Apple, Samsung tied for highest smartphone customer satisfaction, iPhone falls behind Galaxy Note



  • Reply 21 of 43

    I reject their reality and substitute it with my own.

  • Reply 22 of 43
    magman1979magman1979 Posts: 1,299member

    Originally Posted by saarek View Post


    I'm amazed that any Android based phone can have such a high satisfaction score.


    I've learned the hard and painful way that many people just don't give a shit about quality or UX, and will often respond to questions like "Overall how do you rate the experience of your Galaxy Note 4" with comments like "AWESOME!" simply because they were able to buy it for next to nothing cause of a massive carrier blowout subsidy, or a two-for-one promotion from the carrier; it all comes down to them being cheap asses, which most Android users are.


    Originally Posted by baconstang View Post


    Something fishy in this.  

    Why would an iPhone 4 have a higher rating than a 4s?   Or a 5 higher than a 5s?


    I saw that as well and had to stop myself from scratching my hair out in one spot on my head, don't want a bald spot because of crap like this!


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    I wonder what survey questions were asked.

    Probably something like this: "After hearing complaints of ios 8, are you satisfied with it?"


    Or something like "Are you satisfied with your Galaxy product more because you also got a free tablet with it?"


    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post



    How could a survey like this come to such a conclusion? I would question this even if Apple were on top. It simply doesn’t make any sense. Then there’s the question of why Samsung sales flagging and Apple sales soaring. 


    Who uses these surveys and for what purpose? Is it just to stir the pot? Do Apple, Samsung, HTC, etc. use information like this to make marketing decisions? Design decisions? Any marketing types in these forums that can answer?


    This is just like SA and IDC stats, likely paid drivel for the corporate suites to show their boards and directors they're actually doing well, when in fact they're dying a slow and painful death by a thousand cuts.

  • Reply 23 of 43
    The main researcher for ASCI holds two honorary doctoral degrees from institutions in China.
  • Reply 24 of 43
    suddenly newtonsuddenly newton Posts: 13,819member
    Instead of a numeric score, the iPhones in that table should just read "DOOMED."
  • Reply 25 of 43
    suddenly newtonsuddenly newton Posts: 13,819member
    The main researcher for ASCI holds two honorary doctoral degrees from institutions in China.

    In fungshui and applied astrology...
  • Reply 26 of 43
    suddenly newtonsuddenly newton Posts: 13,819member
    salmanpak wrote: »
    I reject their reality and substitute it with my own.

    That's the spirit: "Samsung is winning and Apple is DOOMED."
  • Reply 27 of 43
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    maestro64 wrote: »
    Really, I am having a really hard time believe any of this data, not because Apple is not at the top, but the fact BB is even on the list.

    I am stuggling to understand how they did this survey. I am guessing they only survey the fanboys for each phone type. If they actually found BB users, they are still users because that is what they like and I know they are still out there and of course they will say they like the product.

    If this is what they did then it does not surprise me all the product are that close in ranking.

    Why, there isn't a single person who I know that has a new Passport or Classic, over 20 now, including myself, who doesn't think that they are fantastic phones. I'm not sure how it is the U.S. but here in Switzerland there has been a fairly large BlackBerry revival. I even see more and more kids using them.

    The thing I don't get is how anyone using a phone with TouchWiz could give such a high marking, it's just a horrible version of Android. However, if the user replaces TouchWiz with say CynoganMod 12 than the Note 4 or S6 are actually very good phones, though personally I would prefer the Note because of the removable battery, stylus, screen size and SD Card. The Note 4 can even be used as a desktop computer by connecting a display, keyboard and mouse to it. Using an app called Second Screen from XDA you can change the DPI for the monitor, making the icons and text look more like a normal desktop UI, unlike the native DPI which looks ridiculous. Using it in this mode for apps like Office or any the many great web apps out there works pretty good. My sister has a Note 4 and now uses it as her main computer, we just bought her a Google Print enabled printer for her birthday, a multi-purpose Samsung color lazer printer with scanner, pretty neat stuff.
  • Reply 28 of 43
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Keep in mind folk this survey was not saying if given a choose of all the phone which one they preferred. They call people asked them which phone they own and how satisfied they were with it. If people still own a Samsung phone most like they like it since those people got it for a reason. It does not say anothing about whether given a choice what would they select. The survey is attempting to say Apple has no advantage over any other phone out there especially Samsung or a BB. Which may not be true.

    A true survey of satisfaction would ask them to rank their experience against some standard. Not everyone has the same set of expectation.

    I give you a real world example. I have a BMW to me I am very satified with it, even after having it 8 yrs and doing some significant repairs. However, I did the work myself and like working on my own cars so it did not bother me and after I fix it I enjoyed driving it again. I have friend who can not believe I like the car due to the fact I had to do repairs. But they drive a non-performance car and are only concern about the car getting them to work and not needed to go into the shop. I realize that with performance car you pay the price of things failing but not other car drives like it.
  • Reply 29 of 43
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    relic wrote: »
    Why, there isn't a single person who I know that has a new Passport or Classic, over 20 now, including myself, who doesn't think that they are fantastic phones. I'm not sure how it is the U.S. but here in Switzerland there has been a fairly large BlackBerry revival. I even see more and more kids using them.

