Apple Watch wrist detection failing with some tattoos, users complain



  • Reply 201 of 214
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    30s would be correct.

    Please do not be offended by my asking, but what kind of experience with drugs do you have, if any? I ask because, at minimum, the younger people I've known with tattoos have been pot users.
  • Reply 202 of 214

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Please do not be offended by my asking, but what kind of experience with drugs do you have, if any? I ask because, at minimum, the younger people I've known with tattoos have been pot users.

    No offense taken. I experimented a little in college, nothing hard. Pot a couple of times. Mostly did the college drinking though. Now I don't do anything, I quit drinking about 6 months ago to try and lose some excess weight.

  • Reply 203 of 214

    I actually help run a charity organization that helps raise money for, and volunteer at different centers and shelters around my city & I was a volunteer teacher while in uni in the projects in our city teaching kids art and design classes. So I've heard and seen some pretty sad, scary stories, yes. Does that make me think less of them as people, no. Not sure why their stories (or their tattoos) should make me think less of a fellow human?


    I worked 2 jobs while in college and after (it was expensive school and I was paying my own way), and payed off my loans before 30. People with tattoos totally don't know what education and hard work is though, am I right? Apparently you are able to read into tattoos but we're not able to read into what you write? I especially enjoy you keep stating someone with a tattoo has to be an ex-con, ex-gangster, or ex-addict that lives at a shelter. I bet you those people also happen to wear their hair the same as us, or has the same clothing, so that MUST mean we want to be like them if we get a similar haircut or pick out the same pair of pants.



    Originally Posted by Hodar View Post

    Don't read words into what I wrote - and I'll return the favor, ok?

    If you want to see hordes of tattoos, visit a homeless shelter, or maybe a drug rehab, maybe volunteer to feed the poor or help out at a half-way house where felons are re-associated with society. You will see gobs of really "meaningful" tattoos. Visit a biker bar - oh, there are stories to go with those tattoos. Lived outside Sturgis, so I have seen my share.

    You see lots of tattoos among the gangs, too. We have more than our share where I live now.

    So much to be admired - why, makes you just want to be just like them, doesn't it?

    Life is hard, we work hard to earn a living. Some of us went to college, and worked while we did that. Some of us went on to graduate and work R&D, having to prove ourselves every day on the job. Every deed, every word we did, defined us to our peers, to management and to our customers.

    Why would you handicap yourself, by identifying yourself as someone typically regarded as "undependable"? You see, I would much rather start out as a ZERO and work my way up, than as a NEGATIVE and hope to work up to ZERO. Sorry, but welcome to Life 101.

  • Reply 204 of 214
    hodarhodar Posts: 362member
    Originally Posted by Wovel View Post


    I have about 50 people working for me. All of them are professionals making over $120k. I know at least 6 of them have tattoos and two of them have tattoos that are always visible. Even out most conservative clients have never complained.

    There are cases where a particular tattoo might give me pause in hiring someone. I would think more about the content than the medium. It is remarkable how narrow minded and self-important so many AI posters are.

    And you made the case for me. "There are cases where a particular tattoo might give me pause in hiring someone" - bingo.

    No Tattoo will ever get you a job; but it may prevent you from getting one.

    Getting a tattoo isn't an act of bravery, it isn't courageus, any idiot can do it; and many idiots do. Hell, you can see TV shows where idiots line up to be a canvas for a contest. "Gee, let someone I don't know draw as fast as he can for 1 hour and if he gets sent home - well, I got stuck with a POS tattoo for the rest of my life".

    When you show up at an interview, the best you can hope for is to walk in at ZERO and walk out with a positive number. When you walk in with a visible tattoo, you start the interview with a NEGATIVE NUMBER, and work up from there. That is, by definition, a self-imposed handicap.

    Look at life's losers, and you will find a great assortment of the tattooed population, probably make up a majority of the population. Why people would intentionally mimic this group is beyond me. Maybe if I don't shower, smell like vomit, and dress like a derelict I too will be "cool"?

    If you want to start off every encounter with a negative first impression - by all means - cover yourself in tattoos. Then act offended when people avoid you. Accuse them of being immature, when the fault lies entirely with the fool who confused his body with a child's coloring book.
  • Reply 205 of 214
    hodarhodar Posts: 362member
    Either you didn't read what I wrote, or you suffer from a bad case of reading comprehension.

    I never said people with tattoos are bad people. You will probably find that that in more than a few posts. I repeat that often because people with closed minds have reading difficulties - they listen to voices in their heads instead of reading the words printed out for them.

    People with tattoos often are undesirable people. Drug addicts, Felons, ex-convicts, gang members - perhaps you love working with these people? I find them to be parasites.

