Apple's Tim Cook encourages US House to pass sexual orientation nondiscrimination act



  • Reply 61 of 247
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    I rarely see ignorant bigotry on AI.

    Here's hoping you don't post a lot of it.

    Realize that you are asking this guy never to post here again. That is not going to happen.

  • Reply 62 of 247
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member

    Originally Posted by websnap View Post



    As it says above, there 28 states where it is legal to be fired for being gay. I believe that is discrimination, if you were looking for one example. Also, it's not .05% it's actually more like 4%, so around 8 Million Americans (source). Also, reports have highschoolers as high as 13% due to better understanding of peer-groups and less of a need to be closeted (hence, identifying). If you truly want an AIDS risk, be straight in the continent of Africa, or Brazil, or many other places unprotected sex is religiously supported. You are dealing in old stereotypes, my friend.


    It's not just about "being" married, it is also what it mean. Equality. Not to be kicked out of a hospital room, denyed coverage, benefits or support and – in the off chance it doesn't work out (like many straight marriages as well) – legal president when dealing with assets and more importantly, the children by which ever what they became part of the family.


    Gay people don't want to talk about sex at work, most are scared and would rather leave their private life at home. The problem is that they don't have the freedom to be relaxed about their private life as I would. I could say, when prompted by a co-worker about my weekend plans, That my wife and I have a date and we'll be going out. If someone who was gay was in the same position, they open themselves up to get fired. Having pictures up or anything you identify with your loving home life can end you employment. That is not equality. If I can not fire someone for not liking black people, how is it fair that I can fire someone for knowing they go home to another man? And be honest about that thought.


    You don't have to like them – I work with people I don't like, and probably for better reasons than you have for not liking Gays, but that is not a reason to allow a legal way to fire them. This is a modern society and we should be beyond that by now.

    So when people are allowed to come out of the closet we are really looking at more like a 10% gay ratio...

  • Reply 63 of 247
    Originally Posted by 9secondko View Post





    They are choices. Nothing more.


    The greatest deception of recent times is that homosexuality is like being caucasian, hispanic, asian, etc.


    It's a complete fallacy.


    It's a lifestyle choice.


    Not immutable. Not by birth.

    I cannot speak to gender identity as I have no personal experience with it, however, as a homosexual, I can tell you it was not a choice for me.  I didn't choose to be gay any more than you chose to be straight (if indeed that is the implied case).  I can't imagine anyone "choosing" to be gay and having to accept all the negativity that goes along with it from people like you.  It's insulting to read a post such as this and hear someone speak of something they obviously know nothing about or have any personal experience with.  It's equivalent to saying someone chose to be black or to be a woman or what color hair they have.


    The only fallacy here is your ignorance.

  • Reply 64 of 247
    websnapwebsnap Posts: 224member

    Originally Posted by AdonisSMU View Post


    So when people are allowed to come out of the closet we are really looking at more like a 10% gay ratio...


    Honestly? Who knows. Could be more. I know a lot of people who are fluid, love who they love but if they get married to the opposite gender consider themselves straight. Yet if the situation arose a few years earlier could have gotten fired for who they were dating. I think the idea is that we stand up for the little guy, you know? 25%, 10%, .5%. It should be the reason, not the ratio – and the reason just is not good enough. I think Fat people doing it is "icky" too, but they shouldn't get fired from their jobs because we know they go home and have sex.

  • Reply 65 of 247
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Liberals have no problem with discrimination. They had no problem with the Mozilla CEO being forced out because of his personal beliefs on gay marriage. But if, say, another company forced out an executive because they supported gay marriage liberals would be enraged. You see because they're all for free speech so long as it's speech they agree with.


    And now they’re going after Dropbox for hiring Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of State. As you point out, agree with them or suffer the consequences. I wonder how many of the AI lefties are canceling their Dropbox accounts? How many have deleted the Firefox browser because Mozilla dared to hire the inventor of Javascript as CEO? Heck, how many have turned off Javascript in their browsers? Wouldn’t want to use anything made by a hater bigot would you.


    Think and say what they want you to think and say OR ELSE. The “choice” is yours, hardy har har.

  • Reply 66 of 247
    pazuzupazuzu Posts: 1,728member
    Hey Tim - how about a little less politics and little more amazing products?
    We don't need another Sheryl Sandberg.
  • Reply 67 of 247
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post



    And now they’re going after Dropbox for hiring Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of State. 


    What else would you expect from a bunch of racist and intolerant liberals?

  • Reply 68 of 247
    paulmjohnsonpaulmjohnson Posts: 1,380member

    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post



    And now they’re going after Dropbox for hiring Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of State. As you point out, agree with them or suffer the consequences. I wonder how many of the AI lefties are canceling their Dropbox accounts? How many have deleted the Firefox browser because Mozilla dared to hire the inventor of Javascript as CEO? Heck, how many have turned off Javascript in their browsers? Wouldn’t want to use anything made by a hater bigot would you.


    Think and say what they want you to think and say OR ELSE. The “choice” is yours, hardy har har.

    I've deleted Firefox as a result, as it happens.


    I don't agree with Brendan Eich's position, but I don't think he should have been forced out.


    Sadly, his example will now be used by, I don't know, Hobby Lobby, to force out a CEO if he turns out to be gay.

  • Reply 69 of 247
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post


    I've deleted Firefox as a result, as it happens.


    I don't agree with Brendan Eich's position, but I don't think he should have been forced out.


    Sadly, his example will now be used by, I don't know, Hobby Lobby, to force out a CEO if he turns out to be gay.

    You didn’t answer the question about Javascript did you. Why haven’t you tuned it off? Of course that would make your online experience a little difficult wouldn’t it? Being selective in your outrage?

