Apple's Maps Connect portal lets local businesses create, add details to listings
In a continued effort to make Apple Maps more accurate, Apple on Tuesday launched a new Web portal called "Maps Connect" to let local businesses add information directly into the mapping services.

The new Maps Connect tool is aimed at small business owners who want to add information to create an Apple Maps listing or modify an existing description with additional details, reports Search Engine Land.
According to the publication, which went through the setup process, owners can sign in using a current Apple ID -- or sign up for one -- and begin using the service for free.
To add a new business, users first enter the name, address, phone number and affiliation with the company. A verification code sent via automated phone call is then entered in to Maps Connect tool. Alternatively, business owners can verify through an email address affiliated with their company's website, provided they have one.
From there, users can select from a number of detail options, including location, business categories, hours of service and links to social media and Yelp.
Search Engine Land says changes are uploaded to Maps servers and usually appear on consumer-facing iOS and OS X apps within one week, though publication time may vary depending on Apple's vetting process. Apple also incorporates anti-fraud techniques in Maps Connect, but failed to explain exactly how those measures work.
Finally, Maps Connect asks businesses to sign up for iBeacon installations, though requirements for acceptance into the program are steep as Apple has seen an "overwhelming response" to the service. In addition to an annual visitor rate of at least one million customers, businesses must have Wi-Fi, accurate and scaled maps and an app with which to support iBeacon features.
Apple has been working toward a more accurate and comprehensive mapping system since the first Maps app launched in 2012 to stinging reviews. Along with "Ground Truth" managers responsible for fact checking and in-person data gathering, Apple's Maps team includes members working on Flyover enhancements, data collection and more.

The new Maps Connect tool is aimed at small business owners who want to add information to create an Apple Maps listing or modify an existing description with additional details, reports Search Engine Land.
According to the publication, which went through the setup process, owners can sign in using a current Apple ID -- or sign up for one -- and begin using the service for free.
To add a new business, users first enter the name, address, phone number and affiliation with the company. A verification code sent via automated phone call is then entered in to Maps Connect tool. Alternatively, business owners can verify through an email address affiliated with their company's website, provided they have one.
From there, users can select from a number of detail options, including location, business categories, hours of service and links to social media and Yelp.
Search Engine Land says changes are uploaded to Maps servers and usually appear on consumer-facing iOS and OS X apps within one week, though publication time may vary depending on Apple's vetting process. Apple also incorporates anti-fraud techniques in Maps Connect, but failed to explain exactly how those measures work.
Finally, Maps Connect asks businesses to sign up for iBeacon installations, though requirements for acceptance into the program are steep as Apple has seen an "overwhelming response" to the service. In addition to an annual visitor rate of at least one million customers, businesses must have Wi-Fi, accurate and scaled maps and an app with which to support iBeacon features.
Apple has been working toward a more accurate and comprehensive mapping system since the first Maps app launched in 2012 to stinging reviews. Along with "Ground Truth" managers responsible for fact checking and in-person data gathering, Apple's Maps team includes members working on Flyover enhancements, data collection and more.
I hope their anti-fraud techniques are exceptionally good since Google actively sabotages competitor's maps.
Alternatively, business owners can verify through an email address affiliated with their company's website, provided they have one.
I don't see many companies posting email addresses on their websites these days. Nice gesture, but lame.
Long overdue.
I hope their anti-fraud techniques are exceptionally good since Google actively sabotages competitor's maps.
Love the tin-foiled hat nature of conspiracy nuts. Ok... I'l play, show me the money. Show me where "google actively sabotages competitor's maps."
Back on topic... this is good news, but Apple Maps is so beyond behind in the maps game that it will take a MAJOR change for me to switch back.
Apple will get there don'y worry. Look at the lead the Evil Google had, Apple are closing rapidly and own the vast majority of mobile web viewership. It's all over we are just waiting for the fat Eric to sing.
All these things roll out to the suburbs over time ...
Apple will get there don'y worry. Look at the lead the Evil Google had, Apple are closing rapidly and own the vast majority of mobile web viewership. It's all over we are just waiting for the fat Eric to sing.
