Apple and Samsung agree to settle all non-US litigation



  • Reply 21 of 64
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    In a joint statement issued on Tuesday, Apple and Samsung said they have dropped all ongoing patent litigation outside of the U.S., a move that could culminate in patent reform 

    How could this result in patent reform?

  • Reply 22 of 64
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    chris_ca wrote: »
    How could this result in patent reform?

    It has nothing to do with patent reform. The author is mistaken.
  • Reply 23 of 64
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    On that point, it seems to me like Tim would be just as good as Steve in pushing such things, but for different reasons. Where Steve would come at it from a “Oh, that’d be cool, but it’s in really limited production now. Screw that. We’re doing it; I don’t care what that means” angle, Tim would analyze the material/what have you and say, “Okay, I’ve run down [Mohs hardness test/spec sheet/etc.] of [thing] and this is certainly better than every alternative on the market, but it’s in really limited producion now. We’re doing it; I don’t care what that means.”
    I get the feeling Cook trusts his lieutenants. If Ive comes to him and says Apple needs to be investing in A, B & C for X, Y & Z reasons Cook is going to trust his judgement and will give Jeff Williams the green light to go sourcing the materials, equipment etc. Plus I have a feeling with the new iPhone Apple will want to show off some new material or production process. Something cool that no one else is doing or at least not doing in the volumes Apple will be.
  • Reply 24 of 64
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Everyone: Please.

    If I may have your attention please.


    Remain calm. Do not panic.


  • Reply 25 of 64
    joshajosha Posts: 901member

    Finally Samsung has had enough of this legal game, trying to escape from the "copying Apple" charges.

    Samsung needs the money to hire staff with the intelligence to compete with Apple, without copying.


    So Apple has won this copying war with Samsung.

    Samsung will have to come up with their own ideas, with Google's help as long as they use spyware Android.

  • Reply 26 of 64
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member

    Originally Posted by KPOM View Post


    Great news. Maybe they can go back to being partners instead of enemies. The writing was on the wall. Outside the US basically the court cases were going nowhere for Apple or Samsung. Even here, courts seem reluctant to issue product bans or force anything more than modest royalties and settlements. Also, the past year has shown the limits of Samsung's ability to grow its profits at Apple's expense. They have reported several disappointing quarters in a row while Apple has soared.


    Wake up! Samsung is one of the most immoral and dishonest companies on the planet, and probably the most! Apparently you know nothing of their past behavior including violation of multiple companies' IP around the world, copying of others technology and product designs, price fixing, anti-competitive behavior, bribery, etc. etc. etc. The problem is the world's courts are too lax, and ours too slow. By the time the offending products reached trial, they were outdated and replaced by new models. Samsung has consistently thumbed their nose at the law globally and should have been smacked down long ago, their products banned, and then driven back to their disgusting home base in S. Korea.

  • Reply 27 of 64
    xiao-zhixiao-zhi Posts: 113member
    So now what are us fanboys going to argue about on blogs?

    This is TERRIBLE NEWS !!!!

  • Reply 28 of 64
    I get it, this is costly and likely not worth it on paper.

    In principle, however, this feels like taking an antibiotic for 12 of the 14 prescribed days. Samsung is a super-bacteria that now knows just how far to push Apple and make money from Apple’s R&D.

    The next bacteria, Xiaomi, now has the play book but in a country even less adherent to IP laws.
  • Reply 29 of 64


  • Reply 30 of 64
    prokipprokip Posts: 178member

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    These are only cases outside the US. I believe this is because the rest of the world is relatively lax on protections for IP (the United States is one of few countries that have strong property protection protection is integral to our Constitution) and Apple taking Samsung to court would be a waste of time.

    Also, I think the new iPhone 6 is going to be a blockbuster that will be difficult, if not impossible, for Samsung to reproduce due to use of advanced materials processes by Apple. Comments by Cook and Cue lead me to believe we're going to see some eye popping stuff soon.

    Here's the Verge's take on it:

    You really are your namesake Mr SpamSandwwhich?  You have no friggin idea what you are talking about!!  IP law is very robust in most western, but particularly anglo, countries including UK, Australia, NZ etc and earnestly enforced.  You appear to have nothing to do but fill these forums with the most inane crap just like Spam.

  • Reply 31 of 64
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by prokip View Post

    and earnestly enforced. 


    So the time where the UK said the opposite of the truth; that was enforcing, was it?

  • Reply 32 of 64
    prokipprokip Posts: 178member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    So the time where the UK said the opposite of the truth; that was enforcing, was it?


