New iOS 8.4 will enable Apple Music, Beats 1 on Tuesday; Sonos, Android support coming later this ye
In a blog post (that has since been removed), Apple Music senior director Ian Rogers--the former CEO of Beats Music--noted that Apple will make iOS 8.4 available at 8 AM Pacific Time on Tuesday, two hours earlier than the company's typical release time, in order to allow users to hear the inaugural broadcast of Apple's new Beats 1 radio programming and begin using Apple Music.
The new Beats 1 begin global broadcasting one hour later, beginning 24/7 original live programming starting with former BBC DJ Zane Lowe. A series of celebrity appearances including Elton John, Dr. Dre, Pharrell and Drake will be incorporated into music sets and industry interviews.
Beats 1 will be free to Apple Music users signed in with their Apple ID. The Apple Music app also includes on-demand, streaming access to over 30 million tracks, a service that requires a subscription. Apple is offering a free three month trial to users who sign up, and ongoing subscriptions will be priced at $9.99 per month for a single user or $14.99 for a family of up to six people.
Apple Music also features Connect, a social feed where artists can share notes, photos, videos and other material with their fans.
Apple's iTunes page on Facebook is hosting an event invite that states "Starting June 30th, experience all of Apple Music by updating your phone to the latest iOS. How to: Settings App -> General -> Software Update. We can't wait to share our new product with you, but first things first, update! This is Apple Music. And it's just the beginning. Learn more at"
On that site, Apple notes that Apple Music for iOS will require the new Music app delivered in 8.4, that Apple Watch can be updated from a paired phone, that iTunes on Macs and PCs will be updated, and that Apple Music for Android devices will be "coming this fall."
While Roger's blog post has since been removed, iTunes head Eddy Cue has stated on Twitter that Apple will be releasing a new developer build of iOS 9 to enable Apple Music. Cue also tweeted Apple plans to increase iTunes Match to support a larger scan and match library, starting at the current 25,000 track limit "for launch and working to get to 100k for iOS 9."
Cue also noted that Apple Music has the "same basic features of uploading the tracks in your library" as today's iTunes Match service. Additionally, in response to the Twitter question,"will my Beats subscription playlists transfer to Apple Music?" Cue stated, "yes, there will a Beats app update to migrate to Apple Music."
Separately, a representative from Sonos told BuzzFeed this morning that "we're working together to make Apple Music available on Sonos before the end of the year."

The new Beats 1 begin global broadcasting one hour later, beginning 24/7 original live programming starting with former BBC DJ Zane Lowe. A series of celebrity appearances including Elton John, Dr. Dre, Pharrell and Drake will be incorporated into music sets and industry interviews.
Beats 1 will be free to Apple Music users signed in with their Apple ID. The Apple Music app also includes on-demand, streaming access to over 30 million tracks, a service that requires a subscription. Apple is offering a free three month trial to users who sign up, and ongoing subscriptions will be priced at $9.99 per month for a single user or $14.99 for a family of up to six people.
Apple Music also features Connect, a social feed where artists can share notes, photos, videos and other material with their fans.
Apple's iTunes page on Facebook is hosting an event invite that states "Starting June 30th, experience all of Apple Music by updating your phone to the latest iOS. How to: Settings App -> General -> Software Update. We can't wait to share our new product with you, but first things first, update! This is Apple Music. And it's just the beginning. Learn more at"
On that site, Apple notes that Apple Music for iOS will require the new Music app delivered in 8.4, that Apple Watch can be updated from a paired phone, that iTunes on Macs and PCs will be updated, and that Apple Music for Android devices will be "coming this fall."
While Roger's blog post has since been removed, iTunes head Eddy Cue has stated on Twitter that Apple will be releasing a new developer build of iOS 9 to enable Apple Music. Cue also tweeted Apple plans to increase iTunes Match to support a larger scan and match library, starting at the current 25,000 track limit "for launch and working to get to 100k for iOS 9."
Cue also noted that Apple Music has the "same basic features of uploading the tracks in your library" as today's iTunes Match service. Additionally, in response to the Twitter question,"will my Beats subscription playlists transfer to Apple Music?" Cue stated, "yes, there will a Beats app update to migrate to Apple Music."
Apple to buzzfeed news: "we're working together to make #AppleMusic available on Sonos before the end of the year."
-- John Paczkowski (@JohnPaczkowski)
Separately, a representative from Sonos told BuzzFeed this morning that "we're working together to make Apple Music available on Sonos before the end of the year."