    Why someone would chose to camouflage themselves as this sort of person, defies logic and rational thinking. The tattoo sends a NEGATIVE image - now, after you ignore the negative warning sign, and get to know the person - you may find that the person is a warm, kind, caring and sensitive soul. Or you could find that you are being robbed.

    The point is, tattoos are not typically a social sign of a highly educated, socially upward, intellectual person. There are exceptions, but the exceptions make the rule.
  • Reply 206 of 214
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member

    "I never said people with tattoos are bad people." but then again they often ARE: "undesirable people. Drug addicts, Felons, ex-convicts, gang members.."


    So not "bad" just often undesirable drug addicts, felons ex-convicts and gang members. 


    ?Thanks for printing out those words for us.


    So helpful!

  • Reply 207 of 214

    So you feel it necessary to insult, and degrade because people don't fit your narrow world view? That's nice (not really).


    The point is, I personally don't judge people for something that is literally skin deep, I choose to get to know and understand people first, and I've gotten to know you well enough to know to avoid you. Good day.



    Originally Posted by Hodar View Post

    Either you didn't read what I wrote, or you suffer from a bad case of reading comprehension.

    I never said people with tattoos are bad people. You will probably find that that in more than a few posts. I repeat that often because people with closed minds have reading difficulties - they listen to voices in their heads instead of reading the words printed out for them.

    People with tattoos often are undesirable people. Drug addicts, Felons, ex-convicts, gang members - perhaps you love working with these people? I find them to be parasites.

    Why someone would chose to camouflage themselves as this sort of person, defies logic and rational thinking. The tattoo sends a NEGATIVE image - now, after you ignore the negative warning sign, and get to know the person - you may find that the person is a warm, kind, caring and sensitive soul. Or you could find that you are being robbed.

    The point is, tattoos are not typically a social sign of a highly educated, socially upward, intellectual person. There are exceptions, but the exceptions make the rule.

  • Reply 208 of 214
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    jfc1138 wrote: »
    "I never said people with tattoos are bad people." but then again they often ARE: "undesirable people. Drug addicts, Felons, ex-convicts, gang members.."

    So not "bad" just often undesirable drug addicts, felons ex-convicts and gang members. 

    ?Thanks for printing out those words for us.

    So helpful!

    We can't control other people's thoughts and he's free to have his. If we lived in total darkness he'd (she'd) probably find a way to discriminate on, I dunno, southern accents. Just seems like that kind of guy (gal).
  • Reply 209 of 214
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    hodar wrote: »
    Either you didn't read what I wrote, or you suffer from a bad case of reading comprehension.

    I never said people with tattoos are bad people. You will probably find that that in more than a few posts. I repeat that often because people with closed minds have reading difficulties - they listen to voices in their heads instead of reading the words printed out for them.

    People with tattoos often are undesirable people. Drug addicts, Felons, ex-convicts, gang members - perhaps you love working with these people? I find them to be parasites.

    Undesirable people tend to have tattoos. What you're saying is if you have a tattoo, you're probably undesirable. It's not the same thing.
  • Reply 210 of 214
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,666member
    I meet plenty of undesirable people all the time who aren't tattooed. In fact, some of the biggest assholes I've met (some of whom owe me a lot of money) are not tattooed, at all.

    I also have some very good friends who are tattooed.


    Maybe there's just no connection there, huh.
  • Reply 211 of 214
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    spheric wrote: »
    I meet plenty of undesirable people all the time who aren't tattooed. In fact, some of the biggest assholes I've met (some of whom owe me a lot of money) are not tattooed, at all.

    I also have some very good friends who are tattooed.


    Maybe there's just no connection there, huh.

    Maybe but being an a-hole doesn't mean you're necessarily undesirable. Anyone can be an a-hole depending on who you talk to.

    When I think undesirable, I think criminals, gang members, druggies.
  • Reply 212 of 214

    This guy just wants attention, shouldn't have gotten tattoos there, his own fault

  • Reply 213 of 214

    Need your daily fill of ignorance? Join the internet! A few fun tidbits I'd love to address:


    1. No, tattoos cannot set off metal detectors. They do not burn your skin if you get a MRI.

    2. Judging someone by their appearance is one of the worst and oldest human flaws that still exists today. It is mind-numbingly nescient and makes me sick. Truth bomb. Welcome to Life 101. Extra catch phrases. I'm cool.

    3. Companies stuck in the stone age or ultra conservatives usually die if they don't adapt. A lot of people like tattoos. Get over it.

    4. I am Christian and have never taken an illicit drug in my life. I have various tattoos, including my left forearm that is almost completely blacked-out. Go ahead, judge me.


    Of course this is a one-shot post, so don't expect me to see any replies. I had to join to let the truth shine. They say the truth shall set you free. Continue with your stupidity, internet.

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