Google announces Street View iOS app, plans to merge Views into Maps

in iPhone edited June 2015
Google on Wednesday announced plans to launch a new app, Street View, which will let anyone submit a photo sphere to Maps, including ones captured via compatible 360-degree cameras.

The app is due for iOS and Android in August, and in the case of iOS, will replace Photo Sphere Camera on the App Store. The change is part of a Google initiative to merge Google's Views community with Google Maps, and in fact allow anyone to submit a sphere to Maps, instead of just Google and authorized contributors.

Spheres uploaded to Views will be ported over to Maps, though not all of them may be approved. Views will go offline mid-August, at which point people will also be able to upload spheres via the Maps website. Later in 2015 Google will relaunch its defunct "constellations" -- linked photo spheres -- with a more automated approach.

Initially, the Street View app will only support two spherical cameras, the NCTech iris360 and the Giroptic 360cam. The latter is a consumer-oriented device which can be pre-ordered for $499, while the iris360 is a $1,999 professional product shipping in August that can shoot 8K images with high dynamic range.

That month Google will also rebrand the Google Maps Business View as "Street View | Trusted," and make it easier to become a certified photographer.


  • Reply 1 of 30
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member

    I know some are huge fans of street view, who keep insisting Apple should do the same, but I abhor the concept, and find it a disgusting invasion of privacy. The approach Apple is taking (3D) is much more versatile, robust, sustainable, efficient, and best of all, less creepy. 

  • Reply 2 of 30
    patpatpatpatpatpat Posts: 629member
    Sweet! I love street view.
  • Reply 3 of 30
    konqerrorkonqerror Posts: 685member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    I know some are huge fans of street view, who keep insisting Apple should do the same, but I abhor the concept, and find it a disgusting invasion of privacy. The approach Apple is taking (3D) is much more versatile, robust, sustainable, efficient, and best of all, less creepy. 


    So instead of seeing what it looks like driving along the street, you prefer Apple's approach where you can see over fences and into people's backyards, and seeing views, like the back side of people's homes, you couldn't otherwise. Got it.


    So, police should be forced to give up cop cars, and only fly drones.

  • Reply 4 of 30
    leavingthebiggleavingthebigg Posts: 1,291member
    Google is moving faster and faster announcing upgrades Google Maps! Where was this speed three years ago when Google Maps was a core iOS app? Being kicked out of iOS was most definitely an inflection point Google and many others did not expect to occur. I am looking forward to the release of iOS 9 Beta One Monday, June 8, 2015! ????????????
  • Reply 5 of 30
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,623member

    Originally Posted by leavingthebigG View Post

    Google is moving faster and faster announcing upgrades Google Maps! Where was this speed three years ago when Google Maps was a core iOS app? 


    It was very simple: Google stopped supplying new features, because in return, they demanded prominent Google branding and access to Apple's users' data. 


    Apple gave them the finger and went in-house.

  • Reply 6 of 30
    jkichlinejkichline Posts: 1,369member
    Seems to me that Google is a bit scared by what Apple has up its sleeve with Maps. Apple may be bringing an assault on web maps and potentially more. Google appears to be shotgun-promising random things, at least that's what this article seems to indicate.

    I never liked street view aside from checking out the fun things the Google car caught.
  • Reply 7 of 30
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member

    I assume you must have geo location turned on when taking the panoramic shot. Otherwise anyone can submit shots from bogus locations.


    As far as StreetView, it really comes in handy when you're visiting from out of town and you need some landmarks as a frame of reference.

    Apple's Flyover never really did much for me. It's cool to fly like a drone, but for everyday use, I never found it too useful.

  • Reply 8 of 30
    drewys808drewys808 Posts: 549member

    Within 18 months, "street view" will be a commodity - tech such as LIDAR/GIS/Aerial imagery will provide the means to map every city street and building.


    And since LIDAR can be done at night (when streets are deserted), views will be unobstructed from moving vehicles and pedestrians.


    I'm glad Google did maps, it was useful. But all those street view photos will soon be irrelevant.

  • Reply 9 of 30
    leavingthebiggleavingthebigg Posts: 1,291member
    jkichline wrote: »
    Seems to me that Google is a bit scared by what Apple has up its sleeve with Maps. Apple may be bringing an assault on web maps and potentially more. Google appears to be shotgun-promising random things, at least that's what this article seems to indicate.

    I never liked street view aside from checking out the fun things the Google car caught.

    Google thinks pre-announcing features will freeze the competition into standing still. just because Apple has been silent about Apple Maps does not mean improvements have not been done. Looking forward to Monday! ????????????
  • Reply 10 of 30
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,623member

    Originally Posted by jkichline View Post

    Seems to me that Google is a bit scared by what Apple has up its sleeve with Maps. Apple may be bringing an assault on web maps and potentially more. Google appears to be shotgun-promising random things, at least that's what this article seems to indicate.

    I never liked street view aside from checking out the fun things the Google car caught.

    Google ALWAYS shotgun-promises random things. 


    Street View is awesome and the only thing I miss from no longer using Navigon for navigation: It was GREAT seeing a photograph of exactly what you were looking for as you trundled down a street to a destination.

