Apple Campus 2 recycled water project set for final approval [u]

in General Discussion edited March 2015
Apple, the Santa Clara Valley Water District, the city of Sunnyvale and the California Water Service Company may soon break ground on a joint $17.5 million project that will pipe recycled water into Cupertino and Apple's sprawling Campus 2 headquarters.

Construction is progressing at Apple Campus 2 in Cupertino, Calif.

The water district board, which already signed off on budget and other agreements related to the project, is set to grant final approval during a meeting on Tuesday, reports San Jose Mercury News.

Apple has promised to contribute $4.8 million of the $17.5 million tab that will cover construction costs of a 13,300-foot pipeline from neighboring Sunnyvale and a local booster pump, the report said.

Participating in water recycling projects has become an attractive option for companies based in drought-stricken California. Such systems filter and disinfect sewage for use as non-potable water. For example, the publication notes Levi's Stadium uses recycled water for toilets and sprinkler systems.

Citing a California Water announcement from February, the report estimates Apple's Campus 2 will receive more than 157,000 gallons of recycled water for potential use in landscaping and other applications.

If the project receives approval, construction is scheduled to begin in August with a service start date in October 2016. That lines up with Apple's groundbreaking 25-year, $848 million clean energy deal with First Solar announced by CEO Tim Cook last month. As part of the agreement, Apple will buy 130 megawatts of power from the solar provider's upcoming 2,900-acre plant, which is slated to come online in late-2016.

AppleInsider recently provided a fresh progress update on Campus 2 construction, showing workers have finished erecting all five floors in a segment of the central "spaceship" structure's steel skeleton. Cook said he expects to move into Campus 2 by 2016.

Update: The water recycling plan has officially been approved.


  • Reply 1 of 21
    I hear there's a severe drought in California these days.

    Good thing Apple are planning to recycle their water.
  • Reply 2 of 21
    Dan_DilgerDan_Dilger Posts: 1,584member
    BJ Frost: if you're implying that an angry sky god is sending a drought to punish California's liberals, keep in mind that most of the state is covered by the rural sprawl of very conservative farmers, and it'd be a Red State if it were not for the liberal, populated centers around SF & LA.

    In fact, the drought in California is mostly affecting Red County farmers, who rabidly fight against the idea of bars staying open past 2AM, the construction of Socialist High Speed Rail, and who liberally advertise their hate for gays, racial minorities and immigrants.

    Those farmers depend on socialized irrigation provided by the State far below market costs. Just California's almonds alone cover 1 million acres, and need about 4 acre-feet of water per year (that's a little more than 325,850 gallons/acre) or their trees will die. Agriculture makes up most of California's water consumption, and most of that is dependent upon State-subsidized irrigation.

    So if there's a sky-god holding back rain until the gays stop fornicating and Socialism is ended in all forms, He/She is insanely ignorant about a lot of things, and is punishing His/Her own most fervent worshipers the most. Either that, or climate change is real and we're witnessing it occur, as every scientist who is not funded by Big Oil has been telling us for many, many years now.
  • Reply 3 of 21
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member

    Originally Posted by Corrections View Post

    BJ Frost: if you're implying...

    Don't even waste your time on that miscreant.

  • Reply 4 of 21
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    sflocal wrote: »

    Don't even waste your time on that miscreant.

    Good point, but I think Corrections was just using BF as a rhetorical device to do some backstory fill-in.

    Anyway, I voted, thanks for the heads up.
  • Reply 5 of 21
    lolliverlolliver Posts: 497member
    sflocal wrote: »

    Don't even waste your time on that miscreant.
    Thanks for the heads up on that poll. I must have missed it in a previous thread.
  • Reply 6 of 21
    mpantonempantone Posts: 2,153member
    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    Someone's not looking kindly on Apple's birthplace.


    Reported as a troll using the red flag button underneath his post.

  • Reply 7 of 21
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    I wonder if Apple has invested in creating new ways to save water for their new campus. Using non-potable water for toilets is great, but what about using less water per toilet? Are there any other known plans for water conversation?
  • Reply 8 of 21

    Originally Posted by Corrections View Post

    In fact, the drought in California is mostly affecting Red County farmers, who rabidly fight against the idea of bars staying open past 2AM, the construction of Socialist High Speed Rail, and who liberally advertise their hate for gays, racial minorities and immigrants.

