Minimum iOS App Store price rises to $1.19 in Canada, 0.79 pounds in the UK, and 0.99 euros in the E
Apple's previously announced App Store price adjustments took effect on schedule on Friday, representing a slight increase in the minimum possible price for applications in the European Union, the U.K., Canada and Norway.

The company had alerted developers on Wednesday that the changes would take effect within 36 hours. The adjustments account for localized value-added tax changes and foreign exchange rates.
As a result of the changes, the minimum app price in Canada is now $1.19, ?0.79 in the U.K., and ?0.99 in the E.U. Similar increases are expected in Norway and Russia, while prices are set to see a decrease in Iceland.
AppleInsiderin December that Apple would shift its App Store price model away from a flat rate for EU locales on Jan. 1, meaning customers now have to pay fees based on their country of residence.
The pricing adjustments come a day after Apple touted the success of the iOS App Store after a record breaking 2014 and blockbuster start to the new year. More than $10 billion in revenue was paid to developers last year, representing a 50 percent increase in digital billings.

The company had alerted developers on Wednesday that the changes would take effect within 36 hours. The adjustments account for localized value-added tax changes and foreign exchange rates.
As a result of the changes, the minimum app price in Canada is now $1.19, ?0.79 in the U.K., and ?0.99 in the E.U. Similar increases are expected in Norway and Russia, while prices are set to see a decrease in Iceland.
AppleInsiderin December that Apple would shift its App Store price model away from a flat rate for EU locales on Jan. 1, meaning customers now have to pay fees based on their country of residence.
The pricing adjustments come a day after Apple touted the success of the iOS App Store after a record breaking 2014 and blockbuster start to the new year. More than $10 billion in revenue was paid to developers last year, representing a 50 percent increase in digital billings.
Absolutely unjustifiable price increase in the UK, the VAT Rate in Luxembourg now stands at 17%, UK rate is 20%. The difference between the old Luxembourg VAT rate and the UK was just 3p yet apple increase the price by 10p.
Apple rips off the Brits once again! Shameless
So move.
Apple rips off the Brits once again! Shameless
So move.
In before after the fighting starts. I would just like to note that setting worldwide prices can't be simple. These comments that follow could be an opportunity to share proposals for how a multi-national like Apple might handle things. Price/exchange stability is in the interest of consumers but in a changing world, how can this ever remain. Price rises are going to make people upset. What's better is to understand why it's happening so you're better prepared next time.
Absolutely unjustifiable price increase in the UK, the VAT Rate in Luxembourg now stands at 17%, UK rate is 20%. The difference between the old Luxembourg VAT rate and the UK was just 3p yet apple increase the price by 10p.
Apple rips off the Brits once again! Shameless
Christ. The British press was going crazy about the older VAT rate and now this. Here is Luxembourgs actual rates for this year ( from
The following changes will apply:
· The standard rate of VAT will rise from 15% to 17%.
· The reduced rates of VAT will rise from 12% to 14% and from 6% to 8%.
The super reduced rate (relates to basic commodities) and 3% (applies to hotel and catering industry) rate remain unchanged.
So the increase was at a minimum from 15% to 20%. Last years luxembourg to this years UK VAT rate for UK consumers.
Except thats not true either because Apple was accused, before, of not paying enough VAT in the UK and using Luxembourg as a lower haven, so the reduced rate probably applied.
In any case prices should rise every so often due to inflation etc.
Apparently the 3% super reduced rate applied to books, including eBooks.
Absolutely unjustifiable price increase in the UK, the VAT Rate in Luxembourg now stands at 17%, UK rate is 20%. The difference between the old Luxembourg VAT rate and the UK was just 3p yet apple increase the price by 10p.
Apple rips off the Brits once again! Shameless
Lol I didn't know the brits are so poor that they can't afford a few cents.
o poor saarek.
Good for Apple! People must pay their fair share, no matter where they are located!
Lol I didn't know the brits are so poor that they can't afford a few cents.
o poor saarek.
It's not about the few cents, although it is pence in this case. It's the principal of the matter. There is no real justification for the increase in the UK, it's simply corporate greed.
We're still recovering the outrageous tea tax of the late 1700s, and the cost of the big brass bell we bought from your local foundry that broke the first time we tried to ring it in 1776.
You thought we forgot, didn't you! 8-)
Blame regulators and taxing authorities, not Apple. ???? (not to suggest that you were blaming Apple)
Blame regulators and taxing authorities, not Apple. ????
Not blaming Apple. Just saying prices are alot less aesthetically pleasing. Instead of a consistent $0.99, $1.99, $2.99, etc, we now have random $1.19, $2.29, $3.49, $4.59, $5.79..etc. Just odd looks after getting used to the clean #s in the iTunes/Appstore for a decade, and definitely elicits an extra "pause" before purchase.
It's true that a 99¢ Item will sell more than a $1.00 item and a $1.99 or $4.99 item will sell better than a $2 or $5 marked item. It's not rational, but it's true.
So you're saying that when a business incurs higher operating costs they should not be allowed to pass along some of those costs to their customers? Instead they should do what? Maybe suck it up and reduce the value to shareholders? If you are the business owner what would you do? If we're talking principles the scale and magnitude shouldn't matter. Everything Apple sells is a discretionary purchase so I don't see where greed even comes into play. The customer is calling the shots and can go elsewhere or do without.
3p or 20c... it's a little sad to see folks in the hyper-developed world moaning about micro-incremental increases for ultra-tech apps. 20c CDN is what?.... 1/25th of your morning latte w/ various demands re: foam?
No worries, back to torrents for me then.
You are basically justifying theft.
Apps are cheap. Pay up.