Apple seeds iOS 8.2 beta 2 to developers

in iPhone edited December 2014
Apple on Wednesday released the second beta iOS version 8.2, bringing additional support for the new WatchKit SDK and fixing a number of issues related to international languages.

The most notable changes in the second beta version revolve around WatchKit, which allows developers to adapt their apps for the upcoming Apple Watch. A number of problems have been rectified, including issues with the build process and the iOS simulator.

The WatchKit API itself has also undergone multiple changes. For instance, developers can now override the default appearance of tables on the Apple Watch.

Siri now supports Singapore English, while the size of the Thai system font has been increased for better readability. Developers are cautioned that this may cause display issues with apps that use non-standard UI elements, so they should take care to use built-in iOS type tools like Dynamic Type to avoid problems.

A number of known issues remain, including a problem where tapping into a Messages thread could take a long time. Apple suggests rebooting the device as a temporary workaround.

iOS 8.2 beta 2 is available now as an over-the-air update or via the Apple Developer Center. Also released was Xcode 6.2 beta 2.


  • Reply 1 of 25

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    A number of known issues remain, including a problem where tapping into a Messages thread could take a long time. Apple suggests rebooting the device as a temporary workaround.

    Apple, take the time to get this crap worked out BEFORE you rush out a release. Rather than rushing out a half-baked product year-after-year & releasing updates that should have been found & taken care of in beta-testing, take the time to get the release as close to perfect as possible and quit tying the release of new iOS SOFTWARE to iPhone/iPad HARDWARE.

  • Reply 2 of 25

    Anyone else having issues with 8.1.2? My iPhone's been buggy ever since, at times the wireless locks up and it won't load squat. Then at times it only loads in certain apps (the Stocks app has been a real offender). Then it has issues sending pictures taken in the Messages app.


    I miss 8.1.1 already.

  • Reply 3 of 25

    Originally Posted by Lord Amhran View Post


    Apple, take the time to get this crap worked out BEFORE you rush out a release. Rather than rushing out a half-baked product year-after-year & releasing updates that should have been found & taken care of in beta-testing, take the time to get the release as close to perfect as possible and quit tying the release of new iOS SOFTWARE to iPhone/iPad HARDWARE.

    You do understand this is a developer release, not a public release? 


    Maybe you should hold back your comments a while before you rush them out in a half-baked release with mistakes that should have been found & taken care of in beta-testing. Quit tying the release of your knee jerk brain dumps with every article posting. 

  • Reply 4 of 25

    Originally Posted by Corrections View Post


    You do understand this is a developer release, not a public release? 


    Maybe you should hold back your comments a while before you rush them out in a half-baked release with mistakes that should have been found & taken care of in beta-testing. Quit tying the release of your knee jerk brain dumps with every article posting. 

    I think he's asking them to make sure 8.2 isn't a buggy mess when it comes out. iOS 8 in general has been a disappointment on the bug front.

  • Reply 5 of 25
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post


    Anyone else having issues with 8.1.2? My iPhone's been buggy ever since, at times the wireless locks up and it won't load squat. Then at times it only loads in certain apps (the Stocks app has been a real offender). Then it has issues sending pictures taken in the Messages app.


    I miss 8.1.1 already.

    Nope. Installed on 2 iPhone 6s and an iPad 2. No issues, wireless connections (WiFi and Cellular) both rock solid. From your recent postings I’m thinking you need to switch platforms. You are obviously disenchanted with Apple’s offerings. Why stick with something you detest? Move to a more mature, better QA and worry free platform like Android or Windows Phone. You might be happier. It’s worth the try instead of being unhappy all the time.

  • Reply 6 of 25
    Originally Posted by Corrections View Post


    You do understand this is a developer release, not a public release? 


    Maybe you should hold back your comments a while before you rush them out in a half-baked release with mistakes that should have been found & taken care of in beta-testing. Quit tying the release of your knee jerk brain dumps with every article posting. 

    Once again Prince your Apple-Glasses blind you. I never said it was a general-public release and it's not a "knee-jerk" reaction as you try to ascribe. iOS 8 has been awash with problems since it was released and these beta-updates & beta-testing should have been done long BEFORE iOS 8 was released to the general public. Apple has been having these issues more and more recently and if you can't see that then that's your issue.

  • Reply 7 of 25
    Anyone else having issues with 8.1.2? My iPhone's been buggy ever since, at times the wireless locks up and it won't load squat. Then at times it only loads in certain apps (the Stocks app has been a real offender). Then it has issues sending pictures taken in the Messages app.

    I miss 8.1.1 already.
    Minor bugs on my 6+ but no new ones since 8.1.2

    Orig iPad Mini & iPad 2 almost useless since iOS 8.1.1
  • Reply 8 of 25

    Once again Prince your Apple-Glasses blind you. I never said it was a general-public release and it's not a "knee-jerk" reaction as you try to ascribe. iOS 8 has been awash with problems since it was released and these beta-updates & beta-testing should have been done long BEFORE iOS 8 was released to the general public. Apple has been having these issues more and more recently and if you can't see that then that's your issue.

    Every iOS update has been a problem for someone. This is no different today and will not change tomorrow.
  • Reply 9 of 25

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    Every iOS update has been a problem for someone. This is no different today and will not change tomorrow.

    Very true but it seems that iOS 8 has had more issues than other iOS releases have had.

  • Reply 10 of 25

    Very true but it seems that iOS 8 has had more issues than other iOS releases have had.