    The thing I don't get is how anyone using a phone with TouchWiz could give such a high marking, it's just a horrible version of Android. However, if the user replaces TouchWiz with say CynoganMod 12 than the Note 4 or S6 are actually very good phones, though personally I would prefer the Note because of the removable battery, stylus, screen size and SD Card. The Note 4 can even be used as a desktop computer by connecting a display, keyboard and mouse to it. Using an app called Second Screen from XDA you can change the DPI for the monitor, making the icons and text look more like a normal desktop UI, unlike the native DPI which looks ridiculous. Using it in this mode for apps like Office or any the many great web apps out there works pretty good. My sister has a Note 4 and now uses it as her main computer, we just bought her a Google Print enabled printer for her birthday, a multi-purpose Samsung color lazer printer with scanner, pretty neat stuff.

    You know BB only sold 2.6M phones last quarter they must have been all sold in Switzerland. BTW they was down from the pervious quarter and they continue to decline.

    Personally I do not understand the SD card thing. I hate removeable storage even USB drives, I lost or left more of them than I want to believe. SD and microSD are even easier to leave somewhere. I always worry with my DSLR camera that I would lose the SD memory cards with pictures on them. I just finally got a 32G and can take lots of pictures and just down load them to my computer. I never run out of space verse the 1GB or 4GB ones I use to have.

    BTW, with the iphone or ipad for that matter you do not need google print, it will just print to any wifi enable printer you have. I was at a hotel and they had a wifi enable printer and I was able to print my boarding pass from my iphone on their printer since electronic boarding pass was not allowed.
  • Reply 30 of 43
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member

    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    Why, there isn't a single person who I know that has a new Passport or Classic, over 20 now, including myself, who doesn't think that they are fantastic phones. I'm not sure how it is the U.S. but here in Switzerland there has been a fairly large BlackBerry revival. I even see more and more kids using them.

    First, Switzerland (lovely country) ? World.


    Second, according to Blackberry's own website, as of the most recent quarter, "....approximately 1.6 million BlackBerry smartphones were sold through to end customers, with an ASP of $211." To put that into perspective, Apple sold 70 million smartphones for an ASP in the upper-$600s.


    Some 'revival,' let alone 'large.'

  • Reply 31 of 43
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    maestro64 wrote: »
    You know BB only sold 2.6M phones last quarter they must have been all sold in Switzerland. BTW they was down from the pervious quarter and they continue to decline.

    Personally I do not understand the SD card thing. I hate removeable storage even USB drives, I lost or left more of them than I want to believe. SD and microSD are even easier to leave somewhere. I always worry with my DSLR camera that I would lose the SD memory cards with pictures on them. I just finally got a 32G and can take lots of pictures and just down load them to my computer. I never run out of space verse the 1GB or 4GB ones I use to have.

    BTW, with the iphone or ipad for that matter you do not need google print, it will just print to any wifi enable printer you have. I was at a hotel and they had a wifi enable printer and I was able to print my boarding pass from my iphone on their printer since electronic boarding pass was not allowed.

    You can also print to any printer from an Android device using PrintShare, WiFi, USB, Ethernet, all supported. You don't need Google Print, but my sister wanted it anyway as she also uses a ChromeBook, which needs Google Print unless you enabled CUPS, which is actually already inststalled, just disabled. Regardless what you say about the Passport, it's the best phone I have owned since I retired my Nokia N950. I understand why people buy iPhones but I personally don't like them as their just missing to many features that I need or want and I'm unwilling to compromise without them. It's okay, I mean who cares what people uses as their phone, well except you guys that is, I mean I've never seen a group of people that trys so hard to keep others from even thinking about using another platform. So again, it doesn't matter what you say about my Passport because I know what it does and how well it does them, the phone is fantastic.
  • Reply 32 of 43
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    sog35 wrote: »
    was this post made in 2008?

    SD cards, physical keyboards, docking stations, user replacing UX, removable battery........

    Say what you will but I still like those things to much to just let it go because some company says so. When the new Ubuntu Touch comes out that will activate the desktop UI when a keyboard and mouse connected I'll be all over that as well. I've wanted this festure for the longest time in a phone and now that phones have become powerful enough to do so comfortably, there is no reason for me to deny myself that simple pleasure because you say it's old and icky. I mean if it makes me happy than why should you or anyone care.
  • Reply 33 of 43
    penchantedpenchanted Posts: 1,070member

    Relic. I don't think you fit the target market for Apple products. You are a tinkerer and Apple products are the antithesis of that by design. Nothing wrong with being a tinkerer but you should not expect that everyone else shares your needs and concerns.

  • Reply 34 of 43
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member

    Originally Posted by penchanted View Post


    Relic. I don't think you fit the target market for Apple products. You are a tinkerer and Apple products are the antithesis of that by design. Nothing wrong with being a tinkerer but you should not expect that everyone else shares your needs and concerns.


