Beats deal defenders cite 'humanized' music subscription service as benefit to Apple



  • Reply 61 of 243
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by Kibitzer View Post


    Keep Calm and Allow Time for the Rumors to Die Down. Let us know if you're in real distress and we'll bring the smelling salts! ;)

    I'm trying to keep calm, but honestly speaking, this is the most distressing Apple rumor that I have ever read in my entire life.


    I'm not sure what I'd do. I would obviously not switch to another platform like Android or anything like that. I guess that I have enough Apple devices that I've acquired throughout the years to last me until I drop dead, so I should be set.

  • Reply 62 of 243
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by pazuzu View Post

    Except that he did.


    In absolutely no way is this statement defensible or provable. Why would you say it?

  • Reply 63 of 243
    I love hearing from all the people who assume that Apple does not know what it's doing, and that if things were just done their way, Apple would be better. I don't want to sound blind, but you don't become the wealthiest company in the world by being stupid - which includes taking pundits and analysts seriously.

    At some point, people might want to consider the idea that maybe - just maybe - the folks at Apple actually know what they're doing and have a plan that they're not broadcasting to everyone else.
  • Reply 64 of 243
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    your life is sad.  Its headphones for crying out loud.


    And? Audio is very important to me. I'm a pro.


    I refuse to be associated with any "beats" brand.

  • Reply 65 of 243
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    I love hearing from all the people who assume that Apple does not know what it's doing, and that if things were just done their way, Apple would be better. I don't want to sound blind, but you don't become the wealthiest company in the world by being stupid - which includes taking pundits and analysts seriously.

    At some point, people might want to consider the idea that maybe - just maybe - the folks at Apple actually know what they're doing and have a plan that they're not broadcasting to everyone else.

    Maybe because even the Apple 'faithful' are wondering out loud what Apple is doing here?
  • Reply 66 of 243
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,896member

    Anybody hear seen the financials of Apple's and Beats' music business? How about Beats' headphones business?  No?  Then STFU!  You have no basis for judging whether $3.2B is too much.  I thought it felt like it was too much but you root around the internet and you find indications from pretty credible sources that 3.2 isn't an outrageous amount.


    Once the white-person's-subconscious-panic over Dr. Dre's black face subsides we'll hear the more sober assessments.

  • Reply 67 of 243
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,896member

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Maybe because even the Apple 'faithful' are wondering out loud what Apple is doing here?


    What you say doesn't matter at all.  Being an Apple faithful still doesn't make you better at running Apple than the people running Apple.

  • Reply 68 of 243
    Horrible. Beats are poorly made headphones that fall apart, literally. The are skewed toward base and if one has an appreciation for any music beyond base heavy rap or dance tracks they are no good. The only reason they have such a following is the name "Dre" and that's just a testament to the power of marketing, not the power of quality. The public has been duped by the Beats brand and apparently so has Apple.
  • Reply 69 of 243
    tleviertlevier Posts: 104member

    From a business perspective, Beats being a "premium" product like Apple's, (i.e. "nice margins") - it makes sense.  For as convenient as iTunes is for being "the world's catalog of music", their music store has been more of an encyclopedia of entries rather than a flavorful experience.  If Beats and their team can transform iTunes into more of an "experience" and people go there like a social network - it could have huge gains.  Where I see the problem with that idea is that music is art and when you get too many people together to discuss art, it almost always devolves into "turf war" or "pretentious snobbery".  When that happens, you are only left with "fans" and the "consumers" who don't care one way or the other to be involved up and leave.


    The dynamic of iTunes needs to be a "Many to One" relationship and not an "Amongst" relationship with peers.  I think people's music taste is fairly private and they just want to know what other things are out there without the preachy opinions.


    If Apple does buy Beats, you know Samsung will be "offended" and we'll see "Bumps by Samsung" within a year to compete.


  • Reply 70 of 243
    jlanddjlandd Posts: 873member
    Horrible. Beats are poorly made headphones that fall apart, literally. The are skewed toward base and if one has an appreciation for any music beyond base heavy rap or dance tracks they are no good. The only reason they have such a following is the name "Dre" and that's just a testament to the power of marketing, not the power of quality. The public has been duped by the Beats brand and apparently so has Apple.

    This has nothing to do with headphones.
  • Reply 71 of 243
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Beats are poorly made headphones that fall apart, literally. The are skewed toward base.

    This isn't accurate.
  • Reply 72 of 243
    jonljonl Posts: 210member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    The media has been clamoring for a story like this for at least the last two years.


