GHZ-POWERBOOKS ?? anyone know?



  • Reply 61 of 88
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    Making the Powerbook heavier , won't make it more performant.

    The principle qualitity of the tibook is the design : not heavy, small.

    If you think that the tibook is a bad laptop, then you don't understand a **** about computers laptop.

    What need the tibook to be better : a better chip like any Apple's product. Futhermore, the Tibook 800 is the more competitive against x86 of all Apple's computers.

    Concerning battery life under os X, we can bet that Jagwire will bring a improvement in that area due to the optimization.
  • Reply 62 of 88
    xypexype Posts: 672member
    [quote]Originally posted by RazzFazz:

    <strong>Given Intel doesn't even make mobile P4s that fast, I have a certain feeling that this thing won't exactly be cool nor long-running.

    Besides, you forgot to mention that the Alienware machine is at least twice as big as the PBG4. And bigger is better, right? </strong><hr></blockquote>

    I think the Alienware "Laptop" has nice specs but it really isn't in the same class as the PowerBook simply because it's targeted at another market. What's happening in the x86 world lately is that there's a "new" (?) line of notebooks popping up - desktop replacement notebooks. They're big, heavy, have a short battery life (unless pumped by 10 batteries) and are actually within 10-20 percent of a desktop speedwise. They also use desktop computer components which makes them a bit cheaper.

    The PowerBook on the other hand is a pure portable machine. It's not really the fastest but gets the work done really well without the owner having to rent a donkey to carry it.

    So the Alienware is probably more of a "easy to carry all in one (light) gaming machine". That's why one can't really compare it to the PowerBook - I can imagine Apple would be able to pack a _lot_ of stuff in a enclosure as big as the Alienware laptop is using.
  • Reply 63 of 88
    m1m1 Posts: 21member
    [quote]Originally posted by powerdoc:

    Making the Powerbook heavier , won't make it more performant. <hr></blockquote>

    who said anything about having to make the tibook heavier? it was merely stated as a willing trade-off for the possibility of better performance and/or more features. get it straight.

    [quote]The principle qualitity of the tibook is the design : not heavy, small.<hr></blockquote>

    wrong. if anything, that is the ibook.

    furthermore, i could have sworn the principle quality of the powerbook was.. er... performance? power? hence..powerbook. design is, or atleast should be, secondary to it's overall functionality. if it can enhance the functionality, which it should, ideally, then yes... stick with the "coolness" of the 1" enclosure, chipping paint, twisting chasis & screen, etc...

    otherwise - rethink it for purposes of selling more units based on customer faith it will not only perform well (assuming revisions here) but live through the truth of the daily commuters abuse. spending $2700~$3500 merits a much stronger tolerance for physical wear and tear, as well as technological competitiveness and consistent performance (re:airport reception). no excuses. zero tolerance. get back to work. bye.

    [ 05-31-2002: Message edited by: m1 ]</p>
  • Reply 64 of 88
    resres Posts: 711member
    [quote]Originally posted by m1:


    don't believe for a minute apple themselves don't think they're not marketing the powerbook as a desktop replacement. that's what it is. quit being conveniently disillusioned by your "class" b.s. that's just a scapegoat, don't be naive.


    I am not disillusioned, nor am I naive. It seems your knowledge of marketing wouldn't fill up an old 128k 5 1/2" floppy.

    There are different classes of notebook computers ranging from tiny sub-notebooks all the way up to huge and heavy desktop replacements. Sony makes seven different models to cover all of the categories. Apple only makes 3 models of laptop (12 inch screen ibook, 14inch screen iBook, and the PowerBookG4), ignoring the other classes of notebooks. Now I really think that apple should expand its line to cover more of the market, but you saying that the categories don't exist is just plan silly.

    [quote]Originally posted by m1:


    the powerbook is to be compared to sony's grx series at $2699 and $3099 (two high end models), component for component, as well as toshiba's satellite 5105 at $2499, again eye for eye - and whatever else there may be ie alienware's m51 at a reasonabley close price points. that's just how it goes. smart consumers see price point and features, not "but apple has so much cool potential and makes me look unique".


    Lets compare the form of the powerbook with computers you mention:

    Powebook: - Weight 5.4 pounds, Height 1 inch, Width 13.4 inches, Depth 9.5 inches.

    VAIO GRX: - Weight: 8.6 pounds, Height: 1.8 inches, Width: 14 inches, Depth 11.5 inches.

    Satellite 5105 - - Weight: 7.5 pounds, Height 1.8 inches, Width: 13 inches, Depth 11.6 inches.

    Alienware's m51 - Weight: 9.6 pounds, Height 1.8 inches, Width: 13 inches, Depth 11.4 inches.

    As you can see the WinTel laptops are all in the large and heavy desktop replacement category, while the PowerBook is in the full-sized light weight category that the WenTell market is still supplying with mobile P3 processors.