"closing rapidly?" Really? Prove it. Show me the money.
I am an avid iPhone user. But fact of the matter is 1.) Apple Maps is not even remotely a competitor to Google Maps. 2.) Neither is Siri.
I check on Apple Maps on it's usefulness, and still to this day... Apple Maps simply does not compare. Sure, if you punch in the EXACT address into Apple Maps, you'll get a a "comparable experience to Google Maps." Beyond that? If you HONESTLY believe that Apple Maps is better than Google Maps, I would LOVE to smoke what you're smoking. Apple Maps is no where near as good in search. In fact, this is where it absolutely fails. Sure, if I type "pizza," I'll get something, but often times when I type in (to search mind you) a specific portion of the actual name of a bar/restaurant/whatever... often times Apple Maps simply *will not find* the place. Google Maps, almost 100% of the time will.
This is a SERIOUS problem with Apple. It also translates over to Google Now. Listen, I get the Apple fan side of things. You want it to work better (and usually it does). You want it to perform better (the Apple side almost always does), but in speech recognition? In usefulness in "AI" (note the quotes). Sorry, but Siri is no where near as good as what Google Now or it's speech recognition side of things does.
I've tried "Hey Siri" when I plug it in my car. I try messaging... FAIL. I try reading messages/emails. FAIL. On the google side? near 100% success. No lie. Please, don't give me the excuse of "well... it just gets your 'voice' better." Nope. In all avenues, the Google Now/Speech recognition is far better than on the Apple side. SERIOUSLY depressing.
Why should I ask what I"m about to do? This is where Google Now SERIOUSLY outperforms siri. Google's Knowledge Graph is so far ahead of Apple, if you don't see it's importance... you're gonna get passed over in the "next generation."
I'm seriously concerned with Apple on these two (2) fronts: Artificial Intelligence (or mimicking it) and web/internet services
All I am saying is go back in time and check out Google maps at the same point in development. Rest assured Google is not going to come close to Apple in the long run ... at anything. Their theft of iOS ended what was great, mutually beneficial business arrangement. Eric's betrayal will be their undoing. A few years ago I said the same thing about Gates and Microcrap when they ruled the world ... not so much now eh? Have faith grasshopper.
Meanwhile we use Siri day in day out with great success, perhaps you have other issues? Tried elocution lessons ? Heck I'm a Brit using the America Siri
All I am saying is go back in time and check out Google maps at the same point in development.
It doesn't matter. Why should this matter to me or you? What matters is how the product performs right now, and right now Google Maps is far ahead of Apple Maps, I'm concerned that Apple can never catch up. In fact, I can't see how Apple can.
That is not an intelligent reply. Apple started way later and obviously have catching up to do before they go into the lead. Just don't forget Google's map revenue comes from selling information gleaned from map usage. iOS is so dominant now their income is dwindling.
Maps improvement does matter to me coz I'll never use Google products. ^_^
Besides, Apple can always partner with the best AI providers out there. They don't have to do everything themselves. They partner with the banks to provide Apple Pay. They partner with Microsoft, Google and many others to provide Safari and Spotlight searches. They can partner with IBM to integrate Watson if they want to.
Apple can always have multiple solutions for people who are privacy conscious, and people who don't care. There is no need to adopt Google's singular approach from the get go.
Heck, they can also work on their own solution in parallel.
I use Siri all the time to set reminder, navigate, open music player, message, etc.
It works most of the time, except when network is unavailable.
OMG that is a thought I hadn't had ... Apple and access to Watson! Awesome ... So long as they never rename Siri as 'Ken' ...
Really? I'd say Apple's recent filings and the expected next quarter ($60B??) compared to Samsung's 60% decline answers that one. Google = Android. What part of that escapes you?
I have been reading your posts to date. While in advertising and a Mac user you seem to have been unhappy with the iPhone and iOS a lot. I am sorry that has been your experience.
