How Android lost global open market share to Apple's integrated iOS



  • Reply 241 of 266

    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Worldwide most Android phones sold are cheap, small screened junk.

    Worldwide 100% of Apple phones sold are small screened.

  • Reply 242 of 266
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    patpatpat wrote: »
    Worldwide 100% of Apple phones sold are small screened.

    1) And yet the biggest complain from people like you before android using vendors had to use a larger display to hide 1st and 2nd gen LTE chips was that it was way too big and that the BB and WinMo were better.

    2) If a display with 6.84" square is small then constitutes the point at which you would define medium? You clearly haven't given it any thought.
  • Reply 243 of 266

    Yawn. Even if Android does ultimately fail, it will just be replaced with another OS/platform. For all the Google/Samsung bashing, the reality is that Apple is beyond the price range of a lot of consumers. A lot more consumers who can afford it aren't particularly interested in having the best, highest quality device in existence to make calls, post on Instagram and play Candy Crush. Those people are going to want or need something cheaper, and if Android doesn't give it to them someone else will.


    The same with Windows all those years. It never went away because most people weren't going to pay 3 times as much for an Apple computer that did the same thing. The only reason why Windows PCs are getting hammered now isn't because people are suddenly buying the superior Apple machines, but rather because tablets and smart phones have shown that most people never really needed a computer anyway. But most people who need/want computers are still going to buy something cheaper than a MacBook, whether it is a Windows machine or a Chromebook.


    That is why the whole crux of this is ridiculous. Symbian, Java Mobile, Blackberry etc. weren't crushed by the I-Phone. They were crushed by the I-Phone AND Android. People who were buying the early expensive smartphones went to the I-Phone. People who were buying the cheaper smartphones went to Android. (And people who weren't buying smartphones at all went to I-Phone and Android, but mostly Android.)


    "The reality is that Android isn't taking share from Apple; it's falling to maintain the dominant share position Sun's Java Mobile once held"


    You mean the dominant position that Java Mobile had before Apple entered the market? Why should it?

    Android may go away, but it will only be replaced by competitors that will gladly serve "product categories that Apple isn't even bothering to address."

    " That's allowing Apple to siphon off a 53 percent share of the industry's profits worldwide, with the remaining profits being taken almost entirely by Samsung."

    And as long as Samsung continues to make profits, they will continue to stick with Android. (Their moving to Tizen is overhyped ... smartphones are unviable without apps, so unless Samsung makes Tizen compatible with Google Play, Tizen will be a side project.) You do realize that lots of PC manufacturers fell by the wayside over the years also. Big deal. The ones that survived still made profits and still ran on Windows. They won't make as much money as Apple, sure, but making as much money as Apple isn't necessary anyway. Especially if you are Samsung, which is such a global corporate powerhouse that Apple still needs to rely on Samsung to make the parts for products that Apple us suing Samsung for ripping off. So while Apple NEEDS huge profits from its phones and tablets and computers to remain an industry leader, Samsung can make half as much and off the phones and tablets and have it merely be just added to the bottom line of a much larger and more diverse company. The same is true of Google's other major corporate partners. Tablets and phones aren't all they do, so any profit that they make just adds to their large bottom line. You are pretending as if everyone has Apple's business model, or if they should have Apple's business model, or if they even want to have Apple's business model. But the truth is that right now the only companies whose long term prospects are being harmed by Apple's 53% profit share of the smartphone market is companies that primarily make smartphones.

  • Reply 244 of 266
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member

    1) lower end PC makers either make profits or are subsumed into larger companies. No Android manufacturer makes profits. Excepting Samsung
    2) Samsung will allow to begin with android compatibility on Tizen. They want to be Apple though and so will have their own App Store with pride of placd given to Tizen only apps. Samsung is looking at the App Store profits
    3) when companies don't make money they go out of business. Apple might well step into any mid range vacated market. The lower end market might just disappear. As did the home computer market in the mid- 80's.
  • Reply 245 of 266

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    1) And yet the biggest complain from people like you before android using vendors had to use a larger display to hide 1st and 2nd gen LTE chips was that it was way too big and that the BB and WinMo were better.

