Apple Music scores another exclusive with Eminem's 'Phenomenal' music video



  • Reply 21 of 77
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    quinney wrote: »
    I'd say that words which are offensive are in an entirely different category than those which have historically been associated with violence. I believe offensive speech is and should be protected by law. However, in my opinion, there are also laws against "hate speech", because it leads to violence. It is a distinction with which the courts have struggled, but I think it is important to recognize.

    None of that makes any sense. Which words? Why don't you be more specific? How the hell is it "your opinion" that there are laws against "hate speech"? Are you saying there should be no such laws thereby allowing you to use terms like wigger as a pejorative and feel good about yourself because you didn't use nigger?
  • Reply 22 of 77
    slurpy wrote: »
    Apple's job is to make the best product it can, and do whatever it is able in order to make it attractive to consumer and superior to other competing products. Apple shouldn't give a shit about what customers can or can't get on competitors, or about the fate of other services. By your logic, Apple should offer all their apps/services on Android, and maybe help build some Android phones, so that things are "fair" and "even", and people don't "miss out" if they choose NOT to buy the Apple product. 

    Oh, and nice to know you plan to steal and that you're a thief. Glad you've justified that to yourself, no matter how twisted and absurd the logic. 

    Actually Apple does compete with samsung with compelling features. They do not do something like make an exclusive deal with art to be the only phone to use lte.

    Exclusive services is different then content. I know exclusives are going to happen. I.E. Sony and Gorrila games. But that is a second party situation. This iabas if M$ paid Rovio to make angry birds Microsoft phone exclusive.
  • Reply 23 of 77
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,388moderator
    solipsismy wrote: »
    How is it that using wigger is acceptable but using nigger isn't?

    Use of the n-word is acceptable within the black community:

    The mostly white audience was shouting it too there. When the likes of Eminem uses it:

    it doesn't sit well with some people but there's more freedom in that music genre. There are synonymous words that leave different impressions. The words for female sex organs are interchangeable but the c-word is more offensive to people. There are words that leave different impressions based on how it associates you with a social group. There are words for homosexuals (f*, q*) that they can use as a means of affinity - they have commonality in their experience of prejudice - but would be offensive when used by groups that have used it to be prejudiced even if the particular member using it hasn't.

    I think the word 'cracker' is the white equivalent in terms of offensiveness. You can see in the following video, there was an argument and the white guy uses the n-word and the black guy responds after about a minute with cracker and white boy:

    "Cracker, sometimes white cracker or cracka, is a derogatory term for white people, especially poor rural whites in the Southern United States. In reference to a native of Florida or Georgia, however, it is sometimes used in a neutral or positive context or self-descriptively with pride"

    To use the words in a descriptive manner should be ok but there's not much need to do this for the sake of it. The strength of word associations are all determined by groups of people and individuals can't undo those associations. If they could be undone, expletives and epithets would have little purpose.

    It's not just the one word, you can make up any number of terms that would be offensive to use to describe skin color as a means of separating people out:

    The thing I find funny with rap culture is the need to portray a rebellious character - anti-authoritarian, drug-use, promiscuity, violence, bad language. When you see them being interviewed for national TV where they can't swear or say anything bad, some of them come across like moody, monosyllabic teenagers:


    They have to try and hit that balance between bad-boy and broadcast compliant. Behind the scenes, just like with actors, the character they portray doesn't always match with who they are. They have to do business deals with people who wouldn't stand for it.

    The Phenomenal track sounds similar to Eminem's other songs but there seems to be more effort put into the flow of the lyrics than the music:


    His lyrics never seem too well thought out. A lot of the time it seems like he just adds things in to get them to rhyme.
  • Reply 24 of 77
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    Marvin wrote: »
    Use of the n-word is acceptable within the black community:


    His lyrics never seem too well thought out. A lot of the time it seems like he just adds things in to get them to rhyme.

    What part of your post addresses the pejorative slang white nigger as being acceptable?
  • Reply 25 of 77
    Originally Posted by Macky the Macky View Post

    Granted, but when I look up wigger on a search engine, Eminem's picture comes up.

    Black is beautiful, Rap is raucous, but Pinky is just a punk.



    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    Not feeling this song; but I don't typically don't care for songs made for a film's soundtrack. Surprisingly there does several seem to be several good songs bubbling up on for the Southpaw (2015) soundtrack. For example, Kings Never Die by Eminem featuring Gwen Stefani is a decent track. Serious?! image Recovery was a huge album in 2010 selling 10,000,000 copies worldwide. For comparison, Taylor Swift's nearly year old 1989 has only sold 8,600,000 million copies.

    How is it that using wigger is acceptable but using nigger isn't?