    Hey, it's like any bit of litigation in which an aggrieved party decides to engage.  Have you got the money to wage the war, and can you prove your facts and convince the adjudicator - a judge and/or jury.  The recent Apple-Samsung spats are instructive.  Not many judges/juries really understand what is being argued before them.  That's why there's  a move around the common law countries in the western world to establish technically experienced professional juries in such cases and appoint jurists with technology backgrounds and experience.  But to suggest that "the rest of the world is relatively lax on protections for IP" is just plain silly !! 

  • Reply 33 of 64
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by prokip View Post

    That's why there's  a move around the common law countries in the western world to establish technically experienced professional juries in such cases and appoint jurists with technology backgrounds and experience.


    Interesting. And it fits the “jury of your peers” requirement pretty well. 

    Then again, Samsung would just get off scot free with this defense:

  • Reply 34 of 64
    lostkiwilostkiwi Posts: 640member
    How is this possible? I just saw the pics of the new Samsung Alpha. It was such an obvious copy I started yelling at the computer screen.

    It's a good thing everyone knows I am crazy.
  • Reply 35 of 64
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    Here comes the longest sentence I may ever have written...

    The battle has shifted away from look and feel toward capabilities and Apple has been showing that it has created a wide lead in that realm with true 64 bit processing, Touch ID security and other security capabilities, tight integration across the mobile and laptop/desktop ecosystem, CarPlay, HomeKit, HealthKit, Metal, first priority among developers when creating new apps, build quality, style, a global high-end retail presence, key partnerships, on boarding of new management and creative talent, secret projects in the works we've yet to glimpse, potential for iPayments, indoor mapping, a location-aware services and promotion/coupon network for Apple's advertising partners, an up and coming streaming radio service and associated talent to augment iTunes Radio, Beats headphones, earbuds, speakers and audio systems, iWatch, a large screen iPhone or two to take away the Android camp's only remaining advantage, updated iPads with TouchId, an eventual updated AppleTV with 4K and enhanced gaming capabilities and growing live content streaming options, and a critical mass of loyal customers eagerly awaiting all of this and whatever Apple comes up with next. 
  • Reply 36 of 64
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    freerange wrote: »
    Wake up! Samsung is one of the most immoral and dishonest companies on the planet, and probably the most! Apparently you know nothing of their past behavior including violation of multiple companies' IP around the world, copying of others technology and product designs, price fixing, anti-competitive behavior, bribery, etc. etc. etc. The problem is the world's courts are too lax, and ours too slow. By the time the offending products reached trial, they were outdated and replaced by new models. Samsung has consistently thumbed their nose at the law globally and should have been smacked down long ago, their products banned, and then driven back to their disgusting home base in S. Korea.
    You forget a new comer who is more ruthless than Samsung in stealing and copying IP...the name is Xiaomi
  • Reply 37 of 64
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    Can't wait until the day that GOOGLE will close the openness of Android to stop all the parasites like Xiaomi, Huawei or even Samsung...
  • Reply 38 of 64
    xiao-zhi wrote: »
    So now what are us fanboys going to argue about on blogs

    I dunno... "Beats" me. ;)
  • Reply 39 of 64
    singularitysingularity Posts: 1,328member
    xiao-zhi wrote: »
    So now what are us fanboys going to argue about on blogs

    I dunno... "Beats" me. ;)
    I like the sound of that!:p
  • Reply 40 of 64
    boblehbobleh Posts: 34member
    Originally Posted by RadarTheKat View Post


    Here comes the longest sentence I may ever have written...


    The battle has shifted away from look and feel toward capabilities and Apple has been showing that it has created a wide lead in that realm with true 64 bit processing, Touch ID security and other security capabilities, tight integration across the mobile and laptop/desktop ecosystem, CarPlay, HomeKit, HealthKit, Metal, first priority among developers when creating new apps, build quality, style, a global high-end retail presence, key partnerships, on boarding of new management and creative talent, secret projects in the works we've yet to glimpse, potential for iPayments, indoor mapping, a location-aware services and promotion/coupon network for Apple's advertising partners, an up and coming streaming radio service and associated talent to augment iTunes Radio, Beats headphones, earbuds, speakers and audio systems, iWatch, a large screen iPhone or two to take away the Android camp's only remaining advantage, updated iPads with TouchId, an eventual updated AppleTV with 4K and enhanced gaming capabilities and growing live content streaming options, and a critical mass of loyal customers eagerly awaiting all of this and whatever Apple comes up with next. 


    Exactly. To copy the look and feel is not so difficult as Samsung now observes while being eaten alive by the Chinese mobile makers charging a fraction of Samsung's price. To copy Apple's A7, Metal, Swift, Touch ID and the related ecosystem is a completely different matter and the Galaxy S5 is a great point in case. Apple has dramatically stepped up its game lately and clearly out-innovating the competion.


    Now let's see what we don't know about iPhone 6 yet. What else is there beyond the rumored sapphire cover?

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