Everything you need to know about preordering your new iPhone 6 & selecting a model



  • Reply 41 of 91
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post



    Totally pedantic, but it is a bit weird that a company as detail-obsessed as Apple would make the "PST" mistake.


    But anyway, definitely looking forward to getting one into my paws. :)

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  • Reply 42 of 91
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member

    Originally Posted by rmansfield View Post

    Well, this isn't -EVERYTHING- I need to know. I'd like to know whether Verizon's Edge plan can be signed up for at the Apple Store or if I have to actually go to a Verizon Store. If it's the latter, I'm worried that they may not have enough phones in stock. Plus, I'd like to know what kind of monthly bill I'd be on if we went with the Edge plan. I stopped by a Verizon store this morning, but they couldn't tell me because they said they don't know final pricing.

    Both Verizon's Edge plan and AT&T's Next are selectable options at least in Apple's online store-

    shop iPhone-->view pricing and configurations-->under 3 choose a carrier select find the right rate plan,

    and under the bar of various carriers once you select Verizon you can see either a list of More Everything plans, or Edge plans...

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  • Reply 43 of 91

    I'm a member of a message board of about 40 guys who all trade Apple, in addition to many other stocks.  Several of us feel we missed trade opportunities because of the bad video feed.  When you're considering moving $10k at-a-time in options trades, a flaky feed that will potentially cause you to miss some market moving information erodes your confidence.  A lot of us just sat there doing nothing.  

    ****. My heart bleeds for you and your 40 pals.

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  • Reply 44 of 91

    Originally Posted by RadarTheKat View Post



    I'm a member of a message board of about 40 guys who all trade Apple, in addition to many other stocks.  Several of us feel we missed trade opportunities because of the bad video feed.  When you're considering moving $10k at-a-time in options trades, a flaky feed that will potentially cause you to miss some market moving information erodes your confidence.  A lot of us just sat there doing nothing.  


    Oh, come on. Buy on the rumor, sell on the news. You know the routine.

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  • Reply 45 of 91
    I am thrilled!!! I will order the 6 plus as it fits me perfectly! I can carry it and read the text without readers. I won't need to carry iPad mini any more!!

    I have big hands and can even operate it with one hand. I never thought Apple would make a phone to suit me so well!!!!!!


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  • Reply 46 of 91
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    2oh1 wrote: »
    I wish the silver model was black on the front instead of white. That'd be my choice... but it looks like it's white, so I'm going with Space Gray. Silly name, nice color.
    Space gray is BMW color...
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  • Reply 47 of 91
    this site told me i could buy iphone 6 discount up to 75%.i think i will buy it huehue
    and one site have many coupon free for iphone 6 .check it out lala
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 48 of 91
    I'm looking for a site that is all encompassing for trade-in offers/sales deals for the iPhone 6. AppleInsider is not it. AI fails to mention the Verizon trade in offer and AT&T offer.
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  • Reply 49 of 91
    Canada? Any word? I talked to Fido today and they know even less than Jon Snow.
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  • Reply 50 of 91
    this site told me i could buy iphone 6 discount up to 75%.i think i will buy it huehue
    and one site have many coupon free for iphone 6 .check it out lala
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  • Reply 51 of 91

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    For some reason I'm not feeling these iPhone updates. They just seem 'meh', especially the 4.7" device. And the 5.5" device looks absolutely massive. Now we're getting into Samsung territory. I love the compact size of my 5s and it works great so I think I'll keep it another year.

    As long as you don't care about the ApplePay feature.  I'm not sure, but I think only the 6 and 6 Plus will have that feature because of the NFC chip? 


    I'm undecided about whether to get the 6 or 6 Plus, but leaning toward the 6.

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  • Reply 52 of 91
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,393member

    Originally Posted by 512ke View Post


    What is Apple going to do when the 5S continues selling really well, indicating that people don't want gargantuan freaking phones?



    Something tells me that scenario is not going to happen, so Apple won't have to worry about what to do in your hypothetical situation. 


    I agree that 5.5 is large. I wouldn't buy it. But the 4.7 isn't "gargantuan". It's a very reasonable size that's a nice screen estate improvement over the current 4". There's no wall in hell that the 6 and 6+ are not going to blow the 5S out of the water in sales. I like that Apple covered their bases, and for those that want a massive phone (I've met alot) they have no excuse to go to Android. If I didn't have an iPad, who knows, I might have even considered it. The iPad like dual pane landscape mode is nice. 

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  • Reply 53 of 91
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,393member

    Originally Posted by RadarTheKat View Post



    I'm a member of a message board of about 40 guys who all trade Apple, in addition to many other stocks.  Several of us feel we missed trade opportunities because of the bad video feed.  When you're considering moving $10k at-a-time in options trades, a flaky feed that will potentially cause you to miss some market moving information erodes your confidence.  A lot of us just sat there doing nothing.  