  • Reply 11 of 30
    applesauce007applesauce007 Posts: 1,700member
    No thanks. We already have Apple Maps.

    Keep Google Apps off of your iPhone.
  • Reply 12 of 30
    patpatpatpatpatpat Posts: 629member

    Originally Posted by AppleSauce007 View Post

    No thanks. We already have Apple Maps.

    Keep Google Apps off of your iPhone.

    Whatever works for you, personally I like and use regularly all the google apps I have installed..








    Play Music,



  • Reply 13 of 30
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,311member

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    I know some are huge fans of street view, who keep insisting Apple should do the same, but I abhor the concept, and find it a disgusting invasion of privacy. The approach Apple is taking (3D) is much more versatile, robust, sustainable, efficient, and best of all, less creepy. 


    Street View is great.   can't wait until Apple has something like it.  How could it ever be a invasion of privacy???  How???  Google is on a Public road taking pictures.  Something ANYONE can do walking down the public sidewalk taking pictures.  In fact you get your own pictures taken many times a day and not realize it.


    You want Privacy, buy a 40 acre lot, and built a house right in the middle of the lot and post a no trespassing sign.  Make sure you have lots of tree so there;s n line of sight to the house at all.  Now you have PRIVACY!!!  Well except for Satellites, Drones and planes flying over your house.  you want privacy, go inside and close the drapes.


    There is ZERO right to privacy from a public road or sidewalk.  It's something else if Google or whoever else was hopping your fence to take close up shots of your back year and letting themselves into your house to take pictures.  Now they are on Private property where you do have rights.   You want anything more then that, Move someplace where you can have that, or build a 12 foot fence right at the edge of your sidewalk so all anyone gets from the street or sidewalk is a picture of a fence.   You still have Plains flying over houses getting overhead shots also.     Cover your House and Yard in some huge TENT.  Then you have have some outside Privacy!!!

  • Reply 14 of 30
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,311member

    Originally Posted by leavingthebigG View Post

    Google is moving faster and faster announcing upgrades Google Maps! Where was this speed three years ago when Google Maps was a core iOS app? Being kicked out of iOS was most definitely an inflection point Google and many others did not expect to occur. I am looking forward to the release of iOS 9 Beta One Monday, June 8, 2015! ????????????


    Google Maps was complete CRAP when it was part of iOS.  Not until Apple tossed it off of iOS did Google actually Upgrade the App to where it was as good as the Android version.   Personally I don't remember the last time I started up the Google Map's App on any of my iOS devices.  Generally I use either WAZE which Google now owns, or Navagon.  Once in a while Apple Maps.  

  • Reply 15 of 30
    applesauce007applesauce007 Posts: 1,700member
    patpatpat wrote: »
    Whatever works for you, personally I like and use regularly all the google apps I have installed..

    Play Music,

    I actually use search and YouTube via the web. The rest is crap.
    Let's see if Apple can replace search next.
  • Reply 16 of 30
    patpatpatpatpatpat Posts: 629member

    Originally Posted by AppleSauce007 View Post

    I actually use search and YouTube via the web. The rest is crap.

    Let's see if Apple can replace search next.

    Let's see, based on App store ratings..

    Photos 4.5 stars

    Maps 4.5 stars

    Gmail 4.5 stars

    Chrome 3 stars

    Docs/Drive 4.5 stars

    Hangouts 4.5 stars

    Inbox 4 stars

    Play Music 3.5 stars

    Search 3.5 stars

    YouTube 2.5 stars


    Overall "crap" they are not.

  • Reply 17 of 30
    suddenly newtonsuddenly newton Posts: 13,819member
    Step 1: Create Google account
    Step 2: Submit street view photos
    Step 3: Repeat step 2 until trusted to upload without verification
    Step 4: Post image of Android urinating on Apple logo
    Step 5: Post on reddit for fame and glory
  • Reply 18 of 30
    suddenly newtonsuddenly newton Posts: 13,819member
    Google thinks pre-announcing features will freeze the competition into standing still. just because Apple has been silent about Apple Maps does not mean improvements have not been done. Looking forward to Monday! ????????????

    But but but only Apple needs competition.
    Google doesn't need competition to be awesome.
    Now excuse me while I go and install every google app on my iPhone and tell you how great they are.
  • Reply 19 of 30
    pfisherpfisher Posts: 758member

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    I know some are huge fans of street view, who keep insisting Apple should do the same, but I abhor the concept, and find it a disgusting invasion of privacy. The approach Apple is taking (3D) is much more versatile, robust, sustainable, efficient, and best of all, less creepy. 


    And all those people out in public taking pictures with their phones and things? 


    That is creepy. And disgusting. Cameras should have auto-blur and auto-pixelation built in.

  • Reply 20 of 30
    leavingthebiggleavingthebigg Posts: 1,291member
    But but but only Apple needs competition.
    Google doesn't need competition to be awesome.
    Now excuse me while I go and install every google app on my iPhone and tell you how great they are.

    I use Gmail through the Apple iOS mail interface. I may watch a YouTube video IF there is something interesting I want to watch due to being found on the few Web sites I visit regularly.

    Other than that I am off Google services permanently. Gmail's end is approaching later this year.
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