Apple exec predicts branded handheld bombshell (sort of!)



  • Reply 21 of 46
    cliveclive Posts: 720member
    [quote]Originally posted by The Blue Meanie:


    And did MOSR make up the quote from Mark Rogers too?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    No, MacUser saw the "story" at MOSR, and elsewhere, then approached Apple UK. Neither of these facts prove there's any substance to the story.

    And I categorically say that there is no substance to it, Mark Rogers is just playing it up.

    [ 06-18-2002: Message edited by: Clive ]</p>
  • Reply 22 of 46
    cliveclive Posts: 720member
    [quote]Originally posted by othello:


    So thats why the rest of the world plays it then?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Do you think he'll change his mind now that the US beat Mexico? :-)

    I really don't know how they can stand to watch that bastardised American Rugby - let's play for 30 seconds, then stand around chatting for 5 minutes... repeat this process for several hours with 50-60 players!?

    And call championships "world series" when only US teams take part!?
  • Reply 23 of 46
    jobesjobes Posts: 106member
    [quote]Originally posted by thuh Freak:

    <strong> p.p.s. phre erin, brit pygs.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    this is a corruption of the the phrase " Free Erin [or Eireaan".

    don't cast aspersions on politics, especially if you don't know jack about them. jumping too hard on a political bandwagon normally means you just get splinters in your arse

    The Republic of Ireland has been fully independent from the UK and Commonwealth since 1949, and was the Irish Free State from 1921. It is now one of the most successful European economies, has a dynamic young population and plays an important role in international affairs thru the EU and UN.

    All the major political parties in Northern Ireland subscribe to the ideals of the Good Friday Agreement, namely that a democratic majority of the population has to change the political status of Northern Ireland.

    The majority of people in Northern Ireland are happy to be linked with the UK and see themselves as more British than Irish. Eireann is a fairly free place ... why not come and check it out for yourself! So chill out and leave politics off these boards please! B
  • Reply 24 of 46
    warpdwarpd Posts: 204member
    In my not so humble opinon, if Apple were on the verge of releasing a palm OS5 type device, they would not have come up with their own "inkwell" handwriting recognition system. This would force users to use grafiti on the palm, and then switch over to the Apple system on their mac. This would be most "un-Apple". I suspect that if we do see a device it will be BSD/OSX-lite based.
  • Reply 25 of 46
    chris cuillachris cuilla Posts: 4,825member
    [quote]Originally posted by Bigc:


    Stevie also said crt's were dead.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    And Apple also said "no new hardware this year" (in February). They were wrong by May!

    Who knows. Apple will produce any product they think they can a) do better (in some fasgion) than everyone else, and b) can make profit selling. Period.

    NOTE: Profit does not necessarily imply a profit on the "thing" itself. Think profit in the larger sense...selling more Macs. That's what iMovie, iTunes, iPhoto, etc. are all about. In fact, that's what OS X is all about...keep selling people hardware over and over again!
  • Reply 26 of 46
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    [quote] And Apple also said "no new hardware this year" (in February). They <hr></blockquote>

    no they didn't they said no hardware for a few months. which is exactly what happened.
  • Reply 27 of 46
    [quote]Originally posted by Clive:


    Do you think he'll change his mind now that the US beat Mexico? :-)

    I really don't know how they can stand to watch that bastardised American Rugby - let's play for 30 seconds, then stand around chatting for 5 minutes... repeat this process for several hours with 50-60 players!?

    And call championships "world series" when only US teams take part!?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    There are a couple Canadian teams; I'm sure all those Canadians like being either (a) ignored or (b) lumped in with the US by a Brit, no less.

    No offense intended.
  • Reply 28 of 46
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member
    [EDIT: Removed off-topic comment about the sense and delivery of the above message because it was OFF-TOPIC]

    [ 06-18-2002: Message edited by: Harald ]</p>
  • Reply 29 of 46
    [quote]Originally posted by jobes:


    this is a corruption of the the phrase " Free Erin [or Eireaan".

    don't cast aspersions on politics, especially if you don't know jack about them. jumping too hard on a political bandwagon normally means you just get splinters in your arse

    The Republic of Ireland has been fully independent from the UK and Commonwealth since 1949, and was the Irish Free State from 1921. It is now one of the most successful European economies, has a dynamic young population and plays an important role in international affairs thru the EU and UN.

