Adapting to change: a review of Apple's larger 4.7-inch iPhone 6 vs. the smaller 4-inch iPhone 5s



  • Reply 121 of 281
    My two cents: I opted for the 6, the 6+ seemed just too big. I loved my 5S, and the one-handed operation, but it always seemed a little too narrow. I love the larger screen on the 6, it is perfect for me. I did have to get used to the larger size when using one-handed, especially without a case; it was way too "slippery" and when I would hold it the way I held my 5S a couple of times it would flip backwards out of my hands. Luckily, I caught it in time before it hit the floor. After I got a thin profile case it feels much better and is easier to grip. I always use a case; I don't drop my phones often but it's saved it a time or two over the years. "Reachability" works well for me to continue one-handed operation, just takes a little getting used too. One of my only big gripes is the power/lock button, which moved from the top to the side. I really don't care for it there, I wish they would've left it at the top. Just like the reviewer, too often I hit one of the volume buttons along with it in error and it's also harder to take screen shots now too. But, for the most part, adjusting and loving it!
  • Reply 122 of 281
    Originally Posted by Onhka

    I think that there are more than enough of us and if we speak loud and often enough, there is a good chance the smaller form size could be made an option. Especially if we don't become vitriolic in the process.

    [B]Works for me.

    An IPhone 6 Plus in a 5 case for me and in a 5s for the wife!
  • Reply 123 of 281
    I can operate my iPhone 6+ with 1 hand when needed.
    6+ is one Bad Ass phone my only wish for iPhone 7 is less bezel.
  • Reply 124 of 281
    The author should practice with a Bali-song Butterfly Knife to enhance her manual dexterity
  • Reply 125 of 281
    Originally Posted by CaliSpecGT View Post

    Because you "cannot use the phone" does not correlate at all to the phones are unusable.


    Wh… what?


    Originally Posted by boredumb View Post

    They are too large to be merely phones…


    Fine, the long version: “They are too large to be used as every phone prior to their creation was capable of being used.”

  • Reply 126 of 281
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    I love my 6 Plus, but Apple did a lot of people a disservice by not making a new 4" option also. My wife will never move on from the 5s now, and cannot benefit from ApplePay and other new innovations, because she does not like the sheer size of the 6. The 5s is as large as she feels comfortable with.


    Disappointed in this to say the least. Maybe next year they'll wise up and refresh the 4" size.

  • Reply 127 of 281

    Originally Posted by pmz View Post


    I love my 6 Plus, but Apple did a lot of people a disservice by not making a new 4" option also. My wife will never move on from the 5s now, and cannot benefit from ApplePay and other new innovations, because she does not like the sheer size of the 6. The 5s is as large as she feels comfortable with.


    Disappointed in this to say the least. Maybe next year they'll wise up and refresh the 4" size.


    Same with my Wife.


    Has a 4S... didn't want anything above a 4" phone. Said she'll wait as long as possible to see if Apple will offer an updated 5S before buying an iPhone 6.

  • Reply 128 of 281
    I've had the iPhone 6 for a week now, and overall it wasn't too hard to use. I've actually used Reachability A LOT; however, I too have been going back and forth between the 6 and 5 and decided to exchange the 6 for the 5s tomorrow. I just can't get over the fact how uncomfortable it is to hold the 6, and my hands are large. It also looked dumb when putting it in my front pocket.
  • Reply 129 of 281
    I don't think you and I could disagree anymore. The iPhone 6 is such a major improvement over the 5 in every respect. It is the first time they have really made it worth it to upgrade. Everyone I KNOW shares that opinion and not once have I heard anyone make comments like yours:)
  • Reply 130 of 281
    Great article.

    I agree with the author. I am torn between the 5S and 6. I have been using the 6 for a week now, but I really prefer the 5S size better.

    The iOS UI is top heavy - navigational items and buttons are at the top of the screen. Thus, being able to touch the top of the screen is important. With the 6, reaching the top of the screen (especially the opposite corner) is difficult with the phone in one hand. With prior versions, the thumb could easily navigate from the home button to the upper reaches of the screen without adjusting the hand position. Android phones have back buttons at the bottom of the screen, and thus are more amenable to one handed use with large screens.

    I feel Apple is responding to market demand, as opposed to creating market demand as they have in the past. Whatever happened to Johnny Ives' video about the importance of a size which could be used with one hand?

    I wish the new iPhone 6 was a 4" form factor, and the 6+ the 4.7" form factor. I sill have my 5S in case I want to revert back, but it will not be able to support technologies such as Apple Pay. Thus, I think Apple made a mistake with their two new sizes.
  • Reply 131 of 281
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    Originally Posted by Skiersteve View Post

    The iOS UI is top heavy - navigational items and buttons are at the top of the screen. Thus, being able to touch the top of the screen is important.

    That's a good point. The home screen is no problem, because you can just put apps that you don't use along the top row. But actually inside apps, a lot of the navigation buttons are right at the top.

  • Reply 132 of 281
    I already use my phone 2-handed and always use a case.