    If you look at my posts in other threads you will see that I have a very dim view of Apples current tower offerings (I have said elsewhere that I'm going to switch my towers to dual Athlons if apple does not catch up on performance by MWNY), but the PowerBooks are another matter. The PowerBook is at the top of its class, and nothing else on the market even comes close.

    Now, if you want to complain that Apple is not making a desktop replacement model I'll agree with you, I would love for them to add one to their lineup... but they won't (and it is probably a good marketing strategy: this way we have to buy a laptop and a tower).

  • Reply 65 of 88
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    [quote]Originally posted by m1:


    otherwise - rethink it for purposes of selling more units based on customer faith it will not only perform well (assuming revisions here) but live through the truth of the daily commuters abuse. spending $2700~$3500 merits a much stronger tolerance for physical wear and tear, as well as technological competitiveness and consistent performance (re:airport reception). no excuses. zero tolerance. get back to work. bye.

    [ 05-31-2002: Message edited by: m1 ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    From what i have eard here on AI the new tibook have a better quality of construction than the olders.

    Concerning the performances : the G4 800 tibook is faster than the G4 800. If really one computer is pathetic it is the G4 800 : it does not worth is prize.

    Like everyone here (except the trolls) i would like to see fasters macs. But concerning the order of priority i will put :

    - 1) the powermac line who is becoming pathetic

    -2) the i mac line

    -3) the xserve line

    -4) the tibook line

    -5) the ibook line

    Go to lunch , bye
  • Reply 66 of 88
    m1m1 Posts: 21member
    [quote]Originally posted by Res:

    Lets compare the form of the powerbook with computers you mention: <hr></blockquote>

    we really gotta lose this moaning about the weight and dimensions. i specifically said to compare components against price point.

    furthermore, "categories" are only created when a product comes out that stale-minded, uncreative, label resorting marketing execs come up with when they don't know how to define something. a weak, age-old attempt to dupe consumers into thinking there is a valid dimension of value in "class comparison". garbage. real world human interaction of the use of product puts the product in it's true category. sounds like it worked on you?

    apple slyly chooses to slip under the radar of the desktop replacement category as to not have to answer to why they are not up to par. but trust me, that's absolutely what they're aiming for. no doubt.

    [ 05-31-2002: Message edited by: m1 ]

    [ 05-31-2002: Message edited by: m1 ]</p>
  • Reply 67 of 88
    resres Posts: 711member
    [quote]Originally posted by m1:


    we really gotta lose this moaning about the weight and dimensions. i specifically said to compare components against price point.

    furthermore, "categories" are only created when a product comes out that stale-minded, uncreative, label resorting marketing execs come up with when they don't know how to define something. a weak, age-old attempt to dupe consumers into thinking there is a valid dimension of value in "class comparison". garbage. real world human interaction of the use of product puts the product in it's true category. sounds like it worked on you?

    apple slyly chooses to slip under the radar of the desktop replacement category as to not have to answer to why they are not up to par. but trust me, that's absolutely what they're aiming for. no doubt.

    [ 05-31-2002: Message edited by: m1 ]

    [ 05-31-2002: Message edited by: m1 ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    *sigh* Why am I bothering?

    I already compared the the price of the slim line WinTel laptops that fit the same form factor of the powerbook (eg <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>; and the Dell Inspiration 4100 <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>; ) they cost as much as the powerbooks ($3000+) and don't have nearly the performance (they all use P3s).

    Now if Apple wanted to make a desktop replacement they would go with a much larger form factor. If they increased the depth and width a little and went to a thickness of 1.8 inches they could could fit in and cool 2 G4s -- add in a superdrive and a much larger battery and they would have a very nice desktop replacement.

    It is obvious that Apple is not trying to make a true desktop replacement with the current PowerBook line.

    It is also obvious by your use of language that you are just trolling...
  • Reply 68 of 88
    m1m1 Posts: 21member
    [quote]Originally posted by Res:

    I already compared the the price of the slim line WinTel laptops that fit the same form factor of the powerbook ... <hr></blockquote>

    apple's powerbook has to be compared to ALL categories of wintel laptops in the same price point range,not only the form factor range! why? b/c they choose to only offer a limited line up which must compete with the desktop replacements as well. i think it should more accurately be compared to the dell 8200, the sony grx 570, 590, toshiba satellite 5105, etc.. these are the machines that are setting the performance standards. NOT those thinly "business" notebooks that are not designed for creatives! the powerbook is more a creatives laptop than it is a text and pie charts using suitboy's cool toy.


    Now if Apple wanted to make a desktop replacement they would go with a much larger form factor. If they increased the depth and width a little and went to a thickness of 1.8 inches they could could fit in and cool 2 G4s -- add in a superdrive and a much larger battery and they would have a very nice desktop replacement. <hr></blockquote>

    the fact that apple would have to resort to using TWO G4's just to compete with the current versions of amd/intel... not cuttin it.


