Who's buying at MacWorld New York?



  • Reply 21 of 46
    If the specs are right, I'll probably buy.

    I'll also have to see if the $$ is in the bank.
  • Reply 22 of 46
    next winter i'm going to replace my ti400 with whatever fast portable they have to offer then. so no, i'm not in the game for mwny.
  • Reply 23 of 46
    firelarkfirelark Posts: 57member
    [quote] I'm looking to MWNY to give me hope for 3D on the Mac. I'm in the market for a new computer; I also happen to be a student of the 3D arts. At the moment, I'm considering doing that which up 'till a week ago I considered unthinkable: switching back to PC ( ). If I don't hear any good news from A|W or Apple at MWNY, I may be forced to go PC (reluctantly, though). It's a damn shame, but I may have no choice. <hr></blockquote>

    Im in the same situaton. This the final chance for apple to keep me on the macplatform. If they fail to convince me that 3D on mac has a future, Ill be looking at alternatives. <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />
  • Reply 24 of 46
    tooltool Posts: 242member
    I don't plan on buying a new mac until next summer at least.

    I have a G4/500 too and I am in about done upgrading it. (new Radeon 8500 and superdrive ) It'll last me for another year even though FCP3 is a little slow...
  • Reply 25 of 46
    wormboywormboy Posts: 220member
    As already indicated, now is the worst time for a 3D artist to abandon the Mac. Look real hard at the recent acquisitions that Apple has made. Clearly, this is a comapny with a bullseye on the 3D market. Stick with the Mac and you'll be ahead of the curve. Within a year the Mac will be THE platform for 3D work.
  • Reply 26 of 46
    tabootaboo Posts: 128member
    [quote]Originally posted by bradbower:

    <strong>- Steve Jobs in a hot gay porno

    [ 06-24-2002: Message edited by: bradbower ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Seen this yet?

    <a href="http://www.wired.com/news/mac/0,2125,53071,00.html"; target="_blank">jobs/gates</a>
  • Reply 27 of 46
    I will definitely be buying! My daughter & I will be watching the keynote @ the Apple Store here in Atlanta, and I fully expect to leave several thousand dollars lighter.

    Only way I can see it being otherwise is if it turns into the kind of freak-&-pony show that some of our more apocalyptic "members" endlessly rabbit on about.

    Assuming the same product hierarchy (good, better, best, best+chips), I'll get the best & roll my own chips (as in: max RAM & HD). I'll also pick up a 15" or 17" LCD display.

    I'll use it for audio/video editing & (post-)production, and CD/DVD mastering. And posting here, of course .

    My daughter will get the Powerbook (she's thrilled!).

    As for being discouraged by "the likely specs": given Apple's commitment to developmental security, SJ's fondness for big surprises & trumping the industry, and the rumour mill's current imitation of the stock market (ie, all over the map, hysteria-driven, little value in evidence), I think the only likely thing is that we'll all be surprised at how wrong we were.
  • Reply 28 of 46
    Will probably upgrade my G4 this fall and buy a replacement for my 6100 Spring 03 (prolly eMac but I can be persuaded to look at another tower if there is a reason to).
  • Reply 29 of 46
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member
    There is no powerbook superdrive, no way no money no how. There already has to be the technology. Apple probably has been trying to do it but realized that they should not be spending their time on it
  • Reply 30 of 46
    tabootaboo Posts: 128member
    Yeah. I'm gonna wait as well. I'll probably be in SF for January, so I'll go to MW, and probably buy then. Hopefully, one of the upgraded makers will have a faster upgrade by then, and I can retire my 9600/350 to server status, replacing my 9150.
  • Reply 31 of 46
    sizzle chestsizzle chest Posts: 1,133member
    [quote]Originally posted by Michael X. S.:

    <strong>i've never understood the philosophy of going with faster instead of fastest or just fast. its like in poker when you've only got a little money left, you either fold, or raise all in every time.

    these days the "faster" runs around $2300, if you've got that much, drop the extra $700 or so for the better video card, ram, extra processor, higher clock, etc... </strong><hr></blockquote>

    There have been times when you didn't really get much for your money by going from the "faster" (or "better") machine, up to the "fastest" (or "best") one. When I bought my 450DP, the extra thousand bucks would have bought me 50mhz x2 and a little bit more RAM.

    Right now, if I had to buy a Powermac today, the only sensible purchase would be the dual 1ghz. It's more than twice as fast as the middle machine and the price difference is only $700.

    So it completely depends on where Apple positions each of the (presumably) three configurations with regard to features and price. I'll gladly buy the "best" machine if it's the only dual processor config, but if the middle machine is also a dual, also has a superdrive, and the clock speeds are in the same ballpark, I may save myself the difference and spend it on maxing out RAM and adding storage space.
  • Reply 32 of 46
    I'm not buying anything either. I have no money and my current macs work fine.
  • Reply 33 of 46
    stevessteves Posts: 108member
    [quote]Originally posted by sizzle chest:


    There have been times when you didn't really get much for your money by going from the "faster" (or "better") machine, up to the "fastest" (or "best") one. When I bought my 450DP, the extra thousand bucks would have bought me 50mhz x2 and a little bit more RAM.

    Right now, if I had to buy a Powermac today, the only sensible purchase would be the dual 1ghz. It's more than twice as fast as the middle machine and the price difference is only $700.

    So it completely depends on where Apple positions each of the (presumably) three configurations with regard to features and price. I'll gladly buy the "best" machine if it's the only dual processor config, but if the middle machine is also a dual, also has a superdrive, and the clock speeds are in the same ballpark, I may save myself the difference and spend it on maxing out RAM and adding storage space.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    These are my thoughts exactly. Except, I probably wouldn't pay Apple's prices for the Ram and HD upgrades.