    2) If a display with 6.84" square is small then constitutes the point at which you would define medium? You clearly haven't given it any thought.

    No thinking involved, I only have to look at in my hand to tell you it is small.

  • Reply 246 of 266
    hydrogenhydrogen Posts: 314member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post


    edit: Here is the EPS law (Image from Wikipedia).

    "A common EPS must include a cable with a Micro USB-B connector for connecting to a mobile phone. This cable can be either 'captive' (permanently attached to the power supply) or detachable. If detachable, the cable must connect to the power supply via a standard USB-A receptacle / connector."



    I believe that the recent EU legislation (to be enforced in 2017) is about is the Type C Micro USB (which will be reversible, like Apple's lightning, but which ... as far as I know, is not yet stabilized as a standard....


    I wonder how Apple will cope with this, unless they manage to "orientate" the Type C Micro USB definition in a sense compatible with Apple's  lightning .....

  • Reply 247 of 266
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    hydrogen wrote: »

    I believe that the recent EU legislation is about is the Type C Micro USB (which will be reversible, like Apple's lightning, but which ... as far as I know, is not yet stabilized as a standard....

    That will be aways off and any legislation will include micro-USB-B as well as micro-USB-C for what I assume will be a good 5 years before they finally say no more micro-USB-B. Is there any word on when they plan to outlaw micro-USB-B from being sold on new devices in the EU?
  • Reply 248 of 266
    hydrogenhydrogen Posts: 314member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    That will be aways off and any legislation will include micro-USB-B as well as micro-USB-C for what I assume will be a good 5 years before they finally say no more micro-USB-B. Is there any word on when they plan to outlaw micro-USB-B from being sold on new devices in the EU?


    I wish I could give you the answer, unfortunately this is not the case...(this was the reason for my post, by the way)


    Some elements can be found here :



    The matter is further complicated by the fact that, if it is really a directive (which is presumably the case, as a result of a European Parliament vote), it has to be translated into a national law by each member state (yes, like in the US, "federal" and "state" legislation levels may have to be distinguished ...). In practice, in such cases a deadline is given to each member state (let's say 2017, in this case) .... which they may sometimes fail to meet ....



    (note that the more elegant way for Apple to get rid of this issue would be to find an efficient wireless charging mechanism ... (but it should appear on every mobile device...))

  • Reply 249 of 266
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by patpatpat View Post


    No thinking involved, I only have to look at in my hand to tell you it is small.


    ...and when the iPhone launched it was derided as being huge.


    Lamarckian evolution at work or an act of God?

  • Reply 250 of 266
    droidftwdroidftw Posts: 1,009member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post



    ...and when the iPhone launched it was derided as being huge.


    Lamarckian evolution at work or an act of God?


    Almost 4 years ago I bought a HTC EVO 4G and it had a screensize of 4.3 inches.  At that time there weren't many (if any) popular phones that large at the time.  Those around me couldn't understand why I'd want a phone so large.  Now even the tiniest of popular phones, the iPhone 5S, is 4 inches.


    Lamarckian evolution at work or an act of God?

  • Reply 251 of 266
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by DroidFTW View Post



    Almost 4 years ago I bought a HTC EVO 4G and it had a screensize of 4.3 inches.  At that time there weren't many (if any) popular phones that large at the time.  Those around me couldn't understand why I'd want a phone so large.  Now even the tiniest of popular phones, the iPhone 5S, is 4 inches.


    Lamarckian evolution at work or an act of God?


    ...or YOU using overdramatic language?

  • Reply 252 of 266
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    hill60 wrote: »
    droidftw wrote: »

    Almost 4 years ago I bought a HTC EVO 4G and it had a screensize of 4.3 inches.  At that time there weren't many (if any) popular phones that large at the time.  Those around me couldn't understand why I'd want a phone so large.  Now even the tiniest of popular phones, the iPhone 5S, is 4 inches.