    It is also obvious by your use of language that you are just trolling...<hr></blockquote>

    so, if i'm "trolling" (must be your own little world's hip slang), that must make you a homeless bum under the bridge engaging in conversation with me? hmm....


    [ 05-31-2002: Message edited by: m1 ]

    [ 05-31-2002: Message edited by: m1 ]

    [ 05-31-2002: Message edited by: m1 ]</p>
  • Reply 69 of 88
    yonyon Posts: 3member
    Agreed.. Big advantage in the PC world is that one can choose to go with a big consumer oriented company like Sony, or if in a specialized user category, you can go with an independent retailer packaging a desktop processor as a notebook, very cheaply. There is not much obstruction to the latter practice now, and it is likely to spread to the consumer oriented manufacturers as well, increasingly. (Certainly a desktop CPU doesn't weigh any more than a notebook one!!)

    I'm getting the 2.0GHz ASUS L3800s, because I'm

    in Germany, but if I were in the states, I'd

    have an even wider selection.. decision based on performance in the applications I use (also things like 5.1 digital audio output, high screen resolution, along with most of the compelling features of the TiBook).

    But I'm keeping my Pismo powerbook because I use at least one application which runs only under MacOS.

    Anyway, applications are interesting. Operating systems are not something you should have to think about. Computer hardware industrial design is a topic for those with more luxurious lifestyles than many of us enjoy. Form follows function.

  • Reply 70 of 88
    prestonpreston Posts: 219member
    Until PC laptops start running OS X, dont freaken talk to me about comparison. Fine, go use Windows, see if Steve Jobs cares. However my guess is that most people will buy Powerbooks because they do the job, not because they have some testosterone-replacement specs.

  • Reply 71 of 88
    thesloththesloth Posts: 11member
    People are all talking about the 1ghz inside, but how about the outside. I think I may be in a minority of 1 because I am not very taken with the tibook. I have an ageing lombard, and want to upgrade but am waiting for a nicer case. The tibook is very impressive from an industrial engineering point of view, however the idea that it is sexy is one I find irritating. Since when have rectangular (with rounded edges obviously...) and flat things been sexy? Sexyness is usually associated with curves, and those introduced with the wallstreet were in my opinion what got the idea of sexyness associated with apple powerbooks. They cleanly removed that idea for the clinical straight lines of the tibook. Anyone agree? Please don't flame me, I'm very new here (as you can see from the post count... )
  • Reply 72 of 88
    m1m1 Posts: 21member
    [quote]Originally posted by TheSloth:

    Since when have rectangular (with rounded edges obviously...) and flat things been sexy? Sexyness is usually associated with curves... <hr></blockquote>

    well, i like flat women. they're sexy to me.
  • Reply 73 of 88
    m1m1 Posts: 21member
    [quote]Originally posted by preston:

    Until PC laptops start running OS X, dont freaken talk to me about comparison.<hr></blockquote>

    until macs can run COMPLETELY without having to use two os's.. os x is just a nice idea.

    [quote]Fine, go use Windows, see if Steve Jobs cares.<hr></blockquote>

    he does.


    However my guess is that most people will buy Powerbooks because they do the job, not because they have some testosterone-replacement specs.


    bad guess.

  • Reply 74 of 88
    resres Posts: 711member
    [quote]Originally posted by m1:


    apple's powerbook has to be compared to ALL categories of wintel laptops in the same price point range,not only the form factor range! why? b/c they choose to only offer a limited line up which must compete with the desktop replacements as well. i think it should more accurately be compared to the dell 8200, the sony grx 570, 590, toshiba satellite 5105, etc.. these are the machines that are setting the performance standards. NOT those thinly "business" notebooks that are not designed for creatives! the powerbook is more a creatives laptop than it is a text and pie charts using suitboy's cool toy.


    Since computers seem to be beyond your grasp, let's use cars as an analogy.

    Let us say that company "A" makes one model of car, and it is the best luxury sedan in the world. Company "Y" makes a luxury sedan, and a pickup truck.

    You are arguing that company X's luxury sedan is not the best luxury sedan in the world because it does not have the carrying capacity of Company Y's pickup truck. <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />

    Your insistence that company A's luxury sedan (i.e., the PowerBook), should really be compared to the other companies' pickup trucks (Dell 8200, Sony GRX series, etc.) and not their luxury sedans (Dell 4100, Sony VX series, etc.), makes you look like an argumentative idiot.

    Apple is a very easy target, and I take pot shots at it all the time. There are dozens of legitimate things you could be complaining about, why do you insist on making a fool of yourself over this one?

