Apple Watch users will need to recharge nightly, company still working to improve uptime before laun



  • Reply 161 of 242
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    OMG you can't be serious. Do you know how HUGE that watch face would be if Apple added Touch ID home button? The digital authentication with the watch happens on the backside of the device where the sensors are. As long as that's touching hour skin you're authenticated.


    Of course he's serious.  Because his version of the ?Watch doesn't require a any phone for GPS, LTE connectivity, CPU power for Apps either.


    Including a functional but tiny TouchID button that can see sufficient fingerprint area to uniquely identify you is par for the course.

  • Reply 162 of 242
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member

    Originally Posted by longpath View Post


    I guess I'm not the only one wondering about the water-resistance.


    Google is your friend:


    Tech journalist David Pogue learned a couple of things about Apple’s new wearable in a private briefing during today’s media event. Apple told him that its watch is “water resistant,” not waterproof. “Sweating, wearing it in the rain, washing your hands, or cooking with it is fine. Take it off before the swim or get in the shower, though."


  • Reply 163 of 242
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member

    Originally Posted by michaelluong85 View Post

    Apple still needs to solve this energy dilemma. A one day battery life for all these devices is just pathetic considering the technological advancements of the past 20 years.

    Not in battery people complained about the thickness of the device and expect more battery life too...won't happen at this time or even in the next 2-3 years.

  • Reply 164 of 242
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    Originally Posted by DotComCTO View Post

    Actually, if this device is meant to track sleeping (similar to my FitBit?), then overnight charging makes it so you can't track sleeping, right? Seems to defeat (a small) part of its intended purpose.


    No, it's not. What about charge during the day if you intend to use it when you sleep? or take the damn thing off when you take a shower, have a dinner while it's charging and then put it back on to go to bed?

  • Reply 165 of 242
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Originally Posted by michaelluong85 View Post

    Apple still needs to solve this energy dilemma. A one day battery life for all these devices is just pathetic considering the technological advancements of the past 20 years.


    The brightest minds on the planet have been working on this holy grail for decades with no real progress (Lithium Ion being the current state of the art). The labs at MIT are ablaze at night working on it. Lots of prototypes in the labs but nothing ready for the market anytime soon. Battery technology, or more precisely the lack thereof, is keeping the electric automobile industry from taking off. Smartphones and now watches have all this technology available but nothing to power it very long.


    And then there’s this. Advances in technology have produced amazing audio products from amplifiers to headphones but the technology to convert those wonderful impulses to actual sound waves has remained the same for the last one hundred years... a paper cone with a coil of wire attached and moving around a magnet. 

  • Reply 166 of 242
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member

    Originally Posted by cali View Post

    Revolutionary crown? Is Apple f****ing kidding me!??! The first thing I thought of is this:

    I INSTANTLY thought of a revolutionary alternative. Less fidgety, less confusing, nicer watch profile. A smooth band on the side of the watch, slide finger forward to Zoom in and slide backward to zoom out. DONE. Need a home button? Touch ID. The digital crown reminds me of something Jobs would have made fun of.

    ApplePay is a revolutionary new way to make purchases secured with Touch ID! GREAT!

    AppleWatch works with ApplePay! but lacks Touch ID... So it's either less secure or you have to pull out your phone anyway to scan your fingerprint and then lean your wrist to NFC capable machines. INTUITIVE!!!


    Agreed on digital crown comment. I posted on the other site about the touch sensitive band on the site of the watch and utilize home button as Touch ID too but relocate it elsewhere. 

    If Apple can do that and extend the battery life to a few days, it'll be epic success which put every other smart watch to trash can.

  • Reply 167 of 242

    Originally Posted by fallenjt View Post


    No, it's not. What about charge during the day if you intend to use it when you sleep? or take the damn thing off when you take a shower, have a dinner while it's charging and then put it back on to go to bed?


