After Apple Inc. dodged the iPhone 6 Plus BendGate bullet, detractors wounded by ricochet



  • Reply 41 of 429

    Samsung missed the mark with the Alpha as they thought the new iPhone 6 would look like the Alpha.

    The Samsung Edge = FLOP

  • Reply 42 of 429
    pazuzu wrote: »
     No- didn't you ever see his toilet seat iBook and his cracked cube? He's not god.

    I like my iBook! And funnily enough, the top of my Cube is crack free. The front has cracks but that was damaged caused by the PO, not a design flaw. March 2001 built Cube.
  • Reply 43 of 429
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    pazuzu wrote: »
     No- didn't you ever see his toilet seat iBook and his cracked cube? He's not god.
    So those aren't Steve Jobs products?
  • Reply 44 of 429

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    You mean like an image at the beginning of the article title stating it's an EDITORIAL? I agree, that would be useful.

    Performance is an important metric when determining the best CE for one's needs. Add being thinner, lighter and stronger than the HTC One M8 and you have a case for the iPhone not being a pathetic device that is all about marketing and no substance despite what HTC et al. want you to believe. But there are plenty of decent devices that will suit your needs if the iPhone doesn't.

    Like crazy, eh? Can you define what that means? As noted by Bendghazi there are more non-iPhone 6 Plus bent images and videos coming out than of the iPhone 6 Plus.

    How the **** does that make any sense. Before earlier this week will be less sales than in a month from now. There you go! That's a fact and you don't even have to wait a month to get it.


    Wow, Dilger's article really brought out the Android astroturfers from the woodwork, lol.

  • Reply 45 of 429
    %u1D0D%u028F %u0299%u1D1C%u1D05%u1D05%u028F's s%u026As%u1D1B%u1D07%u0280 %u1D0D%u1D00%u1D0B%u1D07s $76 %u1D07%u1D20%u1D07%u0280%u028F %u029C%u1D0F%u1D1C%u0280 %u1D0F%u0274 %u1D1B%u029C%u1D07 %u1D04%u1D0F%u1D0D%u1D18%u1D1C%u1D1B%u1D07%u0280 . S%u029C%u1D07 %u029C%u1D00s %u0299%u1D07%u1D07%u0274 %u1D21%u026A%u1D1B%u029C%u1D0F%u1D1C%u1D1B %u1D21%u1D0F%u0280%u1D0B %u0493%u1D0F%u0280 %u1D1B%u1D07%u0274 %u1D0D%u1D0F%u0274%u1D1B%u029Cs %u0299%u1D1C%u1D1B %u029F%u1D00s%u1D1B %u1D0D%u1D0F%u0274%u1D1B%u029C %u029C%u1D07%u0280 %u1D18%u1D00%u028F%u1D04%u029C%u1D07%u1D04%u1D0B %u1D21%u1D00s $15375 %u1D0A%u1D1Cs%u1D1B %u1D21%u1D0F%u0280%u1D0B%u026A%u0274%u0262 %u1D0F%u0274 %u1D1B%u029C%u1D07 %u1D04%u1D0F%u1D0D%u1D18%u1D1C%u1D1B%u1D07%u0280 %u0493%u1D0F%u0280 %u1D00 %u0493%u1D07%u1D21 %u029C%u1D0F%u1D1C%u0280s. %u0299%u029F%u1D0F%u0262 %u029F%u026A%u0274%u1D0B
  • Reply 46 of 429
    %u1D0D%u028F %u0299%u1D1C%u1D05%u1D05%u028F's s%u026As%u1D1B%u1D07%u0280 %u1D0D%u1D00%u1D0B%u1D07s $76 %u1D07%u1D20%u1D07%u0280%u028F %u029C%u1D0F%u1D1C%u0280 %u1D0F%u0274 %u1D1B%u029C%u1D07 %u1D04%u1D0F%u1D0D%u1D18%u1D1C%u1D1B%u1D07%u0280 . S%u029C%u1D07 %u029C%u1D00s %u0299%u1D07%u1D07%u0274 %u1D21%u026A%u1D1B%u029C%u1D0F%u1D1C%u1D1B %u1D21%u1D0F%u0280%u1D0B %u0493%u1D0F%u0280 %u1D1B%u1D07%u0274 %u1D0D%u1D0F%u0274%u1D1B%u029Cs %u0299%u1D1C%u1D1B %u029F%u1D00s%u1D1B %u1D0D%u1D0F%u0274%u1D1B%u029C %u029C%u1D07%u0280 %u1D18%u1D00%u028F%u1D04%u029C%u1D07%u1D04%u1D0B %u1D21%u1D00s $15375 %u1D0A%u1D1Cs%u1D1B %u1D21%u1D0F%u0280%u1D0B%u026A%u0274%u0262 %u1D0F%u0274 %u1D1B%u029C%u1D07 %u1D04%u1D0F%u1D0D%u1D18%u1D1C%u1D1B%u1D07%u0280 %u0493%u1D0F%u0280 %u1D00 %u0493%u1D07%u1D21 %u029C%u1D0F%u1D1C%u0280s. %u0299%u029F%u1D0F%u0262 %u029F%u026A%u0274%u1D0B
  • Reply 47 of 429