    [quote]Originally posted by m1:


    the fact that apple would have to resort to using TWO G4's just to compete with the current versions of amd/intel... not cuttin it.


    To be on par with the current versions of amd/intel desktop replacements they would just have to drop in a 1.1GHz G4. To be a replacement for an Apple tower it would need to have 2 processors or it would never be more then half as fast as the desktop it was trying to replace.

    [quote]Originally posted by m1:


    so, if i'm "trolling" (must be your own little world's hip slang), that must make you a homeless bum under the bridge engaging in conversation with me? hmm....


    [ 05-31-2002: Message edited by: m1 ]

    [ 05-31-2002: Message edited by: m1 ]

    [ 05-31-2002: Message edited by: m1 ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Wow! you only needed 3 edits to come up with that cute quip -- I'm impressed

    Now back on topic.

    I think that well see a new powerbook, or at least a speed bump, late this year or at the next MWSF at the latest. Of course, they could add a model to the line at anytime.
  • Reply 75 of 88
    m1m1 Posts: 21member
    [quote]Originally posted by Res:

    Wow! you only needed 3 edits to come up with that cute quip -- I'm impressed


    uhm.. that's not what i was editing. <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" /> *ASS*umptions.

    as far as your ANALogy... mm. not quite. but eh, who cares. you can be right.
  • Reply 76 of 88
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    However my guess is that most people will buy Powerbooks because they do the job, not because they have some testosterone-replacement specs.

    [quote]Originally posted by m1:

    [QB]bad guess.<hr></blockquote>

    Actually, it's a good guess. That's why I use a Mac and why I'm productive. Sure we'd all like faster machines at a lower price, but I'd rather be use a Mac and be productive instead of buying a cheap Dell to only brag about it's speed.

    I wonder if you've ever even used a Mac.
  • Reply 77 of 88
    mrmistermrmister Posts: 1,095member
    This is definitely a trolling m1, what's your deal? Do you actually like Macs in any way, or use them, or is this a crusade of some kind to save people from bad laptop decisions.
  • Reply 78 of 88
    m1m1 Posts: 21member
    [quote]Originally posted by mrmister:

    <strong>This is definitely a trolling m1, what's your deal? Do you actually like Macs in any way, or use them, or is this a crusade of some kind to save people from bad laptop decisions. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    hehe. ok ok, my bad if i've come off "anti-mac". yes i use macs regularly. at home/school/internship. i just feel that way too many people can't be objective ENOUGH to what i feel are undeniable apple shortcomings. and i tends to disturb me to know that there exist people who will so readily buy into a feeling of association with apple b/c it makes them feel "special" b/c steve said so. it tends to take on this pathetic cult-like vibe which can only do more harm than help apple. especially when you talk with sales reps who have been "converted" and now hold their noses in the air, which in turn starts a cycle of the customers doing the same after their apple baptism.

    i do agree whole-heartidly on how macs can be a more productive machine, just depends on what you're doing. i just don't like how some of what i feel are super important issues with the flaws of osx vs. win xp are conveniently overlooked. my only immediate examples would be, first: internet browser speed. osx's is quite slow v. wintels. second: battery life in the new os = miserable. how can it NOT have a fully functional power management system this far into the game? just my opinion that, that should've been addressed long ago in 10.1. i understand these things will be fixed with time, and may seem like small, insiginifcant issues to some, however they are quite real world needs, considering the movement of the digital-hub lifestyle. third: still a shame that apple, and steve, can be as pig headed as bill gates in the sense that we are still using 5~6 year old G4 chips from motorola rather than moving on to new opportunities. i say bring on amd and let's rock. find solutions, not focus on what cant' be done. i'm sick of hearing what can't be done b/c of our processor chip status. toss it. eff it all. let's find new solutions. open your minds. get off this apple-almighty-high. imagine osx running on the latest amd processors and bus speeds... im not super tech and don't care to hear about it's "not possible" bs. i always say find a way. it's always the ones who know too much that defeat themselves too soon.

    truthfully, i would love to see apple progress in terms of market share and compatibility with the rest of the technology indsustry. then we'd truely be in a more communicative existence, which is the goal, right? ciao.

    don't hate. communicate.
  • Reply 79 of 88
    ghost_user_nameghost_user_name Posts: 22,667member
    holy friggin AI Forum newbies...

    Relax guys, this isn't MacNN Forums...
  • Reply 80 of 88
    m1m1 Posts: 21member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by sjpsu:

    holy friggin AI Forum newbies...


    labeling someone "newbie". is that your subtle attempt to flex your oh-so-wonderfully-intelligent-and-insightful-veteran-mighty-mac-user muscle to gain respect and admiration from this should-be-timid-must-establish-my-respect-on-the-posting-board "newbie"? ha. well, since you probably don't get it in real life, i'll let you have it here. you go.
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