    Those farmers depend on socialized irrigation provided by the State far below market costs. Just California's almonds alone cover 1 million acres, and need about 4 acre-feet of water per year (that's a little more than 325,850 gallons/acre) or their trees will die. Agriculture makes up most of California's water consumption, and most of that is dependent upon State-subsidized irrigation.



    If water makes it uneconomical to farm, what do you think is going to happen to California's 1.1 million, 80% undocumented, and completely uneducated farmworkers?


    Hint: California Department of Corrections has a $9.8 Billion budget. Nearly 10% of state spending. 

  • Reply 9 of 21
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    konqerror wrote: »
    If water makes it uneconomical to farm, what do you think is going to happen to California's 1.1 million, 80% undocumented, and completely uneducated farmworkers?

    Hint: California Department of Corrections has a $9.8 Billion budget. Nearly 10% of state spending. 

    Actually, illegal immigrants have been welcomed with California Driver Licenses, which I find to be completely insane. I know of no other country or state that so rewards lawbreakers.
  • Reply 10 of 21
    Usually Apple is ahead of the curve, here they are slightly behind. Where I live, we are several years into a drought. For nearly a year now, we have been pumping water discharged from the sewer treatment plant across town to the water treatment plant to be treated and put into the drinking water supply. I know this sounds awful, but the fact is if you are using surface water and you are not at the beginning of the river, you are probably downstream of someone else's sewer discharge anyway.
  • Reply 11 of 21
    solipsismy wrote: »
    I wonder if Apple has invested in creating new ways to save water for their new campus. Using non-potable water for toilets is great, but what about using less water per toilet? Are there any other known plans for water conversation?
    Toilets are down to 1.28 gallons per flush now - any less and we'll need a curved stick to push the solids around the bend. They could collect graywater (lavatories, showers, drinking fountains) and use that for irrigation.
  • Reply 12 of 21
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    Usually Apple is ahead of the curve, here they are slightly behind.

    I don't follow. How are they behind the curve?
  • Reply 13 of 21
    solipsismy wrote: »
    I don't follow. How are they behind the curve?
    They are only using recycled water for non potable applications, they could recycle the water more completely and use it for potable water. They have taken the first step, the just haven't completed the journey. They are behind the curve because others have gone to that final step. The biggest roadblock is not cost or lack of technology though, it's probably public perception. It's hard to get people use to the idea of drinking "sewer water".
  • Reply 14 of 21
    lolliverlolliver Posts: 497member
    They are only using recycled water for non potable applications, they could recycle the water more completely and use it for potable water. They have taken the first step, the just haven't completed the journey. They are behind the curve because others have gone to that final step. The biggest roadblock is not cost or lack of technology though, it's probably public perception. It's hard to get people use to the idea of drinking "sewer water".

    Unless they are going to have an over supply of recycled water I don't see the point in going the extra step of treating it enough to become potable water. If there is potential for recycling even more water than they are currently planning to them it might be viable to go the extra step and make it potable. I'd be interested to know how much more energy intensive that process is.

    They have a lot of green space that non potable water could be used on.
  • Reply 15 of 21
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,523member

    Two unrelated thoughts:


    1. Rain doesn't fall from heaven. All water is recycled, it's just a question of how the recycling occurs. 


    2. There may be no large company better positioned for the economic/environmental realities of the 21st century -- particularly in a place like China -- than Apple. I'm really curious to see how this plays out. Will it just be a PR advantage? Will it become a cost advantage? Or will there come a time when Apple is actually making money off of products/innovations in the area of renewable energy or other technologies related to efficient use of environmental resources? As Apple gets bigger and bigger, they become capable of things that no other company is capable of -- things that previously only governments could do, but perhaps would not do because of a lack of political will. For example, might Apple one day put a solar farm in space? Far-fetched perhaps, but fun to think about. 

  • Reply 16 of 21
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Actually, illegal immigrants have been welcomed with California Driver Licenses, which I find to be completely insane. I know of no other country or state that so rewards lawbreakers.

    Wall Street,NY City and Washington DC.  


