Beats Music had 110K subscribers in March with impressive free-to-paid conversion



  • Reply 81 of 141
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    apple ][ wrote: »
    And what exactly do you think that Apple has been doing this whole time? Apple doesn't need any fashion help from anybody, Apple sets the trends, they release devices that are so greatly engineered and designed that everybody else ends up copying them, releasing their own poor imitations.

    Apple is a trendsetter and practically every single one of their products is heavily copied, mimicked and sets the tone and style for whole industries. That's what they've been doing for decades.
    Like I said in other threads....those Samsung commercials obviously were a punch to the gut and someone at Apple thinks they've lost some of their cool and a brand like Beats could get it back. Oh John Gruber's podcast he entertained the idea that Apple could be going after the black demographic. He had some stats that of black younger smartphone owners their choice was over 70% Android. My question would be, why is that and does Apple think buying Beats will get black teens to buy an iPhone instead? I'm struggling to understand what Beats has to so with whether someone would own a iPhone or not. And I'd think these teens would be smart enough to know that they were being pandered to and it would actually be a turnoff.
  • Reply 82 of 141
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Like I said in other threads....those Samsung commercials obviously were a punch to the gut and someone at Apple thinks they've lost some of their cool and a brand like Beats could get it back. Oh John Gruber's podcast he entertained the idea that Apple could be going after the black demographic. He had some stats that of black younger smartphone owners their choice was over 70% Android. 


    There are obviously a lot of people throwing around crazy thoughts about this rumored deal, but I certainly hope that it's not racially motivated, that would be disgusting, and not very Apple like in my opinion.

  • Reply 83 of 141
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,898moderator

    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    Yeah, if you go to AT&T's site, you can see that they advertise the Beats service with some kind of LG Android phone.



    In the famous words of Inspector Clouseau, "Not anymore."

  • Reply 84 of 141
    stargazerctstargazerct Posts: 227member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    You mean it's being spun by certain Apple sites to look better and better every day. image

    Just like it was spun on certain non-Apple sites to make no sense. 

  • Reply 85 of 141
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    pazuzu wrote: »
    Rap ruined the Grammys and it will ruin Apple.

    Can we keep the moronic comments out of this one?
  • Reply 86 of 141
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,898moderator

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post




    Apple isn't interested in the hardware sales. Maybe as a spin off, a flip, but that's about it.


    I suppose if Apple was able to get $1 billion or more from the hardware side it would make the streaming business seem a bit more attractive.


    By the way, do you think that any Beats contracts will be transferred in the deal? I, for one, don't.


    Apple already sells Beats headphones and earbuds in its stores, so Apple certainly would be interested in the hardware sales.


    This deal isn't about getting the streaming service cheap by spinning out the headphones and other hardware.  It's about leveraging all of what Beats is - hardware, streaming, and management - by incorporating this small company into the operations of a much, much larger company.  That's the first rule of acquisition; that the company being acquired is worth much more in the hands of the acquirer than it is on its own.


    As for the Beats contracts, no, I do not think that Cook & Co will wake up on the morning after the deal has been consummated and realize, "Oops, we forget to negotiate those contracts with the content providers as part of the deal."  I mean, really?  You really are worried about this?

  • Reply 87 of 141
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    ralphmouth wrote: »
    I have to admit this as well. I was not happy at first after seeing Dr. Dre's profanity and n-word laced youtube video.  I do not want Apple associating with that type of culture. I feel the same way if it was Eminem so it isn't a Black/White thing. I am getting more intrigued as I read about this acquisition and the reasons for it.

    I'd say there is a difference between being at your house and being in an interview with 60 Minutes yet here is Steve Jobs dropping "F-Bombs."


    Well ... Shit, Oh Dear ... Now, you've done it!
  • Reply 88 of 141
    realcoolrealcool Posts: 32member
    Tried it, it's ok, but I won't pay 120$ a year for a playlist
  • Reply 89 of 141
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post

    sorry but black people have the right to use the word.


    Ah, and no one else does. I see.


    Are there any words that only peoples of middle eastern descent can use? What about native North Americans? South Americans? How about just Asians with an epicanthic fold? Without one?


    This is important stuff; I need to know what society tells me I can and cannot say. Wouldn’t want to accidentally say something or anything.


    I’m claiming ‘correct’, ’basket’, ‘lemonade’, ‘above’, and ’thirsty’ for Indo-Europeans. No other race can use those words now.

  • Reply 90 of 141
    bulk001bulk001 Posts: 780member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    what I mean by spinning is only putting up articles that put this in a positive light. And since Beats is not a public company how can we know if any of these figures/claims are accurate?


    You don't know. But this is why public companies have a board of directors who are supposed to try and make sure that the direction taken by the executive team is a good one and that the numbers add up (like what the HP board should have done with that 10 billion dollar company but didn't). What is interesting is that while no one knows exactly why and what Apple hopes to do with this purchase there are many (mainly journalists and stock analists) who have never run a company talking about the purchase as if they are experts. Given Apple's track record they deserve the benefit of the doubt and if it does not work out then it is really up to the company shareholders to hold them accountable. 

  • Reply 91 of 141
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    IMO, this still rumored acquisition will have a twist somewhere... and the existing headphones and streaming business will be just icing on the cake.

    1) Someone above mentioned MOG for one;

    2) Jimmy Iovine seems to be pretty passionate about his artists; what if he has a deal so good for them with Apple/Beats, that they start leaving their current labels when their contracts are up?

    3) What "if" one of the engineers stumbled on to something... say a "half way" original predictive search algorithm... and Jimmy decided to take it to his friends at Apple rather than Google, MS or Facebook shopping it? What if the missing piece of the "new algorithm" to make it great, is already owned and patented by Apple already? Something in Siri for example.