    Lamarckian evolution at work or an act of God?

    ...or YOU using overdramatic language?

    Indeed. It probably is just the most sensible thing to do; it's a phone; design it as such. Those that want a mini tablet get smaller the iPad.
  • Reply 253 of 266
    splifsplif Posts: 603member
    Originally Posted by singularity View Post

    using your example why would you trust any company including Apple. As of yet Apple havent been found subverting user privacy settings. That doesn't mean they havent been in the past or will in the future.....:eek: Of course its all tin foil hat time.

    No, my example is a concrete example. It actually happened. You're just making stuff up. How is it tinfoil hat time when what I stated was fact. Here's what you are saying...someone broke into my house. I know who broke into my house. They were caught. So why don't I just have them over for dinner! Because if I don't people will think i'm paranoid? While I am at it I think I will suddenly think that everyone wants to break into my house. ?!? You make absolutely no sense. eek...I guess there is one born every minute.

  • Reply 254 of 266

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  • Reply 255 of 266
    singularitysingularity Posts: 1,328member
    splif wrote: »
    <div class="quote-container" data-huddler-embed="/t/164458/how-android-lost-global-open-market-share-to-apples-integrated-ios/200#post_2495831" data-huddler-embed-placeholder="false">Quote:<div class="quote-block">Originally Posted by <strong>singularity</strong> <a href="/t/164458/how-android-lost-global-open-market-share-to-apples-integrated-ios/200#post_2495831"><img alt="View Post" src="/img/forum/go_quote.gif" /></a><br /><br /><br />using your example why would you trust any company including Apple. As of yet Apple havent been found subverting user privacy settings. That doesn't mean they havent been in the past or will in the future.....:eek: Of course its all tin foil hat time.</div></div><p>No, my example is a concrete example. It actually happened. You're just making stuff up. How is it tinfoil hat time when what I stated was fact. Here's what you are saying...someone broke into my house. I know who broke into my house. They were caught. So why don't I just have them over for dinner! Because if I don't people will think i'm paranoid? While I am at it I think I will suddenly think that everyone wants to break into my house. ?!? You make absolutely no sense. eek...I guess there is one born every minute.</p>
    I generally make no sense :sly:
    It probably made sense whilst I was writing it.
  • Reply 256 of 266
    Most people buy an iPhone because they don't want to think when they use their device. Apple was clever by convincing people to hand over their paychecks and freedom of decision for a shiny metal device in one of 5 colors that won't bother them with picking anything more than themes. Android didn't account for society getting dumber and the consumer getting lazier. They tried to make a device that assumed the developers, users, etc would be inspired to learn and grow with the devices. Shame on them!
  • Reply 257 of 266



    Here is IDC's forecast for the future:


    ios android idc

    Hopefully the next iphone will bring real challenge to new premium Android smartphones.

  • Reply 258 of 266
    soulbearer wrote: »

    <h3 style="color:rgb(34,34,34);margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:10px;">Here is IDC's forecast for the future:</h3>

    <p style="color:rgb(34,34,34);margin-bottom:1em;"> </p>

    <div style="color:rgb(34,34,34);display:table;min-width:250px;">
    <div style="margin-bottom:30px;"><img alt="ios android idc" src=" shot 2014-05-30 at 11.03.49 pm.png" style="border:0px solid #000000;margin-bottom:5px;vertical-align:middle;width:800px;">


    Hopefully the next iphone will bring real challenge to new premium Android smartphones.

    You're quoting from Business Insider and IDC; you might as well be quoting from Timbuktu.
  • Reply 259 of 266
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    You're quoting from Business Insider and IDC; you might as well be quoting from Timbuktu.

    He's not just quoting them he's quoting forecasts. Remember how WinMo and Symbian were going to be the dominant mobile OSes in 2014? Those reports probably went on until 2010.
  • Reply 260 of 266

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    You're quoting from Business Insider and IDC; you might as well be quoting from Timbuktu.


    Yes, is a forecast that shows iphone sales increasing more than 10%, what's wrong with that?

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