2) I didn't seen an option to change or suggest a change for a route to a business. For a test I put in one to my doctor's office which still has you foolishly make a U-turn on a dirt road instead of taking a left at the light. I've reported it a couple times and it's still not changed.
1) How long after Google Maps debuted did they have vector mapping? How long after Apple Maps debuted did they have vector mapping?
2) How long after Google Maps debuted did they have turn-by-turn directions for a mobile device? How long after Apple Maps debuted did they have turn-by-turn directions for a mobile device?
This list goes on and on. It's ridiculous for you to assume that because Google Maps was first that Apple will always be second, or that Google is increasing their lead.
You are the one that wanted to how Apple Maps was improving as compared to Google Maps. You set that stage, not digitalclips.
Love the tin-foiled hat nature of conspiracy nuts. Ok... I'l play, show me the money. Show me where "google actively sabotages competitor's maps."
Back on topic... this is good news, but Apple Maps is so beyond behind in the maps game that it will take a MAJOR change for me to switch back.
To each their own, but I prefer Apple Maps. It works better on the iPhone than Google's solution. Street View is cool, but I really use that.
Wow. The quality of Google trolls has declined dramatically. They don't even know how to "Google!"
"closing rapidly?" Really? Prove it. Show me the money.
I am an avid iPhone user. But fact of the matter is 1.) Apple Maps is not even remotely a competitor to Google Maps. 2.) Neither is Siri.
I check on Apple Maps on it's usefulness, and still to this day... Apple Maps simply does not compare. Sure, if you punch in the EXACT address into Apple Maps, you'll get a a "comparable experience to Google Maps." Beyond that? If you HONESTLY believe that Apple Maps is better than Google Maps, I would LOVE to smoke what you're smoking. Apple Maps is no where near as good in search. In fact, this is where it absolutely fails. Sure, if I type "pizza," I'll get something, but often times when I type in (to search mind you) a specific portion of the actual name of a bar/restaurant/whatever... often times Apple Maps simply *will not find* the place. Google Maps, almost 100% of the time will.
This is a SERIOUS problem with Apple. It also translates over to Google Now. Listen, I get the Apple fan side of things. You want it to work better (and usually it does). You want it to perform better (the Apple side almost always does), but in speech recognition? In usefulness in "AI" (note the quotes). Sorry, but Siri is no where near as good as what Google Now or it's speech recognition side of things does.
I've tried "Hey Siri" when I plug it in my car. I try messaging... FAIL. I try reading messages/emails. FAIL. On the google side? near 100% success. No lie. Please, don't give me the excuse of "well... it just gets your 'voice' better." Nope. In all avenues, the Google Now/Speech recognition is far better than on the Apple side. SERIOUSLY depressing.
Why should I ask what I"m about to do? This is where Google Now SERIOUSLY outperforms siri. Google's Knowledge Graph is so far ahead of Apple, if you don't see it's importance... you're gonna get passed over in the "next generation."
I'm seriously concerned with Apple on these two (2) fronts: Artificial Intelligence (or mimicking it) and web/internet services
Perhaps you have a broken iPhone? Seriously, I can see why one would prefer Google Maps over Apple Maps, but Siri rocks. It also keeps getting better. iOS 8 made her much more responsive, and increased her knowledge base. I get surprised everyday with things I can ask her.
Further, studies show more people use the default apps on the iPhone, so Google is being deprived of a lot of iPhone users data, which Apple is gaining. In Maps, Apple is the underdog, but the App works faster on the iPhone and is more accurate with some things like on the fly re-route mapping in the US. Apple's biggest weakness is point of interest data. Things like this help address that shortcoming.
Really the argument shouldn't be whether Google Maps, with a huge lead in development, is more accurate or not on Android v iPhone with Apple Maps, but whether Apple Maps was the right choice for iOS when Google was sticking it to Apple by not offering any advanced features until Apple let Google violate user's privacy. Even with the expected growing pains Apple Maps definitely was better than the antiquated scrapes iOS had been using.
If Apple is at fault, it's for not starting to build out their own maps solution the day it got in bed with Google to supply Maps to the iPhone.