Half-Life for Mac exists!!!

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
Believe me or don't but thats what a friend told me today.

He is a PC zealot and actually doesnt like MacOS much but here in Belgium, Apple sponsored a sort of technology week at highschools where Apple and 3rd parties (MS was there with a pledge of Office for Mac and Education) showed off software and also gaming (seeing that big crowd is students).

While talking about the various games he mentioned the usual, UT, Q3, etc... then he said "Yeah, and Half-Life for Mac sucks..." I was sure he made a mistake but then asked him at least 10 times again if he was sure that it was HL. He said yes, that it was a bit buggy and was incomplete (only 3-4 levels). He told me that some guy from Apple belgium had installed HL on new (Luxo Jr.) iMacs.

I have asked him, begged him actually, to get me hard, cold proof of this and said he would do the possible to get me a copy.

If this is true (and he had no reason to lie to me) I will provide you with more info.


  • Reply 1 of 55
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    actually, i believe this may be correct.

    initially HL was slated to be released for the Mac OS as well as for PC's. however, Sierra, in their infinate wisdom at the last second decided to nix the mac version.

    it was mostly done though, and i'm sure there are copies of it floating around.

    the main reason the decided to can it was that they didn't want to support dual platform patches and updates in the future.
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  • Reply 2 of 55
    majormattmajormatt Posts: 1,077member
    The game was slated for late 1999 release, or was . . .
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  • Reply 3 of 55
    It's true. I played it on the computer that it was being developed on. At Macworld New York a few years back, we (Mac 3D Dot Com) had a booth whilst covering the national gaming championships. Some of our good friends like Lane Roathe and Andrew Meggs were there for Logicware, and after the show closed Andrew showed us Half Life on his box. On the last day of the show he was actually working on the code, and for anyone that for some strange reason may have been there, he was attempting to code naked IDG wouldn't have that, so I think he just settled with topless.

    At any rate, it exists, it's quite incomplete, and it isn't Apple's fault that it never got finished.
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  • Reply 4 of 55
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    I remember the whole Sierra fiasco quite well... I am still extremly pissed with them for that and other games they promised but then axed at last minute.

    What shocks me the most with all this story of playing HL on a Mac is that someone, outside of Meggs and Sierra, actually have a copy... and that if there had been some available out of these people that they havent been floating around on HL and Carraho.

    I remember a few days before HL got axed that meggs was saying that it was working fine on a mixed (Mac PC) LAN.

    I still can't believe Sierra axed one of the most successful games in history for Mac.

    On the other hand I have a friend at Valve that is working on the maps for HL2 (and was responsible for quite a few of them in HL) that HL2 is almost 100% coming for Mac and that, surprise, they are re-doing HL (original) with the HL2 engine... wicked.
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  • Reply 5 of 55
    falconfalcon Posts: 458member
    [quote]On the other hand I have a friend at Valve that is working on the maps for HL2 (and was responsible for quite a few of them in HL) that HL2 is almost 100% coming for Mac and that, surprise, they are re-doing HL (original) with the HL2 engine... wicked.<hr></blockquote>

    :eek: Your not serious. HL2 seems to be one of the most closely guarded games ever. I think Valve has learned their lesson of announcing the game to early to the public. But HL2 on the Mac, and HL redone with HL2 engine. Oh how orgazmic. <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

    Hell any word, any word at all, on HL2 is orgazmic.
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  • Reply 6 of 55
    majormattmajormatt Posts: 1,077member
    Will the engine use OpenGL?
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  • Reply 7 of 55
    Actually I remember reading a messge from one of the people who was working on the mac port. He said that it was axed 2 days from gold master. 2 frikin days.

    I hate Sierra, they did this exact same thing with Tribes 2, and I bet they do it with every other major title. Ever since they were bought out...

    The scary thing is that the same people who own thme own Blizzard (who I am becoming more and more unimpressed with. BnetD any one?)
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  • Reply 8 of 55
    Ya. The whole Half-Life and Tribes thing has really annoyed me as well. The only problem with Hald-Life would have been it ran only from Mac to Mac, and did not support playing with PC's, so I could not have brought my Mac to lans... I hope that HL2 truly DOES play Half-Life, and has compatible networks, which I see as totally viable. At the time HL was axed, the Mac truly did not have nearly as much support as it does today, and now, since it is eaiser to develop for than ever, I do not see them canceling it for the Mac.. Heres to hoping.
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  • Reply 9 of 55
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    actually, HL was designed to be completely cross platform, much like all the blizzard titles. that was also the problem. Sierra didn't want to have to patch both sides when a problem arose, so they just killed off the mac version.

    the tidbits about HL 2 are interesting, but they have anything in mind to keep the cheats down in future mods?
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  • Reply 10 of 55
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    I havent had specifics regarding the architecture of the game, so cant say if it will be OpenGL or not, but I would imagine yes.