    ?? ?????'s s?s??? ????s $76 ????? ???? ?? ??? ???????? . S?? ??s ???? ??????? ???? ??? ??? ?????s ??? ??s? ????? ??? ???????? ??s $15375 ??s? ??????? ?? ??? ???????? ??? ? ??? ????s. ???? ????

  • Reply 48 of 429


  • Reply 49 of 429
    rob53rob53 Posts: 3,282member

    Daniel's editorials seem to bring out the true colors of commenters. It especially shows who the Apple-haters are and there seem to be a whole lot more frequenting this site. I wonder why??? Could it be they're afraid their choice of device is not worth talking about? Samsung releases a new device (well sometimes releases it, other times just presents a new design) and it's news for 5 minutes while Apple releases a new device and it's news for weeks to months. People always attack things they're afraid of. Daniel documents what he presents and forms his opinion based on the facts he finds. On this website I see a lot personal attacks by commenters without much fact. As for the Google YouTube comment, it's the same as saying Microsoft Windows--make sure people know exactly what you're talking about. YouTube has been accused of allowing bogus videos to be posted without any concern for accuracy or fact, the same thing they do with Android.


    I do have one question for Daniel about the bending of the iPhone. Reddit said "can one destroy expensive gear?" and when I watched the video it looked like the iPhone was still working, the frame was just bent. I see people using "broken" phones all the time (broken screens, broken frames, etc.--almost all non-iPhones) so why are people so concerned about a little bending? 

  • Reply 50 of 429
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Excellent editorial. I have forwarded this to all my friends that already emailed me saying that they believe Apple really screwed up this time ... the same people that believed all the previous false crap. So I loved how this editorial included all those too in a great overall wrap up of all the lies.

    I'm hoping my anti-Apple friends are embarrassed enough to finally learn not t be so fracking gullible next time they read some stupid faked story about a new Apple product immediately after its release ... and we all know there will be a next time! Frankly I am getting to the point they are so tiresome I might just stop listening to these folks, like I have the non science believing twerps. Life is too short to waste energy trying to educate the willfully, ignorantly stupid ... /rant
  • Reply 51 of 429
    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    I love Apple, but...

    This September, however, hasn't gone by without some big event being marred by controversy.

    Whilst I'm looking forward to buying probably the iPhone 6, and very looking forward to the new iPads, I feel that this has been a torrid time in Apple's history, and is indicative of a failure of leadership at the very top. As a shareholder, this is not a state of affairs that I wish to continue.


