GHZ-POWERBOOKS ?? anyone know?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
anyone have an inside scoop as to when GHZ powerbooks might come out?


  • Reply 1 of 88
    nostradamusnostradamus Posts: 397member
    Probably not this year.
  • Reply 2 of 88
    damn !!

    who not ?
  • Reply 3 of 88
    thatguythatguy Posts: 18member
    I totally disagree. These latest bumps were obviously just to tide us over, and to keep people from spazzing over laptops in July at MWNY. After the new kickass desktops are announced (probably including a bump in the iMac), I think a couple of months later we'll see completely redesigned portables (ibook and powerbook), with significant speedbumps.

    Yes, this is wild speculation, but I think we'll see the ibook with an 800mhz G4, and the powerbook at 1ghz or so.
  • Reply 4 of 88
    Hmm.. when r these bumps in performance for desktops supposed to happen?
  • Reply 5 of 88
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    Either late 2002 (maybe November) or MWSF 2003.
  • Reply 6 of 88
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by cookiemonster:

    <strong>Hmm.. when r these bumps in performance for desktops supposed to happen?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    MWNY in July.
  • Reply 7 of 88
    thatguythatguy Posts: 18member
    [quote]Hmm.. when r these bumps in performance for desktops supposed to happen? <hr></blockquote>

  • Reply 8 of 88
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    Hmm. Wonder if I completely redesigned PBG4 might make an appaearance in September...doubt it but I wont be going to school till then.
  • Reply 9 of 88
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    The Titanium was recently updated, a boost in clock speed, a new graphics chipset, and a new display...and a few changes in I/O ports if I recall correctly. It's not going to get another revision at MWNY!

    Maybe before the end of this year, but I'd say we're more likely to see a major revision at MWSF, with a new G4 and maybe a DDR RAM muthaboard. The DDR RAM depends on whether or not the G4 supports a DDR frontside bus, if not, then it's unlikely that Apple will employ a DDR hack on the Titanium.

    The current Powerbooks are b!tchin' computers...I sure wouldn't mind having one. Even compared to the Powermacs of about a year ago, these new Titaniums scream, the display rocks, and they have a video chipset worthy of a high end laptop and fully capable of driving a large external display at high resolution. Almost makes you want to rob a bank!

    Edi: WTF? Why can't I use naughty language any more? Is this website catering to the family values freaks?

    [ 05-27-2002: Message edited by: Junkyard Dawg ]</p>
  • Reply 10 of 88
    I hope it doesn't go another 5 or 6 months without a revision. How good of a laptop will it be then?

    [ 05-27-2002: Message edited by: sjpsu ]</p>
  • Reply 11 of 88
    Every apple product goes 5-6 months without revision.

    [ 05-28-2002: Message edited by: Bozo the Clown ]</p>
  • Reply 12 of 88
    blackcatblackcat Posts: 697member
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>The Titanium was recently updated, a boost in clock speed, a new graphics chipset, and a new display...and a few changes in I/O ports if I recall correctly. It's not going to get another revision at MWNY!


    I reckon there's a chance it will. Despite being a BIG revision it was made with no fanfare at all.

    I think we might see:
    • 1Ghz+ CPU

    • DDR

    • Integrated Bluetooth

    • Superdrive

    Either at MWNY or very soon after. Especially as Bluetooth/Superdrive were rumoured for this update. It's on promotion too.

    Either way, I'm saving!
  • Reply 13 of 88
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    Sure about that? DDR and 1 gig seem big for an update that would occur only 3 months after the last update.

    maybe in the fall?
  • Reply 14 of 88
    evil edevil ed Posts: 106member
    my guess is October, as they updated the PowerBooks in October last year
  • Reply 15 of 88
    blackcatblackcat Posts: 697member
    [quote]Originally posted by keyboardf12:

    <strong>Sure about that? DDR and 1 gig seem big for an update that would occur only 3 months after the last update.

    maybe in the fall?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I'm as sure as anybody!

    But I don't buy the idea that Apple won't do stuff simply because it's a huge jump from what exists now.

    If they could do a 4Ghz Powerbook tomorrow, we'd see it at MWNY! Same goes for the G5, iPad and iCam.
  • Reply 16 of 88
    zappazappa Posts: 8member
    If they could do a 4Ghz Powerbook tomorrow,... the liquid titanium created would melt a hole through the center of the Earth!

    The production cycle is shrinking for the entire computer industry. It used to be that when Apple introduced a new product-it was in fact new. It used to be that Wintel took quite sometime to catch up to the Apple and by that time Apple was already on to the next newer and faster thing. As a die hard Apple supporter it bring me great pain to see the new line of Wintel laptops with DDR ram, 2Ghz Pentiums 4, 64 megs of DDR video ram, 15 inch screens- I could go on but i won't you get the message.

