Apple, Inc. Diversity video narrated by new VP of Human Resources Denise Young-Smith



  • Reply 81 of 87

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Originally Posted by Macky the Macky View Post

    The world has long since changed since colonial days.


    Not sure what that has to do with being a good corporate citizen nor the rest of the post...

    Went right over your head, I see.  :D

  • Reply 82 of 87

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Cook needs to put his money where his mouth is. If he's so concerned about diversity, then where is the Tim Cook (or Apple) scholarship fund awarding scholarships for women and minorities to pursue a career in technology/engineering/computer science? The healthcare company I work for has awarded over $9M in college scholarships to minorities so they can pursue careers in healthcare.


    You know, there are more ways to support something than one way? If the jobs are there now, then the students will pursue the right educations... so your company can push while Apple pulls... A degree means nothing without a good chance of using it, and the job opportunities mean nothing if there are only white males that will be allowed to fill them...

  • Reply 83 of 87

    Originally Posted by MalcolmTucker View Post

    I'm sure she's a very nice woman, however the video I heard was actually narrated by Angela Ahrendts.

    I suppose not many people met her in person or listened to other works Angela Ahrends has accomplished.

    That said, do you think it's time for Al Gore to ...

    You bring up a good name. Most people don't know this but Al Gore serves the function of a canary in a coal mine. If Al falls over dead, everyone else will make a rush for the doors.... :D

  • Reply 85 of 87

    applle c is for

  • Reply 86 of 87


    applce c ic for cra.................................p

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