    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    Not sure if you are serious, but just in case you are: young white people who wish they were black have not endured hundreds of years of brutal mistreatment and systematic immiseration. They do get mocked once in a while, but I don't think that is enough to warrant removing any words from common usage.



    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    If using the word nigger isn't acceptable, then why would be calling someone a white nigger be acceptable? You honestly don't see an issue with wigger? I'd say it's not just offensive to those it's directed toward, but also those that have been, as you put it "endured hundreds of years of brutal mistreatment and systematic immiseration."



    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    I'd say that words which are offensive are in an entirely different category than those which have historically been associated with violence. I believe offensive speech is and should be protected by law. However, in my opinion, there are also laws against "hate speech", because it leads to violence. It is a distinction with which the courts have struggled, but I think it is important to recognize.



    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    None of that makes any sense. Which words? Why don't you be more specific? How the hell is it "your opinion" that there are laws against "hate speech"? Are you saying there should be no such laws thereby allowing you to use terms like wigger as a pejorative and feel good about yourself because you didn't use nigger?



    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Use of the n-word is acceptable within the black community:

    The mostly white audience was shouting it too there. When the likes of Eminem uses it:

    it doesn't sit well with some people but there's more freedom in that music genre. There are synonymous words that leave different impressions. The words for female sex organs are interchangeable but the c-word is more offensive to people. There are words that leave different impressions based on how it associates you with a social group. There are words for homosexuals (f*, q*) that they can use as a means of affinity - they have commonality in their experience of prejudice - but would be offensive when used by groups that have used it to be prejudiced even if the particular member using it hasn't.

    I think the word 'cracker' is the white equivalent in terms of offensiveness. You can see in the following video, there was an argument and the white guy uses the n-word and the black guy responds after about a minute with cracker and white boy:

    "Cracker, sometimes white cracker or cracka, is a derogatory term for white people, especially poor rural whites in the Southern United States. In reference to a native of Florida or Georgia, however, it is sometimes used in a neutral or positive context or self-descriptively with pride"

    To use the words in a descriptive manner should be ok but there's not much need to do this for the sake of it. The strength of word associations are all determined by groups of people and individuals can't undo those associations. If they could be undone, expletives and epithets would have little purpose.

    It's not just the one word, you can make up any number of terms that would be offensive to use to describe skin color as a means of separating people out:

    The thing I find funny with rap culture is the need to portray a rebellious character - anti-authoritarian, drug-use, promiscuity, violence, bad language. When you see them being interviewed for national TV where they can't swear or say anything bad, some of them come across like moody, monosyllabic teenagers:

    They have to try and hit that balance between bad-boy and broadcast compliant. Behind the scenes, just like with actors, the character they portray doesn't always match with who they are. They have to do business deals with people who wouldn't stand for it.

    The Phenomenal track sounds similar to Eminem's other songs but there seems to be more effort put into the flow of the lyrics than the music:

    His lyrics never seem too well thought out. A lot of the time it seems like he just adds things in to get them to rhyme.



    As a black man, African-American man, Negro man and whatever other term(s) you want to use... I do not speak for all black people, I speak for ME. And I do not accept the n-word, so do not try to put an entire race of people into your little containers. We are a dynamic and widely different and individually thinking group of people as every other race and ethnic group. I do not use that word in my daily life and prefer to listen to clean versions of Hip-Hop songs (although I do listen to dirty versions also when it's the only option). I am not religious or some saint, I am complex and can curse with the best of them. Used it often in my 20's, but over time my thoughts evolved, I matured, and now I truly hate that word and haven't used in almost a decade (in my 40's now). The w-word is just as insulting because you are saying white people are n's, therefore giving credence to the n-word. Do not think just because you have Black friends or coworkers, listen to Hip-Hop, went to school with Black people, or maybe even dated a black person that you know who we are... you only know that person(s) you interact with. That's like saying "I watch The Soprano's and Godfather and eat a lot of Italian food, and knew some Italians in school, therefore I know how Italians think."


    Eminem never used the n-word, at least not in public and not since becoming famous, so neither should any of you. If you cannot go up to a random person of that race/ethnic group on the street and use that word to their face you should not use it online, off-line or anytime. I don't care if Jay-Z, Chris Rock, Tom Hanks son, and others use those words, they are extremely ignorant in that sense -- to me (and I like/listen to old JZ & Chris)!! Let's just stick to the discussion of the video and his music and the Apple product placement.

  • Reply 26 of 77
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by mesomorphicman View Post

    We are a dynamic and widely different and individually thinking group of people as every other race and ethnic group. 


    I don't fully agree. How many of that group was it that voted for Obama again? 