    Vivendi-Universal (French) owns Sierra and Blizzard indeed. Blizzard seems to be totally behind Mac though. Sierra... hmmm... grrr...

    Regarding cheating and hacking, I also know Valve has been talking to many 3rd parties and also have been creating home-brew solutions to defeat it. I dont know where they are on it but you can rest assured that they are taking care of it somehow or another.

    Personally I just want to see HL 1 on Mac and be able to play Day of Defeat on a Mac. I dont care about CounterStrike. Day of Defeat absolutely, totally owns. (www.dayofdefeatmod.com for whomever may be interested)
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  • Reply 11 of 55
    [quote]Originally posted by alcimedes:

    <strong>actually, HL was designed to be completely cross platform, much like all the blizzard titles. that was also the problem. Sierra didn't want to have to patch both sides when a problem arose, so they just killed off the mac version.

    the tidbits about HL 2 are interesting, but they have anything in mind to keep the cheats down in future mods?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You're correct as to the reason why even if HalfLife for Mac shipped, it wouldn't have played on a network with PCs, but it wasn't the reason Sierra cancelled the port. What's worse is that Sierra balked on paying the folks who did the work up until it was cancelled. it's sort of a sensitive subject for those that were working on it. I'll fire off an email and get an inside view on it...
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  • Reply 12 of 55
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    ahh, that's what i had heard, perhaps those faq's were all off.
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  • Reply 13 of 55
    Well, here's what Lane had to say about HalfLife. I don't think they much like to talk about it ;-)

    [quote] Half-Life was in beta when cancelled, pretty much to FC stage. It could

    play networked against other mac and windows machines as either a client

    or server, and the single player game worked. Beyond that, I doubt anyone

    played it anywhere unless it was leaked out by someone at Sierra.<hr></blockquote>
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  • Reply 14 of 55
    And Lane just sent me a follow-up email, addressing the network play and why Sierra axxed it...

    [quote] We expected it to ship with network support. My take on why Sierra

    cancelled it was that they were pissed that Apple wouldn't pay for their

    advertising the game. The "official" reason initially was that Valve

    cancelled it. The "Official" reason after Valve denied it was that Sierra

    couldn't figure out how to maintain compatability with the Windows

    updates (of which there were many!). Of course, since we had fixed many

    Windows bugs, and had our version running under Windows... <hr></blockquote>

    So that's the official word from one of the developers :-)
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  • Reply 15 of 55
    Sierra is so.... ARGH!

    As for Blizzard, not counting their actions on the PC side, I had a LOT of problems with Starcraft. It was at a point where it was perfectly playable and practically bugless about 2 years before it was released. Its almost as if it was delayed.

    Mac Diablo 2 was AHEAD of the PC version, yet it took what? 3 months?

    Perhaps its just coincidence but...
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  • Reply 16 of 55
    macaddictmacaddict Posts: 1,055member
    Half Life...mmm...

    Too bad I'm getting a PC.

    Can't wait to play DoD and CS.
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  • Reply 17 of 55
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    Are you buying a 'gaming PC' or are you converting over entirely? Did you sell your Power Mac? I always find it kind of silly that people spend a ton of money on buying a gaming PC.
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  • Reply 18 of 55
    willoughbywilloughby Posts: 1,457member
    [quote]Originally posted by Fran441:

    <strong>Are you buying a 'gaming PC' or are you converting over entirely? Did you sell your Power Mac? I always find it kind of silly that people spend a ton of money on buying a gaming PC.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Agreed. The amount of money that "gamers" spend on upgrading their video cards, sound cards and what not every year I would spend on a new console. I don't even think I'll need a new console for awhile seeing as I'm totally addicted to SSX Tricky
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  • Reply 19 of 55
    calcal Posts: 17member
    [quote]Originally posted by Willoughby:


    I don't even think I'll need a new console for awhile seeing as I'm totally addicted to SSX Tricky </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Me too
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  • Reply 20 of 55
    Actually, I built a "gaming PC" about 3 years ago for about $500, haven't made any major upgrades since then, and I get a lot of mileage out of it still. It won't play the latest and greatest, but I can still kick butt on a Half-Life server... <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
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