    You should sue. 

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  • Reply 54 of 91
    Originally Posted by zeromeus View Post

    Apple was going to do away with 16GB phones... ...but the carriers all opposed.


    1. Why would the telecoms care?

    2. As the telecoms have no control over Apple, why would Apple care what they think?


    by offering only 64GB and 128GB versions for $299 and $399 respectively


    There’s absolutely no way that Apple would kill the $199 iPhone.


    Originally Posted by sranger View Post

    I have big hands and can even operate it with one hand.


    Your own image proves otherwise...


    Originally Posted by lauragal View Post

    I'm not sure, but I think only the 6 and 6 Plus will have that feature because of the NFC chip? 


    I could have sworn that it works on the 5 series if you also own an ?Watch... Maybe not.

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  • Reply 55 of 91

    Your own image proves otherwise...


    You know more than my own personal experiance????

    That seems quite arogent of you... And I know that you are wrong....
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  • Reply 56 of 91
    Originally Posted by sranger View Post


    Unless there’s a trick of perspective and your thumb is twice as long as we’re seeing, yes. Or unless you trust your grip enough to slide your hand up and down the thing like everyone does with a TV remote... <img class=" src="http://forums-files.appleinsider.com/images/smilies//lol.gif" />


    On that note, geez, we need a remote with a better design.

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  • Reply 57 of 91


    Two images to prove I can easily reach the entire screen with one hand operation.

    Please post you proof otherwise....
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  • Reply 58 of 91
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member
    lauragal wrote: »

    As long as you don't care about the ApplePay feature.  I'm not sure, but I think only the 6 and 6 Plus will have that feature because of the NFC chip? 

    The 5/5s/5c will all access Apple Pay with the Apple Watch. And it seems Apple Pay will work via the Internet, so that aspect of it may work without the Apple Watch. But frankly I think it's going to be moot. Most places most people shop will not b able to use Apple Pay for at least a year if not longer as the credit industry beat merchants over the head to upgrade. The one thing Apple has going for it is that it's customers are some of the wealthiest and most avid consumers out there, and merchants are going to want to encourage their patronage.

    But I'm with Rogifan here. I'm buying a 5s and hoping they introduce a 4" 6 next year to replace the 5s. I think I understand their strategy -- they want to ensure their gamble on inflated phone sizes sell as well as the 5s did, so they encourage the upgrade to the larger phone by only offering the latest technology in the larger sizes. Then, next year, they can add a 4" screen model and adjust production of the 4.7 and 5.5 inch models based on sales this year. That way Apple ensures Apple Pay is available for nearly all users (except the entry level users who presumably don't spend as much anyway), and the 5c can be upgraded with the 5s internals so the same security features are universal to the iOS devices.

    I have to admit the 5c was a surprise. I expected the 5c to be the free phone, but also offered in more expensive standard RAM configurations for those who love the colorful option. This tells me that the 5c wasn't that popular except as a cheap entry level phone, contrary to Apple's marketing. If it didn't cannibalize sales of the 5s, then they shouldn't worry about it cannibalizing it now, much less the 6, and it should otherwise continue to sell as well for the novelty. They could have even offered the 5s in the plastic case. But the message here is clear -- the "c" is for cheap. A gamble that just didn't pay off.
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  • Reply 59 of 91
    Originally Posted by sranger View Post

    Two images to prove I can easily reach the entire screen with one hand operation. Please post you proof otherwise....

    Hey, if you feel comfortable holding your slick metal phone like that, more power to you. I figure that unless you work in industrial molasses separation this won’t work on a non-paper, non-cardboard device, but you know... The first-gen feels like a bar of soap at times, and this is the first curvy metal phone since that one.


    Wish I had the tools handy to measure required grip of various hand positions...

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  • Reply 60 of 91

    Hey, if you feel comfortable holding your slick metal phone like that, more power to you. I figure that unless you work in industrial molasses separation this won’t work on a non-paper, non-cardboard device, but you know... The first-gen feels like a bar of soap at times, and this is the first curvy metal phone since that one.

    Wish I had the tools handy to measure required grip of various hand positions...

    You are certainly entitled to your opinion, however it in no way alters the truth..

    I have poor eye site and even with the best bifocal contacts and or glasses I have a difficult time reading the small text on my iPhone 5s... I am thrilled that Apple made a phone I can see without readers.

    Being a larger person (6'-4") I am also glad that they built a phone that fits my hand better.

    Why you seem to have a problem with that, I have no idea....

    PS there are these things called a silicone or leather sleeve that make the phone far less slippery... You should really think about learning a little about them.
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