Apple's CarPlay could be in more than 24 million vehicles by 2019, report says



  • Reply 21 of 45

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Why wouldn't it work in 10 years? You do know that CarPlay isn't actually in the car, right? It's using the car's system as a peripheral for a UI on the iPhone itself. There is no reason to think that a future version of iOS will change their output protocols so much that it won't work. Have you not tried to plug an iPod into a car's USB port and have it work? I have an old iPod that works fine in my new car.

    However future iOS devices connect to future CarPlay hardware will be different. Apps will be updated to newer versions of iOS and won't support old versions with old CarPlay SDK. Try this: Get a first generation iPhone or iPod touch and try to download some apps from the app store. That device is less than ten years old and is completely incompatible with today's apps. Do you think your ten year old car will fair better?

  • Reply 22 of 45
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    GrangerFX wrote: »
    However future iOS devices connect to future CarPlay hardware will be different. Apps will be updated to newer versions of iOS and won't support old versions with old CarPlay SDK. Try this: Get a first generation iPhone or iPod touch and try to download some apps from the app store. That device is less than ten years old and is completely incompatible with today's apps. Do you think your ten year old car will fair better?

    That has nothing to do with what you stated previously. CarPlay does not reside in your Car! Your argument is akin to saying that VGA or TCP/IP will not be around in 10 years after Apple first supported them.
  • Reply 23 of 45
    Originally Posted by jakeb View Post



    Yeah, you're missing how CarPlay works. It's basically a protocol for displaying video on a screen and sending touch information back to the iphone. It's very lightweight and there's no reason why even IOS15 won't be able to interface with it. It's like a more sophisticated wireless touchpad + monitor.  The brains are still in the phone itself. 

    The brains are in the apps in the phone. The apps may not support some ancient version of the protocol. Apple updates everything every year. Each time they update iOS they have to update Apple TV just to keep AirPlay working. Trust me as an app developer, your CarPlay automobile won't be compatible with anything except really old iPhones and iPads in ten years and those won't be compatible with apps or content. For example: Did you know that if you try to play the latest WWDC videos on an iOS 5 device, they won't play? That's version of iOS is only two years old.

  • Reply 24 of 45

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    That has nothing to do with what you stated previously. CarPlay does not reside in your Car! Your argument is akin to saying that VGA or TCP/IP will not be around in 10 years after Apple first supported them.

    I beg to differ. A physical piece of hardware and software resides in your car in order to receive information via CarPlay and show it on a screen. That won't work in 10 years.

  • Reply 25 of 45

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    And what makes you think there won’t be software upgrades?

    My original iPhone tells me there won't be software upgrades in ten years.

  • Reply 26 of 45
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    GrangerFX wrote: »
    I beg to differ. A physical piece of hardware and software resides in your car in order to receive information via CarPlay and show it on a screen. That won't work in 10 years.

    And how does your previous comment of, "Car makers need to make smart technology in their vehicles upgradable and Apple needs to sell iOS modules to let customers perform the upgrades themselves by simply inserting them into a slot in the dashboard or glove compartment." fit into this when it's still using the HW in the car.

    Oh, BTW, the "iOS module" is the iPhone.
  • Reply 27 of 45
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    GrangerFX wrote: »
    My original iPhone tells me there won't be software upgrades in ten years.

    Asking you to stop writing stupid shit won't happen but at least try to stay on point.
  • Reply 28 of 45

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    And how does your previous comment of, "Car makers need to make smart technology in their vehicles upgradable and Apple needs to sell iOS modules to let customers perform the upgrades themselves by simply inserting them into a slot in the dashboard or glove compartment." fit into this when it's still using the HW in the car.

    Oh, BTW, the "iOS module" is the iPhone.

    If there was a slot into which you could  insert a new hardware module, you could upgrade it as frequently as you wanted in order to keep it compatible with the latest iOS versions from Apple. The back end would plug into power and the screen and would not need upgrading. The module would contain the latest Ax processor, RAM, flash storage, cellular technology, WiFi, GPS, motion sensing and so on.

