Sorry guys.
I can't believe the amount of bitching and yelling I have made in the last few hours.
Sorry guys.
I am expecting I can use the funding from the CMT project to get myself a new G5 or much higher clocked G4. But.......the fund is coming next week and I have to make purchase in one week.
I truly am mad, mad, mad, mad, disappointed, f*cking disappointed............
I don't think I am going to smile for at least a whole month
[ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: Leonis ]</p>
Sorry guys.
I am expecting I can use the funding from the CMT project to get myself a new G5 or much higher clocked G4. But.......the fund is coming next week and I have to make purchase in one week.
I truly am mad, mad, mad, mad, disappointed, f*cking disappointed............
I don't think I am going to smile for at least a whole month
[ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: Leonis ]</p>
Apple just finished a kick-ass Expo. It might not have looked that way to someone waiting for a high-end 3D workstation, but it was. You'll get your turn before long.
Look on the bright side: The longer it takes Apple to push a new PM out the door, the more time you have to save money for one.
<strong>Look on the bright side: The longer it takes Apple to push a new PM out the door, the more time you have to save money for one. </strong><hr></blockquote>
Yeah but the condition of the funding is that once I have got the money I have to make a hardware purchase right away and I must get all those equipments ready no later than mid Feb
That means the only choice for me now is a PC. And I will have to pay for the G5 myself
[ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: Leonis ]</p>
<strong>What about a top-end iMac, Leonis?</strong><hr></blockquote>
I am currently using a Dual 500 G4 with 1.8GB of RAM. It hooks to one 21" CRT and a 17" CRT as the palette monitor.
There's no way for me to back to single 800Mhz G4 and only one 15" LCD :eek: <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />
[ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: Leonis ]</p>
Still, hold out until the end of January if you can. If Apple can't produce something by then, well, their loss.
I'm betting on an Apple Event to introduce the PMs. All the Expos are too far away.
Truly suckful to get stranded across like that. Just put off your decision to the last possible moment, and see if the situation changes.
Once again, disregard the sig.
As The Apple Turns is pretty good at predicting things as you know, and they said a few days ago that they aren't too worried about not hearing news about updated PowerMacs.
They then had in bold type, somethinkg like "But if they update them before the end of the month, then we won't be upset."
Well, it was something along those lines... can't seem to get their site to load right now...
You might be pleasantly surprised towards the end of the month. Wait it out a little buddy!
All projects I will be doing next month will be heavy 3D texturing stuff + some heavy After Effects stuff therefore the laptop isn't enough.
The studio that assigns me the project even says my Dual G4 is below their standard
[ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: Leonis ]</p>
<strong>Patience is a virtue! I waited and got my new iMac today!</strong><hr></blockquote>
I know. But I just don't have the time
If G5 is announce today even it won't ship until the first week of March I still can talk to my funder that what I will be purchasing and they will let me to. But the case today is worse. NO info at all. If I tell them I want more time because Apple maybe releasing something 'soon' they sure will be mad at me.
[quote]Something that MacMinute doesn't mention is a new set of Power Macs; we're not sure if we should read anything into that. Think Secret is waffling, stating that they "do not have enough confidence to confirm there will be a 1 GHz G4 announcement." That runs decidedly counter to the wisdom imparted by the lava lamp, but that was a couple of weeks ago, and things change. There's also that little matter of a lava lamp being primarily a piece of retro kitsch, and not commonly used as a means of divining the future, but hey, it all seemed so clear at the time. Let's just say that if we don't see the low end of the G4 spectrum rise to at least 933 MHz come Monday, we're going to be very disappointed in the predictive abilities of globs of wax suspended in mystery liquid. (Unless the G4 bump comes, say, later in the month instead. Then we'll reconsider.)<hr></blockquote>
I'll be very surprised if we don't see a PowerMac special event before MW Tokyo.
YOu might not have to switch over to the dark side just yet.
[ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: murbot ]</p>