Amazon's 'Echo' is a standalone Siri-like virtual assistant for the home



  • Reply 41 of 115
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    Siri is unfortunately fairly stupid for this being the end of 2014.

    I also miss the built-in Shazam feature in most of the iOS 8 betas.

    Any field where there is a managable-sized enumerable number of queries and a fixed vocab, Siri should be able to handle. There must be < 100 games that are popular at any one time and a few 10s of levels on each. Music is a bit harder because people listen to old music much more than they play old games, but still, it should be doable.

  • Reply 42 of 115

    Whoa! Watched the video; and I am impressed. By the product that is, by the video not so much. I like the idea of demoing real-life use – but the acting could have been a lot better. ...but then again, maybe the intention was to showcase an All-American family, rather than the perfect people featured in Apple's ads; who we are used to. Given Amazons's budget, they surely could have done it better if they had wanted to.

    They are targeting the average Joe, and he may not identify with Apple's ads.


    But this is big. By 2020, this will be as normal as iPhones and iPads are today. Something like this; be it from Amazon, Google, or preferably Apple.


    As for Fire Phone, however: I think we can safely assume that Amazon has written it off: pause at 0:21 in... and at 3:24.


    But I like where they are going: for User Experience. Did anyone notice the reference at 2:05? Nice!

  • Reply 43 of 115
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member

    How many Alexa's do they have in the house?


    Apple could integrate Siri in a blink. Continuity will make us speak to our computers.


    "Siri!?, Close Safari and open my most recent document in Pages. I got to do some work."

  • Reply 44 of 115
    ascii wrote: »
    Things are about to get weird. Really weird.

    Yes. And if it is successful, the next logical step will be to give it a body so it can pick things up for you, instead of just answering questions. And shortly after that... they take over ;-)

    Me: "Alexa, Come sit on my lap"

    Alexa: "Not tonight, I have a headache"
  • Reply 45 of 115
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Me: "Alexa, Come sit on my lap"

    Alexa: "Not tonight, I have a headache"

    Yes, that's one other application of robots. But I doubt Amazon would sell something like that, probably some more seedy company.

  • Reply 46 of 115
    ascii wrote: »

    Yes, that's one other application of robots. But I doubt Amazon would sell something like that, probably some more seedy company.

    No, they'd sell it.
  • Reply 47 of 115
    No, they'd sell it.

    I have to agree they would sell it, just not as a first party device
  • Reply 48 of 115
    blah64blah64 Posts: 993member
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    Will be interested to see how they execute it, but this could be a really neat idea.

    Because after all, what could go wrong with a cloud connected microphone that is on all the time?

    Seriously people, are you guys (and gals) so enamored with shiny objects that you can't see a problem with this? Even if this was made by Apple I wouldn't touch it, let alone Amazon. What if google came out with a product like this? Would people still be saying how neat is sounds?

    (not picking on you in particular, but the overall comments here are way, way more positive than I'd expect)
  • Reply 49 of 115
    blah64blah64 Posts: 993member
    Originally Posted by TheUnfetteredMind View Post

    Alexa, what's the weather going to be like today?

    Cloudy and colder, with a high of only 45 Fahrenheit . Would you like me to order you a fleece pullover from Amazon with same day delivery?

    Alexa, play some Led Zeppelin.

    I noticed you're missing two of their albums, would you like me to order and download those from Amazon for you?

    Alexa, how much is the current Apple TV on Amazon?

    It's $99, but the Amazon Fire TV is the same price and does so much more, would you like me to order one of those for you instead?

    Alexa, how far away from Earth is the Moon?

    Amazon has a large number of books that would provide the answer to that question, would you like me to purchase and download one of those from Amazon for you?

    LOL. This.

    Not to mention, where has Amazon been in the fight to rein in data handoffs to authorities?

