New Sony Ericsson Z1010 3G phone



  • Reply 41 of 43
    Couldn't you just go on a plan with AT&T to get the t68i at a low price, and then purchase an unlocked t610 when they're available? Just a matter of swapping SIM cards, then.

    Even if the t610 is annouced tomorrow, there's not a chance that a US carrier will have it available in their line-up for months.

    Considering that SE have a couple of clamshell phones available in Asia, I'd bet that they will release one over here which is spec'ed as a world phone and without 3G. So you may just be able to find a phone similar to the Z1010 in a few months.

    North American cell phone tech is *so* trailing edge.

    [ 03-03-2003: Message edited by: audiopollution ]</p>
  • Reply 42 of 43
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member
    [quote]Originally posted by audiopollution:

    <strong>North American cell phone tech is *so* trailing edge. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    How true, audiopollution. Usually it's nice to be living in the US and have access to the latest gadgets and Apple Macintosh systems before anyone else. But with mobile phone devices, the US is far behind, it's almost perverse.

    As we've said for generations: Patience is a virtue! And as Mandricard usually says in other threads: Hope springs eternal.

  • Reply 43 of 43
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    I'm with Cingular and am so AMAZINGLY disappointed in how far behind the curve they've lagged. Lots of flashy ad campaigns do not a successful company make. In fact I found a website called <a href=""; target="_blank">I Hate Cingular</a> that has a messageboard rife with internal snarls about the way things are being run in that company.

    I asked about the availability of some of these phones in my area and one of the posters there referred to these things as phones and suggested that anyone who wanted anything other than good coverage was less-than-adult.


    I'd love to see these phones in my area but I'm not even going to begin holding my breath.
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