  • Reply 29 of 45

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Asking you to stop writing stupid shit won't happen but at least try to stay on point.

    Hi troll.

  • Reply 30 of 45
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    GrangerFX wrote: »
    If there was a slot into which you could  insert a new hardware module, you could upgrade it as frequently as you wanted in order to keep it compatible with the latest iOS versions from Apple. The back end would plug into power and the screen and would not need upgrading. The module would contain the latest Ax processor, RAM, flash storage, cellular technology, WiFi, GPS, motion sensing and so on.

    Holy shit! This is not a hard concept! How the **** can you use the Internet but not understand how CarPlay works?
  • Reply 31 of 45
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    GrangerFX wrote: »
    Hi troll.

    Good one¡
  • Reply 32 of 45
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by GrangerFX View Post

    Hi troll.

    Great argument. Just shut up, please.

  • Reply 33 of 45
    rob53rob53 Posts: 3,284member

    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post


    Again, people should be driving their cars not entertaining themselves while they drive. and you wonder why we have road rage and people trying to kill each other while they drive.

    Philadelphia, great town, but now I know not to drive there because of all the road rage. The funny thing about drivers where I live is while they do have their stupid phone up to their ear, I also see them putting on makeup, shaving, eating, smoking with the other hand out the window, looking straight ahead and now scanning the street for potential problems, using paper maps in their lap, reading books, and of course yelling at their kids in the back seat. All of these can cause accidents but the one I hate the most is the jackass driver who tailgates everyone and speeds around cars without a care in the world. They aren't on their phone and aren't listening to the radio, they're just driving like a maniac. Maybe a little soothing music would help them.

  • Reply 34 of 45
    I say bring on the possibilities but it will be nice to hear some announcements of what vehicles will have it for people interetestsd in buying.
  • Reply 35 of 45
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    I just got a cryptic email from my BMW dealer to the effect of "... Just heard from hq that BMW will offer Carplay for 2015 models." If this is true, it's fabulous news. (Orders for 2015 models usually start around September 2014 in the US.)

    On a related point, I was able to confirm that Audi will have Carplay only on European models in 2015. Unfortunately, US consumers get it a year later, in 2016.
  • Reply 36 of 45
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member

    Originally Posted by rob53 View Post


    Philadelphia, great town, but now I know not to drive there because of all the road rage. The funny thing about drivers where I live is while they do have their stupid phone up to their ear, I also see them putting on makeup, shaving, eating, smoking with the other hand out the window, looking straight ahead and now scanning the street for potential problems, using paper maps in their lap, reading books, and of course yelling at their kids in the back seat. All of these can cause accidents but the one I hate the most is the jackass driver who tailgates everyone and speeds around cars without a care in the world. They aren't on their phone and aren't listening to the radio, they're just driving like a maniac. Maybe a little soothing music would help them.

    The future is in driver-less cars imo. Then all of the above will be fine. In fact personal car ownership is unbelievably wasteful. The day a car comes when I need it to and brings me where I want to go along the most efficient route, without me having to drive it, or park, will be a good day. The cost of car ownership is ridiculous.

  • Reply 37 of 45
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member
    Glad to hear that CarPlay, in some form or other, will be available on whatever my next car will be (actually, whatever my next BMW will be.) Not so happy to see that its GUI will be a screen full of icons. Familiar and intuitive? Yes. Handsfree? No.

    I thought Apple was hyping their Siri Hands Free system pretty hard about a year ago. And I hope the CarPlay GUI hasn't completely replaced that. I'd rather say "Hey Siri..." than look down at the dash to hunt-and-peck at identically-sized icons with zero tactile feedback. It's perfect for mobile devices. Terrible for in-car control. But only slightly worse than BMW's iDrive mouse-puck with menu-driven display. And this is why BMW's display sticks up so high out of the dashboard: to put it more in-line with your normal eyes-on-road eye line.