    All the major political parties in Northern Ireland subscribe to the ideals of the Good Friday Agreement, namely that a democratic majority of the population has to change the political status of Northern Ireland.

    The majority of people in Northern Ireland are happy to be linked with the UK and see themselves as more British than Irish. Eireann is a fairly free place ... why not come and check it out for yourself! So chill out and leave politics off these boards please! B
  • Reply 30 of 46
    cliveclive Posts: 720member
    [quote]Originally posted by Bozo the Clown:


    There are a couple Canadian teams; I'm sure all those Canadians like being either (a) ignored or (b) lumped in with the US by a Brit, no less. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Canadian's play what the US calls "football" (they're carrying the bloody thing, no feet involved!) too?
  • Reply 31 of 46
    eupfhoriaeupfhoria Posts: 257member
    Baseball has the world series.

    Football has the super bowl.

    Basketball is just the championship.
  • Reply 32 of 46
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    Football rules, soccer sucks. IMO

    Anyways- if that is an old Apple speaker.....why the hell is it there? Does Palm demonstrate there brand new OS while using ancient speakers from Apple? Wierd.
  • Reply 33 of 46
    costiquecostique Posts: 1,084member
    Look at this carefully: <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    What would this pop-up menu mean?

    a) Allow me to write on any portion of the pad/touch-screen;

    b) Allow me to write outside a document's boundaries.

    Think more about Ink and Inkwell. Inkwell, I guess, came out of a trackpad-like device used to develop and test the technology itself. Ink (as a trademark) hints that there may not be a well. That is, if a trackpad resembles an inkwell, a touch-screen does not.

    Imagine a special handwriting pad attached to your iBook. Ugly. Now imagine you can write with a stylus on the screen! It would make PDAs, these microcomputers with unique capabilities, just a feature-stripped subset of your notebook. Why re-invent a PDA in the toughest of markets where there are such low profit margins? Better make a killer all-in-one notebook in the form factor of the smallest iBook and call it what you will?

    Of course, Apple will have to redesign the iBook totally so that you won't accidentally press any keys on the keyboard while writing on the screen. And the best solution is, probably, like this:

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Until then (while Steve Jobs counts touch-screen prices too high) you will be writing on a new trackpad, hopefully larger than modern ones. Because, I think, you will agree that a trackpad as we know it is not the most convenient input device. Moreover, it spoils the idea of a notebook. Now the necessary technologies exist, Apple has a chance to remedy this.

    Of course, they would have to manufacture separate Inkwell pads to sell them to desktop users. But that would be a direct attack at Wacom. I guess there is a possibility to use a Wacom with a tweaked driver to accomodate handwriting recognition. If this is what SJ has in mind, Ink will not, at least, kill Wacom after the latter has served us for so many years.

    Thank you for your time.
  • Reply 34 of 46
    cliveclive Posts: 720member
    [quote]Originally posted by costique:

    <strong>Look at this carefully: <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    What would this pop-up menu mean?

    a) Allow me to write on any portion of the pad/touch-screen;

    b) Allow me to write outside a document's boundaries.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I think it just means that you can have handwriting recognition in any application. ie the ink/inkwell app does the interpretation and sends that to the frontmost application.
  • Reply 35 of 46
    cliveclive Posts: 720member
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:

    <strong>Football rules, soccer sucks. IMO

    Anyways- if that is an old Apple speaker.....why the hell is it there? Does Palm demonstrate there brand new OS while using ancient speakers from Apple? Wierd.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Hey, go here: <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Look on the page, do you see "soccer" anywhere? You know why, because know one outside the US knows WTF soccer is - it's an American invention. Now have a look again, see the word "football" all over the place - they don't mean some game that's played in one country in the world, this is a real world cup, with countries from every continent.

