MacWorld in New York - 2002 is Apple's year



  • Reply 481 of 619
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member
    Personally, I don't care if they give P4 sytems away for free!
  • Reply 482 of 619
    cowofwarcowofwar Posts: 98member
    [quote]Originally posted by apple.otaku:

    <strong>cowofwar, if you hate Apple so much why don't you leave us alone and go hang out at the Gateway or Dell message boards instead? Because you're a troll and you have nothing better to do? Don't try to deny it. We can all see you for what you really are. You have made it as clear as possible. Now sod off.

    <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Obviously you've missed the point.

    1) I do not hate Apple.

    2) I hate Gateways and Dells. One of my computers is a Dell. It sucks.

    I want Apple to blow us away at the next expo with a huge announcement. I want Apple to be the first and push out pcs. I want the best for Apple. Passively accepting whatever Apple puts out especially when you know they can do better is not helping Apple. It will only hurt them in the long run.

    Not once did I say I hate Apple. I just have serious problems with their business practices. Their priorities are completely out of whack.
  • Reply 483 of 619
    cowofwarcowofwar Posts: 98member
    [quote]Originally posted by apple.otaku:

    <strong>Dorsal M, you said "all in good time" ... Well, I say that time is now!!! <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>

    I wouldn't expect him to give us anymore information. The final product that is going to be released is probably not yet known to the majority of people at apple and who work with Apple. I'm sure that he's concerned with protecting his identity so unless he considers whatever he posts general knowledge he wont post it.

    Apple might even have two or three options and are waiting until the very last minute. Which is suggested what happened at the last expo. They might be sitting on three different systems and are waiting to know if they can deliver each one. So Dorsal might know about only one of them. What if he posted about an option that was never put in motion? He would destroy his credability.
  • Reply 484 of 619
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    OK I just decided to read this thread. Could someone sum it up in one word please? Just kidding, I was thinking of SNL's Presidential Debate

    Seriously, this thread seems to be way off topic. Does Dorsal M have inside info? If so, out with it!
  • Reply 485 of 619
    arwarw Posts: 16member
    To sum it all up in one word....

  • Reply 486 of 619
    arwarw Posts: 16member
    Ever since Apple has had a massive crack down on rumoring, there hasn't been much to talk about. AppleInsider and MacMurmur are obviously dead. MOSR is enlightening but their track record speaks for themselves. There is no true source to get info from, anymore. But we strive on...

    Anyway, thinking ahead to post G4 years, what does Apple really have to offer?

    There is absolutlly no consistant news about what the G5 will be or if there ever will be a G5. There have been rumors of Apple kicking Motorola in the ass and out of the picture, and taking on IBM as their supllier. New digital lifestyle devices are a certainty, but we are uncertain as to what they are.

    It's a shame that people find it necissary to flood the web with falty rumors and fake mock-ups. If there is any true information it is being masked by a layer of fresh bull sh!t.

    The only way to find out what Apple has is store is to group and work on the puzzle. Let's gather out thoughts that are true and proven and unsaturated. What specs do we know are realistic and are ready to be included in the next two revisions or PowerMac's? <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
  • Reply 487 of 619
    During one of those financial conference calls Fred Anderson said something along the lines of... the first half of 2002 consisting mainly of transitionary products while the second half would consist of significant new products. Anyone remember this?
  • Reply 488 of 619
    cowofwarcowofwar Posts: 98member
    [quote]Originally posted by apple.otaku:

    <strong>During one of those financial conference calls Fred Anderson said something along the lines of... the first half of 2002 consisting mainly of transitionary products while the second half would consist of significant new products. Anyone remember this?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Can anyone treat 'significant new products' with any seriousness after last year's 'way beyond the rumor sites'?

    They might also be referring to digital lifestyle devices. Upgrades to their current designs couldn't be considered a significant new product so it might be that apple branded video camera.
  • Reply 489 of 619
    macgpmacgp Posts: 88member

    Computer Engineers are a dime a dozen. I talked one and he didn't impress me in anyway. So, your degree has little or no impact on my opinion of you. But you can use it if you like.
  • Reply 490 of 619
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    [quote]Originally posted by ARW:

    <strong>To sum it all up in one word....


    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

    One of the best SNL skits ever!
  • Reply 491 of 619
    nadennaden Posts: 28member
    [quote]Originally posted by MacGP:


    Computer Engineers are a dime a dozen. I talked one and he didn't impress me in anyway. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    We design the chair you sit on. The computer you use, the television you watch, the car you drive.

    Don't criticize us just because you wan't to be one of us
  • Reply 492 of 619
    skullmacskullmac Posts: 71member
    [quote]Originally posted by cowofwar:

    <strong>Can anyone treat 'significant new products' with any seriousness after last year's 'way beyond the rumor sites'?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    A teaser on their homepage and financial guidance statements are two entirely different ball games. Although we know its happens quite regularly these days, even the slightest overstatement in a financial guidance report is illegal.