    I suppose you're right there. It's just a different habit to learn. I will say that my FitBit is on at all times, except when I recharge it overnight once per week. Yes, I forego that night of tracking, but catching 6 out of 7 nights is fine. Since it is waterproof, I do wear it in the shower. At this point, I don't even notice it.


    I'm not sure I'll feel that way about the watch. I don't wear my watch to bed because of the bulk.


    I guess we'll all find out once Apple gets more of these out in the wild and people can post some real world feedback.

  • Reply 168 of 242

    Originally Posted by fallenjt View Post


    Agreed on digital crown comment. I posted on the other site about the touch sensitive band on the site of the watch and utilize home button as Touch ID too but relocate it elsewhere. 

    If Apple can do that and extend the battery life to a few days, it'll be epic success which put every other smart watch to trash can.


    I don't know about a touch sensitive band on the outer edge. It might be too easy to accidentally brush against it in the course of normal movement.

  • Reply 169 of 242

    What about putting a battery inside the strap?

  • Reply 170 of 242

    Originally Posted by john12345 View Post


    What about putting a battery inside the strap?


    I believe they have a patent on just such a potential design, so perhaps in some future iteration.

  • Reply 171 of 242
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    1 full day of battery is all I would ask for. It would ensure that it works ALL day and never once has to come off your wrist during the day to charge, and gets you in the routine of taking it off and charging it at night.


    The last thing you'd want is to not charge it over night, and have it die on you mid-day, having to take it off and recharge. Which means carrying around a unique watch charger, etc.. 


    I'll wear it during the day. Charge it at night. It just needs to have ALL DAY battery life.

  • Reply 172 of 242
    One full day's use is all one could reasonably expect with current battery technology. (Of course, the Pebble gets more by using an eInk display and a lot fewer functions.) Really, suppose an ?Watch had two full days usage? How many nights would you say to yourself: "Let's see...did I charge it last night? I can't remember. Guess I better put it on the charger to make sure...."

    To me, the next milestone after "All Day" is "All Week", but that's just not in the cards.
  • Reply 173 of 242
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,921member
    It's better to make it it right than put out crap like Moto or Samsung and others wearable watch.. Poor early adopters get suck in and waste money. So, more power to Apple to make it right.
  • Reply 174 of 242

    You are absolutely right

    Originally Posted by cali View Post

    Coming from a huge Apple fan, I was disappointed.

    When the iPod was revealed, did it look like an mp3 player? NO.

    When the iPhone was revealed did it look like a cell phone? NO.

    When iPad was revealed did it look like those ugly useless tablets of the day?.....

    This thing, it looks like a watch. It looks like something I've already seen over a decade ago. Heck it looks like a Galaxy Gear!!

    Yep, I feel the same way. Yesterday was the saddest day for me as an Apple fan since Steve died. Apple Watch is easily the worst product Apple has made in decades.


    Apple used to enter an existing product category only if it could make a significant contribution and revolutionize the industry. What is the revolution in the Apple Watch? That it makes everything worse? That it takes the classis watch's months-long battery life and makes it hours-long one? That it takes mobile apps and makes them tiny and watered down? That it looks like an ugly square watch? And where it can make a great contribution with advanced sensors, it totally disappoints?


    Steve killed the Newton in 1997 because the technology wasn't there and then patiently waited for 13 years to give us the perfect tablet, the iPad, watching everyone fail in the process. In 2014, a flexible display, flexible battery and advanced sensors technology clearly isn't ready for a revolutionary unibody wearable device but that doesn't stop Tim Cook to release this horrible half-baked product because the Wall Street wolves have been crying for a new source of revenue for the past 3 years.


    Tim Cook has clearly failed as an innovator and needs to go, I have no doubt about that. 

  • Reply 175 of 242
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    We have some serious whackaloons on this site.

  • Reply 176 of 242
    Originally Posted by Bobleh View Post

    Tim Cook has clearly failed as an innovator and needs to go, I have no doubt about that. 



