Apple again rumored to unveil 'iWatch' alongside next-gen iPhones on Sept. 9



  • Reply 41 of 50
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    You are so right. I have been saying the following privately for several years but kept my opinion pretty much to myself on blogs as i didn't even want to take the risk anyone believed me. But here are my 2 cents on this now we are this close.

    The 'watch' in iWatch is not a noun, it's a verb.

    It is not 'watch' as in wristwatch or smart watch, it is 'watch' as in; 'watch over' or 'keep watch'. iWatch is not a thing, it is a technology. It may be Apple have some wearables to show the way at the front end or not, they may just be supplying the SDK to Polo Ralph Lauren for intelligent shirts and Nike for intelligent shoes and so on. There maybe an app for older iPhones that can do some things but only the new iPhone 6 will have the true dedicated hardware to fully utilize the output from iWatch wearables.

    The iWatch technology is also a massive back end system that one day will be able to interface with your personal medical data, your pharmacist and your doctor.

    It will be baby steps at first but iWatch will, in years to come, dwarf all else that is now Apple.

    p.s. Ironically I suspect, if I am right, many will not see the big picture and be disappointed this isn't just about a new smart watch! AAPL may even suffer over this in the short term.

    +1 - but where were you when a number of the distinguished members*** were discussing this very scenario a few months ago?

    *** humbly not including myself in that group. I mean Dick Applebaum, Soli, Melgross, mstone, wizard69... and I believe even Relic chimed in before she disappeared of the radar for awhile. Sorry, but I can't seem to find the thread... and I'm off to watch footie... go BVB :)
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  • Reply 42 of 50

    What, Relic? There were electronic multi-functional watches before the iWatch rumor?


    Next you are going to 'inform' me that there were computers before Apple.


    And that the stampede to get watches out after the 'iWatch' rumor had nothing to do with Apple.


    You R so clever.

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  • Reply 43 of 50
    MacPromacpro Posts: 19,864member
    +1 - but where were you when a number of the distinguished members*** were discussing this very scenario a few months ago?

    *** humbly not including myself in that group. I mean Dick Applebaum, Soli, Melgross, mstone, wizard69... and I believe even Relic chimed in before she disappeared of the radar for awhile. Sorry, but I can't seem to find the thread... and I'm off to watch footie... go BVB :)

    Seriously I meant it, I just didn't want to say this in case I am right. I well might not be even close, be but if am I'd rather Apple's brilliant (if I am correct) misdirection continued as it has until the last minute.
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  • Reply 44 of 50
    sockrolid wrote: »
    "iWatch"? Meh.
    "iHome"? WOW.

    iHome? Meh.
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  • Reply 45 of 50
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    I'm in you
    Seriously I meant it, I just didn't want to say this in case I am right. I well might not be even close, be but if am I'd rather Apple's brilliant (if I am correct) misdirection continued as it has until the last minute.

    Well I'm solidly in your corner on this hypothesis and would for the record like to add to it. There will be overlap :)