    You need to consider mindshare and media coverage. Even ripples in a pond today look like waves on the ocean in Interstellar compared to the Apple of yesteryear.
  • Reply 11 of 25
    They need to fix the poor audio performance (stuttering and dropouts) in high end audio apps such as synthesizers and effects. Too easy to hit the CPU ceiling compared to iOS 7.
  • Reply 12 of 25
    Are people really having more issues with iOS 8 than iOS 7? I had a horrible experience with 7, and went back to iOS 6 for the rest of the year. iOS 8 has been pretty stable. Yes, a few annoyances with wifi but NOTHING like last year. My wife is still on 7 and every time I use her iPhone it still frustrates me.
  • Reply 13 of 25
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Apple has plenty of software issues to work out. And developer complaints are getting louder. Mostly because Apple's app review process seems to be a mess right now with widgets being approved and then unapproved a week later. Or one minute a widget gets rejected because it does too much, the next one gets rejected because it doesn't do enough. I've even seen some developers hyping up Android 5.0 on Twitter thinking the only way to get Apple's attention is to promote a rival platform.

    I hope with iOS 9 Apple focuses on making iOS 8 really good. Lay off on a whole bunch of new features and polish what they have. Also get their act together regarding extensions and widgets. If they're going to allow these powerful features on the platform let developers do amazing things with them. And seeing some of the really nice apps they designed with IBM maybe take some time to really polish iOS's UI design. The design feels like something that was started but they didn't have time to complete but instead of finishing it in iOS 8 they pivoted to new features instead.
  • Reply 14 of 25
    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Apple has plenty of software issues to work out. And developer complaints are getting louder. Mostly because Apple's app review process seems to be a mess right now with widgets being approved and then unapproved a week later. Or one minute a widget gets rejected because it does too much, the next one gets rejected because it doesn't do enough. I've even seen some developers hyping up Android 5.0 on Twitter thinking the only way to get Apple's attention is to promote a rival platform.

    I hope with iOS 9 Apple focuses on making iOS 8 really good. Lay off on a whole bunch of new features and polish what they have. Also get their act together regarding extensions and widgets. If they're going to allow these powerful features on the platform let developers do amazing things with them. And seeing some of the really nice apps they designed with IBM maybe take some time to really polish iOS's UI design. The design feels like something that was started but they didn't have time to complete but instead of finishing it in iOS 8 they pivoted to new features instead.

    Well said, although I would add that Apple has always had a rival platform.  First it was DOS, then Windows, now Android.  The Google Play store is not lacking for apps.  Also iMore had an article up suggesting that it might serve Apple well to have a VP of App Store instead of Phil "The App Store Acceptance Killer" Schiller.


    Another thing to add is that situations like these don't bode well for the Apple Watch.  How many cool Watch apps won't get made now due to developers taking a wait and see approach as to how all this App Store mess will sort itself out?

  • Reply 15 of 25
    Is anybody else able to see this as an OTA option on iPad Air 2?

    My iPhone 6 saw it straight away and is now on build 12D445d but my iPad Air 2 is showing "iOS 8.2 Your software is up to date" on build 12D436.
  • Reply 16 of 25
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post


    I think he's asking them to make sure 8.2 isn't a buggy mess when it comes out. iOS 8 in general has been a disappointment on the bug front.


    After around a hundred hours of use, doing a shitload of different things, my iPad Air 2 running iOS8 has had a total of ONE application crash. Otherwise, it's been smooth as silk. 


    Yeah, what an utter stability disaster. In my experience, it is no less stable or buggy than any previous release. The only difference is that the OS does so much more, has so many more hooks, so many more people buy iOS products, and standards when it comes to Apple somehow keep rising every year- so it's more of a perception problem, coming from increases entitlement, lack of perspective, and the love of whining. Technically, the OS is solid. Just like "bendgate", many people are trying their damndest to push the meme that iOS8 is a disaster. It's not more true than the bending bullshit. 

  • Reply 17 of 25
    Originally Posted by Lord Amhran View Post


    Apple, take the time to get this crap worked out BEFORE you rush out a release. Rather than rushing out a half-baked product year-after-year & releasing updates that should have been found & taken care of in beta-testing, take the time to get the release as close to perfect as possible and quit tying the release of new iOS SOFTWARE to iPhone/iPad HARDWARE.


    wow, it's a good thing you're here to tell apple how to run its operations. heck i didnt even know they slummed it in these forums, let alone took operational memos from anonymous lords on the intertubes.


    as a software dev, just a few notes for you. 1) i dont own any "half-baked" apple products. 2) i like that apple OSes are free, unlike Windows. 3) there is no such thing as perfect software because there is no such thing as perfect people. have you seen the sheer number of MS hotfixes for Windows?

  • Reply 18 of 25

    Originally Posted by Lord Amhran View Post


    Once again Prince your Apple-Glasses blind you. I never said it was a general-public release and it's not a "knee-jerk" reaction as you try to ascribe. iOS 8 has been awash with problems since it was released and these beta-updates & beta-testing should have been done long BEFORE iOS 8 was released to the general public. Apple has been having these issues more and more recently and if you can't see that then that's your issue.


    are you really so daft as to believe apple doesnt beta test? surely some part of your apparently adolescent mind realizes that no amount of beta testing can test all use cases, and there are real world variables that prevent bug-free software? were that not the case there wouldnt be thousands and thousands of MS hotfixes and service packs over the years. durr.

  • Reply 19 of 25

    Originally Posted by Lord Amhran View Post


    Very true but it seems that iOS 8 has had more issues than other iOS releases have had.


    and ive had fewer issues. bam! see how worthless anecdotal generalizations are?

  • Reply 20 of 25


    that's a guy, saying a guy, said a guy told him why his app was rejected. but its not a direct quote of the third-guy, nor attributable to anyone nor verifiable by anybody but the second-guy. and the first-guy is disgusted by it.


    lol. forgive me if marco's absolute disgust isnt terribly moving.

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