Apple to hold 'iPhone 6' media event on Sept. 9 - report



  • Reply 81 of 157

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    Note3 is a beast on paper but runs a horrible OS and skin (touch Wiz).

    Constant choppiness and weak security.

    Yes this i know, hence why option are now opened again, not going to buy a new shinny iPhone or Note to show off to friends, it's because I need a larger screen device that can function great while not around my Mac or iPad air. Thanks for you honesty 

  • Reply 82 of 157
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    I'm interested in hearing about the new display technology in this phone. Since several people here have claimed display tech not being ready is the reason we didn't get a larger screen phone before 2014. I'm going to assume then that the iPhone 6 will have the best display on the market.
  • Reply 83 of 157
    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    You want to be running an out of date OS 12 months after you buy your Note4?


    You want to be running an OS that's 3 generations old after 4 years?


    Thats what you will get if you go with Android.  People with the original Note are stuck on Jelly Bean.

    I won't necessary update to latest OS but understand your point. The main issue is touch wiz, Plus in two minds as to 5.5 or 4.7 having seen how BIG the 5.5" is to the note 3 i said no. hopefully is a bit smaller. Then me and Apple could do business. 

  • Reply 84 of 157
    go4d1go4d1 Posts: 34member
    I'm waiting for an announcement of Mac Pros with DDR-4!
  • Reply 85 of 157
    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    ok.  Your 2nd post.


    You join an Apple site and in your SECOND POST you say the new iPhone6 does not excite you at all and you will be buying a Note4.


    That's a classic paid shill move there son.

    I think you've just heard of that word shill, I have many Apple products. Not here to argue believe what you want. Just because someone isn't a "addict" to one brand and speaks out does not mean they're a "shill" Steve said it best "think different" That's all i'm doing. cheers

  • Reply 86 of 157
    Originally Posted by Shows-What-Uno View Post


    I think you've just heard of that word shill, I have many Apple products. Not here to argue believe what you want. Just because someone isn't a "addict" to one brand and speaks out does not mean they're a "shill" Steve said it best "think different" That's all i'm doing. cheers

    Stop it.


    You have not provided one iota of reasoning -- other than for a general angst with iOS that you want to move away from -- for what you want to move to, and why. It is, therefore, not unreasonable to suspect that you are trolling.


    Be specific: What would you want to move to, and why?


    (Fixed typos)

  • Reply 87 of 157
    fallenjt wrote: »

    And Apple goes on to introduce not one, but two completely revolutionary devices..... (and no iWatch).

    and then I woke up, so I can't say what happens next.
    You're dreaming of Steve Jobs's style too much. It's his signature keynote presentation and no one else at Apple would want to do that to make the fool of himself. Tim Cook has his own way of presenting keynote by delegating others SVP to present their parts. What you have seen so far under Tim Cooks is the format now, no surprise, no "One More Thing" whatsoever.

    OK ... Two more things ...
  • Reply 88 of 157
    rogifan wrote: »
    wizard69 wrote: »
    I think people missed a bit in the parsing of this article. It referenced the two iPhone sizes AND a new form factor. Could this mean that iWatch is a new cell phone, or does Apple have something else up its sleeves? Maybe a folder?
    iWatch will be a ring that controls the new Apple TV.

    Oohhhhhh ... A Captain Midnight Secret Decoder Ring:

  • Reply 89 of 157
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Oohhhhhh ... A Captain Midnight Secret Decoder Ring:



  • Reply 90 of 157
    maestro64 wrote: »
    I am really curious how Apple solved the one handed use of 5.5" Display phone. I am not sure how many of your played with a 5.1" Samsung phone, I recently had the chance to use one and could not believe how they claim you can use it one handed.

    What they have do is calibrate the reach of thumb by moving it back and forth across the display then is shrinks the actual display to the reach of your thumb. What you end up with is a phone with a 5.1" physical display that has been shrunk down to about a 4.5 display with the balance of the display all blacked out. 

    <iframe width="640" height="385" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

    This just show you how stupid it is to have a larger display when they have to start doing stuff like this to make it usable, this just demonstrates what Steve Jobs have said do not ask consumers what they want they have not clue, They ask for things which do not work.

    This is also another example of technology is a failure and software types think they can fix a hardware issue with software.

    You know how this discussion went, hey the phone is too big to use one handed and not big enough to put both hands on it comfortably, the software team says we can fix that we just shrink the usable space to size which make it work with one hand.

    Actually ... I think this is a pretty innovation solution!

    It is my understanding that one of the appeals of larger phones in the developing world -- is that it is the only computing device the individual owns. In that case a larger screen would offer advantages for two-handed or table-top use -- larger keys for typing comes to mind ... viewing web pages ... reading books or magazines ...

    But there are some one-handed uses where reach [accessibility] trumps display capacity. This is a simple and elegant solution, IMO.
  • Reply 91 of 157
    <span style="line-height:1.4em;">fortunately most people have 2 hands.</span>

    Which, as we know, are available at ALL times, and for ALL uses, to manage your cell phone, regardless of the situation in which you want to use it¡

    ... then there are Muslims convicted of stealing ...
  • Reply 92 of 157
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    apple will pretend as though they never talked about one handed use. Unless of course they have some new software features/gestures that will assist with one handed use that they're saving for the iPhone announcement.

    Yeah it is like Steve saying Apple will never make a PDA, they made the Iphone. It is all in the naming you know.

  • Reply 93 of 157
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Actually ... I think this is a pretty innovation solution!

    It is my understanding that one of the appeals of larger phones in the developing world -- is that it is the only computing device the individual owns. In that case a larger screen would offer advantages for two-handed or table-top use -- larger keys for typing comes to mind ... viewing web pages ... reading books or magazines ...

