Apple leaks new gold, deep blue and hot pink iPod colors in iTunes 12.2



  • Reply 41 of 49
    analogjackanalogjack Posts: 1,073member

    All the iPod touch needs is an A7 processor and you can stick a fork in it. A8 would be golden then they can hold off for another 3 years.

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  • Reply 42 of 49
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    arthur123 wrote: »
    Why buy an iPod at all? Buy a used iPhone 4s or 5 and use it as an iPod. 

    And have crappy battery life.
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  • Reply 43 of 49
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    What are the chances they'll be priced lower?

    Surely a 16gb nano shouldnt be more than $99.
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  • Reply 44 of 49

    When will the iPod classic be replaced with a high capacity touch?, current market price for discontinued classics 160GB are $400.  I find it ridiculous a lot of us have huge music libraries with no option to the classic capacity.  Get it together Apple, basic features just to play music is enough, we need a replacement or else moving to alternatives.

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  • Reply 45 of 49
    nbhmsnbhms Posts: 9member
    Originally Posted by EDMStitchy View Post


    When will the iPod classic be replaced with a high capacity touch?, current market price for discontinued classics 160GB are $400.  I find it ridiculous a lot of us have huge music libraries with no option to the classic capacity.  Get it together Apple, basic features just to play music is enough, we need a replacement or else moving to alternatives.


    Couldn't agree more on this.  Luckily I bought an extra iPod Classic the day they were discontinued, just to have one for "backup".  People still go on road trips, camping, cottages, etc, all kinds of places where "the cloud" either isn't accessible, doesn't have a stable connection, or wireless data rates would run up a crazy bill streaming, but they still want their music/podcast/audiobook library with them (or at least a portion of it too large to fit on an iPhone or current iPod).


    I find it amusing that other than your comment, every other "wish list" comment in this thread for a new iPod didn't list storage size.


    At least twice a year we go on very long road trips, and having a full iPod classic is a sanity saver.

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  • Reply 46 of 49
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member
    The new blue and gold tones are absolutely awesome. I have no idea why they stuck with the current iPod touch colours for so long. They are truly horrible.
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  • Reply 47 of 49
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    I said updating it without touch ID would be a big fail. If Apple wants to get rid of it and push people to iPhones then don't update it.

    Changing the color does not equal updating them. There are a lot of reasons why they might choose to change the paint scheme being used for a product that is still being manufactured.

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  • Reply 48 of 49
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post


    An iPhone has never been hard to get.  Apple does sell millions of iPhones, don't you know that?  Many people buy and love their iPod Touch because there is no monthly fee, and perhaps many of them are not iPhone users.  You can say Apple doesn't care about the Apple Watch...because it is lumped in with the iPod on their financial sheet, under "Other".  Since Apple killed the iPod Classic, many people are desiring an update to the iPod Touch with larger storage capacity, say 128GB or even 256GB, since there is no cellular components to worry about for internal space.  There are many that love to have their entire music library on an iPod, and the current 64GB model doesn't cut it.  And the cloud is not a substitute because many people prefer to have their music stored locally (and at a higher bit rate or lossless), not dependent on an internet connection and a low bit rate.

    Where to even begin.


    1) An iPhone has never been hard to get. Completely false. In the early days of iPhone, it was only available on AT&T, it was insanely expensive unless purchased with a 2 year contract, which requires you be 18 or older with a decent credit history. It was NOT easy for all people to purchase. However, a lot of people wanted in on the Pocket Internet device with the satisfying touch screen, and mobile games. The iPod touch sold millions to people WITHOUT iPhones. 


    Now that hundreds of millions of people buy iPhones every year, the need that existed for the iPod touch has completely vanished. The only market for the iPod touch is young children...and it is in many cases cheaper/better decision to get them an old iPhone rather than a new iPod touch.

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