    Needless to say, I'm in need of an upgrade. On the Mac side, my G3 500mhz doesn't quite cut it anymore. I plan to buy a new machine, but will determine which machine based on what Apple comes out with and at what price.

  • Reply 34 of 46
    Future prospects for 3D on the Mac look intriguing SOFTWARE wise...given recent aquisitions.

    Hopefully they have hardware to match their ambitions (and price!) in the pipeline. G4s seem horribly slow to me.

    G5. Nothing less for me. I may find myself waiting a little longer for that. But Mr. Jobs may surprise...yet.

    I would give a lingering look at a 17 inch LCD iMac with a 1 gig processor and bumped graphics card...as a stop gap?

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 35 of 46
    sizzle chestsizzle chest Posts: 1,133member
    [quote]Originally posted by SteveS:


    These are my thoughts exactly. Except, I probably wouldn't pay Apple's prices for the Ram and HD upgrades. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Right -- order your computer, and then immediately order a hard drive or two from any of several sources, and then order some Crucial RAM (or roll the dice on some of the more generic stuff) and you're all set. Apple's pre-installed RAM & HD options are only for people with too much money! It's just WAY too easy to install stuff yourself in the Powermac case.

    [ 06-24-2002: Message edited by: sizzle chest ]</p>
  • Reply 36 of 46
    rogue27rogue27 Posts: 607member
    I decided that I will use my PowerBook (Pismo) for 3 years before replacing it. This decision was made when I bought it. Right now it's been 2 years and 3 months and I'm still quite happy with it, but once April 2003 rolls around I'll start looking at what's available and what I can sell my Pismo for. I'll probably replace it with an iBook or a PowerBook sometime in 2003, but I may end up keeping it longer depending on my money situation and what is available at the time.

    I do want something with better graphics capabilities.

    If I get a better job where I make more money and can get a place where I have more room, it's possible that I'll buy a desktop before then. I'd like one of the PowerMacs that will come out at MWNY, whatever they are, but I don't have the room or money for one right now.
  • Reply 37 of 46
    jccbinjccbin Posts: 476member
    Just sold my B&W G3 400 mhz with 128 RAM for $1,600 (with a custom FTP site).

    Thinking about ditching my DP 450 G4 for either refurbed dual gig from Apple ($2300) or for something Post MWNY.

    I like the G4 450, it's been a rock solid machine, but it only has the 100Mhz bus, and the current machines outclass that.

    I've got DP450 G4, 768 RAM, 14 gig HD, Mac OS X 10.1.5

    Anyone wanna make an offer? :-)
  • Reply 38 of 46
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    I ope to buy if the new PowerMac has a goo revamped mobo with stuff like Hyper Transport/Rapid IO FireWire 2 USB 2 DDR333etc. Doesn't necessarily have to be the "G5" that everyone is talking about, just something that merits the name "Power"Mac. I'm hoping they introduce them with the R300, and I probably wouldn't buy UNLESS the new case had 2 FULL DRIVE BAYS AT LEAST. Jaguar is probably being a bit too hopeful for MWNY. I'll use it for my company & Photoshop, Illustrator, Reason 2 etc.
  • Reply 39 of 46
    [quote]Originally posted by jccbin:

    <strong>Anyone wanna make an offer? :-)</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Sure, I'll send you a can of soup. You mail me your computer. Fair? <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 40 of 46
    sizzle, you have a point.... that DP 450 was probably the greatest deal on a mac os machine since the power computing days... having that midrange dual makes it the obvious choice... i just cant imagine apple doing that again, i feel it was a move made at a time when they were gonna take a lot of heat if they didnt show some major performance kicks, and that was the only way around it.... if we see something like that again, ill clearly jump on the bandwagon....

    also, someone made an important comment. dont ever waste your money upgrading at the "apple store" or whatever... and unless you're getting some sweet deal like $300 off a monitor and $100 off an iPod, dont order direct from apple in general... find some store thats offering like, a scanner, 2 printers, and a digital camera for free if you buy a powermac... i did that once and it was such a great play... scanner has been great, and i never would have actually got around to plopping down the $$ for one...

    also, i upped my ram (from 256) to a gig from crucial for about $80, apple woulda charged $300-500 probably... hard drive space? pick up a couple 80 gig drives for $70 a piece, thats about as much as apple will charge for a 20-40 gig upgrade....

    btw, peopel always complain about pci slots and drive bays... what do they need them for? seriously. protools is possibly the one exception, but dont tell me you're really gonna get protools, 3 video fx boards, and something else, on the same machine... no, you have different machines for that...

    pc's have to have 6 pci slots because they have jack crap on the motherboard, we get usb, firewire, digital audio (although id suggest upgrading that), modem, and ethernet all on the motherboard... you want that on a pc, thats 3-5 of your pci slots gone.. drive bays? what do you need to put ur drives in bays for? you can stack the hd's at the bottom of the case, or pile another on top of the superdrive, seriously.... (i know this from experience, i have 4 hd's, 3 internal, 2 80's, one 20, and an 80 firewire external)... it provides no performance issues.... that shouldnt be a deciding purchase factor...

    apple's bread and butter right now is its motherboard, people can argue g4's are behind, but fact of the matter, is right now, the mobo/ram constricts the dual ghz, but the on board features are out of this world, once they get this ddr thing worked out, it will be amazing, and if they get the different components talking properly and utilizing quartz extreme, you wont even need to double pump the bus to get the type of system bandwidth to make the system fly....

    i think the near future looks good for apple, i just want to see a different case, i dont really like the quicksilvers, and face it, a draw to apple is that their comps look like sex on stick on my desk
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