Review: Apple's mid-2014 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display



  • Reply 41 of 95

    First, I think that page says the opposite of your interpretation.

    Second, the answers are from forum users, not necessarily anyone who really knows, and are thus somewhat less than authoritative. The contributors might be right, but I'd probably hesitate before putting money on random, anonymous opinions.

    Third, the context is different.

    "Had been" suggests that a condition existed for a while and now doesn't.

    But of course, ANYTHING posted on this site is subject to argument.

    I'll stick my oar in here and add that since many of the posters in this forum are not natively English speakers, I don't pick apart language usage. In some sense this make the thread articles all the more important to be grammarerically correct to aid all the readers.
  • Reply 42 of 95

    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    Edit: the prefs were set at "automatic by language" so I changed that to "U.S. English."  Hopefully that will help!


    I used to think that the notion of "American English" was silly. I thought the claim of an alternative dialect was just another subtle form of America mooning Britain. I've changed my mind.


    Why the hell should there be a U in honour? Or colour? It's stupid. Don't even get me started about centre.


    I now applaud the Americans for championing the cause of bringing sense to the English language.


    Just please stop putting "Go ahead and…" in front of every instruction. :)

  • Reply 43 of 95

    At this point, other than incremental upgrades, what more could Apple do with this design?

  • Reply 44 of 95
    marvfoxmarvfox Posts: 2,275member

    Nothing really.

  • Reply 45 of 95
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    inteliusq wrote: »
    [SIZE=14px]At this point, other than incremental upgrades, what more could Apple do with this design?[/SIZE]

    They have room to throw it out in favor of a 15" Retina Air. The low-powered Broadwell parts are rumored to have a 2x improvement in performance per watt so they can cut the power draw in half. This will allow them to make a fanless design that is very thin. Combine it with much slimmer USB 3 type c ports and they can make a super slim design with a smaller battery.
  • Reply 46 of 95
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Totally Off Topic ... I wish AI would write about the strangely long delay in any new internal SSD storage for the new Mac Pro appearing. Not even a rumor since the beginning of the year. OWC said they were working on last Christmas it but total silence since then.
  • Reply 47 of 95
    joelsalt wrote: »

    Had you not been incorrect, I wouldn't correct you, but you were, so I will.

    'Had been' is fine; they could have used 'was' too, had they so wished.
    "had been" is past perfect continuous
    "Was" is just simple past (i think always passive, but maybe not?)

    They are different.  Past perfect continuous generally is used to for something that happened BEFORE something else that also happened in the past:

    I had been waiting for someone when she arrived

    I agree with Lorin about the phrase "the price had been reduced to XX." would be more by the book if it used simply "was," but I probably wouldn't have noticed if the Lorin didn't bring it up.  (cf "the price had been reduced to XX before they raised it to XX)

    I find it comical that people are getting on someone for his "interpretation" of language.  Have people read this site?  I remember fondly the matte screen debate days

    I pretty much agree with you, other than to say that the author still wasn't wrong in using 'had been.' It conveyed a different meaning to 'was,' and I feel confident that he meant to use it as a means of stressing the fluctuation of prices.

    That said, the overall paragraph was slightly clumsy. However, clumsiness does not necessarily mean incorrect grammar, and doesn't in this case.
  • Reply 48 of 95
    They've seen that my mouth gets away with ignoring what my brain tells it to do, and now they're incorrigible.

    A little less of your mouth ignoring your brain would do wonders for your arguing. Whether it would teach you a little politeness is more debatable; one can only hope so.
  • Reply 49 of 95

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    do the needful do the needful do the needful do the needful do the needful do the needful do the needful do the needful do the needful do the needful do the needful do the needful do the needful do the needful do the needful do the needful do the needful do the needful do the needful do the needful ????

    Damn it! LMAO

  • Reply 50 of 95
    [CONTENTEMBED=/t/181957/review-apples-mid-2014-13-inch-macbook-pro-with-retina-display#post_2583931 layout=inline]<span style="line-height:1.4em;">Edit: the prefs were set at "automatic by language" so I changed that to "U.S. English."  Hopefully that will help!</span>

    I used to think that the notion of "American English" was silly. I thought the claim of an alternative dialect was just another subtle form of America mooning Britain. I've changed my mind.

    Why the hell should there be a U in honour? Or colour? It's stupid. Don't even get me started about centre.

    I now applaud the Americans for championing the cause of bringing sense to the English language.

    Just please stop putting "Go ahead and…" in front of every instruction. :)

    Flawed argument.

    Why should there be an 'h' in 'honor'? Why should there be an 'r' in 'color'?

    American English has endless quirks. To say that it is bringing sense to British English is incorrect.

    Go ahead and keep 'improving' language; maybe you find it cathartic.
  • Reply 51 of 95
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    I used to think that the notion of "American English" was silly. I thought the claim of an alternative dialect was just another subtle form of America mooning Britain. I've changed my mind.