    The major cause of distracted driving accidents is *not* cognitive distraction (e.g. texting on a smartphone.) The major cause of distracted driving accidents is inattention, either of the "mind wandering" type or physically looking away from the road. And a screenful of icons absolutely forces you to look away from the road because there's no way to tap exactly the right icon without looking.

    So maybe CarPlay GUI is mainly for the front seat passenger. And I'm pretty sure that Apple will keep the Hands Free "Hey Siri..." feature (as in iOS 8 beta.) But sooner or later somebody will try to sue them after they crash while trying to tap on a CarPlay icon.

    Here's a little more on distracted driving:
  • Reply 38 of 45
    joshajosha Posts: 901member

    Originally Posted by jakeb View Post



    Yeah, you're missing how CarPlay works. It's basically a protocol for displaying video on a screen and sending touch information back to the iphone. It's very lightweight and there's no reason why even IOS15 won't be able to interface with it. It's like a more sophisticated wireless touchpad + monitor.  The brains are still in the phone itself. 

    So you're saying iOS Apps will support their function forever !

    Darn those iPhone Apps I can't upgrade, to say nothing of my now useless ClarisWorks files.

  • Reply 39 of 45
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Then why are you against a system designed to get people's eyes off their iPhones and onto the road?

    because it does not keep their eyes on the road, it force them to look at the display in the dash to do things. Today with nobs I do not have to lock I can locate and turn a nob it simple. I know everyone talks about voice controls I played with them all they do not work perfectly and when they fail to work then you have then look at the display and figure what to do and figure out what page to be on and which virtual button to push.


    How many times has a App developer change the GUI in their app and the feature has moved or the virtual button move locations. Now image this driving down the road, their is not ability to use rote memory to locate most used items. 


    Today I can drive my car at day or night and never take may eye off the road and control all aspect of my car by moving my hands to the correct controls.


    If you want to get a real sense of how a car will be without physical controls go play with a Tesla, I love the car but hate the fact it have not physical controls everything is done via the large LCD panel in the middle of car. Yes it has voice controls but that means you have to remember all the command and again it is not perfect it some times does not work or do what you want. So you find that you spend more time looking at the display.

  • Reply 40 of 45
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Originally Posted by SockRolid View Post

    Glad to hear that CarPlay, in some form or other, will be available on whatever my next car will be (actually, whatever my next BMW will be.) Not so happy to see that its GUI will be a screen full of icons. Familiar and intuitive? Yes. Handsfree? No.

    I thought Apple was hyping their Siri Hands Free system pretty hard about a year ago. And I hope the CarPlay GUI hasn't completely replaced that. I'd rather say "Hey Siri..." than look down at the dash to hunt-and-peck at identically-sized icons with zero tactile feedback. It's perfect for mobile devices. Terrible for in-car control. But only slightly worse than BMW's iDrive mouse-puck with menu-driven display. And this is why BMW's display sticks up so high out of the dashboard: to put it more in-line with your normal eyes-on-road eye line.

    The major cause of distracted driving accidents is *not* cognitive distraction (e.g. texting on a smartphone.) The major cause of distracted driving accidents is inattention, either of the "mind wandering" type or physically looking away from the road. And a screenful of icons absolutely forces you to look away from the road because there's no way to tap exactly the right icon without looking.

    So maybe CarPlay GUI is mainly for the front seat passenger. And I'm pretty sure that Apple will keep the Hands Free "Hey Siri..." feature (as in iOS 8 beta.) But sooner or later somebody will try to sue them after they crash while trying to tap on a CarPlay icon.

    Here's a little more on distracted driving:

    My exact point. Most people can not multi-task and in situation which are not life and death, but it is now okay to allow them to do things which will distract them while driving.


    What see most time is something who start to drift from their lane and then all of a sudden realize what is going on and then over react to the situation and then swing back or forth or do not realize traffic is slow or stop and I am not talking about a tailgate who can not stop in time, these people have plenty of time they just reacted late. These people scare me on the road since you have no idea what they may do at any given time. I call them unpredictable driver and they cause accident since others around them do not expect them to do what they are doing.

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