I appreciate DED's passion and integrity, but on this set of issues, he's badly out of his depth. It's a shallowly researched piece that takles a formidably challenging topic, which,to be fair, no journalist writing in English gets even in the range of correct, or so it seems to me having lived decades in South Korea. Lee Jae-Yong is certainly smarter and better educated (Seoul National-Keio-Harvard) than he is given credit for here, and I strongly suspect he is part of the management of Samsung trying to move away from the policies developed, it would seem, by top executives such as Choi Jisung and endorsed by the senior Lee (Kunhee), to copy Apple slavishly. I don't believe it was out of hypocrisy that Led Jae-Yong attended Steve Jobs' memorial service. The general sense in Korea is that he may be too "wimpish'" to play the business hardball that propelled Samsung into profit through activities that seem sleazy to many, including me. In short, give at least a moment to consider he may be one of the good guys, however much he is caught up in all kinds of heritage issues.
In short, clueless articles such as this one that are filled with misplaced self-righteousness risk empowering precisely the kind of executives that produced a copycat mentality at Samsung Electronics.
To invoke Bob Dylan: don't criticize what you can't understand.
AI has become my home-page since a few months now ... that said, DED & Team, keep us INFORMED and don't pay attention to couple of whining android bitches here ....
The Lee family of Samsung reminds me of the Kim family of North Korea. Both are corrupt, brazen, above the law, and seem to be facing the same third-generation syndrome typical of family owned enterprises.
I understand their actual family name is Palpatine.
I appreciate DED's passion and integrity, but on this set of issues, he's badly out of his depth. It's a shallowly researched piece that takles a formidably challenging topic, which,to be fair, no journalist writing in English gets even in the range of correct, or so it seems to me having lived decades in South Korea. Lee Jae-Yong is certainly smarter and better educated (Seoul National-Keio-Harvard) than he is given credit for here, and I strongly suspect he is part of the management of Samsung trying to move away from the policies developed, it would seem, by top executives such as Choi Jisung and endorsed by the senior Lee (Kunhee), to copy Apple slavishly. I don't believe it was out of hypocrisy that Led Jae-Yong attended Steve Jobs' memorial service. The general sense in Korea is that he may be too "wimpish'" to play the business hardball that propelled Samsung into profit through activities that seem sleazy to many, including me. In short, give at least a moment to consider he may be one of the good guys, however much he is caught up in all kinds of heritage issues.
In short, clueless articles such as this one that are filled with misplaced self-righteousness risk empowering precisely the kind of executives that produced a copycat mentality at Samsung Electronics.
To invoke Bob Dylan: don't criticize what you can't understand.
Interesting. Like for Hamlet, something is rotten in the state, but here the father is the villain, not the uncle.
I don't know if you'll get anywhere with DED by using that confrontational tone, though.
You've empowered a real winner here, Google. Good job swinging the balance of tech power to non-American companies. You're an American hero!
Fortunately for Sam(e)sung they'll always have the Fanatical Fandroid Brigade (some of whom are camping AppleInsider as we speak) who will gobble up their plastic knock-offs with wild abandon. Not to mention Sam(e)sung is propped up by the South Korean government, so they can engage in whatever scurvy business practices they want with impunity.
Google Sam(e)sung Fandroids = the trifecta of (un)awesomeness.
I have groan progressively crankier over the years reading completely misdirected commentary on Korea using the usual rhetorical ploy of lofty superiority. Not that my own posture as "the curmudgeon insider" is less disingenuous . Maybe more informative at the margin. . .
By wide repute Lee Jae-Yong is not only living in the shadow of his famed father (known when young for racing his sports car at high speed through Seoul and spectacularly crashing to the permanent detriment of his health but not his rep for derring do) but also his grandfather, the compsny founder and by repute pro-Japan sympathizer, totally out synch with Korean nationalism. Supposedly young Jae-Yong was bullied into studying Japsnese history at the university and subsequently business at Keio U., as his father did. AFAIK, Harvard Business School was Jae-Yong's own idea.