    1. iWatch is an extendable eco-system for iOS and OSX.
    2. The main devices are little more than enclosed chip-sets powered by human heat energy, with possibly an emergency battery.
    3. They will be "true" wearables, because they can be added to any clothing or accessory that is in close contact to your skin. They can be added/integrated to any existing band or clothing that does this. From 100 year old or expensive existing watches... to conducive "iWatch pockets" in swim or athletic wear.
    4. HealthKit integration: This can be as cheap as a plastic medical bracelet for newborns to battle "Sudden infant Death Syndrom" (SIDS)... to elderly suffering from Alzheimers... and all kinds of early response monitoring; all the way to high performance athletes and training effectiveness/game day optimization.
    5. HomeKit integration: "watching" where you are in, and controlling, your environment with presets.
    6. PayKit (new) integration: positive ID and easy secure payments.
    7. Chip sets may come with one set of intended integration... or all of them combined. The sticky glue and "halo effect" is that it works with iOS or OSX app center(s) exclusively. You MUST have at least one Apple device.
    8. I expect the chip sets to range from $100-$400, and the reason the supply channel hasn't seen anything... is that they will be assembled solely by lasers and robotics, possibly even packaging the devices for shipment. The only people that have seen this device is the NDA engineers and executives in the know... and even if it was lying around somewhere at Apple, most wouldn't have the slightest idea what it is, or for.
    9. In relation to the recent article posted here about a delay until 2015 for devices, that just makes sense in this theory, because the majority of uses and accessory/equipment makers will need to either design their products with this in mind, and/or by developers to integrate it into their product and into the "iWatch Center".
    10. I do believe a lot of the work in design direction has already been done at Apple to make this rather easy, and that they more than likely will sell a device of some kind themselves. But in the end, it's all about the eco-system and the "iWatch Center" App and chip set. Edited to add.
    11. One other side point to make is regarding Apple's consumer branding. Many have said in other threads that Apple wont do any product where their "brand" is covered up or obscured by another companies. In this case, Apple does an end-around and couldn't care less... because it is their very visible, branded, and highly profitable iOS devices that will be pulled out to interact and be the control center for these "hidden chips". The iWatch chips may become so ubiquitous as to assume that anyone holding an iOS device... also has an iWatch somewhere on their person. In many cases it may be required to make use of services like iPay or even Passbook boarding passes.
    12. Last but not least... and unfortunately, Apple will have a fire storm of conspiracy theorists on it's tail... because this will be considered the first step towards embedded "chipping"... it will be that smart, that aware, and that ID positive. You'll be able to take it off, but many people in order to use it to it's fullest (payments, CarPlay, HomeKit, etc.), will not want to. Some may not be able to in the future even if they wanted to (health insurance coverage rules).*(1)*

    So that's my theory of what's on the horizon com 9.9.2014. If I'm proved wrong, not a big deal. It was fun trying to put this puzzle together... even if it turns out to be a different picture (product)*(2)* than I thought it was going to be... :smokey:

    *(1)* I fully expect that a large number of forum members will be against this type of "Über-Monitoring", and even I have some qualms and questions about it. I just want the discussion to be civil and with constructive reasoning why or why not. Too much to ask?

    *(2)* Feel free to pull it apart and put it together any way you see fit. (That could be a tagline...?! :) )
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  • Reply 46 of 50
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    1. Last but not least... and unfortunately, Apple will have a fire storm of conspiracy theorists on it's tail... because this will be considered the first step towards embedded "chipping"... it will be that smart, that aware, and that ID positive. You'll be able to take it off, but many people in order to use it to it's fullest (payments, CarPlay, HomeKit, etc.), will not want to. Some may not be able to in the future even if they wanted to (health insurance coverage rules).*(1)*


    Well since I already sacrifice babies, well, beanie babies but I figure close enough that the dark lord wouldn't notice, drink human blood, again I use a close substitute, Bloody Mary Mix as I couldn't stomach the thought of sucking on one of my used feminine hygiene products, however to be honest I've never been that committed to any religion and I regularly bathe in the tears of a thousand fallen angels, at least I think it's tears, the homeless guy I buy it from always disappears around the corner for a minute and then returns with a jug filled with warm fluid, I figure it must be legit since my tears are usually warm, though I don't recall them smelling that bad. Anyway I'm all set to go, so bring on the bar codes. Though I do wonder how Apple intends on actually inserting their device into me, is this something the Geniuses are qualified to do or do I need to bring my own Exacto knife, stapler and vodka with me.


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  • Reply 47 of 50
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by AppleZilla View Post


    What, Relic? There were electronic multi-functional watches before the iWatch rumor?


    Next you are going to 'inform' me that there were computers before Apple.


    And that the stampede to get watches out after the 'iWatch' rumor had nothing to do with Apple.


    You R so clever.