    I have a Mac Pro, in which I personally replaced the CPU inside for a Xeon 14 core version , the new MacBook 12" and 3 iPads. I just have a problem with iOS. I love and use OSX daily, not only on my Mac's but my Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 12.5" (this is the business model not the consumer version) as well.


    So I enjoy Apple computers very much just not so much their mobile line because of iOS. I tolerate the iPad because of the fantastic music creation apps available for it but I have to own 3 of them do to the lack of full multitasking, I need them for live music. What I have a problem with is this anomacity against those who use Android or any other device. You cannot define an individual on the technology they use. I personally love and use gadgets from many manufacturers. I no longer use an Android phone as my daiky driver, I have a Nexus 5 which is for development and testing, I now use the BlackBerry Passport. Which unlike the comments displayed here is still a great device.


    I don't expect people to follow me in anyway but I do expect people to be a little more cordial when discussing technology and to simply define a group of people because of what kind of phone they use. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using an Android phone, version 5 is even a very good OS, at least you can select your own default apps.

  • Reply 35 of 43
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,663member
    Seems to be a strong bias towards jumbo phones in this survey sample. Maybe Apple should add phone capability to the iPad Mini to capture this demographic.

    Yeah these surveys are all useless. The only votes that count are the ones you can put in your bank account.
  • Reply 36 of 43
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member

    Just seems to prove what everyone's known for some time: Apple customers are notoriously hard to please.

  • Reply 37 of 43
    idreyidrey Posts: 647member
    Going to tell you straight out, don't like the result they came up with, so don't agree with them, specially when satisfaction rate for my iPhone 6 is of 98%
  • Reply 38 of 43
    croprcropr Posts: 1,140member

    I am not surprised by these results.  If users are asked  'are you satisfied with the smartphone you bought?', users are only looking at the smartphone they own and not to the others.  There must have been a reason for the fact that users selected the device they bought.  If this reason is still valid, users only want to admit that hey made a bad choice if the user experience is really bad.

    The survey does not tell that iPhone users do like Samsung or the other way around, only that iPhone users love their iPhone and that Galaxy users love their Galaxy.

    If you are an app developer like me, having several iPhones and Android phones, you quickly realizes that some Android phones score on some points better than iPhone (sound settings and quality, dual SIM, FM-radio, SD-card).  While these points might not be of importance to the average iPhone user, they do matter for some Android users.

  • Reply 39 of 43
    penchantedpenchanted Posts: 1,070member

    Originally Posted by Relic View Post



    I have a Mac Pro, in which I personally replaced the CPU inside for a Xeon 14 core version , the new MacBook 12" and 3 iPads. I just have a problem with iOS. I love and use OSX daily, not only on my Mac's but my Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 12.5" (this is the business model not the consumer version) as well.


    So I enjoy Apple computers very much just not so much their mobile line because of iOS. I tolerate the iPad because of the fantastic music creation apps available for it but I have to own 3 of them do to the lack of full multitasking, I need them for live music. What I have a problem with is this anomacity against those who use Android or any other device. You cannot define an individual on the technology they use. I personally love and use gadgets from many manufacturers. I no longer use an Android phone as my daiky driver, I have a Nexus 5 which is for development and testing, I now use the BlackBerry Passport. Which unlike the comments displayed here is still a great device.


    I don't expect people to follow me in anyway but I do expect people to be a little more cordial when discussing technology and to simply define a group of people because of what kind of phone they use. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using an Android phone, version 5 is even a very good OS, at least you can select your own default apps.

    This post just reaffirms my thoughts that you are a tinkerer (changing out the CPU).


    I have in no way denigrated others who choose to use other products. But I do get annoyed with those who come here with the intent to **** on Apple and its products no matter how clever or veiled their posts might be. I'm not saying you are one of these and there is nothing wrong about pointing out an advantage that another device might have. But for those who make a habit of routinely talking up the competition you have to wonder about their motives and mindset. This is an Apple-centric forum -  a community of likeminded individuals who see the benefit of using Apple's products. They shouldn't be a lot of talk about how the competition does everything so much better. By the way, I feel the same way about iPhone users going to an Android community and dumping on there. It's classless.

  • Reply 40 of 43
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    cropr wrote: »
    I am not surprised by these results.  If users are asked  'are you satisfied with the smartphone you bought?', users are only looking at the smartphone they own and not to the others.  There must have been a reason for the fact that users selected the device they bought.  If this reason is still valid, users only want to admit that hey made a bad choice if the user experience is really bad.
    The survey does not tell that iPhone users do like Samsung or the other way around, only that iPhone users love their iPhone and that Galaxy users love their Galaxy.
    If you are an app developer like me, having several iPhones and Android phones, you quickly realizes that some Android phones score on some points better than iPhone (sound settings and quality, dual SIM, FM-radio, SD-card).  While these points might not be of importance to the average iPhone user, they do matter for some Android users.

    But since that is subjective, you can't ding Apple. I don't care about FM radio on my phone so it doesn't make me less satisfied.
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