
    jungmark wrote: »
    And if Apple didn't provide the storefront, payment processing, servers, etc, Devs wouldn't be making the 70%

    Why are you repeating what I replied to? The fact is that Apple needs devs and devs need Apple. If Apple made money for devs then they'd all be profitable but the truth is that the vast majority never break even. Apple could very easily allow the side loading of apps and not concern themselves with storage and transactions but then they'd miss out on all the money that the devs would make.
  • Reply 95 of 257
    emesemes Posts: 239member
    Where's the proof the WP8 had "little success"? It had a very high adoption rate and one of the fastest growing app stores on the market
  • Reply 96 of 257
    rogifan wrote: »
    kevliu1980 wrote: »
    These articles are the worst type of tripe - anyone calling Google or Samsung's 2013 as failures instantly loses all credibility, as much as those who talk about Apple's demise. You should be able to talk objectively about performance without turning into a circle jerk.

    Google's core business is obviously doing tremendously and their ability to monetize their users through advertising is ridiculous (2 to 3X times anyone else). Their Android strategy does seem haphazard at the moment, though they seem content enough to cast the widest net they can, even if it's on low end devices.

    Samsung had a tremendously profitable year, closing the gap in profits to Apple in a way that was unfathomable 2 years ago. The S4 was a disappointment, though the Note 3 was excellent. The Q1 2014 release of the S5 along with a slew of new tablets should provide some guidance on how they will execute next year.  They get about a half year of sole attention until the next major update to an iOS device.

    Apple was Apple in that they innovated and executed tremendously in 2013 in their existing product segments. The biggest what if of 2013 is their lack of a larger screen device. Regardless of whether *you* want one, there clearly is enormous demand for a device and it's fair to think how much money they left on the table. They're in good shape, though it's unfortunate there isn't going to be much new in iOS until the summer.
    Nice counter point, though I hope you're wrong about iOS. If nothing else Apple needs to release 7.1 to fix bugs, especially with Safari. Constant crashes and reloading of tabs is annoying to say the least and doesn't seem to fit Jony Ive's ethos about making the best possible products they can.

    Turn off JavaScript for Safari in settings -- the crashes will go away...

    Though, after the recent upgrade to iOS 7 I'm no longer having any crash problems with Safari.

    As to the article, I have a question for DED:

    Did you get any on you?
  • Reply 97 of 257
    Bravo, DED! Excellent article summarizing much of what was in the back of my head over the year. Given this is a grand game of chess, I can't help but think how many of these competitors have undergone a sobering review of their plans (in much the same way that you've performed the gap analysis) and adjusted their plans accordingly?
  • Reply 98 of 257

    Originally Posted by dequardo View Post

    The only thing terrible about 2013 is that we are subjected to DED dredge weekly. Please put this guy out to pasture.

    Dude, get some sleep! And cheer the "f" up! :)


    Happy New Year, I guess.

  • Reply 99 of 257
    Originally Posted by SixPenceRicher View Post

    Bravo, DED! Excellent article summarizing much of what was in the back of my head over the year. Given this is a grand game of chess, I can't help but think how many of these competitors have undergone a sobering review of their plans (in much the same way that you've performed the gap analysis) and adjusted their plans accordingly?

    Well said. Wouldn't it be great to sit in just one of Tim Cook's executive meetings where he discusses Apple's long range plans? :)



  • Reply 100 of 257
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    crosslad wrote: »
    We have been using Apple products for over six years now in our house, using macs, iPods, iPads and iPhones. In all that time Safari hasn't crashed 5 times in total. Maybe you have a faulty device or need to free up some ram?
    I do think that Apple is facing difficult times ahead though from products that are not as good as Apple products but are cheaper and good enough for most people's needs. I also think Google is going to face problems soon, especially in Europe where several countries are taking issue with Google's lack of respect to privacy.

    In 2014 i think the most important people at Apple will be Jony Ive and Angela Ahrendts. I've creating lust worthy products and Ahrendts selling them. As the markets that Apple competes and become more and more commoditized fashion becomes ever more important. Of course having a platform that people want to develop for is super important too. But Apple can't really compete on pure hardware specs, so designing products that people lust after will be huge. Take the nMP. I've seen so many Twitter posts from people who say they don't need one but want one. 64-bit isn't sexy. Hearing Jony Ive in his English accent talking about highly polished diamond cut chamfered edges gets people every time. I hope Tim Cook ignores the calls to get into the low end. That would be disaster for Apple.
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