    As for the N word, or whatever somebody chooses to call it, I hear that word used all of the time, basically every day, and it's either coming out of the mouths of black youths or white youths, who basically pretend to be gangsta rappers and wannabe thugs. Other groups also use the word, like hispanic youths, mexican youths etc. If somebody acts and dresses like a thug, then the chances are extremely high that n....r, or their version of it n....a, is an important part of their everyday vocabulary, and they can't go two sentences without using it at least a couple of times.


    In my opinion, they are all n.....s, no matter which group they belong to.


    I happen to agree that most people do not like that word and find it offensive, and I've seen it used many times before where black youths or other youths are loudly using that word in every other sentence in a public situation or in a public setting like on public transportation, and I believe that those people who use that word are in fact n......s, because they are very rude and disrespectful to be using that word around other people and I've seen that it often makes other people uncomfortable, because they act in a loud, rude and threatening manner. If it's a bad word to use, then don't use it. I don't care who somebody is or what group they belong to, that doesn't give them a pass. I don't give a crap if somebody is black, they're not special, and nobody gave anybody a free pass to act like jackasses in public.


    If they go around calling each other n......s, then that's what they are, and I'm not going to disagree with them. And just to clarify, I don't mean the entire group, just those who use that word, which is mostly the youth.

  • Reply 27 of 77
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    apple ][ wrote: »
    I don't fully agree. How many of that group was it that voted for Obama again?


    In my opinion, they are all n.....s, no matter which group they belong to.

    For future reference, when I say that context matters, not simply the usage of a string of letters or arrangement of phonemes, I am referring to something like the comment above which uses periods in place of letters but the racist context is clear.
  • Reply 28 of 77
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    For future reference, when I say that context matters, not simply the usage of a string of letters or arrangement of phonemes, I am referring to something like the comment above which uses periods in place of letters but the racist context is clear.


    I'm probably one of the least racist people on this entire forum. I will discriminate against everybody equally. The racists are the people who constantly use that racially charged word in their everyday conversations, no matter where they are or what situation they are in.


    I have no problems with spelling out the entire word. I do hear it many times a day after all, often coming from small children with horrible parents obviously, but forums have different policies, and I obviously have no intentions of using any word or spelling of it that might be banned or prohibited.

  • Reply 29 of 77
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    apple ][ wrote: »
    I'm probably one of the least racist people on this entire forum.

  • Reply 30 of 77
    solipsismy wrote: »

    Apple II is an established member of the community, respect is due.
  • Reply 31 of 77
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    Apple II is an established member of the community, respect is due.

  • Reply 32 of 77
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post

    Apple II is an established member of the community, respect is due.


    It's not a big deal really. I'm used to it from his kind. He is one of those liberals that will always have a kneejerk response to many of my posts, and this isn't the first time that he's made such claims about me.:smokey:

  • Reply 33 of 77
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    What part of your post addresses the pejorative slang white nigger as being acceptable?

    White people who go around calling each other niggas deserve to be called wiggers, wiggas or whatever other terms anybody decides to call them, because they're idiots, and idiots do not deserve the respect of others.

  • Reply 34 of 77
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post



    I'm probably one of the least racist people on this entire forum. 


    You should be a fucking comedian. No, really. One of the most hilarious things I've ever heard on the internet. You're not only a massive racist (and bigot, xenophobe, etc- the list goes on), you're a legendary one. Also, just because you're both a racist AND a bigot, then doesn't mean that you suddenly cease to be defined as racist, as your twisted logic implies. 


    I'm sure you're fucking with us, with that statement, and if so, carry on with the comedy. If not- then seek some help, as you would be suffering from intense delusion and lack of self-awareness. 

  • Reply 35 of 77
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member
    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post

    Apple II is an established member of the community, respect is due.


    Not sure if you're serious, but a high post count does not garner respect, the content of those posts do. But not that surprised to see you coming to his defence/support. If you don't think Apple ][ is a clear racist, then either you haven't been paying attention to his posts, or you have, you agree with him, and don't want to implicate yourself in that category.

  • Reply 36 of 77
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post



    You should be a fucking comedian. No, really. One of the most hilarious things I've ever heard on the internet. You're not only a massive racist (and bigot, xenophobe, etc- the list goes on), you're a legendary one. Also, just because you're both a racist AND a bigot, then doesn't mean that you suddenly cease to be defined as racist, as your twisted logic implies. 


    I'm sure you're fucking with us, with that statement, and if so, carry on with the comedy. If not- then seek some help, as you would be suffering from intense delusion and lack of self-awareness. 

    Not at all.


    I believe that my ideas and philosophy are probably closer to that of somebody like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, where it is more about the content of a person's character, rather than about the color of their skin, while the average modern day liberal is closer to somebody like Al Sharpton, where it's all about skin color, 24-7, 365.