  • Reply 70 of 247
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post



    I'm sorry, if it's a choice, who would choose it?  Who would choose to face bigotry, have unequal rights etc?


    All I know is I never made a choice to be heterosexual. I knew it from the day my sexual feelings started to stir. I’m convinced homosexuality is not a choice either. Science is still studying the issue but my own life experience tells me it’s they way you are born. 

  • Reply 71 of 247
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post


    I've deleted Firefox as a result, as it happens.


    I don't agree with Brendan Eich's position, but I don't think he should have been forced out.


    Sadly, his example will now be used by, I don't know, Hobby Lobby, to force out a CEO if he turns out to be gay.


    Exactly, what goes around comes around.  Hypocrisy abounds on all sides. We are all hypocrites and sinners in one way or the other. Oh wait, that’s a religious thought isn’t it. Sorry, my bad.

  • Reply 72 of 247
    paulmjohnsonpaulmjohnson Posts: 1,380member

    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post


    You didn’t answer the question about Javascript did you. Why haven’t you tuned it off? Of course that would make your online experience a little difficult wouldn’t it? Being selective in your outrage?

    No, I'm not selective in my outrage at all.  I am, however, practical about what action I can take to air my displeasure.  If I stop using Javascript, it will be an extreme negative to me, and will not impact Mozilla at all.  If I stop using Firefox, it will impact Mozilla (since they won't get any click through payments from Google anymore).

    I think he's been treated incredibly badly by an organization (Mozilla) who he worked for for over a decade, with never a question of him discriminating against anyone in his professional life.  If, when he become CEO, he had immediately started chasing policies that discriminated against LGBT members of the Mozilla staff, I would have shouted for him to be dismissed immediately.  But he didn't.

  • Reply 73 of 247
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    quadra 610 wrote: »
    I rarely see ignorant bigotry on AI.

    Here's hoping you don't post a lot of it.

    You're joking, right? This is Apple ][. Any non-Apple post from his is almost guaranteed to fall under that category. My last ban was due to me calling him out for what he is, I think in that particular case he was bashing Muslims, or spitting on Mandela and calling him a terrorist.
  • Reply 74 of 247
    websnapwebsnap Posts: 224member

    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post



    All I know is I never made a choice to be heterosexual. I knew it from the day my sexual feelings started to stir.


    And this is how my gay friends feel. We don't all have the same life, feelings and experiences. You don't need to feel them, but you also don't need to devalue them.



    Science is still studying the issue but my own life experience tells me it’s they way you are born.


    The way you were born, but that is not the same for everyone else. Just because that's how you are doesn't mean everyone else shares it. We don't all date the same people.

  • Reply 75 of 247
    9secondko wrote: »
    You almost never see it. 

    But what it will do is force Boy Scouts to hire men who shouldn't be over boys. Can you imagine hiring a man to sleep in a tent with young girls? Then why would you hire a gay man to sleep in a tent with young boys? Stupid.

    To also force churches, whose Bibles teach against homosexuality, to hire homosexuals on staff, completely violating their rights and freedoms.

    WOW! If you believe that because a person is gay that they are then guaranteed to be sexual predators, then you live in Fantasy World!

    Also, on your point about churches and their freedoms, being a church does not give you the right to promote intolerance because you have chosen ONE topic out of the Bible that you feel is against God. Have you ever eaten pork? Shellfish? Known someone who got remarried after being divorced, or whom had sex before they were married? Because the Bible also states that those behaviors are sins. The point of a church is to show acceptance and love for ALL of God's children. PLEASE let go of the fantasy that people CHOOSE to be gay. It is genetic. Plain and simple. I am a Christian and am sickened every time someone uses God as a pulpit to spout bigotry, hate, and hypocrisy.

    Also, WHENEVER you state that people who are gay are therefore not entitled to the same considerations and opportunities as you, you are DENYING THEIR RIGHTS AS PEOPLE. GTFOH.
  • Reply 76 of 247
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Are people still hung up on whether sexuality is a choice??

    It's not. And some of us (from other parts of the world) GET that implicitly, and have moved way past it years ago.

  • Reply 77 of 247
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    75 comments on this topic? I'm afraid to read the comments. :\
  • Reply 78 of 247
    dreyfus2 wrote: »
    What makes you think so? Every US enterprise depends on talent from all over the world, and making the environment less hostile will attract more talented people. This should be in everybody's best interest (besides being the right thing in the first place).

    What you said is correct, this is my issue with it however:

    If Tim Cook feels that way then as the CEO of Apple why doesn't he just mandate that Apple have that type of work environment? Why does it also have to be that everybody else outside of Apple have to mandate that at their own private companies do the same if they do not hold his view or beliefs? I don't understand this leftist ideology that says" everybody must do as I do in order for me to feel good about my own personal convictions." If Tim Cook feels that way the he should just worry about Apple and make that be the case for Apple. I'm not an advocate for big government stripping away the rights of private citizens.
  • Reply 79 of 247
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    75 comments on this topic? I'm afraid to read the comments. image

    You don't have to. I think you already know who and what. And seriously, its not worth it. I should have let it sail by but.... aarrrrghhh, DOH!

  • Reply 80 of 247
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    The topic is about a law that would only affect larger organizations, which typically have code of behavior, code of ethics, dress codes, etc. There are lots of different degrees of gayness. For example some people are gay and others are GAAAAY! If you want to work in the corporate world you are generally going to be expected to follow some accepted norms and represent your company in a businesslike and professional manner. If someone behaves in an extreme way such as catty, flirtatious or uses emphasized gay speaking characteristics and mannerisms, it will probably make many of the co-workers uncomfortable. So long as the person does their job and blends into the corporate culture, no one should care what they do on their own time.
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