Apple hit with class action lawsuit over alleged labor violations, more than 20K plaintiffs involved



  • Reply 41 of 55
    arlorarlor Posts: 533member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    You’re seeing people take Apple’s side because Apple isn’t wrong. The suit is being brought by whiny, lazy bums. Were Apple using slave labor, I can’t imagine anyone taking their side.


    The suit is brought by people who believe they have evidence that Apple has violated Californian law. It doesn't matter if they're also lazy if Apple has been breaking the law. I'm not going to speculate as to who's right, but that's how labor law claims work in this country.


    This is how the tort system works. If you don't like the tort system, get ready for more intrusive regulatory inspections. 

  • Reply 42 of 55
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by Arlor View Post

    It doesn't matter if they're also lazy if Apple has been breaking the law.


    I like that wording a lot. 

  • Reply 43 of 55
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    Hey, Crowley! (or whoever it was I said this to. Maybe the other guy. Or that other guy.) YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN? It is NEVER brought up by ANYONE but the offendee. It is NEVER said by people who take the other side of the argument.

    Sorry bro, you need to re-read the exchange, we were talking about accusations of being a paid shill.  I see none of that here, and as I said before, it invariably goes in the direction of those who are being critical (or sometimes just non-effusive) about Apple.

  • Reply 44 of 55
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    Sorry bro, you need to re-read the exchange, we were talking about accusations of being a paid shill.


    No, we weren’t talking about that specifically. 

  • Reply 45 of 55
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    Yes we were.  You responded to me, and that was what I was talking about.  If you thought we were talking about something different, well that explains the disagreement.  Maybe you should read more carefully?


    Go see for yourself, read what you quoted:

  • Reply 46 of 55
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    Yes we were.

    You can’t conditionally pick and choose what you want to assume. Either you keep the same level of assumption or you don’t assume anything.

  • Reply 47 of 55
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    I'm not really sure what you're talking about there, but I'm not assuming anything, the truth is there in the words that you quoted:


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post


    Sounds fairly similar to the accusations often levied against anyone posting anything not in favour of Apple that they're a paid up Google or Samsung shill.

    Funny how it’s only ever levied by the anti-Apple people after having been disproven in their claims, huh. Almost makes it seem a completely fabricated belief repeated as fact.


    "paid up Google or Samsung shill"


    There it is, right there.  That's what I was talking about.  If you were talking about something different then you didn't read my post properly.


    Wriggle all you like little worm.

  • Reply 48 of 55
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    Wriggle all you like little worm.

    Yeah, you seem to be pretty good at that. Read posts before replying.

  • Reply 49 of 55
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    I always do.  You, evidently, do not, and we have proof of that.


    Good night sir.

  • Reply 50 of 55
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    You, evidently, do not, and we have proof of that.

    At least you’re making my posts for me.

  • Reply 51 of 55
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    Are your thoughts processes seriously "can't think of a way out of this corner, accuse the other person of not being able to read, there's no way they can defend against that" ?


    Your self-delusion and arrogance is comical, but you aren't fooling me.  You're the court jester <img class=" src="" />

  • Reply 52 of 55
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    Are your thoughts processes seriously  ant think of a way out of this corner


    Yours seem to be.

  • Reply 53 of 55

    Originally Posted by Fred1 View Post


    Originally Posted by frxntier View Post


    The correct usage is "more than", not "more then", unless you want to say something like "more people liked Apple products in the 80s, more then than now" (and that's pushing it!).

    As for the suit, do you want to work without breaks?

    I don't know who's right, but I have faith in the justice system. (Sorry, couldn't write that without stopping to laugh!)


    Your welcome.

  • Reply 54 of 55

    Originally Posted by FlashFan207 View Post


    Originally Posted by WoodWorks View Post

    Well, if we're going to get all pedantic here, the correct usage is: "I don't know who's right...," not "whose." Who's is a contraction of "who is," "whose" implies ownership.

    Lol, you were writing this as I was finishing up mine and didn't see this until I pushed the "reply" button. As a sidenote, I sometimes wonder how many spelling or grammar errors posted on the internet are due to autocorrect?


    Wonder away, because you'll never know.

  • Reply 55 of 55

    Originally Posted by MikeSmoke View Post

    I was preparing a longer post but unfortunately it will have to wait. I need a rest break first.


    Your speed of typing is incredibly...I’ll let you know after my break.

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