    4) What if the new predictive search algorithm could become as big or even better than Google/Stanford's for artificial intelligent devices including wearables with mood awareness? If I recall, Apple already has a patent for something similar.

    I think there's something hidden and much bigger than just HW or steaming, that will come to light shortly why Apple has went against it's traditional frugality and went all in on this big bet.
  • Reply 92 of 141
    evilutionevilution Posts: 1,399member

    Everyone stop your whinging and doubting. This is Apple we are talking about, not Google or Facebook who make stupid purchases.


    The only way Apple would buy Beats is if it makes sense for the future of the company. Just because it doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean they shouldn't do it. If you had their business sense, you'd be a billionaire.

  • Reply 93 of 141
    ralphmouthralphmouth Posts: 192member
    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    sorry but black people have the right to use the word.


    they are VICTIMS.  They can use it if they feel it impowers them.  And notice they say it with a soft G not hard G. 


    What an ignorant thing to say. The soft G and hard G excuse is also nonsense.


    If certain people have a right to use bad words, then I have a right as an Apple shareholder to tell Cook that this company should not be associating itself with that type of culture.

  • Reply 94 of 141
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    sorry but black people have the right to use the word.


    they are VICTIMS.  They can use it if they feel it impowers them.  And notice they say it with a soft G not hard G. 


    Victims, lol. This is 2014, not 1863. As if no other groups have been victims or persecuted at one time or another throughout history and have had to endure far worse.


    And no, sorry, but I don't view anybody favorably who uses that word. It's a trashy word used mostly by trashy people.

  • Reply 95 of 141
    boltsfan17boltsfan17 Posts: 2,294member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    I’m a little worried about this in regard to the rumor that Apple will start selling higher quality audio.


    Apple could sell ALAC files (LIKE THEY SHOULD), but it wouldn’t mean much if their hardware is garbage…

    Audio quality is the main reason why I never buy music from the iTunes store. I prefer buying from the sites that offer AIFF audio files or buying CD's to rip to AIFF when importing into iTunes. 


    If the Beats acquisition turns out to be true, Apple is more then capable of improving the hardware quality of Beats headphones. I'm hoping that will be part of Tim Cook's plans for Beats. 

  • Reply 96 of 141
    brlawyerbrlawyer Posts: 828member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    Ah, and no one else does. I see.


    Are there any words that only peoples of middle eastern descent can use? What about native North Americans? South Americans? How about just Asians with an epicanthic fold? Without one?


    This is important stuff; I need to know what society tells me I can and cannot say. Wouldn’t want to accidentally say something or anything.


    I’m claiming ‘correct’, ’basket’, ‘lemonade’, ‘above’, and ’thirsty’ for Indo-Europeans. No other race can use those words now.


    Indeed. Well, this comes from the same country that calls Obama a "black" despite his Caucasian mother - go figure.

  • Reply 97 of 141
    brlawyerbrlawyer Posts: 828member

    Originally Posted by Boltsfan17 View Post


    Audio quality is the main reason why I never buy music from the iTunes store. I prefer buying from the sites that offer AIFF audio files or buying CD's to rip to AIFF when importing into iTunes. 


    If the Beats acquisition turns out to be true, Apple is more then capable of improving the hardware quality of Beats headphones. I'm hoping that will be part of Tim Cook's plans for Beats. 


    Same here - can't understand how or why Apple still doesn't offer ALAC files - that's why I continue buying CDs if not higher-fidelity files.

  • Reply 98 of 141
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member

    Originally Posted by RadarTheKat View Post



    Apple already sells Beats headphones and earbuds in its stores, so Apple certainly would be interested in the hardware sales.


    This deal isn't about getting the streaming service cheap by spinning out the headphones and other hardware.  It's about leveraging all of what Beats is - hardware, streaming, and management - by incorporating this small company into the operations of a much, much larger company.  That's the first rule of acquisition; that the company being acquired is worth much more in the hands of the acquirer than it is on its own.


    As for the Beats contracts, no, I do not think that Cook & Co will wake up on the morning after the deal has been consummated and realize, "Oops, we forget to negotiate those contracts with the content providers as part of the deal."  I mean, really?  You really are worried about this?


    What you are saying goes entirely against everything we know about Apple. Apple in the accessories business? Really.


    ... and what you are saying about Cook and the contracts. Really? Where the f*ck in my comment could you have even gleaned that little tidbit?

  • Reply 99 of 141
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by realcool View Post

    Tried it, it's ok, but I won't pay 120$ a year for a playlist


    Did you try both Beats Music and Spotify?  The thing I have a problem with is available content and for me, i use my computer that's connected to a decent stereo and I prefer high quality 24/96 or 24/192 AIFF files if I can, or at least 16 Bit uncompressed files because I can hear a difference on my system and these guys aren't doing that.  Plus there's a matter with content.  My tastes are fairly specific and I don't know if they really have the content I'm looking for.


    I figure it this way, I can always get on YouTube and dial in a song and their is usually at least one version posted that's of decent quality for me to at least listen to and I'll but it if I really want my own copy in the highest quality format, but I know I'm more of a minority user with more specific tastes and preferences to sound quality.

  • Reply 100 of 141
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,283member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post



    And what exactly do you think that Apple has been doing this whole time? Apple doesn't need any fashion help from anybody, Apple sets the trends, they release devices that are so greatly engineered and designed that everybody else ends up copying them, releasing their own poor imitations.


    Apple is a trendsetter and practically every single one of their products is heavily copied, mimicked and sets the tone and style for whole industries. That's what they've been doing for decades.


    And selling watch type device can't be sold to women like a Geek gadget, fashion will come into it, the so-called iWatch if released will be a hard sell. To the other half of the population. (good looks will be a factor).

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