I have a kindle fire hd. Figured it was worth the $99 Black Friday price. If it is any indication of amazons build quality then apple has nothing to worry about. I think this is just the media trying to find a new nemesis for the iphone because the samsung sponsorship is waning. Waiting to see the long lines over the weekend for the galaxy s5
I want to scoff, but Amazon has miraculously put out some of the most compelling tablet offerings outside of Apple. For straight video watching, you can't beat a Kindle HDX. This phone could be intriguing.
Right because nothing is better than watching 3D movies on a screen that appears to have only about 5-inches of depth from the screen plane.
Amazon makes its money from online retail and Amazon web services, while Google makes its money from search. They are going to take market share from the iPhone, which is Apple's money making machine. With no new products, Apple's profit will shrink.
Ah yes, the "Apple started out with 100% marketshare" meme. Ask Microsoft, Palm, Nokia, Ericsson, and Blackberry: Apple started from zero marketshare and took it away from them. Nice try.
This product violate the American Handicap Disability Act...not accessible to blind people nor hearing impaired nor handicapped people with no fingers nor limb...way to discriminate...Bozo
Or, you know, they could put an autostereoscopic LCD panel in it like the Nintendo 3DS and NOT BUILD A PHONE THAT IS RECORDING YOU THE ENTIRE TIME YOU USE IT.
Could make those inevitable phones dropped into toilets just that much more awkward.
This is Amazon's MO. Come out with lots of products so it looks like they are growing. The stock market will love it and call them innovative. As some point this will come and bite them in the ass. With some many product lines, sooner or later they are going to lose a bucket load on a product that doesn't even cover cost. Then they are going to have to generate charges for unsold inventory. A phone could be just the one. They typically sell with subsidies so are more expensive to make that the retail cost. If Amazon's phone tanks they could be on the hook for millions of phones that cost $300 bucks to make. It will be interesting how this develops.
This is Amazon's MO. Come out with lots of products so it looks like they are growing. The stock market will love it and call them innovative.
As some point this will come and bite them in the ass. With some many product lines, sooner or later they are going to lose a bucket load on a product that doesn't even cover cost. Then they are going to have to generate charges for unsold inventory.
A phone could be just the one. They typically sell with subsidies so are more expensive to make that the retail cost. If Amazon's phone tanks they could be on the hook for millions of phones that cost $300 bucks to make.
It will be interesting how this develops.
As noted by someone else (probably in a different thread) Amazon uses a lot of tried-and-true but commodity components. This is acceptable for their Kindle Fire and perfectly fine for their Fire TV but I have to think that making a cellphone requires a lot more consideration in terms of size and power efficiency that will make it very difficult for them to compete with other vendors with better HW expertise, and not even close to Apple's level.
I don't own nor have I ever even seen or used an Amazon tablet up close but from what I understand the people that own them seem fairly content.
My sister bought 3 of them even though I recommended she buy iPads. I was surprised to see that they're quite nice, and much better than what the Android manufacturers offer.
This is Amazon's MO. Come out with lots of products so it looks like they are growing. The stock market will love it and call them innovative.
As some point this will come and bite them in the ass. With some many product lines, sooner or later they are going to lose a bucket load on a product that doesn't even cover cost. Then they are going to have to generate charges for unsold inventory.
A phone could be just the one. They typically sell with subsidies so are more expensive to make that the retail cost. If Amazon's phone tanks they could be on the hook for millions of phones that cost $300 bucks to make.
It will be interesting how this develops.
Amazon could weather a storm like that quite easily. They have a multitude of revenue streams. If one dries up the others will just continue pumping revenue.
Amazon could weather a storm like that quite easily. They have a multitude of revenue streams. If one dries up the others will just continue pumping revenue.
I contributed to one of their revenue streams earlier this afternoon.
Great. So now in addition to the people who walk down the street seemingly talking to themselves and those who walk down the street (and across the street in traffic!) with heads down texting some trivia, we'll now have people looking at their pads and gesturing like Joe Cocker. (I wonder if over the next few decades, we'll have large numbers of people who can no longer lift their heads straight).
When it doesn't quite respond as desired I expect to see a lot of middle fingers raised.
Caught Amazon running a promo on iphone cases because of this new Amazon phone, got lucky. Has anyone tried - DROY DEAL BUDDY (google it, forgot the url) There is a yellow box that gives discount promo codes for any product on Amazon. Couldn't believe that I got to choose my own discount. Once I saw the price, I jumped right on it. Just thought I'd share.
Right because nothing is better than watching 3D movies on a screen that appears to have only about 5-inches of depth from the screen plane.
It already exists. Stephen Hawking uses the technology to communicate.
Ah yes, the "Apple started out with 100% marketshare" meme. Ask Microsoft, Palm, Nokia, Ericsson, and Blackberry: Apple started from zero marketshare and took it away from them. Nice try.
Could make those inevitable phones dropped into toilets just that much more awkward.
As some point this will come and bite them in the ass. With some many product lines, sooner or later they are going to lose a bucket load on a product that doesn't even cover cost. Then they are going to have to generate charges for unsold inventory.
A phone could be just the one. They typically sell with subsidies so are more expensive to make that the retail cost. If Amazon's phone tanks they could be on the hook for millions of phones that cost $300 bucks to make.
It will be interesting how this develops.
As noted by someone else (probably in a different thread) Amazon uses a lot of tried-and-true but commodity components. This is acceptable for their Kindle Fire and perfectly fine for their Fire TV but I have to think that making a cellphone requires a lot more consideration in terms of size and power efficiency that will make it very difficult for them to compete with other vendors with better HW expertise, and not even close to Apple's level.
My sister bought 3 of them even though I recommended she buy iPads. I was surprised to see that they're quite nice, and much better than what the Android manufacturers offer.
Amazon could weather a storm like that quite easily. They have a multitude of revenue streams. If one dries up the others will just continue pumping revenue.
You bought Amazon's Shill Prime so you can get the newest anti-Apple rhetoric delivered to your door in 2 days?
Nah, he gets it 'same day' via drone.
When it doesn't quite respond as desired I expect to see a lot of middle fingers raised.