  • Reply 37 of 77
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    Not at all.


    I believe that my ideas and philosophy is probably closer to that of somebody like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, where it is more about the content of a person's character, rather than about the color of their skin, while the average modern day liberal is closer to somebody like Al Sharpton, where it's all about skin color, 24-7, 365.


    More comedy. Can't believe you don't charge for this shit, it's gold. Some of us don't have alzheimers, and clearly recall the thousands of posts from you exhibiting blatant racist, bigotry, and grotesque ignorance. You're not in the same universe as someone like MLK, and you're specifically the poison that he fought against. Stop pretending otherwise.  

  • Reply 38 of 77
    steven n.steven n. Posts: 1,229member
    As a lover of video games I can attest this type of exclusive is horrible for an industry. Since Apple and tidal entered this space its been talk of exclusives. Before when it was just Google, Spotify, rdio, and M$ consumers never had to double check how many of their favorite artists they would miss out when choosing one over another.

    Now I am going to most likely pirate this new album.

    Are you serious? Of course Google, Spotify and others scored exclusives when they (if) they could. In media distribution, exclusive is a feature.
  • Reply 39 of 77
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    Eminem never used the n-word, at least not in public and not since becoming famous, so neither should any of you.

    1) Of course he has.

    2) Eminem is what you consider a rational and fair measure as to who gets to use certain words, regardless of context? Really?

    3) So let me get this straight you are asserting that no one on this forum should use certain words because of an erroneous belief that Eminem doesn't use it. Whether Eminem uses it or not has no bearing on whether anyone can use words in a language or not. Are you saying that you get to decide this because you are self-proclaimed "black man, African-American man, Negro man"? Are you saying that no one else on this forum identifies as such which is why you can dictate what you deem to be proper lexicon usage? Do you not see how saying that one group of people are allowed to do something that another group of people can't do, based on "race", is a racist? it wasn't so sad I'd find it ironic.
  • Reply 40 of 77
    trumptrump Posts: 5member

    Take note. I just made this account, only so I can respond to this! That should speak volumes:

    you are missing the entire point. The man, mesomorphicman, articulated himself quite well. I think with his entire point being, that the word should not be used by anybody at all. However, you took one sentence and altered it to make an erroneous argument. Are you trying to justify use of the n-word or the w-word? Why would you like to perpetuate derogatory names, classify all people in a box, and seemingly have no regard for a human life if they look different or have a different life style than you?

    Some African-Americans use the word "Nigga" not the n-word, and the context they use it in is not derogatory to them. However, if any other ethnic group uses it they find it offensive. The LGBT community (who just won gay marriage rights) is ALSO insulted if people call them "gay" or "fag", but if they call each other that, they don't do it in a derogatory way and they don't find it insulting. What these two communities did was take a term that was used to insult them and bring them to their knees. They took the power from the word and turned it into a term of endearment within the respective communities. Their use of the word is not derogatory. It's not necessarily something I personally agree with, but if that's how some (not all) of them do it, at least respect the thought and don't add fuel to the fire.

    Now, moving on. Would you call any woman you see a "slut" because Tim Cook or Steve Jobs did? Would you jump off a cliff if your cooperate boss told you to? Just because Bob, Tim and popular Samantha does it, doesn't mean you have to.

    Do you really have to look to famous/influential people to find out what is ok to do and what is not? The point is not whether Eminem has or has not used the n-word. The point is, is it ok to use the word at all? Have you looked at the context and history of the word? What does the word mean? With the history, the context and the meaning of the word, would you want to use a word like that? Why? Depending on how you answer this question will show what type of person you are (aka your character). 

    I don't know about you, but I have been taught to be the bigger person and this is one of those moments. You may use the n-word in whatever context you want, no one is stopping you, but I hold myself to a higher standard and regard. I respect humans, human rights and human dignity and I will not use the n-word, the c-word, the g-word, the f-word, the s-word, the w-word or any derogatory word to another human being and I don't need a famous person to lead me into that direction.

    Spread love, not hate.



    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    1) Of course he has.

    2) Eminem is what you consider a rational and fair measure as to who gets to use certain words, regardless of context? Really?

    3) So let me get this straight you are asserting that no one on this forum should use certain words because of an erroneous belief that Eminem doesn't use it. Whether Eminem uses it or not has no bearing on whether anyone can use words in a language or not. Are you saying that you get to decide this because you are self-proclaimed "black man, African-American man, Negro man"? Are you saying that no one else on this forum identifies as such which is why you can dictate what you deem to be proper lexicon usage? Do you not see how saying that one group of people are allowed to do something that another group of people can't do, based on "race", is a racist? it wasn't so sad I'd find it ironic.

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