    Of course you can get  Lawyers and MBAs to legalize shenanigans. 

  • Reply 17 of 21
    frantisekfrantisek Posts: 761member
    Put a farm in the middle and Apple will have Noah's Ark. :-)
  • Reply 18 of 21
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,312member
    Originally Posted by Corrections View Post

    BJ Frost: if you're implying that an angry sky god is sending a drought to punish California's liberals, keep in mind that most of the state is covered by the rural sprawl of very conservative farmers, and it'd be a Red State if it were not for the liberal, populated centers around SF & LA.

    In fact, the drought in California is mostly affecting Red County farmers, who rabidly fight against the idea of bars staying open past 2AM, the construction of Socialist High Speed Rail, and who liberally advertise their hate for gays, racial minorities and immigrants.

    Those farmers depend on socialized irrigation provided by the State far below market costs. Just California's almonds alone cover 1 million acres, and need about 4 acre-feet of water per year (that's a little more than 325,850 gallons/acre) or their trees will die. Agriculture makes up most of California's water consumption, and most of that is dependent upon State-subsidized irrigation.

    So if there's a sky-god holding back rain until the gays stop fornicating and Socialism is ended in all forms, He/She is insanely ignorant about a lot of things, and is punishing His/Her own most fervent worshipers the most. Either that, or climate change is real and we're witnessing it occur, as every scientist who is not funded by Big Oil has been telling us for many, many years now.


    What a load of crap you're spouting off.  Talking about following the Progressive party lines of a bunch of B.S.  Rewriting history to fit your agenda.   It's news to be about fighting Bars being pass open to 2AM.  Maybe there's a huge problem with drunks coming into work from staying out late.  As a Real conservative, Not one of the many RINO's which are really just a wing of the Democrat Party,  I wouldn't give a crap what you do in you off time.  Go out and drink to 6AM for all I care.  On the other hand if you come in to work drunk, your butt is getting fired.  Calling in to many times as SICK when you really are DRUNK from starying out late, again, FIRED.  it's on you!!!


    High Speed Rails is worthless in this state.  It's already way beyond cost over runs.  The Time to get from Northern California to Southern California has doubled!!!  The price is double that of just taking a jet!  Tracks can't just be easily moved.  It'll be like Amtrack on the East Coast, losing huge amounts of money every year and having to get subsidized by the Government!!!   There's sure not enough people that need to ride the train to cover the running costs.  The very expensive running costs with the Unions involved.


    Republican's don't hate Gays or Minority's.  Just another Progressive LIE!  Hell you Democrats still had a head KKK Member in congress until a couple years ago when he died.  Which the KKK was founded by Democrats.  it's been Republicans that Gave the Blacks the right to Vote.  Republicans that had the FIRST Black Member in congress.   It's Democrats that keep making Race a issue and Obama is the biggest race baiter out there.   As for Gay Marriage, Personally it doesn't matter to me.  Trying to force a Church to do it, WRONG!!!  I think the Government shouldn't have anything to do  with Marriage and be complexly out of it.  Still most everything you want in Marriage, can be handled by a Lawyer anyway without even being Legally Married.


    Farming in California is a HUGE industry and one of the few jobs that haven't fled from this state.  It also creates a whole lot of Jobs.  Republican's don't hate Immigrants either, just another party lie.  We want LEGAL Immigrants, not those breaking our laws.  I don't care if it's a white as can be Canadian.  It makes ZERO difference.  How about we follow the laws of Mexico.  You should see their Constitution.  Try getting a Job in Mexico  as a American.  You'll get a huge Fine at best or thrown in jail.   Mexico protects it's southern boarder, yet somehow that's OK with you!!!  


    Half the Scientists says Climate Change as being advertised is a load of B.S.    It's not Big Oil, another LIE you like to  throw out.  Years ago is was Global Cooling.  That was the Big thing.  Then it became Global Warming, but since the temps have been dropping for a few years, they've switch like you have to Climate Change.  You can never be wrong!!!  of course the Climate is changing.  It's always changing.  We've have a couple Big Ice Ages, where New York was under a couple miles of Ice.  Thank goodness for Global Warming back then!!!   What Man has done doesn't have all that much effect.  All the Pollution saving measures done over the years.  One good Volcano eruption throws up more crap at once!!!   Why do many of these so called Scientists, which many aren't have to lie and cheat with the results they get to fit their agenda?  Well besides getting more Grants from the Government, which pays then and keeps their jobs!!!


