Steve Jobs statue unveiled ahead of installation at Apple's Cupertino HQ



  • Reply 61 of 107
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,433moderator
    mstone wrote: »
    I don't get the Cyrillic letters.

    The sculptor is Serbian, I believe the other characters are the numbers 0 and 1 in Cyrillic (it's a 1 on the left anyway):

    I think the top of the statue looks ok, it could have used some wireframe glasses though - perhaps they can use an actual pair of Steve's glasses. Hand-made metal sculptures are going to be a bit rough - they'd have to machine it out of aluminium to get it smooth. If they don't want to see the base, all they have to do is build a cabinet around the base and have the top showing through and it'll be fine. It has to be weighted at the bottom to not fall over.

    I quite like that they want to have reminders of Steve. It could promote some of what he didn't want to happen e.g:

    "I want to make this clear. I saw what happened when Walt Disney passed away. People looked around, and they kept asking what Walt would have done. The business was paralyzed, and people just sat around in meetings and talked about what Walt would have done. I never want you to ask what I would have done. Just do what's right."

    but without any reminders, they might be inclined to see Apple as just a company like any other and stray too far away from what makes Apple unique. The occasional reminder and quotes I think helps maintain a good balance between understanding they have their own freedom as to how they should run the business and that they don't forget what their motivation should be in doing it.
  • Reply 62 of 107
    That's the ugliest thing I've ever seen.
  • Reply 63 of 107
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member

    Instantly reminded me of the Master in Fallout 1.


  • Reply 64 of 107
    I agree. I sure hope they choose a different sculpture. This one is absolutely awful. You can hardly tell that the two things jutting out of the sides, near the top, are letters. Steve Jobs deserves better. I bet he would agree that this is an awful sculpture. I could make something 10 times better than this, and I don't even sculpt professionally.
  • Reply 65 of 107
    This is so stupid looking. I agree that it reminds me of the movie The Thing as it morphs into other things. I really hope that this isn't given final approval for creation. What would Jony Ive say about this? Tim Cooks taste is in his mouth.
  • Reply 66 of 107
    marvfoxmarvfox Posts: 2,275member

    So do not look!

  • Reply 67 of 107

    Originally Posted by hentaiboy View Post


    Cool! An action figure for the new Godzilla movie. <img class=" src="" />

  • Reply 68 of 107

    Originally Posted by DrDavid View Post

    I think the worst choice would be to use something that represented one of Steve's babies (Mac iPod iPhone iPad) and incorporate his iconic likeness to that. I think that would have just been looking in the rear view mirror too much.


    This is about a memorial to Steve Jobs. Memorials are supposed to look back. They're supposed to tell something about the person being remembered and why that person is being remembered. If that statue had a generic head on it and was destined for an art gallery, I'd say fine; it's not and I say it's inappropriate.


    And it is SOOOOOO butt ugly.

  • Reply 69 of 107

    Originally Posted by tylerk36 View Post

    Maybe in 100 years it will retro? Maybe it will be buried and late lets say 500 years, dug up by a farmer and used as an idol, kinda like 2001 space odyssey?

    In 50 years, people would walk by that thing and ask, "Who's that and what did he do wrong?"

  • Reply 70 of 107

    I love the statue it looks futuristic like a 2014 statue era, if other historical figures have one why not the smartest person in history of this planet get one too

  • Reply 71 of 107
    Having almost finished reading his biography, I'm pretty sure what Steve Jobs would have said to this is simply : "This is shit !"

    I agree with the previous suggestions though : a real size statute of the man sitting under a real, single apple tree (because he liked apples and because the company is named Apple) or standing on a high point (like a hill if there is any nearby) and having a "watchful eye" over the Apple campus (because he liked to go for a walk every now and then and because he liked having control over everything)...
  • Reply 72 of 107
    s.metcalf wrote: »
    It's "art".

    It's a bit strange but you can't say it's not interesting.  I like it.  Better interesting and weird than boring and passé.  Jobs was an interesting and complex person.

    So kudos to management for not being too conservative on this for a change.

    I disagree. The mantra of modern art today is that it has to be 'interesting'. Same in music. I think beauty trumps everything. Beauty is the only reason for art and music. It may be interesting, but it must be beautiful.
  • Reply 73 of 107
    hodarhodar Posts: 360member
    It doesn't even look like Jobs. Jobs, to the public, appeared with his signature mock T-shirt, glasses and a SMILE. This statue looks like it's angry. But the truly amazing thing is that out of 10,000 submissions; they chose this?!?! Seems like the board didn't like Jobs at all.
  • Reply 74 of 107
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member

    As someone already said, "it is art" thus it open to everyone opinion and interruption, and from the looks of this discussion it was successful.


    Personally I am still trying to figure it out, but a few people here as some interesting insights.


    If you realize that Steve was a complex person and look at things very differently and saw things in a way others fail to see, this piece of art may have captured that.

  • Reply 75 of 107
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... I think I'm blind.
  • Reply 76 of 107
    Its bloody aweful. Art it may be but if they have to have a statue to commemorate Jobs. Theres a better argument to have a more conservative approach and have more of a classic statue of him. He had a reputation of refining a product and releasing it when it was ready, demanding the best quality that could be delivered. If this follows that principle, god only knows how bad the other submissions were.
    I know art is subjective but imho this is one ugly piece of crsp
  • Reply 77 of 107
    Removed by author.
    What is with having to reply in HTML?
  • Reply 78 of 107
    It looks like what Samsung would have in there HQ with Steve's head on the skewer. The artist even chose to portray late stage cancer Steve rather than the "1984" healthyversion.

    Tim should ignore the "art critics" and tell the artist that its a pile of p1sh and get the lawyers on the case.

    Then again its maybe a bit of payback for all the abuse Steve subjected them too and all the credit he got on the back of others work.

    He who laughs last ?
  • Reply 79 of 107
    wtf is that?!
  • Reply 80 of 107

    I was completely unaware that Apple was going into the Coat Tree Industry . Still I think I can find a more appealing product at the local thrift store.


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