Apple's Jony Ive and Tesla's Elon Musk 'inseparable' in conversation at Oscars afterparty



  • Reply 101 of 141
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    Maybe it's just a case of 2 engineers at a party full of singers and actors latching on to each other.

  • Reply 102 of 141
    solipsismy wrote: »
    The emissions equivalent of fossil fuels in electric car charging in the US is about one quarter to one-third of that used by the average IC engine. Not perfect, but pretty darn good.

    Is that mainly because of efficiencies in fossil fuel usage on a large scale as compared to an individual basis, or because of the other ways to generate power get calculated into that total value (e.g.: solar, hydro, wind, nuclear)?

    edit: Self editing to appease the mods.

    Interesting question. I am guessing mostly the latter. We know that, as of a couple of years ago, only about 40% of our electricity came from coal (20% from nuclear, 10% from renewables incl hydro, 30% from natural gas). Given the dramatic drop in in NG prices in the past couple of years, that proportion has fallen even further.
  • Reply 103 of 141
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,439moderator
    ascii wrote: »
    Maybe it's just a case of 2 engineers at a party full of singers and actors latching on to each other.

    Yeah, they were probably geeking out on Star Wars or something:

    "Obviously, I am a huge fan of Star Wars and Star Trek, all the things you would expect."

    "The new lightsaber that appeared in the trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens provoked some strong reactions last year, but how much more would people care if it transpires that Apple's Jony Ive had a hand in its creation? In an extensive profile on the superstar British designer for The New Yorker, journalist Ian Parker describes how Ive crossed paths with Star Wars director J.J. Abrams in what might be one of the greatest nerd-crossovers of all time:

    Ive once sat next to J. J. Abrams at a boozy dinner party in New York, and made what Abrams recalled as "very specific" suggestions about the design of lightsabres. Abrams told me that "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" would reflect those thoughts, but he wouldn’t say how.

    Ive apparently said later that this was "just a conversation" and that he definitely had nothing to say about the controversial crossguards. Instead, Parker reports, Ive argued that the lightsaber should look uneven. "I thought it would be interesting if it were less precise, and just a little bit more spitty," said Ive, adding that the new weapon could be "more analog and more primitive, and I think, in that way, somehow more ominous.""
  • Reply 104 of 141
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post



    Madge might not be your taste but she is one of the most successful women on this planet.


    I'd imagine that she, Jony and Elon would have a lot to discuss.


    Days gone by my friend, days gone by...  Time for her to take it down a notch before she hurts herself...




    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post




    That was a pretty arrogant response... in Razorpit's fantasy, he's in a position to choose what after-party he's going to attend.

    And then he wakes up....


    Nope, would never hang with a group like that.



    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    Rita Hayworth gave good face?

    How does attending an after party of a celebrity indicate your taste? What do you personally have against Madonna, because it's surely not just about her music or I doubt you would have mentioned anything about it since he probably only interacted with her guests for a brief moment before going to glad-hand someone else.

    Huh? In what way is the Tesla Model S like a beige box "PC".

    Because that party is all about who you are seen with, what a crap superficial life.  When I'm at a party its to hang out with friends and close the place down.  Not to be seen for an hour or two and then jump over to some one else's place.  I guess I'm just not a hip enough to understand Hollywood.



    Originally Posted by ktappe View Post



    I've never understood Madonna hate. She has more talent in her little finger than most people do in their entire bodies. She writes her own music and doesn't need Autotune to sound good. Sure she's a bit weird but so are most artists. What's the issue??

    She has talent, I never said that she didn't.  Michael Jackson also had talent.  Could you imagine though not wanting your son/daughter listening to your entire library of work?  She's said that she wouldn't want her daughter listening to her music.  Funny because at the time her daughter was the same age as those she was marketing her music to back in the 80's.

  • Reply 105 of 141

    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post


    Days gone by my friend, days gone by...  Time for her to take it down a notch before she hurts herself...



    You are using a video of a wardrobe malfunction where a woman could have easily hurt herself quite badly as proof that she is no longer successful.


    How sad for you.

  • Reply 106 of 141
    Hey how come no one invited Samsung to the party?!!
  • Reply 107 of 141
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post



    You are using a video of a wardrobe malfunction where a woman could have easily hurt herself quite badly as proof that she is no longer successful.


    How sad for you.

    If you're going to stick around on the Internet you're going to need a sense of humor...

  • Reply 108 of 141

    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post


    If you're going to stick around on the Internet you're going to need a sense of humor...


    What would make you think I don't have one. I've been laughing at you for a while now.

  • Reply 109 of 141
    What would make you think I don't have one. I've been laughing at you for a while now.

    They say laughter is the best medicine.
  • Reply 110 of 141
    razorpit wrote: »

    If you're going to stick around on the Internet you're going to need a sense of humor...