Is there anything else being changed in 8.4 besides the new music app? It'll be nice to have a scrubbing bar that doesn't suck, but...
I expect a disaster then. Apple can't handle iOS rollouts on day one without screwing up and server hang-ups. Double traffic for iOS and Apple Music will be horrible. Apple should have released this last week instead of pandering to the queers.
Yes fix video scrubbing please. Oh and shake to undo is so sensitive I'm activating it all the time. I wish Apple would fix that or give us a option to turn it off.
Yes fix video scrubbing please. Oh and shake to undo is so sensitive I'm activating it all the time. I wish Apple would fix that or give us a option to turn it off.
Shake to Undo will be a setting you can turn off in 9.0 thankfully. Shake to Shuffle is dead.
I'm a little surprise Apple is launching Beats 1 only one hour after 8.4 becomes available. Seems like 24 hours would be better as I'm sure Apple's servers will be slammed with everyone upgrading to 8.4.
Well, according to some people, bad press is now good press, so...
Perhaps they've got contracts with Akamai and other CDN's still to provide backup, and they'll run the updates on their own CDN.
You can turn off shake to undo in iOS 9? Hallelujah!
Maybe everything will go smoothly Tuesday but why chance it? The last thing Apple needs is Twiiter to be full of people complaining about not catching the launch of Beats 1 because they couldn't download 8.4. Speaking of, if you search Twitter right now lots of people are confused about Apple Music and especially how iTunes Match will work. I'm a bit shocked at how poorly Apple has explained it.
You can turn off shake to undo in iOS 9? Hallelujah!
Maybe everything will go smoothly Tuesday but why chance it? The last thing Apple needs is Twiiter to be full of people complaining about not catching the launch of Beats 1 because they couldn't download 8.4. Speaking of, if you search Twitter right now lots of people are confused about Apple Music and especially how iTunes Match will work. I'm a bit shocked at how poorly Apple has explained it.
You can easily find this info (iTunes Match) on their site. Are these people unaware of Apple having a site or how to find info on the internet?
You can easily find this info (iTunes Match) on their site. Are these people unaware of Apple having a site or how to find info on the internet?
Apple just says iTunes Match is complementary. That's not particularly detailed.
There aren't many details on Apple's site hence the confusion. And nowhere on Apple's site does it say iTunes match/Apple Music will support 100,000 uploaded songs. Eddy Cue said that in a tweet.
Apple just says iTunes Match is complementary. That's not particularly detailed.
The product name iTunes Match is not mentioned with the streaming service. Your personal library (including songs that you ripped) is part of the deal when you pay a membership fee. It get's uploaded to iCloud. iTunes Match is an independent but complimentary service to the non-subscription service. It's pretty understandable when you read the questions at the bottom.
There aren't many details on Apple's site hence the confusion. And nowhere on Apple's site does it say iTunes match/Apple Music will support 100,000 uploaded songs. Eddy Cue said that in a tweet.
Go to apple's site click on MUSIC on the nav bar at the top. Pretty straight forward from there.
Eddy probably wouldn't be getting these questions if this stuff had been discussed at the keynote rather than him spending 20 minutes playing tracks from the music app.
Eddy probably wouldn't be getting these questions if this stuff had been discussed at the keynote rather than him spending 20 minutes playing tracks from the music app.
Maybe...but the info is easy to find.
Thats why it's complimentary.
We'll know for sure, but thats the way the fine print is reading and since Eddy Cue tweeted about the same, I'm going to assume at this point you can just pay for Apple Music or iTunes Match depending on preference...
Well I know I won't be signing up to the service!!! It's not worth $10 a month. Let there be a $5 a month plan and is sign up to that. Have some limitations at that price like number of hours per month. Whatever!! I don't listen to music enough to justify the current price. If there's was a bunch of talk channels and comedy channels, etc, then I'd go for it at $10.
This is music, not talk shows.
Is this the end of iTunes Radio then?
The new Radio is a massive expansion of iTunes Radio. It is now available in many more markets. They will have more curated mixes and playlists. Beats 1 is the separate live broadcast that will also have multiple actual shows with DJs beyond the 3 main Apple personalities.
I expect a disaster then. Apple can't handle iOS rollouts on day one without screwing up and server hang-ups. Double traffic for iOS and Apple Music will be horrible. Apple should have released this last week instead of pandering to the queers.
The only reason Apple Music will have hangups is because DEMAND IS SO HUGE. 9-INCH NAILS WORTH OF HUGE.