This is dedicated to Murbot



  • Reply 61 of 80
    Ha! i am the king of trading mac's.....

    lets see...

    January 2000 traded my HP 4458 for a Rev A iMac. (thus started my adventures in Macintosh's) i still have this machine, its on loan to my aunt.

    in Sept 2000.....purchased an Indigo ibook.

    Traded that for a iMac DV SE 400 in January 2001

    Traded that for a Rev A iBook, Blueberry. feb. 2001

    Traded THAT for a Rev B iMac. Bondi early march 2001

    Sold that for 400 with a broken modem late march early april.

    Used my PM 6500/225 till April 28th.

    April 28th, 2001- my Refurbished iMac DV + Arrives in all its indigo glory.

    Traded that for a Rev B iBook a few weeks ago.

    Ive learned a few things this year, I am a portable person. I love to move around. Im laying in bed right now actually

    Im kicking Minerva (the ibook) up to 320MB next week sometime......getting an Airport card for X-Mas.....


    if i feel lucky, ill OC it to 366Mhz whenever i swap out the Hard drive, (probably sometime next year.

    Current Mac Roster:

    Minerva (blueberry iBook)

    PB Duo 280

    Mac SE/30

    Mac IIci

    iMac Rev A (on loan to aunt)
  • Reply 62 of 80
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    [quote]Originally posted by murbot:

    <strong>I sold the SoundSticks!!

    Damn, I paid $259 CDN for them, and I just sold them for $234.50. That's after owning them for almost a freakin year! A $24.50 loss after a year - that's like $15 US. Man, you really do have to stand in awe of eBay sometimes. Couldn't say no to that! Might get another kind of speaker next... heh heh</strong><hr></blockquote>

    ****! you know what? I bought my SoundSticks in Summer for $260 CDN

    Then in October I got a new set of TDK speaker as birthday gift....its quality is 10x better than SS.

    I then had to get rid of my SoundStick. I only sold it for $180 CDN

    Damn, Murbot, you are such a lucky bastard , Only lost 24 bucks in one year.....I envy you..... :eek:
  • Reply 63 of 80
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    well....since this is a classic thread. I am going to bump this up
  • Reply 64 of 80
    hey i don't suppose you have that picture with all those boxes do you leonis? The mountain of Mac boxes? remember that one? if you still have it, could you send it my way and ill post it on the website.

    [email protected]
  • Reply 65 of 80
    thuh freakthuh freak Posts: 2,664member
    i just soiled myself. i didn't know that people did this, and I certainly didn't think it'd be possible for a person to stay in the green. I suppose for more gold you gotta have a quick turnaround time, but i thought that the best a person could do is keep minimal losses. not actual profit.

    i thought that i've had a lot of computers [5], from an Amiga 500, to an Apple quadra 605 (i think it had 8MB ram, and around 33MHz), to a powercomputing powertower pro, a Color Classic, and now a b&w g3. i get a new one about every 3 or 4 yrs. i meant to sell them, but i end up just leaving them in my closet, til my mother threw them away. This thread has changed my whole outlook on life.

    Any1 wanna lend a poor college kid some money so i can start getting a different Mac every quarter or so. i don't mind taking the money as a no-strings attached gift.

    when i grow up, i wanna be murbot.

    but until then,

    I'm George Dietrich,

    Yes, THE George Dietrich.
  • Reply 66 of 80
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    [quote]Originally posted by gumby5647:

    <strong>hey i don't suppose you have that picture with all those boxes do you leonis? The mountain of Mac boxes? remember that one? if you still have it, could you send it my way and ill post it on the website.

    [email protected]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Lots of older hardware are gone, plus I threw some boxes when I moved....therefore the box pile isn't as big as before
  • Reply 67 of 80
    but do you still have that old picture?
  • Reply 68 of 80
    quaremquarem Posts: 254member
    Murbot you are totally like my friend, before January 2001 he had a Yosemite 450 and iBook 333. Now listen to this upgrading.


    \t-iBook 466

    \t-iMac 600

    \t-PowerMac G4 466

    \t-Titanium 400

    \t-Titanium 500

    \t-PowerMac G4 533

    \t-Pismo 400

    \t-PowerMac 733 DA

    \t-iBook 500

    \t-PowerMac 733 QS

    \t-Titanium 550

    \t-Titanium 667

    \t-PowerMac 867

    \t-iBook 500

    \t-Titanium 550

    That's all in on year. Sometime he would even go back to hardware he had already had like the iBook 500 and such. Currently he still have his PowerMac 867 and Ti 550. But I think he is getting rid of his Ti 500 and going to an iBook 600.

    You and him should contact each other and have some sort of contest. <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

    [ 03-15-2002: Message edited by: Quarem ]</p>
  • Reply 69 of 80
    [quote]Originally posted by MacsKickAss:

    <strong>Also, you can backup your all-important files with its 5 GB Hard Drive (who has 5 GB of MP3s anyway?) and then transfer the stuff onto your machine-of-the-month.


    Hah! Maybe me!
  • Reply 70 of 80
    quaremquarem Posts: 254member
    And me.
  • Reply 71 of 80
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    [quote]Originally posted by gumby5647:

    <strong>but do you still have that old picture?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    It's gone too. Sorry

    But I can tell what's left:

    The monitor box (21" ASD), G4, iBook, iMac, PC, Scanner, Burner

    that's it I think
  • Reply 72 of 80
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    ... and some dolls...

  • Reply 73 of 80
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    [quote]Originally posted by murbot:

    <strong>... and some dolls...


    Oh yeah....forgot about those boxes.... <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 74 of 80
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    Now since he bought in a new iMac.

    I am going to resurrect this thread and let the guessing game start

    I bet this machine will only last - 3 weeks 6 days
  • Reply 75 of 80
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    I give him a month until he decides to get a Power Mac again.
  • Reply 76 of 80
    gumby5647gumby5647 Posts: 241member
    next up...

    my offical prediction.

    800Mhz G4 TiBook ( or whatever comes out next)
  • Reply 77 of 80
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by gumby5647:

    <strong>next up...

    my offical prediction.

    800Mhz G4 TiBook ( or whatever comes out next)</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Could be. He hasn't had a TiBook in a while.
  • Reply 78 of 80
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    I should have known something was afoot when this thread got bumped back up.

    I was just on MacNN scrolling through a thread when I saw Murbot's trademark desk picture with what's this? An iMac. Matsu stops scrolling and sure enough it's Murbot, in an iMac picture thread!

    Murbot, you are becoming the stuff of urban legend. I'm sending an e-mail to AtAT, we're going to make you famous! (or infamous -- wife kicked you out yet, or what?)
  • Reply 79 of 80
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    Oh god...
  • Reply 80 of 80
    spotbugspotbug Posts: 361member
    [quote]Originally posted by murbot:

    <strong>Geez, you guys can never just leave me alone... I'll have to stop posting about my computer swapping. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    This makes me wonder about all the other Macs you've bought, but were afraid to mention.
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