WSJ: Amazon to announce smartphone with 3D eye and gesture tracking in June

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in iPhone edited June 2014
Adding to previous reports of an Amazon-built smartphone, The Wall Street Journal on Friday said the Internet retail giant will announce its entry into the handset market in June.

Amazon's Kindle Fire HDX tablet. | Source: Amazon

Citing sources familiar with the matter, the WSJ claims Amazon has recently been showing off the as-yet-unannounced handset to developers in San Francisco and Seattle, likely in a bid to garner advance software support ahead of an unveiling.

According to sources, Amazon is planning to announce the smartphone at the end of June, while shipments should begin at the end of September, just in time for the holiday shopping season.

In order to set itself apart from the sea of smartphones already on the market, Amazon's rumored device is said rely heavily on 3D gesture control instead of prevailing touchscreen technology. A form of the technology is already being used to some extent by rival manufacturers like Samsung, which introduced camera-based "Air Gestures" with the Galaxy S4.

While most modern smartphones incorporate two cameras -- one for photographic shots and another for video calls -- Amazon's model is said to boast a total of six sensors. Aside from the traditional front- and rear-facing shooters, Amazon will incorporate four VGA cameras located at the four corners of the device for accurate gesture and 3D eye tracking.

As for the eye tracking function, the device is rumored to sport a user interface that can detect where a user is looking and shift objects on screen to create a virtual glasses-free 3D experience. Sources who have seen the smartphone say the result is something like a hologram.

Further, a reliable source told AppleInsider in October that Amazon's handset will be equipped with a 4.7-inch touchscreen and a Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor. The company is planning to build between 5 to 10 million units over the second quarter, though the WSJ's report suggests those plans may have been pushed back.


  • Reply 1 of 35
    I don't think this 3D display tech and Air Gestures are going to be much more than gimmicks. I mean, was it ever on [URL=]Maynard Um's radar[/URL]?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 2 of 35
    512ke512ke Posts: 782member
    Well... The thing about Amazon is that they will stay in the market losing money until they get it right. Competitors with deep pockets..

    Personally I hope they at least report honest sales figures.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 3 of 35
    "Aside from the traditional front- and rear-facing shooters, Amazon will incorporate four VGA cameras located at the four corners of the device for accurate gesture and 3D eye tracking".

    I can hear it now:

    "Hey Jeff, this thing isn't picking up my gestures and the Eye ID isn't working!"

    Bezos: "You're holding it wrong!"
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 4 of 35
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Or, you know, they could put an autostereoscopic LCD panel in it like the Nintendo 3DS and NOT BUILD A PHONE THAT IS RECORDING YOU THE ENTIRE TIME YOU USE IT.

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  • Reply 5 of 35
    I don't like the idea of them coming to the phone market. I have a feeling it's going to be really inexpensive and cheap parts.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 6 of 35
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,958member
    One word: FLOP!
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 7 of 35
    Two words: MAJOR FLOP.
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  • Reply 8 of 35
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,826member
    Originally Posted by Achillies7 View Post

    I don't like the idea of them coming to the phone market. I have a feeling it's going to be really inexpensive and cheap parts.

    So don't buy it. Problem solved. 


    I don't own nor have I ever even seen or used an Amazon tablet up close but from what I understand the people that own them seem fairly content. I think Amazon could steal a lot of sales from Samsung and HTC for people that insist on Android and since Amazon is not true Android that forking is a good thing for Apple. Amazon is interesting because they hope to control their app store and also make money off of content and apps like Apple. I wouldn't be surprised to see Amazon buy HTC or another smaller manufacturer one day because I think they want to be a big competitor to both Samsung and Google. Amazon are extremely persistent and stubborn. It took a few tries but that Fire HD is selling pretty well and got some good reviews. 

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  • Reply 9 of 35
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    As soon as Amazon comes to market with this, the DOJ will suddenly investigate Apple on the price of data plans.
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  • Reply 10 of 35
    jpmiajpmia Posts: 63member
    Here we go again.. another jack of all trades
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  • Reply 11 of 35
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
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  • Reply 12 of 35
    blah64blah64 Posts: 993member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Or, you know, they could put an autostereoscopic LCD panel in it like the Nintendo 3DS and NOT BUILD A PHONE THAT IS RECORDING YOU THE ENTIRE TIME YOU USE IT.


    Why aren't more people bothered by this?
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  • Reply 13 of 35
    Very niche market, the kindles are ok for what they do, but build quality and overall utility can lag.
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  • Reply 14 of 35
    I want to scoff, but Amazon has miraculously put out some of the most compelling tablet offerings outside of Apple. For straight video watching, you can't beat a Kindle HDX. This phone could be intriguing.
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  • Reply 15 of 35
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Just what the world needs, another cheap smartphone.
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  • Reply 16 of 35
    peter236peter236 Posts: 254member
    Amazon makes its money from online retail and Amazon web services, while Google makes its money from search. They are going to take market share from the iPhone, which is Apple's money making machine. With no new products, Apple's profit will shrink.
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  • Reply 17 of 35
    yojimbo007yojimbo007 Posts: 1,165member
    I think it is a gimmik...
    Main issue is how those additional cameras running all the time effect the battery life .
    Is it worth the gimmick ?
    I dont think so !

    Ps. Doesn't samdung have eye tracking no one uses?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 18 of 35
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    peter236 wrote: »
    Amazon makes its money from online retail and Amazon web services, while Google makes its money from search. They are going to take market share from the iPhone, which is Apple's money making machine. With no new products, Apple's profit will shrink.

    You're still here? Ugh.
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  • Reply 19 of 35
    I think eye tracking will be a huge part of the next big OS revolution. Can't wait for it to show up in real products.
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  • Reply 20 of 35
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by peter236 View Post

    Amazon makes its money


    Amazon makes no money.


    …Google makes its money from search.


    But not its products.


    They are going to take market share from the iPhone…



    …which is Apple’s money making machine.


    As is every other product and service Apple provides.


    With no new products, Apple's profit will shrink. 


    High powered, revved up, FUDdy machine.

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