    You let me know when Al Gore and others are Tearing down their HUGE Mansions that cost a hell of a lot of money to Heat and Cool and power, and  not just the one they own, but many, and get down to a small Normal single house.  Fly on a Normal Airline with everyone else, not a Private jet that's throwing out all kinds of Pollution right into the Sky. and is driving around in a Electric car.   If these people are SO WORRIED, maybe they should set a example.  Or are they just your Overlords so they can do what they want 100 times more pollution then a family of 4 because they're OK.  They're the ruling class. Yep, Socialism and Communism works out to that!!


    You be the dumb one and keep spouting off the Progressive Line.   By the way, What City's have been under Democrat control for YEARS and have gone into bankrupt, or at great debt?  How's it's been going with Blacks in the Inner City's under Democrat Rule all this time?  Dumping money into a bottomless hole and seeing no results.  More like worse and worse results every year.    Go keep doing that party Progressive Line.  Things will continue to get worse.   John Kennedy would never have gotten elected if voting on today as president.  he would be considered a Radical Republican by you progressives!!! That's how far LEFT you've become.

  • Reply 19 of 21
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,312member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    I wonder if Apple has invested in creating new ways to save water for their new campus. Using non-potable water for toilets is great, but what about using less water per toilet? Are there any other known plans for water conversation?


    Well here at the Mall near me, they have those Waterless Urinals!!!  The Toilets still use water.  If you don't know what those are, go Google it or whatever.  So ZERO water!!!   Seems like something Apple would do also.

  • Reply 20 of 21
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,312member

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Actually, illegal immigrants have been welcomed with California Driver Licenses, which I find to be completely insane. I know of no other country or state that so rewards lawbreakers.


    it is Insane!!!  Go back and get in line and come to this country LEGALLY.  Or Get a Card to Temp come here to Pick the stuff and then when it's over go back!!!   They are Law Breakers.  it's a Federal Crime!!!  One Obama wants to Ignore and then be like a Dictator and start making up he's own laws.  Something a President shouldn't normally be able to do.  That's the Job of congress.  Just because they won't do what you want, doesn't then give you the right to do it anyway.  This is why we have the system we do, which has been getting more and more corrupted.  Why have a Congress at this point?  The President has his Pen and Phone!!!


    I don't get a crap if it's a white as can be Canadian!!!  It makes ZERO difference.    You're not only breaking the law, you're cutting the line in front of everyone else trying to Legally get access to this country!!!  You know what happens when you get a flood of Illegals with zero skill or Education., besides a drain on American resources which now has to be shared with all the Illegals,  It's called Supply and Demand.  Lots of low skill workers all fighting over the same jobs means low pay!!!  If it's harder to fill a position, you have to increase pay!!!  So floods of illegals makes everything worse for everyone already in America, Legally or other wise.   We're 18 Trillion in Debt.  BROKE!!!  We can't take care of the world.  What would be better is to fix their own country's!!!   Many of the people coming here also also bring their Bad idea's with the, when they left to get away from it.  Like sharia law.  It's now the Law of the U.S. or Europe, but they come here or there and bring that crap inside of blending into the country they moved to, and then the same old issues they left behind are now where they are at!!!.


    We've had a war on Poverty for the last 50 years and it's no better now then it was back 50 years ago.  More money down a bottomless pit.   When the Government keeps giving stuff to people, they don't even learn to fend for themselves.  Government Housing, on the Cheap for them, turn into run down crap buildings because no one cares to takes care of their place and in the end have to be torn down because it's to costly to fix.  


    Hey what Federal Law can I break and get away with a free Pass?  Try going to Mexico and see how that works out for you as a Illegal.   Mexico also protects it's southern boarder except those they know are just passing through to the U.S.  As long as they don't stay in Mexico!!!   For Mexico, it's OK to protect their boarders, or any other country.  For the U.S. it's not and it's Raciest!!!  How that can be?!?!?!


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