    Unbelievable that anyone would welcome an always-on microphone in their home. To add to UnfetteredMind's list:

    Wife: Oh honey, not again...
    Alexa: Don't forget John, we have one-hour delivery available for Viagra. Would you like it delivered here or to your normal delivery location?
  • Reply 50 of 115
    I will put mine next to the Jibo when I get that. It'll be fun to listen to Alexa try to order the book Jibo is reading... It's inevitable machines will take over, so who am I to not have some fun with them while they plot my demise?
  • Reply 51 of 115
    Dick applebaum, believe it or not I grew up with folded horns in the corners of my living room, the kliphhorn is an incredible speaker! (A Phase Linear amp too ????). Thanks dad for the memories...
    And gator guy a two inch tweeter is to big, not to small.
  • Reply 52 of 115

    Originally Posted by malax View Post


    I also find it creepy that Alexa somehow moves around the family's house.  How exactly does it get from the kitchen to the bedroom?  Alexa, stop stalking us!


    Yes, with down-firing speaker/thrusters or the wheels off a Roomba.

  • Reply 53 of 115

    "Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought..."


    Googly Eyes (large pair)

  • Reply 54 of 115
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    I'm seeing a lot of complaints about the always-on state of the microphone. Why is this a problem? Because they are telling you it's always on? Right now, there are probably dozens of microphones around you, and you have no idea whether they could be listening to and recording what you say or not, but I guess out-of-sight-out-of-mind feels better if we don't acknowledge that microphones don't have nifty little LED lights to let us know they are on.
  • Reply 55 of 115

    Combine it with a Roomba.

  • Reply 56 of 115

    Another copycat device by amazon. Samsung, aka, Google, already has voice activated search, etch on their smart phones. Echo has to be plugged in so you might as well plug in your iPhone while in a room and use "hey siri" Samsung always on and hey sire don't listen to conversations in your home.


    I don't need amazon putting a listening device in my house. You do know that it listens to all sounds 24/7. Who in their right mind would want this in their home. Might as well put a bugging device under the table lamp beaming directly to Washington.


    Additionally, I'm tired of amazons hard sell. Dow Jones newswire reported that amazon's prices are higher than the competition 70% of the time . I search bing, Google, eBay etch for everything I want to buy and I always find what I'm looking for far cheaper than amazon. And most vendors offer free, no annual fee shipping so why pay amazon form that privilege. I saved over $300 this week alone on my internet purchases by searching for pricing and not buying at amazon. No thanks amazon.


    I have to laugh every time I see an amazon box on someone's doorstep as I know they grossly overpaid. That smiley face is symbolic of Bezos laughing all the way to the bank at all the ignorant consumers who bought overpriced merchandise on his site.

  • Reply 57 of 115

    You do know that even when not in operation, it listens to every sound in your home. Might as well have Bezos come in a plant bugging devices .

    Samsung already has voice activation on their galaxy. Why do we need another copy cat device from amazon. If your going to plug in amazon's new bugging device, why not plug in your iPhone and use "hey siri" At least apple isn't listening in on your household conversations 24/7

    Additionally, why by from amazon. Their prices are higher than most other vendors and most vendors offer free shipping so why pay amazon for that. I save thousands of dollars a year by searching bing, Google eBay etc for what I want to buy and avoiding high priced amazon. That smiley face on their box is bezos laughing all the way to the bank at all the consumers that over paid on his site.

  • Reply 58 of 115
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    What about $99? There are a lot of Prime Members.

    I don't see the reason to get it even at $99. I dock my iPad with my kickass Bose at home and "hey Siri" already takes care of the task. Also, I don't want to confuse my 1 year-old since she starts learning to say "hey Siri".

  • Reply 59 of 115
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    fallenjt wrote: »
    Also, I don't want to confuse my 1 year-old since she starts learning to say "hey Siri".

    That's a not a valid issue.
  • Reply 60 of 115
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    That's a not a valid issue.

    Yes, it's mine, not others...LOL since we speak 3 languages at home.

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