    Think back to all other financial guidance statements. All product-related statements have come true, haven't they? Remember the superdrive comment over a year ago? It was something along the lines of, "We expect these drives to make it into consumer desktop lines by the beginning of 2002." Although I can't think of any other examples, I'm sure others can.
  • Reply 493 of 619
    gamblorgamblor Posts: 446member
    [quote] During one of those financial conference calls Fred Anderson said something along the lines of... the first half of 2002 consisting mainly of transitionary products while the second half would consist of significant new products. Anyone remember this? <hr></blockquote>

    Yeah, the only problem is, some things may have changed since then. Remember Moki's tidbit about a new architecture that had been delayed, and Apple was proceeding with a "plan B" for this MWNY? Perhaps that was the "significant new products" Anderson refered to... Maybe we'll see some more stop-gap machines like we've seen for the last year, and new machines next year.
  • Reply 494 of 619
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    It's always going to be better next year... how many years in a row has this happened?

    Actually, Apple has innovated quite a bit, it's just that it's never enough to meet the expectations. Look at what we've gotten in the past two years: Dual processors, Titanium laptop, killer LCDs, super drives, OS X, iApps, new iBooks, new iMac, etc.

    [ 07-07-2002: Message edited by: Luca Rescigno ]</p>
  • Reply 495 of 619
    cowofwarcowofwar Posts: 98member
    [quote]Originally posted by Luca Rescigno:

    <strong>It's always going to be better next year... how many years in a row has this happened?

    [ 07-07-2002: Message edited by: Luca Rescigno ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Ever since the macworld after the G4's introduction. I really can't remember the last macworld that wowed me. Hopefully this will be the one.
  • Reply 496 of 619
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    [quote]Originally posted by cowofwar:


    Ever since the macworld after the G4's introduction. I really can't remember the last macworld that wowed me. Hopefully this will be the one.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    G4 was introduced in Seybold not MacWorld
  • Reply 497 of 619
    gamblorgamblor Posts: 446member
    [quote] It's always going to be better next year... how many years in a row has this happened? <hr></blockquote>

    It's only happened each year if you give any credence to the fan-boy "it's gonna be great this MW, just you wait!" ramblings of the likes of MOSR & the Register... Everybody else has known the G5 was slated for 2002 for the past few of years now. It looks like that schedule has slipped. Is anybody really surprised? Have you ever known the schedule for a new processor not to slip?

    [quote] Ever since the macworld after the G4's introduction. I really can't remember the last macworld that wowed me. Hopefully this will be the one. <hr></blockquote>

    What exactly will "wow" you? If it's nothing short of the G5, then probably not. I don't really have much faith in the reports of the G5 coming at MWNY; I think we'll see more G4s with Xserve type DDR, along with a boost in clock speed, for a combined performance boost of about 30-40%. That's quite a respectable boost, all at once; but it won't be enough to catch up with top end PCs.
  • Reply 498 of 619
    cowofwarcowofwar Posts: 98member
    [quote]Originally posted by Gamblor:


    What exactly will "wow" you? If it's nothing short of the G5, then probably not. I don't really have much faith in the reports of the G5 coming at MWNY; I think we'll see more G4s with Xserve type DDR, along with a boost in clock speed, for a combined performance boost of about 30-40%. That's quite a respectable boost, all at once; but it won't be enough to catch up with top end PCs.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Something more than a lame speed increase. I mean, sure, it's great...but you can't revolve the whole show around that. You need something like new technology. Stuff that I haven't seen before. I know I can't expect Apple to make advances for the whole industry but I just need something that I was completely not expecting and could not have predicted.

    I want to come away from the expo and be able to use what I've seen to brag. I can't exactly go around saying that OMG THE NEW G4 IS 32% FASTER WHEN USING THE LENSFLARE FILTER IN PHOTOSHOP OMG OMG OMG.
  • Reply 499 of 619
    gamblorgamblor Posts: 446member
    [quote] I want to come away from the expo and be able to use what I've seen to brag. I can't exactly go around saying that OMG THE NEW G4 IS 32% FASTER WHEN USING THE LENSFLARE FILTER IN PHOTOSHOP OMG OMG OMG. <hr></blockquote>

    Maybe you should be using a PC then. The rest of us just want to get work done, and that may include a lensflare filter in photoshop... A 32% increase (especially if it were across the board) would be welcome.
  • Reply 500 of 619
    kecksykecksy Posts: 1,002member
    Seems like we'll have to wait until MWSF to be wowed.

    1.5GHz G4s would be impressive, but I doubt Apple can meet such expectations.

    I just don't see the G4 scaling 50% in 5 months when it took 18 months to go from 500 to 733 and 1 year to go from 733 to 1GHz.

    I don't think the performance gap will close until the next generation of CPUs arrives.

    But who knows? Maybe the successor to the G4 will show up at Macworld. I could also win the lottery, but I don't see that happening either.

    [ 07-07-2002: Message edited by: Kecksy ]</p>
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