    It seems to be a 4.7" phone upgrade is a no-brainer for me.
  • Reply 133 of 281

    I have always been a bit leery of a larger screen than 4". I don't use a smartphone but my iPod touch tells me what I need to know. And for me that is the Touch, feels very good in the hand and the right size as well. I find it as immersive watching a moving on the 4" screen as a 27" screen because you hold it so close.


    However now that the 6 has been released I have found myself on ebay looking for 64GB New condition models of the 5S. The upgrade in processor and touch ID would be good and the difference in cost of the touch and used 5S is not much.


    Whenever I have picked up the 5s it always feels a bit too chunky compared to the Touch.. 


    So I have come to the conclusion that Apple needs to continue the 4" form factor but in the new 6 shape.

  • Reply 134 of 281

    Originally Posted by SirLance99 View Post



    Nope, not going to happen. The 4" size is outdated. Time to move on.

    The 4" screen for a phone will never be 'outdated' in the foreseeable future because it's a size that is dictated by human scale. 

  • Reply 135 of 281
    Nice review. Honest too.

    The rub, I think, is in calling the device a smart phone. I was trained at the Bell System. Phones were ergonomic, fit in your hand and were built for conversation comfort. Not smart phones.
    Think of how comfy the old phone handset cupped your ear. The smartphone of today are like talking in to a candy bar. Comfy? Not even an attempt to be that.
    Cell phones were ergonomic about the time of the flip phone but not any more.

    There has been no innovation in to the basic candy bar shape of smart phones since the introduction of the iPhone. We lemmings keep lining up to buy the latest old designs The newest innovations, fingerprint ID, and NFC have been around for years. Apple just didn't know how to monetize them. Every purchase we make with Apple Pay (which really should be renamed Pay Apple) will make Apple money. So much so that they would be able to give the phones away.....ergonomic or not.

    The iPhone 6 is bigger and has rounded corners and is thinner. If that's all car manufacturers had to do for their next years' model they would never sell new cars. Unless, of course it had a new iPhone port.

    I like Apple. I just know when I'm getting short changed. We didn't need bigger....we needed way better and we get almost nothing innovative for the loyalty. Since the iPhone 4 we've seen little innovation. Hey, if your phone works and you have a 4 or 5 be patient and wait for the iPhone 8. Apple has taken a page from the book of Mercedes Benz: redesign every 4 years and upgrade in between. Now how smart is that?
  • Reply 136 of 281
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member

    Agreed, but a 6+ is more pocketable than an iPad mini. But then there's the 'carried in a bag/purse' argument. Maybe the carriers could give you this option? So those that just want data can buy the same model as those that want data/voice, but the data only people wouldn't have to pay the smart-phone rates for using their devices on the network.

    Personally, I would settle with a 6+ before going the rout of a iPad mini/phone. That's just me.
    And that's my point. Now that Apple has finally given their customers a choice to carry a phablet, a larger iPhone, and traditionally sized ones, I welcome the options. Let people have what they want. In which case, why not enable cellular phone service on the iPads, and let users decide if they want to enable a phone number on it? With family plans the way they are, I can see a plan that let's you have an iPhone and iPad in which you can transfer calls from one to the other.

    And then there's the Apple Watch -- if someone is using the watch, it really doesn't matter how big their phone is ... Women will carry it in a ubiquitous purse, men in a briefcase, or back pack. Or maybe they'll just carry it around like a newspaper. Or maybe designers will put a strap on an iPad case to carry it around like a satchel. And an iPad mini will fit in a jacket pocket just as easily as the Plus. And then there's the designers who are going to start designing roomier pockets.

    All I'm saying is, Apple's opened Pandora's box and there's really no reason to deny any customer anything, if a device is already capable of performing functions Apple has simply chosen not to enable.
  • Reply 137 of 281
    Apple - we want the iPhone 6(S) - smaller screen, same design and same spec as the 6 with longer battery life and the ability to travel through time and space. Pleeease!
  • Reply 138 of 281
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member
    kingron wrote: »
    Apple - we want the iPhone 6(S) - smaller screen, same design and same spec as the 6 with longer battery life and the ability to travel through time and space. Pleeease!
    No need. It's silly to think the 6 mini will have the same specs as the 6, but that is the trade-off for getting the iPhone 6 in a smaller form factor, just like there's no way to put the 6 Plus specs in the same sized case as the iPhone 6. Choice comes with a price...

    But the idea that Apple might discontinue the 4-inch screen when there seems to be a demand, so soon after the iPhone 6 series has been introduced is just as foolish. There's no way to know how many 6 Plus units are shipping over the 6, nor is Apple likely to tell us how many 5ses ship. Only Apple will know this and depending on how it all works out over the next year will determine whether the 4" screen has a future beyond the 5s.
  • Reply 139 of 281
    after a week still not comfortable with my grip. the top of the screen is not my problem. i rest the bottom of the phone on my pinky and wrap my hand around it. this allows my to reach the top just fine my problem is reaching the bottom corner on the opposite side. dont care for reachablty i think a better solution is to allow us to position icons where we want or at least align from the bottom up instead of top down. and have apps built with options for button locations
  • Reply 140 of 281
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,828member

    Funny how people use the 'you're not being forced to buy blah' argument when it suits them but then 'oh, the sky is falling' when it doesn't.

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