    Your taking the context of my post and twisting it to your own silly will, you know very well I was replying to a comment that questioned the motives of these other companies that are manufacturing watches as some sort of ploy to get ahead of or copy Apple. If you really believe that companies like Motorola, LG, Asus, etc. spent millions of dollars on R&D and then are producing these smart watches in some attempt to get a product out before Apple does, sorry a rumored Apple product, then your uber fanboyism mindset is working overtime my friend Only Samsung has actually released anything new before Sept. so where's this influx of products, Moto has still yet to announce anything, LG might have a new one available for Christmas, Asus, maybe, 1st charter at the earliest but even if they were released today, it's what 2, maybe 3 devices, hardly what I would call a stampede, so you can pull back on the melodrama. Not everything is an evil ploy and did you honestly feel it was necessary to call me out with such a smart allelic comment, is it all possible for you to actually have a conversation without trying to make the other person look stupid in some petty attempt to gain fauvism with the other members.

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  • Reply 48 of 50
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    relic wrote: »
    Well since I already sacrifice babies, well, beanie babies but I figure close enough that the dark lord wouldn't notice, drink human blood, again I use a close substitute, Bloody Mary Mix as I couldn't stomach the thought of sucking on one of my used feminine hygiene products, however to be honest I've never been that committed to any religion and I regularly bathe in the tears of a thousand fallen angels, at least I think it's tears, the homeless guy I buy it from always disappears around the corner for a minute and then returns with a jug filled with warm fluid, I figure it must be legit since my tears are usually warm, though I don't recall them smelling that bad. Anyway I'm all set to go, so bring on the bar codes. Though I do wonder how Apple intends on actually inserting their device into me, is this something the Geniuses are qualified to do or do I need to bring my own Exacto knife, stapler and vodka with me.

    <img alt="" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="47854" data-type="61" src="" style="; width: 500px; height: 375px">
    Damn it Relic! There's some really nasty "visuals" in that post... did ya have to?

    Seriously... I did say conspiracy theorists will claim it's the "first step towards" embedded chipping. I surely (and dearly hope!) that those years are very far off, or it never comes to that. Even if/when it does, I think it wont entail invasive surgery. More like Nano-Plasmic-Silicon-Ink and applied like a tattoo or stamp. Maybe like this... :p


    *** forgot to add in your choice of colors; Silicon Silver, Space(y) Grey, Gilded Gold, or Classic "Model-T" Black...:smokey:
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  • Reply 49 of 50
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Wow somebody has had a little vinegar with their last meal.
    relic wrote: »
    Well since I already sacrifice babies, well, beanie babies but I figure close enough that the dark lord wouldn't notice, drink human blood, again I use a close substitute, Bloody Mary Mix as I couldn't stomach the thought of sucking on one of my used feminine hygiene products, however to be honest I've never been that committed to any religion and I regularly bathe in the tears of a thousand fallen angels, at least I think it's tears, the homeless guy I buy it from always disappears around the corner for a minute and then returns with a jug filled with warm fluid, I figure it must be legit since my tears are usually warm, though I don't recall them smelling that bad. Anyway I'm all set to go, so bring on the bar codes. Though I do wonder how Apple intends on actually inserting their device into me,
    You do realize that this is a thread largely populated by unsatisfied men that had an instant answer to the question you ask here.

    is this something the Geniuses are qualified to do or do I need to bring my own Exacto knife, stapler and vodka with me.

    Vodka no, KY yes.
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  • Reply 50 of 50

    I just got the game and when I went into the options that allows us to change the keys, it pops up a warning telling us what to not change. I repetitively pressed the "enter" key to close the warning pop-up. When the pop-up disappeared, I noticed that I was still pressing "enter" to the point where, on the first column, it said "delete" then on the second column: --------- 

    lly happened, I also tried scanning through my laptop and I found nothing that would help me recover the "enter" key. 

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    I tried uninstalling the game various times but nothing really happened, I also tried scanning through my laptop and I found nothing that would help me recover the "enter" key. 

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    A friend of mine didn't have that happen to him but for me, it basically removed the enter key and all I can do on the Stepmania is move the keys up and down, I cant access any of the listed in order to change what was removed or edited. 

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