    FIFA (Fédération Internationale de *Football* Association) is the governing body of the sport - note it says *football*, not "soccer".
  • Reply 36 of 46
    [quote]Originally posted by speechgod:


    Does anyone know what is really going on?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I'll bet Steve does.
  • Reply 37 of 46
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    [quote]Originally posted by warpd:

    <strong>In my not so humble opinon, if Apple were on the verge of releasing a palm OS5 type device, they would not have come up with their own "inkwell" handwriting recognition system. This would force users to use grafiti on the palm, and then switch over to the Apple system on their mac. This would be most "un-Apple". I suspect that if we do see a device it will be BSD/OSX-lite based. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    I don't think any back and forth switching would be neccessary since both technologies in question seem to be modular enough. Palm doesn't need to use grafiti; it's there if you want it, but manufacturers are also using full-keyboards (see my previous post) thumb-boards (gawd why? ughh), soft keyboards, third party alternative imput, etc etc... From what I understand of inkwell (it's origin, and the technologies in OSX) it would be entirely possible to put inkwell in grafiti's place on a palm based OS. Sony seems to put lots of their own media tech onto palm OS without any problem and Apple (and anyone else) could put alternative imput technology on palm.

    It isn't the grafiti that's important, it's the wide penetration of a generally standard (in the handheld space) non-M$ technology and all the built in 'compatibility' that comes with it.

    -Steve likes palm.

    -Apple plays nice (or tries to) with palm

    -Palm is about to get powerful enough to do useful things, ie. real data collection and management, voice recording/recog, handwriting recog, bluetooth-cellular/Internet/e-mail at a reasonable speed and cost. And unlike PocketPC's which have had the hardware power, palm will move to it with a thinner OS at a time with better battery tech/power saving and the prospect of REAL BATTERY life! (which in the handheld space means a measure in days/weeks? and not hours)

    -Apple has demonstrated a willingness with OSX and QT to build on other OS/language/media standards: UNIX--&gt;OSX, MPEG4--&gt;QT6, not to mention Java support.

    I'm not saying that there's going to be an Apple PDA or an Apple branded Palm, but if there were it could very well take the form of an Apple engineered and interfaced Palm: PalmOS--&gt; AppleDevice?

    [ 06-19-2002: Message edited by: Matsu ]</p>
  • Reply 38 of 46
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    The convergence has begun!

    [ 06-19-2002: Message edited by: Fran441 ]</p>
  • Reply 39 of 46
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by Clive:


    Hey, go here: <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Look on the page, do you see "soccer" anywhere? You know why, because know one outside the US knows WTF soccer is - it's an American invention. Now have a look again, see the word "football" all over the place - they don't mean some game that's played in one country in the world, this is a real world cup, with countries from every continent.

    FIFA (Fédération Internationale de *Football* Association) is the governing body of the sport - note it says *football*, not "soccer".</strong><hr></blockquote>

    And your point is? Football is a US thing and soccer isn't. Soccer is a worldwide thing and football isn't. And? To each his own whatever you want to call soccer, I still like football better. Thus the "IMO" in my post.
  • Reply 40 of 46
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    [quote]Originally posted by costique:

    [Ink and Inkwell]

    <strong>Of course, they would have to manufacture separate Inkwell pads to sell them to desktop users. But that would be a direct attack at Wacom. I guess there is a possibility to use a Wacom with a tweaked driver to accomodate handwriting recognition. If this is what SJ has in mind, Ink will not, at least, kill Wacom after the latter has served us for so many years.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Not necessarily. HWR and the full Newton-style set of pen-driven commands do not need hundreds of levels of pressure sensitivity, for example, so Apple could offer cheap tablets for that use, and people who needed more (for drawing/illustration) would continue to buy Wacoms.

    That's one possibility. If Apple comes out with a full-blown Wacom-style pad, it'll probably be done in conjunction with Wacom, so they'll get money instead of getting killed.

    It's known that the two companies have been working very closely for some time now.
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