Apple exec predicts branded handheld bombshell (sort of!)



  • Reply 41 of 46
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member

    What gives?

    I at least expected an "it's all coming together"

    Since you didn't supply it, I'll just carry on with myself (kinda like Macintosh but without the multiple personality disorder.)

    Indeed, it is coming together. (not for wireless web pads, though, sorry) The PDA is approach the correct price performance metric to turn it into something handy (not essential, or even supremely useful, but handy)

    Apple, beyond the above mentioned trends, has also demonstrated a willingness to make money outside the computer space (iPods).

    I have been the MOST anti-tablet/PDA fantast device poster around. The other stuff talked about in the wildest of Kormacian dellusions isn't happening any time soon, but, if even I think a 'PDA'ish device of some kind is nearly feasible, it may very nearly be time.
  • Reply 42 of 46
    iq78iq78 Posts: 256member
    [quote]Originally posted by Clive:


    ...I really don't know how they can stand to watch that bastardised American Rugby - let's play for 30 seconds, then stand around chatting for 5 minutes... repeat this process for several hours with 50-60 players!?

    And call championships "world series" when only US teams take part!?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Only 11 play at a time in American Football. And the "world series" does include a couple of Canadian teams (I think).. but that's baseball. The American football championship is called the "Superbowl"... kind of strange, really.
  • Reply 43 of 46
    cliveclive Posts: 720member
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:


    And your point is?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    We've been playing football since before Mr Columbus suggested an early night to Mrs Columbus. You've just appropriated the name.
  • Reply 44 of 46
    warpdwarpd Posts: 204member
    [quote]From Matsu-

    I don't think any back and forth switching would be neccessary since both technologies in question seem to be modular enough. Palm doesn't need to use grafiti; it's there if you want it, but manufacturers are also using full-keyboards (see my previous post) thumb-boards (gawd why? ughh), soft keyboards, third party alternative imput, etc etc... From what I understand of inkwell (it's origin, and the technologies in OSX) it would be entirely possible to put inkwell in grafiti's place on a palm based OS. Sony seems to put lots of their own media tech onto palm OS without any problem and Apple (and anyone else) could put alternative imput technology on palm.

    It isn't the grafiti that's important, it's the wide penetration of a generally standard (in the handheld space) non-M$ technology and all the built in 'compatibility' that comes with it.

    -Steve likes palm.

    -Apple plays nice (or tries to) with palm

    -Palm is about to get powerful enough to do useful things, ie. real data collection and management, voice recording/recog, handwriting recog, bluetooth-cellular/Internet/e-mail at a reasonable speed and cost. And unlike PocketPC's which have had the hardware power, palm will move to it with a thinner OS at a time with better battery tech/power saving and the prospect of REAL BATTERY life! (which in the handheld space means a measure in days/weeks? and not hours)

    -Apple has demonstrated a willingness with OSX and QT to build on other OS/language/media standards: UNIX--&gt;OSX, MPEG4--&gt;QT6, not to mention Java support.

    I'm not saying that there's going to be an Apple PDA or an Apple branded Palm, but if there were it could very well take the form of an Apple engineered and interfaced Palm: PalmOS--&gt; AppleDevice?


    You know, I disagree. While Palm has given Handspring and Sony the right to add and remove certain parts of the system, I seriously doubt that they will let anyone tap into or mess with the Graffiti API. It is one of the staple components of their OS, and from Palms perspective, one of the bedrock elements of their user experience. Sure, users have the option of plugging in a keyboard, but that is very different than replacing the Palm Graffiti sub-system with some sort of inkwell derived system. The assumption is that if there is to be an Apple PDA, then it would support Inkwell, to provide a consistent user experience. Perhaps that is an unfair assumption. <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />

    [ 06-20-2002: Message edited by: warpd ]</p>
  • Reply 45 of 46
    zosozoso Posts: 177member
    [quote]Originally posted by Clive:

    <strong>We've been playing football since before Mr Columbus suggested an early night to Mrs Columbus. You've just appropriated the name.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    It's rumored that football was "invented" in Florence in the XIV or XV century, as a bastardized version of the "pallamano" (you might translate that as "handball").

    I think that we europeans find strange that americans call by that same name a sport in which the ball is mostly carried by hand, not feet. English-speaking europeans might also question the fact that football in America is called in a way that sounds too close to "sucker" for their liking.

    That said, play/watch whatever you might like and enjoy--and let's talk about future hardware please...

  • Reply 46 of 46
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Hardly bedrock experience, unless by bedrock they mean frustratingly slow/restricted imput. People are buying all kinds of folding keyboards and alpha/numeric tap interfaces (Tegic etc...) for their palms. AS the platform expanded it moved beyond the diehards who were really thrilled with pen (alternative) imput to people who didn't care how imput was made, just that it was fast.

    I think if Apple made a PalmOS PDA it would incorporate inkwell in a transparent fashion. I also think that if Apple incorporated PalmOS it wouldn't look anything like PalmOS but merely use it form 'platform' compatibility -- like the UNIX to OSX formula but a little less transformed than that (no recompiling, same CPU/hardware spec etc..)

    As PDA's grow in popularity the keyboard will grow in that space too. People who use it as more than a talking point will realize that the Psion/HPC format was basically correct and all PPC/Palm devices will change accordingly. Keyboardless will become VERY small, since they won't go beyond telephony/viewing/organizing function. The rest will get a little bigger to accomodate keyboards as they become ultra-subnote replacements with heavy emphasis on battery life readability and slimness.
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