Samsung is a highly complicated organization with many moving parts. But western journalists don't make even a superficial attempt to map even its main features, much less master its intricies.
Don't worry, the not-so-bright Android fanatics will scream that these two phones don't really look alike. Oh, and Xerox PARC and rounded rectangles. Derp.
And let's not forget, Google bought Motorola (an American company), stripped what they needed from it and then dumped it on the Chinese (Lenovo). Goodbye one of the final remaining American mobile hardware manufacturers. Motorola is Chinese now.
When seeing this graphic and the phones to the left, I always want to see two more images. One that is Samsung before and after Blackberry. The other is Samsung before and after Palm Treo. I mean their before products here look like copies of those products and I suspect the before on those was just as stark as the iPhone images.
In short, clueless articles such as this one that are filled with misplaced self-righteousness risk empowering precisely the kind of executives that produced a copycat mentality at Samsung Electronics.
To invoke Bob Dylan: don't criticize what you can't understand.
notice is it only available in China, ...
For now, my friend ... for now.
They are testing the water ....
ailing leader Lee Kun-hee, who at 72 remains hospitalized following a heart attack in May.
46 year old Lee Kun-hee, the chairman's only son, is broadly recognized to be his heir apparent.
Wow, they even photocopied each others names.
AI has become my home-page since a few months now ... that said, DED & Team, keep us INFORMED and don't pay attention to couple of whining android bitches here ....
I understand their actual family name is Palpatine.
DED, he's referring to your second paragraph, where you got your Lees mixed up.
Was it Lee Li or Li Lee?
Interesting. Like for Hamlet, something is rotten in the state, but here the father is the villain, not the uncle.
I don't know if you'll get anywhere with DED by using that confrontational tone, though.
Fortunately for Sam(e)sung they'll always have the Fanatical Fandroid Brigade (some of whom are camping AppleInsider as we speak) who will gobble up their plastic knock-offs with wild abandon. Not to mention Sam(e)sung is propped up by the South Korean government, so they can engage in whatever scurvy business practices they want with impunity.
Google Sam(e)sung Fandroids = the trifecta of (un)awesomeness.
I have groan progressively crankier over the years reading completely misdirected commentary on Korea using the usual rhetorical ploy of lofty superiority. Not that my own posture as "the curmudgeon insider" is less disingenuous
By wide repute Lee Jae-Yong is not only living in the shadow of his famed father (known when young for racing his sports car at high speed through Seoul and spectacularly crashing to the permanent detriment of his health but not his rep for derring do) but also his grandfather, the compsny founder and by repute pro-Japan sympathizer, totally out synch with Korean nationalism. Supposedly young Jae-Yong was bullied into studying Japsnese history at the university and subsequently business at Keio U., as his father did. AFAIK, Harvard Business School was Jae-Yong's own idea.
Samsung is a highly complicated organization with many moving parts. But western journalists don't make even a superficial attempt to map even its main features, much less master its intricies.
The war has begun .... Apple vs every other damn so-called tech company ....
Lenovo launches the S90 “Sisley”, a blatant copy of Apple’s iPhone 6
Don't worry, the not-so-bright Android fanatics will scream that these two phones don't really look alike. Oh, and Xerox PARC and rounded rectangles. Derp.
Taking the opportunity to post a gratuitous photo of my favorite leelee.
And let's not forget, Google bought Motorola (an American company), stripped what they needed from it and then dumped it on the Chinese (Lenovo). Goodbye one of the final remaining American mobile hardware manufacturers. Motorola is Chinese now.
Thanks again, Google. You tools.
When seeing this graphic and the phones to the left, I always want to see two more images. One that is Samsung before and after Blackberry. The other is Samsung before and after Palm Treo. I mean their before products here look like copies of those products and I suspect the before on those was just as stark as the iPhone images.
Even better.