  • Reply 177 of 242
    At some point the industry need to welcome nanoFlowCell batteries, or some other new battery tech. It seems like there's a limit to the batteries they're currently using.
    The Apple watch is probably running a (maybe not that) scaled down ios. I needs battery.
  • Reply 178 of 242

    Originally Posted by nht View Post



    Google is your friend:


    That's sort of a bummer. Swimming is a great form of exercise. Don't bring it to the beach, then.

  • Reply 179 of 242

    Originally Posted by palegolas View Post


    That's sort of a bummer. Swimming is a great form of exercise. Don't bring it to the beach, then.

    I think they should at least make the "sport" version waterproof, and I think it's still a possibility since it appears things haven't been finalized yet.

  • Reply 180 of 242
    Originally Posted by cali View Post

    Coming from a huge Apple fan, I was disappointed.

    When the iPod was revealed, did it look like an mp3 player? NO.

    When the iPhone was revealed did it look like a cell phone? NO.

    When iPad was revealed did it look like those ugly useless tablets of the day?.....

    This thing, it looks like a watch. It looks like something I've already seen over a decade ago. Heck it looks like a Galaxy Gear!!

    Revolutionary crown? Is Apple f****ing kidding me!??! The first thing I thought of is this:

    I INSTANTLY thought of a revolutionary alternative. Less fidgety, less confusing, nicer watch profile. A smooth band on the side of the watch, slide finger forward to Zoom in and slide backward to zoom out. DONE. Need a home button? Touch ID. The digital crown reminds me of something Jobs would have made fun of.

    Needs an iPhone to work.....

    I don't even know where to start. If iPhone had %90 marketshare this would make PERFECT sense. But it doesn't. So in the US iPhone has about %40 marketshare. Now let's assume %30 are AppleWatch compatible. From there how many people are gonna run out and buy an AppleWatch? even assuming a third of them will, only %10 of people who own a smartphone will own AppleWatch and that's best case scenario. This leaves open a HUGE market for Android and others to take smartwatch share. Even though Apple could sell millions more they're just saying "no thanks". If an Android owners think Apple Watch is the greatest thing ever, they need to invest an additional $200 to own one, had the iPhone not been a requirement, AppleWatch would have been a nice bridge into other Apple products. Now it's more like a ladder on top of a building. Maybe we can have a repeat of the iPod and they'll change their minds later because this sounds as ridiculous as having to own a Mac to use an iPod.

    ApplePay is a revolutionary new way to make purchases secured with Touch ID! GREAT!

    AppleWatch works with ApplePay! but lacks Touch ID... So it's either less secure or you have to pull out your phone anyway to scan your fingerprint and then lean your wrist to NFC capable machines. INTUITIVE!!!

    Don't you people DARE tell me about doubters during the iPod/iPhone/"it's just a giant iPod touch" days!! Because back then I saw Apples innovation and defend those products to this day. This watch has so much wrong with it I'm literally for the FIRST TIME wondering if Apple is lost without Steve Jobs and that's a heartbreaking thought.


    1) No one is asking you to buy it.


    2) You are entitled to your opinion. (I don't agree with your opinion).


    3) Since you have all the design and manufacturing answers you need to apply for a job at Apple and/or email Tim Cook and Jon Ivey.


    4) I'm REALLY tired of people saying how Steve Jobs would have done better, would never approve, Cook is no Jobs, Apple can't succeed without Jobs, etc., etc... Jobs is dead, let him rest in peace... Cook is CEO - no one at Apple is forcing anyone to remain a fan/buyer. Unforunately he's gone, I miss him also, but get over it & accept it. All founders and great CEO's of companies die eventually, I wonder if people said the same thing when Henry Ford, John Rockefeller, Colonial Sanders, etc all died - that their companies were doomed and falling apart and missed their CEO's. Maybe for a minute some did, but guess what - all those companies (or companies they owned) and more are still around and making billions... leave Steve alone. He gave Cook and crew his blessings, now let them do what they feel is best. Last I looked Apple is making big profits and doing all right.

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