    At this stage of the game Apple has got to put out a laptop that is not only better then the current ti book but is better then anything on the market regardless of price.

    Organizations like Phillip Morris used to supply powerbooks to all thier employies because they were the best laptops in the industry, are they still?

    For these reasons Apple must unleash a monster line up of computers this July, including a new powerbook !
  • Reply 17 of 88
    yurin8oryurin8or Posts: 120member
    well, I'll buy a powerbook/powermac when they hit their next major hardware revision (nothing short of a g5!). till then i'll stick with my p4 2.4jiggamahertz 512mb rdram system. it sucks not having OSX, but in my line of work/play mac hardware presently doesnt cut it.

    Maybe in 12 months when I can afford to purchase a new system and my present one is showing its age, the g5 will be here.


  • Reply 18 of 88
    68k3368k33 Posts: 2member
    The following facts Apple has to face:

    - DDR-RAM IS standard in the most 15" notebooks

    - the same with build in bluetooth

    - the same with build in USB 2.0

    - the same with build in TWO firewireports

    - the same with build in SmartMedia-Card and Memory-stick

    and the price is lower 1/3 in average than the current PowerBookline.

    Therefore a significant update has to come very very soon.
  • Reply 19 of 88
    warpdwarpd Posts: 204member
    [quote] The following facts Apple has to face:

    - DDR-RAM IS standard in the most 15" notebooks

    - the same with build in bluetooth

    - the same with build in USB 2.0

    - the same with build in TWO firewireports

    - the same with build in SmartMedia-Card and Memory-stick

    and the price is lower 1/3 in average than the current PowerBookline.

    Therefore a significant update has to come very very soon.


    Well, hold on there chief!!

    1-DDR chipsets have only been available in the PC laptop world for about 3 months. They only came about to support the Pentium 4 architecture. So far, all benchmarks have shown it to have a minimal effect on performance.

    2- Find me a laptop available in the US with standard Bluetooth! I do not doubt that it exists, but is certainly far from mainstream at this point. As for what exactly you are going to do with this Bluetooth, we shall leave that to another discussion!

    3- Find me a laptop with built in USB 2.0. Same as previous comments! Standard?? Me thinks not.

    4- Memory Stick is a Sony only technology, no other manufactorer has these ports on their laptops. As for S-media, who cares! USB is faster!!

    My point is this: There are many ways to fault Apple's current hardware offerings, they cost a lot of money, and should offer more cutting edge technology. However, lets not make the situation look worse with utter crap! Nothing personal!

    [ 05-29-2002: Message edited by: warpd ]</p>
  • Reply 20 of 88
    68k3368k33 Posts: 2member
    [quote]Originally posted by warpd:


    1-DDR chipsets have only been available in the PC laptop world for about 3 months. They only came about to support the Pentium 4 architecture. So far, all benchmarks have shown it to have a minimal effect on performance.

    2- Find me a laptop available in the US with standard Bluetooth! I do not doubt that it exists, but is certainly far from mainstream at this point. As for what exactly you are going to do with this Bluetooth, we shall leave that to another discussion!

    3- Find me a laptop with built in USB 2.0. Same as previous comments! Standard?? Me thinks not.

    4- Memory Stick is a Sony only technology, no other manufactorer has these ports on their laptops. As for S-media, who cares! USB is faster!!

    My point is this: There are many ways to fault Apple's current hardware offerings, they cost a lot of money, and should offer more cutting edge technology. However, lets not make the situation look worse with utter crap! Nothing personal!

    [ 05-29-2002: Message edited by: warpd ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    1. Benchmarks are relative measures, dependant on the testing procedure. Fact is that DDR technically results in double effective bandwidth and 1/2 the latency. This is important for timecritical apps (Multichannel SACD and Highresolution HD Recording and MIDI-Apps). OSX has the power to utilize this. It is not to much to demand such an underpinning in the powerbook-pricerange. I understand that Apple is not Sony, being able to play around with products.....

    2. I don't know about the US, but the actual Toshiba laps and others e.g. in Germany offered by Saturn have the aformentioned features. Besides you like or dislike bluetooth (for what ever reason) it seems likely that it will be standard in a lot of devices within the next 6 to 9 months, at least over here this is a fact.

    3. See 2.

    4. Smart Media is standard on the most devices for images.

    Conclusively it appears that the most aforementioned features (except for maybe MemStick) don't seem to be that much "utter crap". It is legitimate to demand the best tech in the proleague which is the Powerbook targeted at.

    That we get the things right: I think that Apple has despite its Marketshare done very well in the last 24 Months, especially with changing the operating system (very dangerous indeed). Now the hardware should be ready to follow.
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