    Remember the old days when absolutely everyone would jump on something that Apple was not ever, for any reason, going to do? iPhone mini? Apple Television? They were CERTAIN to happen, and so all media outlets reported them as certain, as well as giving their opinions on how this CONFIRMED product would save or destroy Apple…


    A lot of pent up idiocy is being released over Beats. That’s good; it’ll keep the idiocy away from real future products. 


    Love the "pent up idiocy" characterization. However, there'll be no "keeping it away from real future products," for the supply is infinite. It doesn't matter what Apple has done right or where it appears to be heading; the mantras "Apple is stupid and doomed", "Steve never would have let this happen," and "Tim Cook is in way over his head and the board needs to fire him NOW" are always a hair trigger away from release. This segment of the Apple community is like the student body of Greendale in the fictional "Community", a bit nuts, understanding nothing, and ready to tip over a garbage can and riot at a moment's notice.

  • Reply 73 of 243
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member

    Originally Posted by tlevier View Post


    From a business perspective, Beats being a "premium" product like Apple's, (i.e. "nice margins") - it makes sense.  For as convenient as iTunes is for being "the world's catalog of music", their music store has been more of an encyclopedia of entries rather than a flavorful experience.  If Beats and their team can transform iTunes into more of an "experience" and people go there like a social network - it could have huge gains.  Where I see the problem with that idea is that music is art and when you get too many people together to discuss art, it almost always devolves into "turf war" or "pretentious snobbery".  When that happens, you are only left with "fans" and the "consumers" who don't care one way or the other to be involved up and leave.


    The dynamic of iTunes needs to be a "Many to One" relationship and not an "Amongst" relationship with peers.  I think people's music taste is fairly private and they just want to know what other things are out there without the preachy opinions.


    If Apple does buy Beats, you know Samsung will be "offended" and we'll see "Bumps by Samsung" within a year to compete.



    Wait a second.  This post was well-reasoned and looked at multiple sides of the discussion.


    WTF are you doing in this thread?! :)

  • Reply 74 of 243
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Does Iovine have ideas to make Apple's PodPhones better?

    Not ones that won't cost as much as the iPhone itself.

  • Reply 75 of 243
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member

    The market is giving Apple a solid thumping today. Market values loss ~$6B.


    I have little doubt that it's over this silly, ill-conceived 'strategy.'Let's hope Cook is listening to the massively negative commentary and stock market verdict before settling on anything.

  • Reply 76 of 243
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by tlevier View Post


    From a business perspective, Beats being a "premium" product like Apple's, (i.e. "nice margins") - it makes sense.  For as convenient as iTunes is for being "the world's catalog of music", their music store has been more of an encyclopedia of entries rather than a flavorful experience.  If Beats and their team can transform iTunes into more of an "experience" and people go there like a social network - it could have huge gains.  Where I see the problem with that idea is that music is art and when you get too many people together to discuss art, it almost always devolves into "turf war" or "pretentious snobbery".  When that happens, you are only left with "fans" and the "consumers" who don't care one way or the other to be involved up and leave.


    The dynamic of iTunes needs to be a "Many to One" relationship and not an "Amongst" relationship with peers.  I think people's music taste is fairly private and they just want to know what other things are out there without the preachy opinions.


    If Apple does buy Beats, you know Samsung will be "offended" and we'll see "Bumps by Samsung" within a year to compete.


    If you're telling me that a $500B company like Apple, a company responsible for one of the most radical reinventions and redefinitions of the music industry in decades, doesn't have the internal talent to take on a task like the one you're getting at any better than a headphones maker and start-up streaming service, then Apple has far worse problems that I thought.

  • Reply 77 of 243
    kiltedgreenkiltedgreen Posts: 610member
    hmurchison wrote: »
    All the services let me listen to days and days of music but few really helped me discover new artists.   

    Before the internet, that's what friends were for. :smokey:

    Well, one of the things ...
  • Reply 78 of 243
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Maybe because even the Apple 'faithful' are wondering out loud what Apple is doing here?
    Maybe Apple will buy them, keep them as a separate entity and just rake in the profits from their overpriced headphones. Maybe brand reputation gets thrown out the window if there's an easy way to increase revenue/profits. Though I'm still trying to understand how Cook will sell us on Beats having a quality product and fitting in with the culture of Apple. He'll need to do some massive spinning there.
  • Reply 79 of 243
    bobschlobbobschlob Posts: 1,074member

    Was trying to point this aspect up in one of the earlier threads.


    Seems like a great opportunity to take Siri to the next level. And then onto the TV.

  • Reply 80 of 243
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    Stock has been up almost $70B the last 2 weeks.  It was due for a slight correction.


    No stock goes straight up.

    Yeah, sure...

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