Amazon given green light for U.S. drone tests, inches toward 'Prime Air' delivery



  • Reply 81 of 85
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,550member
    So less than a week after the FAA (finally) approved limted drone testing by Amazon the company comes out blasting the agency for being so slow to act.

    Courtesy of re/code:
    [I]"E-commerce power Amazon blasted federal regulators on Tuesday for being slow to approve commercial drone testing, saying the United States is falling behind other countries in the potentially lucrative area of unmanned aviation technology.

    Less than a week after the Federal Aviation Administration gave Amazon the green light to test a delivery drone outdoors, the company told U.S. lawmakers that the prototype drone had already become obsolete while the company waited more than six months for the agency’s permission.

    “We don’t test it anymore. We’ve moved on to more advanced designs that we already are testing abroad,” said Paul Misener, Amazon’s vice president for global public policy.

    “Nowhere outside of the United States have we been required to wait more than one or two months to begin testing,” Misener said in written testimony submitted to the Senate Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, Safety and Security.

    Misener said Amazon had applied on Friday for permission to test a more advanced drone system and now hopes for quicker approval."[/I]
  • Reply 82 of 85
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,550member
    As another update on Amazons' drone testing it's being reported today that they took it a little to the north.

    Due to the long delays in getting the FAA's OK they've moved it to British Columbia where they're field testing 55 lb drones carrying packages up to 5 lbs. According to the Guardian they are flying at speeds up to 50mph and at 200-500 ft.
  • Reply 83 of 85
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    As another update on Amazons' drone testing it's being reported today taht they took it a little to the north.

    Due to the long delays in getting the FAA's OK they've moved it to British Columbia where they're field testing 55 lb drones carrying packages up to 5 lbs. According to the Guardian they are flying at speeds up to 50mph and at 200-500 ft.

    I'm so glad I dumped my AMZN.
  • Reply 84 of 85
    joshajosha Posts: 901member
    tenly wrote: »
    I'm not sure if I'm for or against this.

    Many of you seem to be dead set against drone delivery but I haven't heard many actual reasons for the objections...

    Is it the anticipated noise created by the drones?
    Is it the assumption that they'll crash into and damage your person or your property?
    Is it the assumption that they will be surveilling you as they pass over your property?

    Really, I see a lot of logistical problems that would have to be overcome to make this work - but assuming that they are able to overcome those issues - why are so many people against this in principle?

    I'm against it in general because it only makes sense where a delivery needs to be made to a very difficult location, with no road access. I haven't seen any Amazon qualification as to where they plan to fly, so I'm against it.
    Because of spying I decided some time previous, if a drone flies low over my property out comes my powerful slingshot.
    Here we've already had a problem with drones spying on high rise apartments. A few lost their drone life with a well thrown towel tied to a string.
  • Reply 85 of 85
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member

    Originally Posted by JoshA View Post

    I'm against it in general because it only makes sense where a delivery needs to be made to a very difficult location, with no road access. I haven't seen any Amazon qualification as to where they plan to fly, so I'm against it.

    Because of spying I decided some time previous, if a drone flies low over my property out comes my powerful slingshot.

    Here we've already had a problem with drones spying on high rise apartments. A few lost their drone life with a well thrown towel tied to a string.

    You realize that committing a felony over some ill-defined paranoia is NOT a good idea, right?  A felony requires a MINIMUM of a year in PRISON.  Not jail, PRISON.  And that's just the minimum.


    Does that really sound like fun?

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