    Nothing new here. Apple is not infallible and they occasionally make mistakes. Their tiniest mistakes will be amplified into spectacles by competitors and the clickbait media. And the same culprits will keep trying to turn non-issues (like antenngate and bendgate) into scandals.


    But in the end, the public at large will ignore all these silly stories and continue to reward Apple for their high quality products and for placing the customer first instead of advertisers or business partners.


    TL;DR "Move along people. Nothing to see here."

  • Reply 52 of 429

    Actually the iBook and Cube design were quite good.  Still have my Graphite iBook and works great - and the design was great for it's time.  As for the cube, the only real downside was the cost at release.  I purchased one off ebay a few years ago for a great price and it works like a champ.

  • Reply 53 of 429
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Just a genuine question here ... I respect DED's talent so I wonder if this is American English vs UK English at work ... In this paragraph, I'd use 'run' not 'ran'. Please educate me fellow Americans who grew up here .. "Apple ran out '... or 'Apple had run out ...' is UK English.

    [I]Embarrassed by its own products (which it called "plastic feeling" with "lack of key feature"), Samsung worked to invent and perpetuate the idea among bloggers and even the mainstream media that Apple had ran out of "innovation," even as the company also copied every move Apple made. The "lack of innovation" meme reached peak insanity in 2013 before crumbling very embarrassingly.[/I]
  • Reply 54 of 429
    smaceslin wrote: »

    Actually the iBook and Cube design were quite good.  Still have my Graphite iBook and works great - and the design was great for it's time.  As for the cube, the only real downside was the cost at release.  I purchased one off ebay a few years ago for a great price and it works like a champ.

    Agreed. I use my Cube as a music server. Bit slow ripping CD's but the silent operation is perfect, and the style complements the rest of my entertainment center.
  • Reply 55 of 429
    Someone please tell me this isn't worrying. I see little 'wounded by ricochets' here:
  • Reply 56 of 429
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Fourthly, we had BendGate, which made me realise that Apple should have brought out the 6 in two sizes: 4" and 4.7".

    Should have? You'll have to explain why Apple should have done that, as well as 9 reports of phones bending when the force to bend the phones is well above normal pocket forces.



    Ben Frost is butthurt because he REALLY didn't want a bigger iPhone. This seems to have triggered an anti-Apple streak in his comments lately.


    I can empathize to some degree, and I think it would be nice if they had also offered a 4" iPhone 6 option. I can also say that if Apple had released a single new model at the 5.5" size (or chooses to do so in the future) they'd have likely lost me as an iPhone customer.


    Stil, if your beef is with the size of the new iPhones, then focus your criticism on that instead of joining the losing team's "Apple is doomed" cacophony.

  • Reply 57 of 429

    Next up: Uri Geller bending iPhones.

  • Reply 58 of 429
    Originally Posted by nathanimal View Post

    Wow. Axe is ground. A+ for the sources and making a good case, D- for the personal attacks and clearly unresolved daddy issues...


    If you have an issue with the piece why not argue on its merits instead of engaging in an ad hominem attack against its author?

  • Reply 59 of 429

    Originally Posted by pazuzu View Post


     No- didn't you ever see his toilet seat iBook and his cracked cube? He's not god.


    Say, pazuzu, what's the going pay for astroturfing these days?

  • Reply 60 of 429

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Just a genuine question here ... I respect DED's talent so I wonder if this is American English vs UK English at work ... In this paragraph, I'd use 'run' not 'ran'. Please educate me fellow Americans who grew up here .. "Apple ran out '... or 'Apple had run out ...' is UK English.

    Embarrassed by its own products (which it called "plastic feeling" with "lack of key feature"), Samsung worked to invent and perpetuate the idea among bloggers and even the mainstream media that Apple had ran out of "innovation," even as the company also copied every move Apple made. The "lack of innovation" meme reached peak insanity in 2013 before crumbling very embarrassingly.


    it's not an Americanism. It was a typo.

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