    To me that didn't read like you're making a joke. It sounded like you were implying that if falls down she's some old hag that's still trying to hold onto relevance. Would you say the same about Tony Bennett or Brian Johnson if they feel down? What about when Iggy Azalea fell off stage last year? She's a woman but she's young.
  • Reply 111 of 141
    solipsismy wrote: »
    To me that didn't read like you're making a joke. It sounded like you were implying that if falls down she's some old hag that's still trying to hold onto relevance. Would you say the same about Tony Bennett or Brian Johnson if they feel down? What about when Iggy Azalea fell off stage last year? She's a woman but she's young.

    You must admit that Iggy Azalea is a talentless twit compared to Madonna.
  • Reply 112 of 141
    You must admit that Iggy Azalea is a talentless twit compared to Madonna.

    If we are going to extremes with talent, I can see your point, but there are probably more songs by Azalea than Madonna that I would rather sing in the car, which is kind of amazing since I only heard about Azalea about 4 years ago with her "PU$$Y" song.

    If your'e going to compare her to anyone I would put her up against other rappers of today, like Nicki Minaj or Azealia Banks. If anyone is following in the Madonna and Lady Gaga footsteps of marketing it's Minaj, whose is extremely talents (and I don't just mean her ass).
  • Reply 113 of 141
    solipsismy wrote: »
    If we are going to extremes with talent, I can see your point, but there are probably more songs by Azalea than Madonna that I would rather sing in the car, which is kind of amazing since I only heard about Azalea about 4 years ago with her "PU$$Y" song.

    Maybe I have Azalea confused for someone else? Isn't she a rapper with a screechy voice?

    EDIT: I just remembered. I was thinking of Ke$ha.
  • Reply 114 of 141
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post



    What would make you think I don't have one. I've been laughing at you for a while now.


    Then you must be wetting yourself watching a woman pushing 60 trying to out whore the twenty-somethigs of today.


    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    To me that didn't read like you're making a joke. It sounded like you were implying that if falls down she's some old hag that's still trying to hold onto relevance. Would you say the same about Tony Bennett or Brian Johnson if they feel down? What about when Iggy Azalea fell off stage last year? She's a woman but she's young.


    Well since you asked the last time I saw Tony Bennett perform live I thought he was staring to push the limit, that was in the mid 90's.  I saw him on show not too long ago and I just felt sad for him.  If you're looking for other male examples since you must be thinking I'm picking on women, Springsteen is quickly approaching his best by sale date.  Never heard of Azalea so I can't comment.

  • Reply 115 of 141
    [quote name="razorpit" url="/t/184939/apples-jony-ive-and-teslas-elon-musk-inseparable-in-conversation-at-oscars-afterparty/80#post_2681747"]If you're looking for other male examples since you must be thinking I'm picking on women, Springsteen is quickly approaching his best by sale date.[/QUOTE]

    People love Bruce and I've never cared much for his music or his voice. I don't dislike him in anyway, it just doesn't do it for me.

    I've also never had a fondness for Prince which seems to upset a lot of people. I don't care that he's probably one of the best guitar players in the world, if the sound he creates isn't appealing I'm not going to listen. The same going for the Mariah Carry's of the world that have an an amazing voice but sing in a way I don't care for. That said, every single one of those artists have songs I know very well.
  • Reply 116 of 141
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member

    I use to like Bruce, was never a big fan.  I thought Prince was amazing in the 80's but don't know what he's like now.  I've had a much harder time having any loyalty to modern artists when computers are such a part of the production process.


    Now, you tell me Jack Johnson is having a party and I'm invited I'll be there.  I'd seriously doubt he'd have an after Oscar's party though....

  • Reply 117 of 141
    razorpit wrote: »
    I use to like Bruce, was never a big fan.  I thought Prince was amazing in the 80's but don't know what he's like now.  I've had a much harder time having any loyalty to modern artists when computers are such a part of the production process.

    Now, you tell me Jack Johnson is having a party and I'm invited I'll be there.  I'd seriously doubt he'd have an after Oscar's party though....

    No, I doubt he would. Seems more of a bonfire on the beach kind of guy.
  • Reply 118 of 141

    Madonna, Gaga, Prince, Springsteen... surprised by the shallow depth and limited range of all your music tastes.


    It's like in a world of cuisine, you're only eating McDonald's.  If you're going to do that at least try the chicken sandwich.



    Come on Apple people, you're letting team iPod down.  Somebody else has to listen to something with actual beef in it?  Anybody?

  • Reply 119 of 141
    redefiler wrote: »
    Madonna, Gaga, Prince, Springsteen... surprised by the shallow depth and limited range of all your music tastes.

    Yes, because this thread clearly covered all musicians and genres to which we listen¡ :rolleyes:
  • Reply 120 of 141

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    Yes, because this thread clearly covered all musicians and genres to which we listen¡ image


    OK, then impress me.

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