    But there are some one-handed uses where reach [accessibility] trumps display capacity. This is a simple and elegant solution, IMO.

    It is not innovated, it is call putting a band-aide on an bad idea. There is so many reason what this is wrong. Yeah Geeks and techies think is cool because it solved a problem, but it solved a problem that should have never been a problem in the first place.


    something to read



    I do not like his anology since I like cars and enjoy driving a car. however his point is exactly that, most people do not enjoy driving it is the ends to the means which is getting from A to B and no one cares to know how the car does it.



  • Reply 94 of 157
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    I doubt there is a source for this. It's just playing the odds but rather logically. The week after Labor Day is a common keynote time.
  • Reply 95 of 157

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


     Apple updates all iOS devices for at least 5 years.

    They don't.  The 3gs, for example, can only use up to iOS 6.1.6, which was released four years after the 3gs was released, and even then, it was missing many major iOS6 features.  So it say that all iOS devices get updates for at least 5 years is simply wrong.


    Another consideration is that Google has started separating key apps from the OS release.  It's possible to run the latest Keyboard and Maps apps while running an older OS.

  • Reply 96 of 157
    malax wrote: »

    I agree, looking at Note 4. Can't deal with this constant ugrading every two years with incremental upgrades from most devices nowadays. Want a phone now that will last me a while now and I get my monies worth out of it.

    I have a Mac,iPad Air and iPhone 5, looking like i'll miss the 6 as just wider and longer like the change from 3.5 form factor to 4 with no change in how iOS works within the device, unless something changes next month i'll make the switch to the Note 4 and b4 happy. I like both brands despite people arguing over who is better.
    I don't understand your point.  Everything about iOS8 was announced earlier this summer at the WWDC.  Lots of interesting and powerful stuff built in that will allow developers to make great new apps (and update existing apps).  No new hardware required to take advantage of that.  If the next iPhone has hardware features you like, then feel free to upgrade to new hardware.  To get new OS features just wait for the free update option to appear in a month or two.

    To reinforce that:

    Almost everything announced at WWDC for iOS will run on iOS 7.1 and Current hardware that supports iOS 7.1. The same applies for Macs and OS X Mavericks.

    AIR, there were no (nor have been any announced) hardware features that require iOS 8 or OS X Yosemite.
    For example, there is no problem running Swift apps on Mavericks or iOS 7.1.

    And interactive Swift Playgrounds (requires a Mac Running Xcode) runs on Mavericks.
  • Reply 97 of 157
    malax wrote: »

    For existing hardware.
    What's your point?  The original poster was asking for/expecting changes to the OS with the rollout of the new phone that would convince him to stay with the iPhone.

    I'm not saying that there won't be some OS changes when the new phones are rolled out -- but I'd expect them to be minor or limited to Apple-only apps.

    At WWDC 2014, Apple significantly opened up new and previously closed APIs to developers. There are lots of things for developers to exploit and much to keep them busy.

    If Apple were to announce new iOS features/APIs at rollout of the new iPhones -- most developers would not have time to take advantage of them.

    There are exceptions, of course -- like the 2 game developers who got early info on Metal, and demo'd apps at WWDC.

    One good candidate for rollout iOS change would be to HomeKit -- to allow an AppleTV or Mac to be the local controller -- instead of relying on the iPhone. But this could be easily handled under the covers -- or by opening the kimono to a few HomeKit developers under NDA.

    IMO, the biggest WWDC announcement was Swift ... then the later IBM partnership using Swift. I think there will be exponential growth in SMB and Enterprise apps -- from Apple/IBM, Existing enterprise app developers, IT, large developers and Indies.

    With Storyboards and Swift, we are getting to the point that developing apps for mobile or the desktop is as easy, if not easier, than developing web apps.

    var AAPLsharePrice = 100
    let yea = "????"
    (AAPLsharePrice >= 100 ? println("\(yea) Laissez les bon temps rouler") : println("????"))

    Will give:

    ???? Laissez les bon temps rouler
  • Reply 98 of 157
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member

    Originally Posted by Shows-What-Uno View Post


    I have many Apple products. 


    The prosecution rests 


    You would have been more convincing if you'd started with something like, 'This wouldn't have happened if Steve was still alive.'

  • Reply 99 of 157
    mpantonempantone Posts: 2,150member
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    I doubt there is a source for this. It's just playing the odds but rather logically. The week after Labor Day is a common keynote time.

    The past two iPhone announcements have been in the same time frame (September 9-12) with the actual release date around the 19-21.


    Moreover this is a certain number of weeks after WWDC. It is likely that Apple has a timetable for iOS development after its announcement at WWDC. This also gives Apple and its manufacturing partners time to release the Golden Master of iOS and flash it to the accumulated inventory of new handsets for the hardware launch.


    Once iOS is announced at WWDC, the clock really starts ticking. They can't release much earlier since that reduces the time to polish the new iOS. Releasing much later isn't ideal either since it just drains revenue since people are anticipating the new handset.


    There's probably a week or two of leeway just in case there are severe yield difficulties with the new hardware, or some major iOS issue that rears its head late in the development cycle.

  • Reply 100 of 157
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    OMG!!! I just met an actual Apple insider!!

    I never thought I'd be one of those guys!! lol

    He was pretty layed back and wasn't bragging at all. We were just hanging out talking and he mentioned how when he meets with Apple employees they have everything locked in suitcases and boxes. I said "Apple?!!"

    haha I tried to get info but everything he told me was pretty bland. He worked on an iPhone just a few months ago. So I'm pretty sure it was iPhone 6.(HE is outsourced)

    The info he gave me should be obvious to you guys and I'm NOT gonna say what he told me. not gonna cause this guys job. But it's basically the obvious with a finer detail.

    Sorry I brought it up but I JUST HAD TO tell someone !! :p
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