Home Depot announces future Apple Pay support, will become largest partner retailer



  • Reply 21 of 31
    jbdragon wrote: »
    I did also!!!  But a few days ago it stopped working for me.  I tried it, it seemed to work and then the terminal and every just froze.  i was in the self checkout and I think the person said something about a scripting error?!?!  So I went to a different self check out station and tried again and the same thing happened.   They got it reset and I had to swipe my card.

    Have you been to home Depot in the last few days and tried it?
    I just did at a store in Delaware where it worked a week ago, apple pay does NOT work now
    Worse, it my never because Home Depot does not have a deal in places with Apple ?????
    From their chump,,,,
    “It’s something we’d like to do,” Steve Holmes, a spokesman for Atlanta-based Home Depot, said on Tuesday. However, a deal with Apple isn’t in place, so the plan isn’t final, he said. The chain, which currently accepts PayPal, also may add other kinds of mobile payment, he said.
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  • Reply 22 of 31
    bobschlobbobschlob Posts: 1,074member

    Oh jolly good. Thanks Home Depot.

    Now just let me know when Apple Pay has returned. That is when I will return as well.

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  • Reply 23 of 31
    suddenly newtonsuddenly newton Posts: 13,819member

    Originally Posted by BobSchlob View Post


    Oh jolly good. Thanks Home Depot.

    Now just let me know when Apple Pay has returned. That is when I will return as well.

    What's really strange is that it worked before. I suppose this makes it official.

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  • Reply 24 of 31
    sam gravessam graves Posts: 30member
    I really WANT to use Apple Pay but I just don't see it anywhere. I used it Walgreens twice. That's about it. :(
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  • Reply 25 of 31
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,411member
    sam graves wrote: »
    I really WANT to use Apple Pay but I just don't see it anywhere. I used it Walgreens twice. That's about it. :(

    You don't have to "see it" (by which, I assume you mean the ApplePay symbol) to use your iPhone or Watch. As long as the POS terminal is NFC-enabled (the symbol that looks like a sideways wifi) and the store has not actively disabled it -- as CVS has, and now HD seems to have -- you can use ApplePay. You may have to sign, however.

    I use it all the time, including at my local grocery store, wine store, etc.
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  • Reply 26 of 31
    nargnarg Posts: 4member
    I've used Apple Pay at my local Home Depots before, glad they are supporting it. I signed up for CurrentC and immediately received a "data breach" notification from them. Sorry, I don't trust them with my money now.
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  • Reply 27 of 31
    rivertriprivertrip Posts: 146member
    "Many NFC-equipped POS terminals compatible with mobile payment platforms like Google Wallet can also accept Apple Pay transactions. The decision to include support comes down to store owners, who must work on the backend with card processing companies and credit card networks.

    Apple Pay works at any NFC POS terminal, with no work required from the retailer other than enabling contactless payment. Disabling only Apple Pay requires "backend" programming.
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  • Reply 28 of 31
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,519moderator
    sam graves wrote: »
    I really WANT to use Apple Pay but I just don't see it anywhere. I used it Walgreens twice. That's about it. :(

    It's possible to use it online too:


    The major online companies like Amazon and eBay want you to use their own payment process but you can at least use the Apple Store.
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  • Reply 29 of 31
    lipnorthlipnorth Posts: 16member
    ApplePay always worked for me at Home Depot until last weekend.

    When I held the phone to the reader, it let me pay but then the transaction did not go through.
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  • Reply 30 of 31

    So here's the timeline as I see it:


    • iPhone 6 launches, software update with Apple Pay support is released.

    • Apple Pay works fine in place where it's not officially supported (such as Home Depot) from launch

    • Home Depot realizes that they accidentally gave their customers a secure way to pay for goods without being able to collect customer information

    • Home Depot intentionally breaks Apple Pay, trying to drive e-payments towards their relationship with PayPal

    • The Internet gets pissed, and screams loudly

    • Home Depot reverses engines and announces future support for Apple Pay, which amounts to them unbreaking what they purposefully broke.


    Lesson learned:  don't piss off the Internet.  It's not a new lesson, but it's one that is often repeated.

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  • Reply 31 of 31
    gjmgjm Posts: 2member
    Ironically that Home Depot in the photo (or The Home Depot as Dogcowabunga pointed out) is a Home Depot in Canada, and Apple Pay won't be available there until the fall. So they couldnt use Apple Pay at that store even if they wanted to....
    There's a sign for a Harvey's Restaurant next to the HD, and that restaurant is only found in Canada.
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