    Why the hell should there be a U in honour? Or colour? It's stupid. Don't even get me started about centre.

    I now applaud the Americans for championing the cause of bringing sense to the English language.

    Just please stop putting "Go ahead and…" in front of every instruction. :)

    All languages are fucked up and for more reasons than you can shake a stick at. Idioms are fucked up! English is really fucked up. All dialects! The number of stupid things in language are virtually infinite.

    I think it was Einstein that suggested that language be changed to be easier to read and write with simpler rules so children can focus on learning more important things (like maths and science) instead of wasting so much time and energy on learning archaic and arbitrary rules of grammar).

    I encureg u 2 wuk toword yor gole ov makng inglish ez-e-er 4 evre1 2 lurn.
  • Reply 52 of 95
    solipsismx wrote: »
    I used to think that the notion of "American English" was silly. I thought the claim of an alternative dialect was just another subtle form of America mooning Britain. I've changed my mind.

    Why the hell should there be a U in honour? Or colour? It's stupid. Don't even get me started about centre.

    I now applaud the Americans for championing the cause of bringing sense to the English language.

    Just please stop putting "Go ahead and…" in front of every instruction. :)

    All languages are fucked up and for more reasons than you can shake a stick at. Idioms are fucked up! English is really fucked up. All dialects! The number of stupid things in language are virtually infinite.

    I think it was Einstein that suggested that language be changed to be easier to read and write with simpler rules so children can focus on learning more important things (like maths and science) instead of wasting so much time and energy on learning archaic and arbitrary rules of grammar).

    I encureg u 2 wuk toword yor gole ov makng inglish ez-e-er 4 evre1 2 lurn.

    Well said; and your wonderful little example just goes to show how impossible it would be to make language 'regular.' Language has slowly changed over the time I've been alive; I imagine it will continue to do so.
  • Reply 53 of 95
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,575member

    Prosody, the beginnings of communication. For another example look to Jabberwocky.
  • Reply 54 of 95

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    Why should there be an 'h' in 'honor'? Why should there be an 'r' in 'color'?


    Connection issue. Apparently the tongue-in-cheek, light-heartedly kidding around tone of the message didn't survive the trip across the Atlantic. 

  • Reply 55 of 95
    tleviertlevier Posts: 104member
    I bought the top of the line default 13" last year and it's fantastic. I upgraded from a 2010 MB Air. I'm over the moon about the battery life, built in HDMI, retina display, and 512GB SSD. It's about a half pound heavier than the Air, but that's really not noticeable.
  • Reply 56 of 95

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    A little less of your mouth ignoring your brain would do wonders for your arguing. Whether it would teach you a little politeness is more debatable; one can only hope so.


    Would it be asking too much for you to just block me?

  • Reply 57 of 95
    A little less of your mouth ignoring your brain would do wonders for your arguing. Whether it would teach you a little politeness is more debatable; one can only hope so.

    Would it be asking too much for you to just block me?

  • Reply 58 of 95
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Totally Off Topic ... I wish AI would write about the strangely long delay in any new internal SSD storage for the new Mac Pro appearing. Not even a rumor since the beginning of the year. OWC said they were working on last Christmas it but total silence since then.

    Intel will be bringing new Haswell Xeon processors out next month with DDR4 support:,2817,2462348,00.asp

    There are new AMD GPUs too with up to 16GB of video memory:

    If they have better SSD densities, I'd expect they'll come along in September too.

    I have a feeling 3rd parties will find it hard to come up with an SSD for Apple's PCIe slot. OWC did an interesting test with the Mac Pro SSD and found that it runs faster than the SSDs bundled with the laptops:

    1200MB/s vs 700-800MB/s. So they have to get it to perform well enough to rival that. The main issue though would be demand. The difference with the old Mac Pro is it didn't have an SSD at all so there was a marketable upgrade. The advantage Apple has with the built-in SSDs now is that they already factor in the 256GB SSD to the base price. For a 3rd party SSD to be compelling, they have to beat $800 for a 1TB upgrade and make it beat 1200MB/s. They can't do that:

    Their PCIe upgrade for the old Mac Pro is 960GB for $879 and only 820MB/s.
  • Reply 59 of 95
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member

    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post



    Gotta get that MacMall plug in! Wouldn't be an article with MacMall around it somewhere. Who the hell would order from MacMall anyways?


    Did it once, and learned my lesson.  Never again will I do business with those charlatans.

  • Reply 60 of 95
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Connection issue. Apparently the tongue-in-cheek, light-heartedly kidding around tone of the message didn't survive the trip across the Atlantic. 

    I think it's more an issue of written text without the contextual build up of a story. That's why I'm such a fan of the sarcmark and have personally adopted an easily typed character that is very similar to the Ethiopian temherte slaqî or temherte slaq (U+00A1) ( ¡ ).
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